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Magazine article

Tom giles is an extraordinary artist, with the ability to create an unfinished piece of work to look
finished and presentable. Tom resides at franklin college, creating masterpieces everyday,
because he has an extent of materials and support at the college.

The piece was inspired by his ex girlfriend, and the love he had for he. Hence the intense use of
red in and around his work. Tom says he tried to make his work as raw, new and out there as
possible. He tried to achieve this by creating no connotations within his work, as he believes
that that is an old concept and to be as new as possible he just created an image that is what it
is., with no interior motives.

Giles has informed gy art that his location was a massive influence on how to the piece turned
out, he said he saw raw emotion within the college such emotions as love, hate and other strong
emotions and he wanted to involve this emotion in his work. Tom said that the materials around
him inspired him, he wanted to create different textures with his paint to imitate some of the
materials around him.

Giles said to out reporters that his piece turned out no way how he wanted it to as it took
different forms through the creating process, it also took many other inspirations; but although it
did not turn out how he originally wanted he loves how it turned out and feels and attachment to
the piece due to how inspired it.

The piece was created by a genius, the pieces were created through inspiration and a strive for
the next new thing. The outcome is a piece of genius that is to be conserved for hundreds of
years to come.

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