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Choices of Cineplexes by Movie-goers and Their Characteristics

Figure 1 shows the choices of cineplexes by movie-goers in percentage while table 1

shows the characteristics of cineplexes in 2010.

The trend illustrates that characteristics do effect the choices of cineplexes by movie-
goers on 1980 and 2010.

In 1980, ISC had the highest percentage which is 65% while Bestworld had 55% in
1980 but had steeply dropped to 37% and 25% in 2010 respectively. MOB had recorded 10%
in 1980 but drastically improved to 80% in 2010 however Metro had a slight increased from
5% in 1980 to 8% in 2010 showing that MOB was the most popular cineplex while Metro is
the least popular. This is because MOB had many characteristics and Metro had little
characteristics as shown in Table 1. Goldscreen had the same number of characteristics with
ISC and Bestworld but had been consistent with 16% movie-goers in 1980 and 2010.

In conclusion, the characteristics of cineplexes in 2010 do effect the percentage of

movie-goers going to each cinema.

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