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Linguistics & English Language

University of Edinburgh

Consent for Participation in Experiments, Data Use, and Data Storage

Study title: Judging the positivity of passages

Principal Investigator: Simon Kirby
Researcher collecting current data: Cameron Jones

Nature of the study. You are about to participate in a study which involves reading a passage carefully and
providing a judgement about how positive it is. Once you finish, we may have also some questions about your
experience (e.g., age, gender, language background). Your responses will be recorded. Your session should last
for up to 5 minutes. You will be given full instructions shortly.

Compensation. You will be paid 0.60 for your participation in this study.

Risks and benefits. There are no known risks to participation in this study. Other than the payment mentioned,
the only benefits to you personally are those you draw from making a contribution to our knowledge about
language and its use.

Confidentiality. The data we collect will not be associated with your name or with any other personal details
that might identify you.

Voluntary participation and right to withdraw. Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw from
the study at any time and for any reason. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is complete, we
will not be able to pay you. If you choose to withdraw afterwards, please use the contact information below, we
will delete your data and there will be no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

Contact information. This research is being conducted by the above-listed researchers at the University of
Edinburgh. The researcher can be contacted at 07981959971 or for questions or to report
a research-related problem. The Principal Investigator can be contacted at Contact the
Linguistics & English Language Ethics committee at 0131 651 5510 or if you have
concerns regarding your rights as a participant in the research.

If you have any questions about what youve just read, please contact the researchers before continuing.

Thank you for your help!

By accepting this HIT, you consent to the following:

1. I agree that the anonymized data I produce may be kept permanently in Edinburgh University
archives and used for the specific research project which made them.

2. I agree that the anonymized data I produce may be used by the above-named researchers, as well
as by other qualified researchers, for teaching or research purposes, a n d in professional
presentations and publications.

3. I agree that that the anonymized data I produce may be made publicly available for general use, e.g.
used in radio or television broadcasts, or put on the world-wide web.

4. I understand that I have the right to terminate this session at any point. If I choose to withdraw after
completing the study, my data will be deleted at that time.

Linguistics & English Language
University of Edinburgh

Data Management and Access Plan

Study title: Judging the positivity of passages

Principal Investigator: Simon Kirby
Researcher collecting current data: Cameron Jones

This project will produce positivity judgments based on passages. These data will be stored on the researcher's
university-issued computer and personal university storage profile. Both of these require a password for access.
Participant consent forms will be stored securely by the Principal Investigator. The data will only be retained by
the supervisor upon completion of the project.

Judgements will be stored as .txt or .csv plain text files.

All judgements will be voluntary, anonymous, confidential and unidentifiable. Consent forms with participant
numbers will enable anonymised data to be identified should a participant later withdraw consent and ask for
their data to be deleted. Collected data may be made available to other researchers on the internet in an
anonymised form.

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