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Acting and Directing in the Lyric Theater: An Annotated Checklist

Author(s): Robert H. Cowden

Source: Notes, Second Series, Vol. 30, No. 3 (Mar., 1974), pp. 449-459
Published by: Music Library Association
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Accessed: 14/06/2014 16:59

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The lyrictheateras we know it today emerged during the beginning

of the 17thcentury.Monteverdi'sOrfeo,a toweringcreation of genius,
exploded on the musical world to create a new art form-the music
drama. Since that moment composers, librettists, performersand pro-
duction personnel have struggled with the problems and challenges
of the music drama, and not incidentallythey have contended with
each other in an effortto influence all the various formsof the lyric
theater. For more than two hundred years singers dominated this
wonderfulmagicworld.The primadonnas and theprimouomos quickly
became the pivot points with all other production elements assuming
a secondaryrole. Verdi and Wagner managed to break thisstranglehold
and reassert the primacy of the composer, but singers still retained
monumentalinfluence. With the advent of Gustav Mahler in Vienna
this influence began to flow from singer to conductor and Toscanini
continued the trend. However, the other forces were contending for
the spotlight.Hans Gregor at the Komische Oper in Berlin was among
the firstto place great emphasis on the stage directorand thisinitiated
a driftwhich has gathered momentumup to the present time.
In retrospectthe period since World War One could be termed
the era of creative staging. The importance of this emphasis can be
clearlyseen if we place it in the contextof an observationby Thurston
Dart in his wonderful little volume, The Interpretation of Music. The
lyrictheateris one of those arts ". . . which need re-creationon every
occasion that they are to be experienced; thus each performanceof
a play or a dance or a piece of music is a unique phenomenon which
may be similarto other performancesof the same work but can never
be said to be identical with them." The stage director is really the
dominant factor in today's recreations! Unfortunatelyhis ideas are
difficultto pin down. Actual stagingand productionconcepts are one
of the neglected areas of theater research, especially lyric theater
research. Several minutes in the music and theater sections of any

Mr. Cowden is Dean of Urban Extension,Wayne State University,Detroit,Mich.-Ed.


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major librarywill confirmthis fact. The last thirtyyears have seen
the publication of several excellent books and encyclopedias dealing
withareas of the lyrictheater-but nothingcomprehensiveon staging.
What is really needed is some lyric theater equivalent to Directors
on Directingby Toby Cole and Helen Chinoy. In music theater the
director'swork and influence is still largely unknown and thus the
raison d'etre for this bibliography.Hopefully it can serve as a basis
for such a study. As are all initial effortsit will be incomplete and
toan extentinaccurate,but I trustitsappearance willencourage additions
and corrections.In Europe the work of Felsenstein,Rennert, Schuh,
Visconti, Wieland Wagner and Zeffirelliand in America the efforts
of Caldwell,Capobianco, Corsaro,Logan, Mamoullan and Robbinssurely
meritsour notice and study. The more we understand the work of
stage directorsin the 20th centurythe closer we will come to grasping
the mysteriesof the lyrictheateritself.

ALTMAN, R. & M. KAUFMAN. The Chailley, 1895. 51 p. [300 copies

making of a musical. Fiddler On the printed].
Roof, New York, Crown Publishers, Appia'sfirstbookin whichhe elaborates
Inc., 1971. ix, 214 p., illus., index. his ideas regardingthe primacyof music
InsightintothemethodsofJeromeRob- in Wagnerianproduction.
bins(1918-). APPIA, ADOLPHE. La musique et la
ANTAROWA, K. Studioarbeit mit mise en scene (1892-1897). Bern,
Stanislawski. Berlin, Verlag Bruno Theaterkultur-Verlag,1963. xvi, 165
Henschel und Sohn, 1951. [Moscow, p., appendix pp. 166-201, 21 illus.,
1939]. 244 p. (Annuaire du theatre Suisse XX-
Classroom notestakenbetween1918and VII/XXIX, 1962-1963, 278 p.).
1922inthestudioforsingers oftheMoscow Initialprintingof theoriginalversionof
BolshoiTheater.SpecificsregardingMas- No. 3. Extendeddescriptionof Appia's
senet'sWERTHER can also be foundin: scenicreform and relatedproblems.
MAGARSHACK,DAVID. Stanislavsky on
the art of the stage.New York,Hill and APPIA, ADOLPHE. L'oeuvre d'art
Wang,1963.pp. 255-84. vivant.Geneveve, Edition Atar, 1921.
113 + 61 p., 20 illus. [500 copies
APPIA, ADOLPHE (1862-1928). Die printed].
musik und die Inscenierung. Mun- His estheticsand philosophy on the art
chen, Verlagsanstalt F. Bruckman of thetheater.Visualelementsas a means
A.-G., 1899. [original French version of servingtheperformer.
1897. MS. see No. 5]. xvi, 278 p., +
18 illus. APPIA, ADOLPHE. Music and the art
Translatedfromthe originalFrenchby ofthe theater.trans.byR. W. Corrigan
his futurewife,princessElsa Catacuzene. & M. D. Dirks.Coral Gables, University
Mostcompletesummary foundin: VOLL- of Miami Press, 1962. xvii,221 p., 18
BACH, WALTHER R. Adolphe Appia, illus.
prophetof the moderntheater:a profile. Translation of theoriginalMS in Berne
Middletown,WesleyanUniversityPress, [see No. 5] withreference to No. 3.
APPIA, ADOLPHE. La mise en scene Der operndarsteller. Lehrgang zur
du drame wagnerien. Paris, Leon musikalischendarstellungin der oper.


