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Directions: The students will do this asynchronous activity in the Google

classroom after two and a half hours. QUIZ

Assessment # 1. Essay

Directions. Define the key ethical concepts that we discussed throughout the
modules. Respond to the following questions succinctly yet clearly.

1. What are the connections and distinctions between the terms ethics and
2. How does the normative study vary from the descriptive study?
3. What is the difference between applied and metaethics? What role do
they play in ethical endeavors?
4. How do you link issues, decisions, judgments, and quandaries?
Answer it by referring to or explaining a specific scenario?

Assessment # 2.

Directions. Kindly answer the questions below shortly and clearly.

1. Imagine that you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibit
certain acts or practices would you want to amend and appeal? Also, are
there certain acts or practices currently permitted by the law that you would
want to prohibit? Think of this on the level of your school, your city, and the
2. Is looking after the benefits of your own family over all other aspects
considered as another form of egoism? Discuss.

Assessment # 3. Exercise.

This exercise will be given to measure students’ learning.

Direction: True of False. Choose true if a statement is correct and false

if it is incorrect.

1. The term ethics refers to a person's character.

2. Ethics is just descriptive study.
3. The distinction between ethics and morals is that morals is the study
of ethics, whereas ethics is a personal or communal belief about what
is right and wrong.
4. The goal of normative ethics is to describe people's moral beliefs.
5. Meta-ethical studies are concerned with defining the meaning and
nature of ethical terms.
6. Applied ethics is the application of moral norms to a specific moral
7. A moral dilemma occurs when an individual is compelled to choose
between two or more opposing possibilities, neither of which is
8. Moral thinking is not founded on reward and punishment, nor on the
inquiry "why."
9. Ethics is not a field of philosophy that deals with moral issues.
10. Normative ethics is a prescriptive ethics that sets guidelines or
criteria for how we should live.


Directions. Write a one page reflection centered on a question:

1. Why is it so necessary to know which ethical levels of human

existence a problem belongs to?

2. Consider yourself an investigator. Do you believe the video's War on

Drugs campaign is ethically justifiable? If you answered yes or no,
please explain why.

3. Why having moral disposition matters?


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