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Francisco de Vitoria (c.1485-1546) Juan de Medina (1490-1546) Martin de Azpilcueta Navarrus (1493-1586)

Domingo de Soto (1494-1560) Diego de Covarrubias y Leiva (1512-1577)

Luis de Molina (1535-1601) Juan de Mariana (1536-1624)


Etierme Bormot de Condillac (1714-1780) AR.J. Turgot (172 7-1781) Antonie Louis Claude Destutt, Comte de Tracy (1754-1836)

Jean Baptiste Say (1767-1832) Claude Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) Gustave de Molinari (1819-1911)

CARL MENGER (1840-1921)

Philip Henry Wicksteed (1844-1927) Knut Wicksell (1851-1926) Friedrich von Wieser (1851-1926)


James Bonar (1852-1941) William Smart (1853-1915) Robert Meyer (1855-1914)

Eugen von Philippovich von Philippsberg (1858-1917) Frank Taussig (1859-1940)
Edwin Carman (1861-1935) Herbert Davenport (1861-1931) Frank Fetter (1863-1949)
Henry Rogers Seager (1870-1930) Luigi Einaudi (1874-1961) Hans Mayer (1879-1955)

LUDWIG YON MISES (1881-1973)

Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) Benjamin Anderson (1886-1949) Faustino Ballve (1887-1958)

Leo Schonfeld-Illy (1888-1952) Richard von Strigl (1891-1942) John V van Sickle (1892-1975) Henry Hazlitt (1894-1993)

Trygve J.B. Hoff (1895-1982) Katsuichi Yamamoto (1896-1987) Jacques Rueff (1896-1978) Ludwig Erhard (1897-1977)

V Orval Watts (1898-1993) Lionel Robbins (1898-1984) Ewald Schams (1899-1955) Wilhelm Ropke (1899-1966)

Friedrich A von Hayek (1899-1992) William Hutt (1899-1988) Gottfried von Haberler (1900-1995)

Fritz Machlup (1902-1983) Paul Rosenstein-Rodan (1902-1985) Oskar Morgenstern (1902-1977)

G.L.S. Shackle (1903-1992) F. A Harper (1905-1973) Ludwig Lachmarm (1906-1991) Percy L. Greaves, Jr. (1906-1984)

Bruno Leoni (1913-1967) Jack Wiseman (1919-1991) Benjamin Rogge (1920-1980) William W Bartley (1934-1990)

MURRAY N. ROTHBARD (1926-1995)

I\ustrian School:
THE STORY OF THE AUSTRIAN they urged governments to obey
A Family Album

SCHOOL begins in the fifteenth ethical strictures against theft and

century, when the followers of murder. And they lived up to
Thomas Aquinas, writing and Ludwig von Mises's rule: the first The value of an article does
teaching at the University of job of an economist is to tell not depend on its essential
Salamanca in Spain, sought to governments what they cannot nature but on the estimation
explain the full range of human do. of men, even if that
action and social organization. The first general treatise on estimation is foolish .
These Late Scholastics economics, Essay on the Nature of DrEGO DE COVARRUBIAS