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Berlin, Ed. Bote & Bock, 1932. 114 Highlightsdifferencesbetween "period"
p- reconstructionand new directionsin pro-
One ofthefirstsystematicstudymethods ductionand staging.The effectsof modern
for aspiringsingingactors. A practical technology.
courseformusicalactingin opera.
BRAUN, EDWARD (ed. & transi.).
"Aspekte des neuen Musiktheaters." Meyerhold on theater. New York, Hill
Six articlesin Oper 1969. Velber, Frie- & Wang, 1969. 336 p., illus., bibliog-
drich Verlag, 1970. pp. 56-72. raphy, index.
Articles Dieter
Oehlschlagel, pp. 80-98 forhis productionof "Tristan
Schonbach,Rudolf Heinemann,Konrad und Isolde" at the Marinsky Opera on
Boehmer,Hans-KlausJungheinrich, and October 30, 1909. This was an effortto
FranzWillnauer. escape the stock gesturesand flatstages of
the period.
-1947). Tristan und Isolde. Darstel- CHALLIS, BENNETT. "The tech-
lung des Werkes aus dem Geiste der niques of operatic acting." Article in
Dichtung und Musik. Leipzig, Musik- Musical Quarterly XIII (1927). pp.
wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1936. 115 p. 630-45.
One of the greatAustriandramaticso- Of historicalif not practicalinterest.
pranos compilesa measure-for-measure
staging. However, taking each role CLAUSEN, ROSEMARIE (ed.). The-
seperatelytendsto slightthecharacterin- ater. Gustaf Grundgens inszeniert.
terplayin thismasterpiece. Hamburg, Christian Wegner Verlag,
BARTH, HERBERT (ed.). Wolfgang 1960. [103] p., 167 illus., list of stag-
Wagnerzum 50. Geburtstag,Bayreuth, ings 1924-1960.
Edition Musica, 1969. 54 p., illus. Text byGuntherPenzoldt.Valuable pro-
Surfacecoverage of the less famous duction photos. "Ich habe nie daruber
grandson'sproducingand directing. nachgedacht,was Regie ist,ich-habe Regie
BERGER, ANTON. Uber die Spiellei- ROBERT H. (1934-).
tungder Oper. Betrachtungenzur mu-
"From the music to the staging." Arti-
sikalischen Dramaturgie Dr. Lothar
cle in Opera XVI II /10 (October 1967).
Wallerstein. Gratz, Universitatsbuch-
pp. 808-12/829-30.
handlung Leuschner & Lubensty, "The dramatic content of the opera is
1928. 104 p. given in a complete form in the music."
pp. 37-104deal withthestagingpractice The authoris compilingan annotated bibli-
whoat thattimewas at the
of Wallerstein ographyofconcertand opera singerswhich
Hofoperin Vienna. should be a valuable resource to anyone
BITTER, CHRISTOF (1932- ). seekingtodocumentchangingattitudesand
methodsof the performerin opera.
Wandlung in den Inszenierungsfor-
men des Don Giovanni von 1787 bis COWDEN, ROBERT H. "Index to the
1928. Zur Problematikdes musikalsi- yearbooks of the Komische Oper in
chen Theaters in Deutschland.Regens- Berlin." Article in TFheOpera Journal
burg, Gustav Bosse Verlag, 1961. 162 VI/1 (1973). pp. 23-28.
+ 8 p., 37 illus.,66 item bibliography, This is a translationand expansion of
(Forshungsbeitragezur Musikwissens- material found in Jahrbuch derKomischen
chaftBand X). Oper Berlin X. Berlin, Henschelverlag,
1970. The index is divided into catagories
BORNOFF, JACK (ed.). Music theater and covers the firstten volumes, i.e. Spiel-
in a changing society. The influence zeit 1960/61-1969/70. A goldmine of ar-
of the technical media. Paris, UNES- ticles on many aspects of contemporary
CO, 1968. 144 p., bibliography. music theaterpractice.


