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Location: Inside Hannas parent house.Hanna and her parents are in the living room.

Time: Afternoon.

MOTHER: How could you do this Hanna! [Slamming books on the table]

HANNA: You went in my room!

FATHER:What are you doing with this this this garbage! [Grabs a book and waves it in
the air. Mother starts to cry.]

HANNA:Its not what you think it is. I-I-I just sell them.

FATHER: My own child! [Falling down into the couch.] Selling these ! How could you do
this to the family. My own child is a boo-.

HANNA:[Interrupts dad] I only do it for the family! In order to make ends meet for us.Its
not what you think.

FATHER: Book dealer! How could you do this!

MOTHER: You could be taken away from us. [Removes the book from the fathers
hand.] Did we not teach you anything growing up.You could gain opinions , ideas , facts
and worst of all knowledge.Do you really want those things ruining your mind?

HANNA: I know better to read them.[Removes the book from her mothers hands.] I
wouldnt even dare.I just know people who like this kind of stuff.They like to have the
information run in their head.

MOTHER:[Removes the book from daughters hand.] Then you wouldnt mind that we
burn them.[Tosses the book from her hand into the fire place.]

HANNA: No! [Leave the living room and comes back with a cup of water]How could you
do this![Throws the water into the fireplace.See the book going to ashes.]Its gone!

MOTHER: Its for your own good baby.

FATHER: Youll understand one day.

HANNA:[Looking into fireplace and holding the ashes.] That that that was my
favorite.My favorite.It was a limited edition.

FATHER:Who cares if it was limited edition. You said you didn't read them.

HANNA: It took me forever to get that copy.

MOTHER:[Wipes her tears away.]I knew it! You piece of SHIT!

HANNA: Yes, you knew it !Im not a book dealer, I love to read these books.Just listen
to me.

FATHER:You stop this now !

MOTHER:Im not hearing this no more.

HANNA:You dont have to hear anything anymore.I could teach you how to read.Its
such a joy.Youll love it.Both of you.

MOTHER:[Grabs the book and throws into the trash.] This isnt what we wanted for you
at all.Books belong in the trash.They have no meaning for us anymore.Dont you

HANNA:You dont even understand.[Grabs the book back from the trash.] What these
things do to your mind.Its makes you wonder on about everything like why the world is
round and why people die everyday of diseases like cancer that we have forgotten
about because there never was a cure.

FATHER:[Pacing back and forther]I cant believe this!

HANNA:I cant believe you dad all you do is watch TV all day after work.Cant you see
this is what I love to do.Dont make me stop doing something I love.

FATHER:Youre throwing those books out now.

HANNA: And what if I dont?

FATHER:[Raises his hand at his daughter ready to strike her]You wanna find out?
HANNA: I dont care Im not throwing them out. All the information inside here is to
amazing it takes me places where there are Doctors people who help the sick and not
just kill them.Please,theyre my life.You guys are my life too, But we could just live
through this together.I know some great starters books itll take you into the human
body and teach you about its anatomy.[Get slapped by her father but keeps it together
and keeps talking]. Its hard at first but youll be gain so much.Theyre upstairs if you
want to start.[Mother and Father have tears down their faces,]Fine! I get it now.This is
the way it gotta be right.[Grabs a handful of book and runs out the door.]

MOTHER:Stay out if thats your choice.We wouldnt want your kind around here,
anyways.[slams the door shut.]

LOCATION: Abandoned park

[The daugher is Swinging in rustie old swing set while holding the books.When a known
bookdealer appears on her.]

BOOKDEALER: Are you trying to go to jail?

HANNA: No um I just, I didnt take any bags with me when I left.

BOOKDEALER:[Takes the books out of her hands]Why not?[Picks up a rock next to the
swingset and theres hole filled with book inside.He places the books inside.Then places
the rock back .]

HANNA: My parents found out and I just couldnt take it anymore so I just took off.

BOOKDEALER: I remember when my parents found out.

HANNA: How did they take it ?

BOOKDEALER:You do know that I live here basically right ?

HANNA: Oh I didnt know.

BOOKDEALER: [Moves closer and hugs Daughter] Hey, you want to see where I get
my book supplies from? Maybe itll cheer you up and you wont be so mad right now.
HANNA: Sure why not. Can I at least read some of the books at you supplier's place for

BOOKDEALER: Yeah of course you always need to let the customer try a sample of the
product to get them hooked on the books so they cant get enough. Its better for

HANNA: Oh my God! I cant wait to read more book. I was running low on new books I
was starting to daydream less and think less about the world and the universe because
I needed some new books. What are we waiting for lets go!

BOOKDEALER: Alright you cant tell anyone about where I get my books from or ill kill

HANNA: Trust me I wont if I would snitch the source of my addiction would disappear
and then where would I get my books from?