observed the existence of economic Commerce, was written in 1730 by

law, inexorable forces of cause and Richard Cantillon, a man schooled
effect that operate very much as in the scholastic tradition. Born in
other natural laws. Over the Ireland, he emigrated to France. He
course of several generations, they saw economics as an independent Diego de Covarrubias. one of the lAte Scholastics
discovered and explained the laws area of investigation, and explained
of supply and demand, the cause the formation of prices using the
of inflation, the operation of "thought experiment." He
exchange rates, and the subjective understood the market as an
nature of economic value-all entrepreneurial process, and held To suppose all consumers to
reasons Joseph Schumpeter to an Austrian theory of money
be dupes, and all merchants
celebrated them as the first real
and manufacturers to be
creation: that it enters the
cheats, has the effect of
economists. economy in a step-by-step authorizing them to be so,
The Late Scholastics were fashion, disrupting prices along of degrading all the working
advocates of property rights and the way. members of the community.
the freedom to contract and trade. Cantillon was followed by AR.J. TURGOT
They celebrated the contribution of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, the
business to society, while doggedly pro-market French aristocrat and
opposing taxes, price controls, and finance minister under the ancien
regulations that inhibited regime. His economic writings were
Anne Robert Jacques Turgot
enterprise. As moral theologians, few but profound. His paper
The Austrian School: A Family Album 1
"Value and Money" spelled out Say discovered the
the origins of money, and the productivity theory of resource
nature of economic choice: pricing, the role of capital in
The best tax is that it reflects the subjective the division of labor, and
always the lightest. rankffigs of an individual's "Say's Law": there can never
J.B. SAY preferences. Turgot solved the be sustained "overproduction"
famous diamond-water or "underconsumption" on the
paradox that baffled later free market if prices are
classical economists, allowed to adjust. He was a
articulated the law of defender of laissez-faire and
diminishing returns, and the industrial revolution, as
criticized usury laws (a was Bastiat. As a free-market
sticking point with the Late journalist, Bastiat also argued
Scholastics). He favored a that nonmaterial services are
classical liberal approach to subject to the same economic
economic policy, laws as material goods. In one
recommending a repeal of all of his many economic
Jean Baptiste Say special privileges granted to allegories, Bastiat spelled out
government-connected the "broken-window fallacy"
industries. later popularized by Henry
Turgot was the intellectual Hazlitt.
father of a long line of great Despite the theoretical
French economists of the sophistication of this
eighteenth and nineteenth developing pre-Austrian
Property is a necessary centuries, most prominently tradition, the British school of
consequence of the Jean Baptiste Say and Claude the late-eighteenth and early
nature of man. Frederic Bastiat. Say was the nineteenth centuries won the
fReCX!RIC BASTIAT first economist to think deeply day, mostly for political
about economic method. He reasons. This British tradition
realized that economics is not (based on the objective-cost
about the amassing of data, and labor-productivity theory
but rather about the verbal of value) ultimately led to the
elucidation of universal facts rise of the Marxist doctrine of
(for example, wants are capitalist exploitation.
Claude Frederic Bastiat unlimited, means are scarce) The dominant British
and their logical implications. tradition received its first
2- The Austrian School: A Family Album
All things are subject to
the law of cause and effect.
This great principle knows
no exception.

Precious metals naturally

became the economic form
of money in the ordinary
trading relations of
civilized peoples.

Car! Menger Car! Menger (left) and a friend fishing.

serious challenge in many years when Carl Menger's Principles money originates in a free market when the most marketable
of Economics was published in 1871. Menger, the founder of the commodity is desired, not for consumption, but for use in
Austrian School proper, resurrected the Scholastic French trading for other goods.
approach to economics, and put it on firmer ground. Menger's book was a pillar of the "marginalist revolution"
Together with the contemporaneous writings of Leon in the history of economic science. When Mises said it "made
Walras and William Stanley Jevons, Menger spelled out the an economist" out of him, he was not only referring to
subjective basis of economic value, and fully explained, for the Menger's theory of money and prices, but also his approach to
first time, the theory of marginal utility (the greater the the discipline itself. Like his predecessors in the tradition,
number of units of a good that an individual possesses, the less Menger was a classical liberal and methodological individualist,
he will value any given unit). In addition, Menger showed how viewing economics as the science of individual choice. His
The Austrian School: A Family Album 3
Investigations, which came value, price, capital, and
In capitalistic enterprise, the great out twelve years later, battled interest. His History and
personalities of entrepreneurs have the German Historical Critique of Interest Theories,
risen to their full stature: bold technical School, which rejected theory appearing in 1884, is a
innovators, organizers with a keen and saw economics as the sweeping account of fallacies
knowledge of human nature. accumulation of data in in the history of thought and
FRIEDRICH VON WIESER service of the state. a firm defense of the idea that
As professor of the interest rate is not an
economics at the University artificial construct but an
of Vienna, and then tutor to inherent part of the market.
Friedrich von Wieser the young but ill-fated It reflects the universal fact of
Crown Prince Rudolf of the "time preference," the
House of Habsburg, Menger tendency of people to prefer
Labor cannot
increase its share restored economics as the satisfaction of wants sooner
at the expense science of human action rather than later (a theory
of capital. based on deductive logic, and later expanded and defended
EUGEN 1'011 B6HMBAWERJ< prepared the way for later by Frank Fetter).
theorists to counter the Bohm-Bawerk's Positive
influence of socialist thought. Theory of Capital
Indeed, his student Friedrich demonstrated that the
von Wieser strongly normal rate of business
influenced Friedrich von profit is the interest rate.
Hayek's later writings. Capitalists save money, pay
Menger's work remains an laborers, and wait until the
excellent introduction to the final product is sold to receive
economic way of thinking. profit. In addition, he
At some level, every Austrian demonstrated that capital is
since has seen himself as a not homogeneous but an
student of Menger. intricate and diverse
Menger's admirer and structure that has a time
follower at the University of dimension. A growing
Innsbruck, Eugen von Bohm econom y is not just a
Bawerk, took Menger's consequence of increased
exposition, reformulated it, capital investment, but also
Eugen von B6hm-Bawerk and applied it to a host of of longer and longer
new problems involving processes of production.
4 - The Austrian School: A Family Album
Austria's 100 Schilling note bears
B6hm-Bawerk's likeness.