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COWDEN, ROBERT H. "The staging An informativeintervieworiginally
of Handel's operas: past, present and printedin WorldTheater.
future." Article in The Opera Journal FELSENSTEIN, WALTER. "Towards
11/3 & 4 (1969). pp. 25-30; 15-23. music theater."Contributionto Opera
Anhistorical withsuggestions
perspective 60. London, Alan Ross, 1966. pp. 47-
forcontemporary producers. 55.
DALHAUS, CARL. Wagners Konzep- An attempt to defend"thecompletein-
tegrationof the musicwiththe dramatic
tion des musikalischen Dramas. Re- action."Revealingespeciallyto thosewho
gensburg,Gustav Bosse Verlag, 1971. condemnFelsenstein out-of-hand.
121 p. (100 JahreBayreutherFestspie-
le Band 5). FISHER, SYLVIA. "Creatinga Role."
workmosthelpfulto the
A theoretical Article in Opera VIII/5 (May 1957).
Wagneriandirector.MACK, DIETRICH, pp. 275-78.
is project-
Der BayreuthInszenierungsstil, A talentedsingingactressdiscussesher
ed as volume9 of thisseries. approach.
DEW, JOHN. "The Bayreuth style." FRIEDRICH, GOTZ. "Aus Felsen-
Article in Opera XVII/ 10 (October steins Probenarbeit." Contributionto
1966). pp. 783-88/805. Die KomischeOper 1947-1954. Diussel-
Commentson the historicalaspectsof dorf, ProgressverlagJohann Fladung
stagingWagner. GMBH, 1954. pp. 71-92.
Clarifies approachtotheater
EISENSCHMIDT, JOACHIM. Die throughand withmusic.
szenische Darstellung der Opern
Georg FriedrichHandels auf der Lon- FRIEDRICH, GOTZ. Die Zauberflote
doner Biuhneseinerzeit.Wolfenbiuttel, in der InszenierungWalterFelsenstein
Georg KallmeyerVerlag, 1940/4 1. er- in der komischen Oper Berlin 1954.
ster Teil. 77 p., 14 illus., zweiterTeil Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1958. 211 p.,
["Der darstellungsstil der Hindel- illus.
oper"] 136 p., 20 illus. Friedrichwas a studentand close col-
Volume one gives the historicalback- league of Felsensteinand has assembled
ground,and volumetwoconcentrates on a magnificentrecordand analysisof this
productionspecificsincludingactingand production.Of utmostimportance.
staging.There is a need formorestudies
of thisqualityon theearlyperiodsof lyric FRIEDRICH, GOTZ. Walter Felsen-
theater. stein.Berlin,Henschelverlag,1967. 95
ENGEL, LEHMAN A. (1910-). Plan- p., 30 illus.
Historicaloverviewof the directorand
ning and producing the musical show. hiswork.
rev. ed. New York, Crown Publishers,
Inc., 1966. xii, 148 p., 40 illus.,40 item FRIEDRICH, GOTZ. "Walter Felsen-
supplementaryreading list. stein as a Mozart producer." Trans.
Checklistof musicalshowsis the most by Terrence Casey. Article in Opera
valuablefeature. Annual 1955-6. London, JohnCalder,
1955. pp. 49-50/55-6.
siktheater.Bremen,Carl Schunemann FURST, LEONHARD. Der musika-
lische Ausdruckder Korperbewegung
Verlag, 1961. 107 p., illus.
in der Opernmusik. Miesbach, Druck-
The interviews
are informative.
erei und VerlagsanstaltW. Fr. Mayr,
FELSENSTEIN, WALTER. "The 1932. 48 p., 116 item bibliography.
road toimprovement."Articlein Opera which
Mainvalueliesin thebibliography
XXI/1 (January1970). pp. 8-15. mustbe consultedforadditionalarticles.


