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Spanish 3

FLACS Review
Frases tiles para escribir
***For the FLACS exam you will be required to write two, 100-word essays. As we
discussed in class, when writing you must consider format, vocabulary, grammar and word
count, and you MUST address the given task.***

When you write a letter:

Quierdo/a _____________, - Dear ___________,
Estimado/a ____________, - Dear ___________, (formal)

This may consist of 1 2 paragraphs. Paragraphs are usually between 4 6 sentences
in length.
Te escribo porque - Im writing to you because
Le escribo porque - Im writing to you because (formal)
Hola! Cmo ests? Hi! How are you?
No puedo esperar a (verb in infinitive) I cant wait to (verb)
Tengo que irme. I have to go.
Gracias por la ayuda Thank you for your help!
Escribe cuando puedas Write me as soon as possible!
Escribe lo ms antes que sea posible Write me as soon as possible! (formal)
Espero tu respuesta I await your response.
Espero su respuesta I await your response. (formal)
Nos vemos! See you soon!

De ___________, - From ___________,
Besos y abrazos ___________, - Hugs and kisses ___________,
Sinceramente ___________, - Sincerely ___________,
Tu amigo ___________, - Your friend ___________,
Saludos ___________, - Regards ___________, (formal)


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