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Are our dreams real?

The dreams, have amazed the human been long time ago, and they are so mysterious that
we have tried to understand them without a real success; we have tried to discover how
are they built, what are they, and even if they have any meaning.
Dreams depending of the field of study, have their own definition and their own meaning,
for example according to scientist dreams are like a mental resume of our day, some others
say that in our dreams we remember the important things we lived in the day or things that
we need to do, things that distress us. Dreams according magic or metaphysics have a
meaning, some people say that in our dreams certain people can see the future, other say
that is the way god or angels give us some message.
Finally I believe that dreams are real, because it is proved that everyone without an
exception have dreams, their meanings are still a big doubt so I think that each one of us
need to try to understand what they mean.

Mario Andrs Aguilar Ordua

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