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Based on Appia, Craig and Jaques-Dal- chenKongressWien,Mozart-Jahr 1956.
croze. Gratz, B6hlaus, 1958. pp. 253-60.
Bringingopera to life.Operatic acting 1963). Wirklichkeit des Theaters.
and stage direction,New York, Apple- Frankfurtam Main,
ton-Century-Crofts, 1968. x, 424 p., 1963. 187 p., list of stagings 1934-
illus., 3 appendices, index. 1960, listof roles 1932-1962.
designed primarilyfor persons see especially
"Opernregie'pp. 18-23.
planningoperaticcareerseitheras singers
or as directorsofoperaticproductions." HAGEMANN, CARL (1871-1945).
Oper und Szene. Aufsatze zur Regie
GOLDOVSKY, BORIS. "Staging the
des musikalischen Dramas. Berlin,
countess." Contributionto Opera 66.
London, Alan Ross, 1966. pp. 114-28. Schuster& Loeffler,1905.316 p., illus.
DetailedexamplefromMozart'sFigaro. An earlyattempt to formulate a rational
approachto thestagingof opera.Strongly
GOLEA, ANTOINE (1906-). Gespra- influenced byRichardWagner.
che mit Wieland Wagner. Salzburg, HARTOG, HOWARD. "Giunther
Salzburger Nachrichten Verlags Rennert."Articlein Opera 111/9
GmbH, 1968. [original Paris, 1967]. tember 1952). pp. 542-46.
150 p. Shortcharacterportraitof one of the
A seriesofinterviewsvitaltounderstand- post-war era'smostsuccessful producers.
ing thelatedirector'spersonality and cre-
ativeefforts. HELLBERG-KUPFER, GEERD. Rich-
ard Wagner als regisseur. Untersu-
GOLLANCZ, VICTOR. (1895-). The chung uber das Verhaltnis von Werk
ring at Bayreuth and some thoughts und
Regie. Berlin, Schriftender Ge-
on operatic production.London, Vic-
sellschaft fur Theatergeschichte 54,
tor Gollancz, 1966. 121 p., 8 illus.,
1942. xvi, 96 p., illus.
Unfortunately typicalof thescholarship
An argumentative and provocative criti- of theNazi era.
cismofWielandWagner'sproduction. Also
includesobservationson productionin HENAHAN, DONAL. "When the
generaland an "Afterword" by Wieland stage directortakes on opera." Article
Wagner. in the New York Times Magazine No-
GRAF, HERBERT (1903-1973). vember 12, 1972. pp. 44ff.
Opera for the people. Minneapolis, An interview withand a look at Frank
Universityof Minnesota Press, 1951. Corsaro, one of the more visiblecon-
289 p., illus., notes,index. temporary directors in America.
pp. 89-110 outlinethe late director's HUBER, LOUIS H. Producing
generalideason staging. opera
in the college. New York, Columbia
GRAF, HERBERT. Richard Wagner UniversityPress, 1956. x, 115 p., 8
als Regisseur. Studien zu einer Ent- illus., 68 item bibliography,2 appen-
wicklungsgeschichteder Opernregie. dices.
Wien, 1925. 197 p. Veryelementary. See pp. 38-46 forstag-
No copyof thisdissertation MS seenbut ing suggestions.
basedon instructions printedin thescores. JACOBSOHN, FRITZ. Hans Gregors
komische Oper 1905-1911. Berlin,
GREGOR, JOSEPH (1888-1960). Oesterheld & Co., Verlag, [1911]. 116
"Typen der Regie der Oper im 20. p., illus.
Jahrhundert."Article in Berichtuiber Beitragzur Geschichte der moder-
den internationalen musikwissenschaftli- nen Inszenierungskunst ...


