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Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics

YMKP Chapter 1- A Primer in Ethical Theory

Guided Learning

Week 2 Class Preparation: Please answer the following questions prior to class:

1. What is meant by the sense of oughtness?

2. What is meant by ethical analysis. What does it mean to be accountable for ethical
3. What is ethical theory?
4, Explain the following theories of morality. Provide an example of each theory from the
case Dont Treat me Like A Baby on pg.122 in YMPK

a. Egoism
b. Emotivism
c. Relativism
d. Might makes right
5. Define the following ethical theories. Using each theoretical approach how would you
respond to the case Withholding Information at the Familys Request page, 227
a. Deontology
b. Consequentalism, Act and Rule
c. Virtue ethics
d. Ethics of care
e. Feminist ethics
f. Relational ethics

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