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By Silvana Puentes and Jesus


The question "Why we dream?" has intrigued

humans for centuries. Dreaming is a universal
and mysterious experience that occurs during
REM sleep, and while the exact purpose of
dreams remains a topic of debate among
experts, they continue to captivate our
interest. Dreams can be vivid, emotional, and
sometimes even prophetic, and understanding
them involves psychology, neuroscience,
culture, and spirituality. This exploration delves
into prevailing theories and insights about
dreams in pursuit of the answer to the age-old
question: Why do we dream?
What are Dreams?

Dreams are a series of thoughts, images,

and sensations that occur in a person's
mind during sleep. They can be vivid and
complex, and often involve emotions and
sensory experiences. Dreams occur
during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM)
stage of sleep.
The Purpose of Dreams

The purpose of dreams is still a topic of

debate among scientists. Some theories
suggest that they serve as a way for the
brain to process and consolidate
memories, while others propose that they
help regulate emotions and deal with
stress. More research is needed to fully
understand the purpose of dreams.
The Different Types of Dreams

There are several different types of dreams,

including lucid dreams, nightmares, and
recurring dreams. Lucid dreams are when
the dreamer is aware they are dreaming
and can control the dream. Nightmares are
frightening dreams that can cause the
dreamer to wake up in a state of fear.
Recurring dreams are dreams that happen
multiple times, often with similar themes
or events.
The Significance of Dreams

Dreams can have a significant impact

on a person's waking life. They can
provide insight into a person's
thoughts and emotions, and can even
inspire creativity and problem-solving.
However, some dreams can also be a
sign of underlying mental health issues
and should be discussed with a
healthcare professional.
Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation is the process of

assigning meaning to dreams. While there are
many theories and approaches to dream
interpretation, it is important to remember that
the meaning of a dream can vary from person
to person. It is also important to consider the
context of the dream and the individual's
personal experiences and emotions.

In conclusion, dreams are a fascinating and complex

topic that requires further research to fully understand.
While the purpose and meaning of dreams may be
unclear, they can have a significant impact on a person's
waking life and should be taken seriously. Thank you for
attending this presentation on the science of dreams.
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