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JAQUES-DALCROZE,EMILE (1865- 110 illus., importantcareer dates, list
1950). Rhythm,music and education. of stagings1926-197 1.
Translated by Harold F. Rubinstein. A verbalandpictoralattempttodelineate
New York, Benjamin Bloom, Inc., Felsenstein's and approachto
1972. xvii, 344 + 16 p., 12 illus., musictheater.
musical supplement. KRACAUER, SIEGFRIED. Theory of
See pp. 199-228"Rhythmand gesture film.The redemptionof physicalreal-
in music drama-and criticism(1910- ity.London, Oxford UniversityPress,
1970. xix, 364 p., notes,bibliography,
KAMERNITSKY, DMITRI. "Thirty- index.
fiveyears of the Stanislawskyand Ne- An outstanding workon thetheoryand
mirovich-Danchenkomusic theater." aesthetics of film.See pp. 133-56,chapter
Articlein Opera VI/ 1 (January1955). 8 "Music."
pp. 25-8. KRAUS, CANDIDA. Richard Wagner
"The taskof the opera produceris to und Anna Bahr-Mildenburg. Wien,
be able to hear in the musicalscene the 1946. 130 p.
actioncontainedin it, and to make that No copyseenofthisdoctoraldissertation.
musicalscenedramatic, thatis,visual."
G. Stanislawskis Weg zur
KERMAN, JOSEPH (1924- ). Opera KRISTI,
Oper. Berlin, Henschelverlag, 1954.
as drama. New York, Vintage Books,
iv p., index. [original Moscow 1952]. 292 p.
1961. 269, neglectedarea of this
Veryimportant pieceof theoreticalcriti- Basic studyof a activity. Note:Theater
cismwhichservesas a rationalefor one ArtsBooks in New York has announced
school of lyrictheater staging. ofRUMYANTSEV,P.
KIRBY, E. T. (ed.). Total theater. A I. Stanislawski on operatheater.
critical anthology. New York, E. P. LEHMANN, LILLI (1848-1929). Stu-
Dutton & Co., Inc., 1969. xxxi, 280 die zu Fidelio.Leipzig, 1904.
p- No copy seen.
Thiscollection providesan indispensible
overview to whatmightbe looselytermed LEHMANN, LOTTE (1888- ). Five
thecontinuing theatricalevolution. operas and Richard Strauss. Translat-
ed by Ernst Pawel. New York, The
KOCH, HERMAN. Ernst Possart als
Macmillan Company, 1964.
Opernregisseur. Munchen, 1953. vi,
209 p., illus.,index.
178 p., insert page with 19 photos, ix, ...
". . . makesa specialcontribution
complete list of stagings, 267 item by analyzingand recollecting the process
bibliographywith interestingrelated of dramaticcreationand stagingof five
sources. operasbyRichardStrauss."
Mimeographed dissertationMS. Practical
analysisof Possart's[ 1841-?]workinclud- LEHMANN, LOTTE. My many lives.
ingsomedetailofthirteen specificstagings; Translated By Frances Holden. New
six Mozartand sevenWagneroperas. York, Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., 1948.
KOEGLER, HORST. Walter Felsen- 262 p., 27 illus.
stein.Translated by Anne Ross. Con- A greatsingingactressdiscussesnineof
tributionto Opera Annual 6. London, her roles: Elsa, Elisabeth,Eva, Sieglinde,
Leonore, Manon,Marguerite, Tatjana,and
JohnCalder, 1959. pp. 31-36/45-49. theincomparable Marschallin.
A capsuleanalysis of the man and his
work. LETZ, G. Die Mozart Inszenierungen
KOHL, CLEMENS & ERNST bei den Salzburger Festspielen. Wien,
KRAUSE. Felsensteinauf der Probe. 1964.


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LUST, CLAUDE. Wieland Wagner et derne Darstellungsstilin der Oper und
la surviedu the'atrelyrique.Lausanne, seine Durchfuihrung.Wien, 1952. 363
LaCiteEditeur, 1969. 237 p., 17 illus., P.
listof stagings,bibliography. No copy seen ofthisdoctoraldissertation.
Essentialto thosewishingto understand
the gransdon's contributionto con- PANOFSKY, WALTER (1913- ). Pro-
temporary stagepractice. test in der Oper. Das provokative Mu-
siktheater der zwanziger Jahre. Mu-
MATTHEW, GLADYS HAGEE. The nchen, Laokoon-Verlag, 1966. 213 p.,
opera singer on stage and off. Brook- 100 illus.
lyn,Theo. Gaus' Sons, Inc., 1971. 153 Important consideration of the radical
p., bibliography. experimentsin operatic production which
". . . methodforthedevelopmentofthe took place between World War I and the
artisticsingingactorof opera." Depression. A catalyticperiod in theater
MAUREL, VICTOR (1848-1923). A
propos de la mise en scene de Don PANOFSKY, WALTER. Wieland
Juan. Paris, Fischbacher,1896. Wagner. Bremen, Carl Schunemann
No copyofthisoriginalprintinglocated. Verlag, 1964. 104 p., 78 illus., list of
See No. 66, pp. 205-284. stagings 1951-1963.
Firstanalysisof Wieland Wagner's work
MAUREL, VICTOR. A propos de la
in whichthe directorhimselftook an active
mise en scene du drame lyrique. part. Photo studiesof thirteenproductions.
Otello. Etude precede'e d'apersus
sur le theatrechante en 1887. Rome, PARKER, CHARLES. "Studying with
Imprimerie Editrice Romana, 1888. Felsenstein." Article in Opera XV/5
183 p. (May 1964). pp. 303-07.
Dramaticuse of thevoice,discussionof A look at the directorthrough the eyes
charactersand motivation,analysis of of a young singer who participated in a
Verdi's Otelloall give firminsightinto mastercourse withFelsensteinin Vienna.
howoneofthegreatsinging actorsworked.
See No. 66 pp. 3-135. PFITZNER, HANS (1869-1949).
Werke und Wiedergabe. Bd. 3. gesam-
MAUREL, VICTOR. Zehn Jahre aus
melte Schriften. Augsburg, Dr. Benno
meinem Kunstlerleben 1887-1897.
Filser Verlag, 1929. 359 p., index of
Translated by Lilli Lehmann. Berlin,
names. [reprint Hans Schneider,
Raabe & Plothow, Musikverlag,1899.
Tutzing, 1969].
284 p.
"Es soll uber brennende Fragen des
pp. 3-135; Mo- Kunstbetriebes unserer Zeit offen spre-
zart'sDon Giovanni,
pp. 205-284. chen, die allen Denen am Herzen liegen,
MERRILL, NATHANIEL. "The fur die Kunst mehr ist als entbehrlicher
makingof a director."Articlein Opera Gehirnsport."A fascinatingbook by a de-
News32/16. pp. 8-12. articulatetheaterman. pp. 19-101
"Schauspieler und Biuhnensanger" is as
withthe Metropolitan Opera valuable now as when it was written.
Theater; Begegnungen mit Gustaf Hans Gregor als Opernregisseur. Stu-
Grundgens. Berlin, Oswald Arnold dien zu den Anfangen des modernen
Verlag, 1950. 260 p., illus. Musiktheater. Gottingen, 1957. 335 p.
Notable for the stagingof Mozart's Gregor founded the Komische Oper in
Marriage of Figaro (1936) and The Magic Berlin [see No. 48] and served as director
Flute(1938). of the Wiener Hofoper 1911-1918. He was
among the firstto concentrateon the dra-
MULLER, MARGARETA. Der mo- maticelement of opera.