Finance Minister B6hm-Bawerk

Bohm-Bawerk engaged in a inroads in the English-speaking world.

prolonged battle with the Marxists But one area where Bohm-Bawerk had
over the exploitation theory of capitat not elaborated on the analysis of
and refuted the socialist doctrine of Menger was money, the institutional
capital and wages long before the intersection of the "micro" and
communists came to power in Russia. "macro" approach. A young Mises,
Bohm-Bawerk also conducted a economic advisor to the Austrian
seminar that would later become the Chamber of Commerce, took on the
model for Mises's own Vienna seminar. challenge.
Bohm-Bawerk favored policies The result of Mises's research was
that deferred to the ever-present reality The Theory of Money and Credit,
of economic law. He regarded published in 1912. He spelled out how
interventionism as an attack on the theory of marginal utility applies
market economic forces that cannot to money, and laid out his "regression
succeed in the long run. In the last theorem," showing that money not
years of the Habsburg monarchy, he only originates in the market, but
three times served as finance minister, must always do so. Drawing on the
fighting for balanced budgets, sound British Currency School, Knut
money and the gold standard, free Wicksell's theory of interest rates, and
trade, and the repeal of export subsidies Bohm-Bawerk's theory of the
and other monopoly privileges. structure of production, Mises
It was his research and writing presented the broad outline of the
that solidified the status of the Austrian theory of the business cycle.
Austrian School as a unified way of A year later, Mises was appointed to
looking at economic problems, and set the faculty of the University of Vienna,
the stage for the School to make huge and Bohm-Bawerk's seminar spent a
The Austrian School: A Family Album 5
In the direct handling of economic life,
governments are usually clumsy and ineffective.
In economic life their main business should be
that of traffic cop, not that of driver. and above
all not that of back~seat driver.

Knut Wicksell Benjamin M. Anderson Frank Albert Fetter

Ludwig von Mises

full two semesters debating Mises's socialist Austrian government was

book. Marxist Otto Bauer. Knowing Bauer
Mises's career was interrupted for from the Bohm-Bawerk seminar, Mises
four years by World War I. He spent explained economics to him night after
three of those years as an artillery night, eventually convincing him to
officer, and one as a staff officer in back away from Bolshevik-style policies.
economic intelligence. At war's end, he The Austrian socialists never forgave
published Nation, State, and Economy Mises for this, waging war against him
(1919), arguing on behalf of the in academic politics and successfully
economic and cultural freedoms of preventing him from getting a paid
minorities in the now-shattered empire, professorship at the university.
and spelling out a theory of the Undeterred, Mises turned to the
economics of war. Meanwhile, Mises's problem of socialism itself, writing a
monetary theory received attention in blockbuster essay in 1921, which he
the U.S. through the work of Benjamin turned into the book Socialism over the
M. Anderson, Jr., an economist at Chase next two years. Socialism permits no
National Bank. (Mises's book was private property or exchange in capital
panned by John Maynard Keynes, who goods, and thus no way for resources to
later admitted he could not read find their most highly valued use.
German.) Socialism, Mises predicted, would result
In the political chaos after the war, in utter chaos and the end of
the main theoretician of the now civilization.
6 - The Austrian School: A Family Album
The Mises family with young
Ludwig at the left.

