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1. Why was Sam the one to relive the same day over and over again instead of one
of her friends?
2. What made Sam change her attitude towards everyone?
3. Why did it take Sam 7 days to finally die for real?
4. If Sam had told someone how she was reliving the same day over and over again
ending each by dying, do you think anyone would have believed her? Why?
5. Does Sam discover the value of what she is losing by the end of the book?
6. If you had to relive the same day over and over again would you change
everything as much as Sam did or would you keep everything the same? Why?
7. Each day she relived her life she got to know more people. Do you think they
impacted her final day? If so in what way?
8. If Sam hadnt thrown herself in the way of the truck instead of Juliet, would she
still have died, or would she have had to relive the day again? Why?
9. Why did Lindsay have so much hatred towards Juliet?
10. After some trial and error, Sam totally changes her view on life and the kind of a
person she is in one day. Do you think you would be able to turn your life
around in one day like Sam did?
11. In what way(s) do you relate to the main character?
12. How does the book differ from the movie? (If youve seen it)
13. Compare and contrast Rob and Kent.
14. When Rob gets mad at Sam, we start to see his true colours. Do you think Sam
would have ever been truly happy if she had stayed with Rob? Why or why not?
15. If Sam had never relived that same day over and over again, would she have
ever realized that Kent was the guy she should have been with?
16. What is the theme of the novel?
17. Describe the setting.
18. Compare Thomas Jefferson High to Forest Heights Collegiate Institute.
19. Is Lindsay a bully? Why/why not?
20. How would you feel if you were Juliet Sykes?
21. Would you recommend this book to a friend?
1. The main characters full name is
a) Samantha Washington
b) Samantha Kingston
c) Samantha White

2. The story takes place in

a) Connecticut
b) Texas
c) Alaska
d) None of the above

3. Lindsay and Juliet used to be best friends.

a) True
b) False

4. How many times does Sam relive the last day of her life?
a) Once
b) Four times
c) Seven times
d) Fifteen times

5. On Cupids Day, the number of roses one received determined how ________
they were.
a) Rich
b) Well-behaved
c) Popular

6. Alex was a drug dealer.

a) True
b) False

7. Where do Lindsay and Sam go when they skip class?

a) The do not skip class
b) The Countrys Best Yogurt (TCBY)
c) The library
d) The mall

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