BOOKDEALER: Youre right. But just in case I had to let you know.

HANNA: Can we just get going I'm dying to see where you get your supplies on books.
And don't forget about those free samples.

BOOKDEALER: Dont get ahead of yourself.

HANNA:Hey.You said it , not me.

[Setting takes place under a sewer cap and a ladder in an underground destroyed

BOOKDEALER: [Grabs a flashlight thats right next to ladder of sewage cap.]Watch

your step while going down the ladder they get kind of slippery because of the sewage
and humidity.

HANNA: I think I can handle it. Thanks anyways. [Get handed a flashlight from book
dealer] Do you think I could-?


HANNA:Being one of you.I mean I had nowhere to go anymore.

BOOKDEALER:Are you sure ?

HANNA:Never been more sure of anything.

BOOKDEALER:Youll be risking everything with you family.

HANNA:I think I already did when I grabbed my first book.

BOOKDEALER:[Rats climbs the BookSeller's legs, then kick them away .]Well let's gets
a move on.

HANNA: How did you get started in this kind of business anyways?

BOOKDEALER: When youre living in a perfect family, and youre not a perfect
son,brother,or cousin.You try to find your own place in the world.The world I chose was
a different world in a book. I was perfect at reading.[Looks around to a sign.16th
street. ]Were almost at the place.

HANNA:I dont understand why our families dont get us.They made me feel like a
outsider out of my home.I couldnt believe that.

BOOKDEALER:Dont get me wrong,I had someone at least.

HANNA:Youre lucky.Who?

BOOKDEALER:My grandma , I dont really know if she used to read but she gave me
my first book.

HANNA:Oh really?

BookDealer:[Stopped walkings.] It was a family reunion and we just finished dinner.It

was time to get ready to play the familys football game.If your team won then you would
get bragging rights.But I would just stand in the field while my brother got touchdowns
all around.So I left and went to my grandma.[Grabs the flashlights and shine light on
Barnes & Nobles.The A from Barnes at any moment ready to fall to the ground.]My
grandma saw that I was different and didn't enjoy the barbaric sport of football I guess
she knew what I wanted she handed me my first book. The title said,First little readers.
HANNA: I started hearing about these so called Book Clubs Cults.Book Clubs!Isnt that
crazy they would all say. They made it sound like a bunch of evil people going nowhere
talking about stories wasting their time talking about books.At sleepovers me and my
friends would tell scary stories about these clubs. It would keep us up all night. But it's
crazy how now all I want is to be a part of the book clubs it would mean the world to talk
to others about a book that we all have read.

BOOKDEALER:[Opens the door of Barnes and Noble book abandoned book store to let
in the daugher.]This is just one of the places we get our supply from. But this one is just
for me I never informed other book dealers about this place because this is all for me. I
know it's not good business to get hooked on your own product but hey I really am
addicted to books I think I love them just as much as you do

HANNA: Wow you really are addicted to your own supply you have your own bookstore
to yourself.

BOOKDEALER: Yeah I am I have an almost infinite supply of books to read here.

[HANNA starts to look through the shelves at all the books while making small talk with
the BookDealer]

HANNA: So why is there a city underground? I dont understand why there's a whole
abandoned bookstore in the sewers of new new york.

BOOKDEALER: Well , there was a time back before the war on intelligence and how
the world annihilated each other for knowledge and books were all the knowledge was
placed. Knowledge for a longer living life, how the world started or is there an
afterlife.Years and years past of non stop bloody war. Until one person said that books
should not be the reason for death so he made all countries agree that they were
nothing but wrong and made countries ban them and make them illegal as a drug.Since
it takes you places then making you think what exactly is bad for humans.They think
that ignorance is bliss.Ignorance is the exact opposite of that.Not knowing could do
some much damage and I could tell you that much .

HANNA: Wow!But we could stop this by reading one word at a time.People are dying at
rapid rate now.
BOOKDEALER:[He goes into the shelf , and puts out a book.Called a Eat the right
way..With a middle age woman in a knicken.] Before the war , people could live up the
ages of 100.With the right food,exercise and medicine.Now we barely make it to 50.

HANNA:Medicine.I read that before.Makes your headache , cuts or colds just go away?

BOOKDEALER:Not exactly but it does help.[Giver her the book.]Now we just drop dead
because we dont know how to take care of yourself.

HANNA:How did the world began anyways?

BOOKDEALER:Its a theory but with a big bang.Else you believe in this guy called

HANNA:He made us right?

BOOKDEALER:God is a great guy apparently.He created anything here.But the stories

about him ,had created religions.Religion made so much fire in the earth , I dont think
we need to bring that back.