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PORTER, ANDREW & others. "Wie- RUHLE, JURGEN (1924- ). Das ge-
land Wagner, 1917-66. An assessment fesselte Theater. Von Revolu-
of his art." Articlein Opera XVII / 12 tionstheaterzum sozialistischenRealis-
(December 1966). pp. 923-26. list of mus. Koin, Kiepenheuer & Witsch,
productions 1937-1966. 1957. 457 + [19] p., 16 illus., 122
"Light,movement, gesture,tableauand item bibliography,index.
d&corall workedtogether, to createthe pp. 252-81 "Das musiktheater Felsen-
clearestand mostpowerful of
realizations steins."
Wagner'soperaswe haveknown."
REIMERS, THERESIA E. "Siegfried Wagners theatralischeSendung. Ein
Wagner [1860-1930] as innovator." Beitrag zur Geschichte und zur sys-
Articlein Opera23/ 10 (October 1972). tematik der Opernregie. Braunsch-
pp. 888-94. weig, Henry LitoffsVerlag, 1935. 219
Based on Kurt S6hnlein's MS in p., 28 illus., 214 item bibliography,
Bayreuth, Erinnerungenan Siegfried index of names.
Wagnerund Bayreuth.A reappraisalof anal-
and aesthetic
theson'scontributions. ysisof Wagner'scontribution to theatrical
REISSIG, ELISABETH. Erlebte reform.
Opernkunst.Bilder und Gestaltender SALZMAN, ERIC. "The world of
BerlinerStaatsoper. Erste Folge. Ber- Wieland Wagner." Article in Opera
lin, Oesterheld Co. Verlag, 1927. 98 News31/13. pp. 8-15.
p., 12 illus. [500 copies printed]. background
Historical to the 1966 Met-
pp. 27-47 "Regie und Inszenierung." ropolitanOpera productionof Lohengrin.
Holyand Aravantinos.
Opernkunst.Bilder und Gestaltender der Stanislawski-Methode aud die
Berliner Staatsoper. Zweite Folge. Darstellungder Opern Handels." Ar-
Berlin, Oesterheld Co. Verlag, 1928. ticle in Hdndel-festspiele1955 Halle.
133 p., 16 illus. Leipzig, 1955. pp. 64-79.
pp. 9-45 "Die moderneIdee in der The attemptat Halle to update Handel
Opernregie. Franz LudwigHorth."A tal- productionsthroughan applicationof the
enteddirector whowastodiesixyearslater. stateapprovedactingsystem.
"Opera- an unrealistic art form." (1901- ). GiintherRennert. Regisseur
Translated by Anne Ross. Contribu- in dieser Zeit, Bremen, Carl Schui-
tion to Opera Annual No. 3. London, nemann Verlag, 1962. 119 p., 72 illus.,
JohnCalder, 1956. pp. 79-80/85-89. listof stagings 1935-1962.
Personalthoughtsfroma directorwho A discussionof Rennert'slifeand work
neverstressedrealism. withspecificson the productions of Cosi
fantutte,Jepthaand Lulu.
RIZZO, FRANCIS. "Whence a pro-
duction."Articlein OperaNews34/21. SCHAFER, WALTER ERICH. Wie-
pp. 26-29. land Wagner. Personlichkeitund Leis-
withTito Capobianco.
An interview tung. Tiubingen, Rainer Wunderlich
Verlag Hermann Leins, 1970. 303 p.,
RIZZO, FRANCIS. "Why the direc- 143 illus., complete and detailed list
tor."Articlein Opera News33/ 16. pp. of stagingsat Bayreuthand Stuttgart.
26-30. memorialto a pivotalpost-war
A fitting
An interviewwithOttoSchenk.As with director.
Outstandinganalysisand photos.
No. 80 the readermissesa morelengthy
and probingdiscussion. SCHUH, OSCAR FRITZ (1900- ) &