Witftout economic calculation

there can be no economy.
Hence, in a socialist state
wfterein the pursuit of
economic calculation is
impossible, there can be
-in our sense of tfte term
no economy whatsoever.

On the market of a
capitalistic society, tfte
common man is the
sovereign consumer whose
buying or abstention from
buying ultimately determines
wftat sflould be produced.

The Austrian School: A Family Album 7

Mises challenged the socialists to explain, in economic market attracted a group of converts from the socialist cause,
terms, precisely how their system would work, a task which including Hayek, Wilhelm Ropke, and Lionel Robbins. Mises
the socialists had heretofore avoided. The debate between the began holding a private seminar in his offices at the Chamber
Austrians and the socialists continued for the next decade and of Commerce that was attended by Fritz Machlup, Oskar
beyond, and, until the collapse of world socialism in 1989, Morgenstern, Gottfried von Haberler, Alfred Schutz, Richard
academics had long thought that the debate was resolved in von StrigC Eric Voegelin, Paul Rosenstein-Rodan, and many
favor of the socialists. other intellectuals from allover Europe.
Meanwhile, Mises's arguments on behalf of the free Also during the 1920s and 30s, Mises was battling on two
8- The Austrian School: A Family Album
f Economics deals with society's
fundamental problems; it concerns
everyone and belongs to all. It is
the main and proper study of
every citizen.

Mises and his wife, Margit. Mises and his grandson, Chris.

The Austrian School : A Family Album - 9

other academic fronts. He delivered the decisive movement in America after the New Deal and From left to right, Wilhelm
Ropke, Gottfried von Haberler,
blow to the German Historical School with a World War II. And his series Law, Legislation, Fritz Machlup, and William
series of essays in defense of the deductive and Liberty elaborated on the Late Scholastic Hutt.
method in economics, which he would later call approach to law, and applied it to criticize
praxeology or the logic of action. He also egalitarianism and nostrums like social justice.
founded the Austrian Institute for Business In the late 1930s, after suffering from the
Cycle Research, and put his student Hayek in worldwide depression, Austria was threatened
charge of it. by a Nazi takeover. Hayek had already left for
During these years, Hayek and Mises London in 1931 at Mises's urging, and in 1934, I champion an economic
authored many studies on the business cycle, Mises himself moved to Geneva to teach and order ruled blJ free prices
warned of the danger of credit expansion, and write at the International Institute for Graduate and markets. ... The onllJ
predicted the coming currency crisis. This work Studies, later emigrating to the United States . economic order compatible
was cited by the Nobel Prize committee in 1974 Knowing Mises as the sworn enemy of national with human freedom.
when Hayek received the award for economics. socialism, the Nazis confiscated Mises's papers WILHELM ROPKE

Working in England and America, Hayek later from his apartment and hid them for the
became a prime opponent of Keynesian duration of the war. Ironically, it was Mises's
economics with books on exchange rates, capital ideas, filtered through the work of Ropke and
theory, and monetary reform. His popular book the statesmanship of Ludwig Erhard, that led to
Road to Serfdom helped revive the classical liberal Germany's postwar economic reforms and
10 - The Austrian School: A Family Album _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A claim for equality of
material position can be
met only blj a government
with totalitarian powers.

Hayek upon receiving the Nobel prize in 1974.

Friedrich August von Hayek

rebuilt the country. Then, in 1992, Austrian archivists

discovered Mises's stolen Vienna papers in a reopened archive in

human mind in our century. It is economics made whole." The
appearance of this work was the hinge of the whole history of
Moscow. the Austrian School, and it remains the economic treatise that
While in Geneva, Mises wrote his masterwork, defines the School. Even so, it was not well received in the
Nationalokonomie, and, after coming to the United States, economics profession, which had already made a decisive turn
revised and expanded it into Human Action, which appeared in towards Keynesianism.
1949. His student Murray N. Rothbard called it "Mises's Though Mises never held the paid academic post he
greatest achievement and one of the finest products of the deserved, he gathered students around him at New York
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Austrian School: A Family Album - 11
So long as we make
use of bank credit as
a means of furthering
economic development
we shall have to put
up with the resulting
trade cycles.

