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Plot Ideas

Ophiocordyceps camponoti-balzani

There are plants that implant their roots inside the brain of animals, which kills the animals brain,
but the plants take over the bodies of the animals. However, the plant has adapted to take over
human beings and control them (aka zombies/undead) the plant grows inside the undead so when
they go to attack humans, an incision needs to be made (aka a bite) so the plant can reach the veins
and then take over other bodies as well as control them.

A man and his team go to Brazil (the rainforest) to research a new founded plant Ophiocordyceps
camponoti-balzani, when they go into the rainforest a man falls smacking his head open and a plant
goes near the injury and goes inside the brain. The team finds him and takes to aids him, they sleep
over night. The next morning team leader investigates the plants nearby but when the injured
soldier comes out of the tent, he attacks a nearby soldier where we see him bite another man and a
plant go into the wound. They notice a similar looking plant in the back of his head to the newfound
plant. They shoot the man but he does not go down, they restrain him and remove the plant where
they discover that the man dies.

We got the idea by hearing about a plant/fungus turning ant into Zombies or mind controlling them
to spread the plant around. We decided to take this further and say the plant, over the years, have
almost evolved and has begun to take over bigger beings and slowly taking over the human race.
Our idea is basically the start of an apocalypse.


NA. (2011).

Photos: "Zombie" Ants Found With New Mind-Control Fungi.


Last accessed 22/05/2017.

Simon, Matt. (2013).

Absurd Creature of the Week: The Zombie Ant and the Fungus That Controls Its Mind.


Last accessed 22/05/2017.

Castro, Joseph. (2014).

Zombie Fungus Enslaves Only Its Favorite Ant Brains.


Last accessed 22/05/2017.

Character Ideas

Name Dr Johnson Pry

Age - 26

Gender - Male

Part Played Researcher who gets a team together to go discover the new plant in Brazil

Name Keira Smith

Age - 26

Gender - Female

Part Played The sidekick who goes along to aid and protect the researcher for any harm

Soldier 1:
Name Sean Blake

Age 19

Gender Male

Part Played Hes a new soldier who is asked to go along on the trip for extra safety

Researcher 1
Name Jack Smith

Age - 18

Gender - Male

Part Played This person is a researcher in training and has asked to come along to overview how
the company works. With this he falls down a hill and smacks his head open allowing the plant to kill
and take over the body which starts the apocalypse

Researcher 2
Name Lily James

Age - 20

Gender - Female

Part Played She is another researcher that comes along to help the main person discover the plant.
In the event, shes bitten the day after Researcher 1 gets infected, therefore causing her to get
infected, shes then observed by the team which discovers how they get infected
Name Dr Aiden Dem

Age - 35

Gender - Male

Part Played He takes care of the person that cracked his head open and keeps him in the first aid

Name Finn Pry

Age 36

Gender Male

Part Played Hes the brother of the main character that goes to Brazil to discover the
disappearance of the villagers but he gets infected.

Villager 1:
Name Susy Drix

Age 27

Gender Female

Part Played She is one of the villagers that got infected

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