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FRANZ WILLNAUER. Buhne als help to explain why most good directors
geistigerRaum. Bremem, Carl Schiu- are reluctantto describetheirwork,prefer-
nemann Verlag, 1963. 154 p., 76 illus., ring instead that the product speak for
listof stagings 1932-1962, listof pub- itself.
lications. Stanislavski's legacy. Edited and
Schuhwasnotedforhis Mozartproduc- translatedby Elizabeth ReynoldsHap-
tions. good. London, Mac Reinhardt, 1958.
(1905- ) & W. WIEN. Theatralische pp. 35-45 materialfor singerswritten
Landschaft. Bremen, Carl Schiu- during the 1930's.
nemann Verlag, 1962. 140 p., 85 illus., STEINBECK, DIETRICH. Inszen-
listof stagings 1948-1961. ierungsformendes Tannhauser(1845
Mostof Sellner'soperaticactivity came bis 1904). Untersuchungen zur Sys-
earlyin hiscareer. tematikder Opernregie. Regensburg,
SHEA, GEORGE EDWARD (1865-?). Gustav Bosse Verlag, 1964. 290 p., 62
Acting in opera, its A-B-C, with de- item bibliography,index. (Forshungs-
scriptiveexamples, practicalhintsand beitrage zur MusikwissenschaftBd.
numerous illustrations.New York, G. XIV).
Schirmer,1915. xii, 90 p., illus. Verythorough historical
analysis of both
An historicalcuriosity. Richard'sand Cosima's productions.


Bayreuth. Experiment and tradition. Fehlings [1885-?] Tannhduser von
New York,George Braziller,1965. 239 1933. Rekonstructionseiner Inszen-
p., 39 illus., productionsand conduc- ierung an der StattsoperBerlin." Ar-
tors 1876-1964, principalsingersand ticle in Kleine Schriften der Gesellschaft
theirroles 1876-1964, 41 itembibliog- fur Theatergeschichte22 (1969). pp. 17-
raphy,index. 40.
Historyof the festivalwhichdescribes Of historicalinterestonly.Clarifiesthe
the productions of Richard,Cosima,Sieg- production limitations.
fried,Winifred,Tietjen and Preetorius,
Wielandand Wolfgang. STEINBECK, DIETRICH. Richard
Wagners Tannhauser-Szenarium.Das
SKELTON, GEOFFREY. Wieland Vorbildder Erstauffuhrungen mitder
Wagner.The positiveskeptic.London, Kostum-Beschreibungund den De-
VictorGollancz Limited, 1971. 222 p., korationsplanen. Berlin, Selbstverlag
37 illus.,stagesettingsand productions der Gesellschaft fur Theaterges-
1936-1966, 19 item bibliography, chichte,1968. 125 p., illus. (Schriften
index. der Gesellschaftfu Theatergeschichte
The firstattemptat a real biography. Band 64).
A creditablejob consideringthe limited The author is presentlypreparing:
materialavailable.Hurt by the lack of Grundproblemeeiner Geschichte der
cooperation fromFriedelind and Wolfgang Opernregie.
and byWieland'sownreluctance to discuss
hislifepriorto 1951. STUART, CHARLES. "Acting in
SKRAUP, SIEGMUND. Die Oper als opera." Article in Opera IV/ 12 (De-
lebendiges Theater. Zweite erweiterte cember 1953). pp. 714-21.
Auflage. Emsdetten, Verlag Lechte, Describesthelatetenor,FrankMullings,
as part of his argumentthattherehave
1951. xv, 236 p., 22 illus., index. alwaysbeen believablesingingactorsin
As a formerstudentof Skraup,I find opera.
his writing farmoreobtuseand less chal-
lengingthanhisactualteaching.This may THOMAS, ERNST (ed.). Con-