HANNA:Bring what exactly back?

BOOKDEALER:The books about him or her.Just burn those.Nobody would really even
care about them.

HANNA:Youre thinking like them now!Cant believe you would said such a thing.

BOOKDEALER:What?How? Im not like any of them.I just think without the information
of [Made quotation marks with his hands.] God then all of people would be
saver.Hypothetically if book ever came back.

HANNA:You want to limit us because you think we may get hurt.The stories of GOD,
bring knowledge of forgiveness and caring to our minds.

BOOKDEALER:People kill each other for wanting to being the right religion.In reality ,
nobody could really even know for sure.
HANNA:Youre no better than them.[Throw the book at him.The bookdealer ducks
down.she start grabbing more book to throw.]We should be sharing what you got here
but instead you just hide it.

BOOKDEALER:Its better if people dont know.[Grabs her wrist before she could even
attempted to throw it again.]

HANNA:Ignorance is bliss ! Right ?[He lets go.]

BOOKDEALER:You dont know what youre talking about.What they dont know wont
hurt them.People would go starting fight for no reason just because of they
believe.Those book that carried that information of religion are called the bible.They
hurt people more then helping them instead.

HANNA:Thats the thing it does hurt them.Open you mind and -[Phone rings.she picks it
up and hears mumming but nothing clear.Phone calls ends.] I think that I should get

BOOKDEALER:get going where?You can't leave.

HANNA:That was my.[She runs away.Leaving the dealer alone.The dealer picks up the
books from the shelf at a rapid rate.]

Location:Living room
[HANNA opens the door to see noone in the living room.The dealers seeks into the
house while carrying a huge bag.]

HANNA:Hello!Anyone! Mom![Looks around, head up stairs.The sound of

murmuring.She follows the sound down the hall .Leading her into her room
door.Opening the door to her mother and her father holding a book.The dealer seeks
behind Hanna following her in her room]

MOTHER:Th-th-the Cat in the Hat ?

FATHER:I think so.

MOTHER:Dont think ! Know.

FATHER:Let me try.

HANNA:I think you did that so perfectly.[Her parents run u her and start to hug her.They
gather in bed and began to wonder in the book.]

BOOKDEALERS:You was right and I was not.[He took off his bag,and opened in front
of everyone.]

HANNA:What are you doing with all these books!?You couldve gotten in real
trouble.What if someone saw you with these.[Mother take a book out of the bag.]

BOOKDEALER:No one saw me anyways.

MOTHER:What are planing to do with these Hanna?This look like to much to handle for
me and your father.Who is this guy?

BOOKDEALER:Im a bookdealer , but Im mainly Hannas dealer.[Turn to Hanna.]Let's

start a book club!Well start off small but well share with everyone whos willing to
join.Well keep growing till were big enough to fight back.

FATHER:Fight back?

MOTHER:We cant , we wont.We already tried to read a line.We could be sent to jail for

FATHER:Not only she read a line but I was holding it.

BOOKDEALER:Exactly youre already deep in.Nothing can really help you from
them.Yet we could help others.

FATHER:How could this help anyone?This piece of -


FATHER:I just want to know how exactly how this could anyone in life.All these thing do
is bring pain into our world.

BOOKDEALER:How old are you sir?

FATHER:41.But does that have to do with this ?

BOOKDEALER:You got many 9 years left on this world.[Bookdealer signs]Maybe 12 if

youre lucky.

MOTHER:Youre talking about our death bed,here.

BOOKDEALER:Exactly you wouldnt have to be thinking about a death bed.You could

live up being 100.With the information in these book.


MOTHER:Thats unnatural.

HANNA:If you guys only knew how to take care of your bodys by these pieces of craps
then maybe you see the day , where you do past 50.

BOOKDEALER:[Grabs Hannas shoulders and makes eye contact.]So are you in this ?

HANNA:What? How? How would we get the reader's ?Mind you how we get people to
become reader?

BOOKDEALER:Well get the word out somehow.Look[Take the book from mother
hand.]Ill share everything i know inside this book.[Showing off the title the bible.]You
remember how you wanted start one.Now this way you could be a book dealer but a
new one.One who helps the reader and talks with them about the book.Doesnt that
sound great?

FATHER:Are you sure about this ?This sound like a big job.

HANNA:I dont know about this. My parent dont even know how to read a full sentence
without struggling.

MOTHER:[Mother took a big deep breath and looks at the father.Father nods his head
when made eye contact.]Well learn,whatever you want honey.

FATHER:Of course.Like this guy said were already deep in the situation.Why not ?
BOOKDEALER; No issue here . each new member will one bible,cookbook and
anatomy book.Everything to help them.

HANNA:[Starts to cry.]I cant believe this is happening.This is a dream come true.

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