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Research Proposal

Yuxin Chen
Independent Research I
Title: Watchdog! A Solution to Corruption

Overview of the Research

The research focuses on the effects free media could have on the prevalence of corruption
in a country. In order to observe if free media has an effect on corruption, data analysis would be
performed on Transparency International Corruption Report and the Press Freedom Index. After
the hypothesis is supported by the data collected, it is important that the public is acknowledged
about positive effects of this anti-corruption method. This would be done using a presentation,
which would be shared with appropriate audience such as the World Bank and anti-corruption
advocates. The presentation will provide a support for the adaptation of free media in developing
countries who wish to reduce the presence of corruption.

Background and History of the Issue:

Corruption is a problem all around the world; no country is free from corruption, but
developing countries have it worse. Since 1995, Transparency International has rated the
prevalence of corruption around the world; the higher the score, the better a country is doing.
While developed countries are raising their scores everywhere, underdeveloped countries
struggle. The more corrupt a country is, the more its citizens suffer. Corruption usually occurs
with petty corruption, such as the action of paying bribes to get something you want. This affects
developing countries the most, as most of its citizens are poor. Its citizens would be obligated to
pay bribes to get around even though they do not have the money to do so. This slows down a
country's economy as the power holders become richer while its citizens get poorer.
Many of these developing countries want to make reforms to reduce corruption, but they
face obstacles. First of all, developing solution costs funding and these developing countries just
do not have the money to do so. Second, many of these power holders resist any reforms that can
threaten their political power and wealth. This makes reforms directly aim at reducing corruption
very difficult to pass even when it is the wishes of its citizens.

Problem Statement and Rationale:

Corruption is a lethal problem for developing countries. It imposes risks on its citizens
and slows down the countrys progression. Without a possible solution, these developing
countries will continue to deteriorate and endangering the life and happiness of its citizens. The
research result is critical to everyone as corruption is present everywhere, but it is especially
important to developing countries. With an answer to the problem, citizens of developing
countries would receive a better living condition while the country would progress into a
developed country.
Research Methodology:
Reseach Question and Hypothesis:
How can corruption be reduced in developing countries?
Increasing transparency, through the use of free media, if correctly implemented
can improve the corruption rate in developing countries.

Basis of Hypothesis
The hypothesis focus on free media because research has shown that corruption is less
prevalent in places where freedom of press is installed. Free media would act as a watchdog and
report the wrongdoings and abuses of power within the government. This would increase
transparency while keeping its citizens knowledge about what is going on within the
government. With its citizens informed, the citizens can protest against wrong doings and raise
the accountabilities of power holders. This form of reform would be more easily passed by the
government as it is not directly aimed at preventing corruption, its purpose is to give its citizens
the right to express, report, and stay informed; it is a fundamental right that people deserve.
Transparency and the reduction of corruption are just a side effect of freedom of press.

Research Design:
The research method that will be conducted is historical research. To collect the data to
support the hypothesis, primary data analysis will be performed on Transparency International
Corruption Report, Press Freedom Index, Freedom of Information around the World, and Global
Right to Information Report. From these sources, 30 countries, including both developed and
underdeveloped countries, would be analyzed for their corruption level before and after the
implementation of free media, and the level of free press of the country today compare to their
present corruption level. The research would be composed of quantitative data from the level of
corruption and free press statistics.

Operational Definitions:
Freedom of press: the ability to report any content without receiving punishment
Watchdog: the role of the media to expose and investigate political scandals
Accountability: how often wrongdoings are prosecuted and punished
Transparency: the condition where the public has the ability to access and know
everything that was said and done within an institution or government

Product Overview:
The product of the research will be consisted of a presentation that can be used to educate
and inform policymakers and anti-corruption advocates who are looking for an effective anti-
corruption methods. The presentation will be comprised of knowledge gained during this year-
long research. The presentation will be shared and publicized to the intended audience through
the contact of anti-corruption organizations and legislatures. The audience can evaluate the
product through the use of an evaluation sheet that scores the effectiveness and the information
on the presentation.

Logistical Consideration:
Due to the final product being a presentation, it will not require extra human resources.
However, once the presentation is finished, it is necessary to publicize it to intended audiences,
which can be difficult. In addition, presentation making can be a complicated and prolonging
process, it is important to recognize the time and dedication that is necessary to complete this.

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