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temporary music theater. Hamburg, festivalprograms,the formand contentof
Deutscher Musikrat, 1966. 214 p. which he strictlycontrolled. His own atti-
(UNESCO InternationalCongress). tude towardhis grandfather'sworkwas that
pp. 85-106 "Scenicand musicalrealiza- "everynew productionis a step on the way
tion."Sevenarticlesbyauthorities to an unknown goal." See pp. 231-35 "Ein
Rennert, Maximowna and Henze. Denkmalsschutzfur Wagner?"

VOLLBACH, WALTER RICHARD "Wieland Wagner talking." Articlein

(1897- ). Adolphe Appia, prophet of Opera IX/8 (August 1958). pp. 487-
the modern theater;a profile.Middle- 91.
town,WesleyanUniversityPress, 1968, An intervieworiginally printed in the
London Times.
xviii,242 p., illus.,bibliography.
OnlyfulllengthstudyofAppia.Ofmajor WAGNER, WIELAND. "Thoughts on
importance. the 'Ring."' Article in Opera. Festival
VOLLBACH, WALTHER RICH- Issue Autumn 1964. pp. 8-13.
ARD. Problems of opera production. TranslatedexcerptsfromNo. 71. He was
Second revised edition. n.p., Archon also responsible for short articles in the
Bayreuther Festspiele program in 1951,
Books, 1967. xii, 218 p., 27 illus., 1955, 1956, 1961, and 1963.
glossary,addresses of production ser-
vices,96 item bibliography,index. WOLFF, HELLMUTH CHRISTIAN
Verygeneral.See pp. 23-42"The staging (1906- ). Die Handel-oper auf der
of opera." modernen Buhne. Ein Beitrag zu Ges-
chichte und Praxis der Opern-Bear-
beitung und Inszenierung in der Zeit
Niemann als Wagner-Darsteller.Eine
von 1920 bis 1956. Leipzig, Deutscher
Studie zur Durchsetzung des musik-
Verlag fur Musik, 1957. 54 p. + 97
dramatischen Darstellungsstils. Mu-
p. plates.
nchen, 1954. 110 p., 5 illus.
A scholarly look at attempts to bring
Germantenor (1831-1917) chosen by Handle's operas into the modern opera
Wagnerto createtherolesof Tannhauser repertoire.
at Paris (see No. 95) and Siegmundat
Bayreuth. ZACHARY, RALPH. "Corsaro." In-
terview in Opera News 3 7 / 2. pp. 16-17.
WAGNER, RICHARD (1813-1883).
Some thoughtsby a protagonistof real-
Uber Schauspieler und Sanger. Leip- ism.
zig, Verlag von F. W. Fritzsch,1872.
86 p. 10 Jahre komische Oper. Heraus-
The composerarticulateshis viewson gegeben im Auftrag der Intendanz von
performers and performance.
Wolfgang Hammerschmidt. Berlin,
Wieland Wagner inszeniert Richard 1958. 268 p., illus., statistics.
Wagner. Ein Bildwerkmit einem Ge- Covers the period 1947-1957 and in-
leitwortvon K. H. Ruppel. Konstanz, cludes a discussion with Felsenstein and
RosgartenVerlag, 1960. 43 p., 34 illus. articlesby G6tz Friedrich,"Das Singen auf
Pictorial much der Biuhne"; Wolfgang Hammerschmidt,
of whichcan be foundin Nos. 71, 87 and "Irrtiumerund Misverstandnisseuber das
92. Musiktheaters";SiegfriedMelchinger,"Die
Entdeckungdes Elementar-dramatischen."
WAGNER, WIELAND (ed.). Richard
Wagner und das neue Bayreuth. Mu- ZORN, GERHARD. Hans Pfitzner als
nchen,Paul List Verlag, 1962. 235 p., Opern-Regisseur. Frankfurt am Main,
4 illus. 1954. typewritten MS in Library of
A seriesof essaysby variousartistsand Congress. 187 p., listing of the 40
chosenby Wielandfromthe
intellectuals stagings, 31 item bibliography.


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A thorough study of Pfitzner'swork in- Tannhduser,and Palestrina.Pfitzner'sRe-
cludinga fairlydetailed descriptionof thir- giebuchof Palestrinawaspublishedin Berlin
teen productions including Der Freischiitz, in 1922 by Otto Erhardt.


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