University, just as he had in Mises's New York seminar

Vienna. Even before Mises continued until two years before
emigrated, journalist Henry his death in 1973. During those
Hazlitt had become his most years, the anti-Keynesian work of
prominent champion, reviewing WHo Hutt, complemented Mises's
his books in the New York Times own. Rothbard became Mises's
and Newsweek, and popularizing most prolific student. Indeed,
his ideas in such classics as Rothbard's Man, Economy, and
Economics in One Lesson. Yet State (1963) was patterned after
Hazlitt made his own Human Action, and in some areas
contributions to the Austrian -monopoly theory, utility and
School. He wrote a line-by-line welfare, and the theory of the
critique of Keynes's General state-tightened and strengthened
Theory, defended the writings of Mises's own views. Rothbard's
Say, and restored him to a central approach to the Austrian School
place in Austrian macroeconomic followed directly in the line of
theory. Hazlitt followed Mises's Late Scholastic thought by
example of intransigent adherence applying economic science within
to principle, and as a result was a framework of a natural-rights
pushed out of four high-profile theory of property. What resulted
positions in the journalistic was a full-fledged defense of a
world. capitalistic and stateless social
12 - The Austrian School: A Family Album
Henry Hazlitt

The art of economics

r'I consists of looking not
merely at the immediate
but at the longer effects
' of any act or policy; it
consists in traCing the
consequences of that
policy not merely for
one group but for all

order, based on property and freedom of association and business cycle theory to show that the stock market crash and
contract. economic downturn was attributable to a prior bank credit
Rothbard followed his economic treatise with an expansion. Then in a series of studies on government policy, he
investigation of the great depression, which applied Austrian established the theoretical framework for examining the effects
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Austrian School: A Family Album - 13
Murray Newton Rothbard of all types of philosophical work, The
intervention in the Ethics of Liberty, all
market. while he was writing a
In his later years, series of scholarly
Mises saw the economic pieces
beginnings of the gathered in the two
revival of the Austrian volume Logic of Action,
School that dates from published in Edward
the appearance of Man, Elgar's "Economists of
Economy, and State and the Century" series.
continues to this day. It These seminal
was Rothbard who works serve as the
firmly established the crucial link between the
Austrian School and Mises-Hayek
classical liberal doctrine generation and the
in the U.S., especially Austrians now working
with Conceived in to expand the tradition.
Liberty, his four Indeed, without
volume history of Rothbard's willingness
colonial America and to defy the intellectual
the secession from trends of his time,
Britain. The reunion of progress in the Austrian
natural-rights theory School tradition might
and the Austrian School have come to a halt. As
came in his it was, his wide and

Top right, Rothbard with

his parents, bottom left,
with Hazlitt. Any sodet!! of force- whether ruled by criminal
bands or by an organized State-fundamentally
means the rule of the jungle, or economic chaos.

14 - The Austrian School: A Family Album _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

deep scholarship, cheerful
personality, encyclopedic
knowledge, and optimistic
outlook inspired countless
students to turn their
attention to the cause of
r' liberty.
Though Austrians are
now in a more prominent
position than at any point
since the 1930s, Rothbard,
like Mises before him, was
not well treated by academia.
Although he held a chair in
his later years at the
University of Nevada, Las
Vegas, he never taught in a
capacity that permitted him
to direct dissertations.
Nonetheless, he managed to
recruit a large, active, and
interdisciplinary following for
the Austrian School.
The founding of the
Ludwig von Mises Institute in
1982, with the aid of Margit
von Mises as well as Hayek
and Hazlitt, provided a range
of new opportunities for both
Rothbard and the Austrian
School. Through a steady
I stream of academic
r conferences, instructional
seminars, books,
monographs, newsletters,
studies, and even films ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Th e Austrian School: A Family Album - 15
Rothbard and the Mises Institute carried the Austrian School virtually every department of economics and the social sciences in
forward into the post -socialist age. America, and in many foreign countries as well. The annual
Rothbard was the first editor of the Mises Institute's Review of Austrian Scholars Conference at Auburn University attracts
Austrian Economics, the world's first all-Austrian scholarly journal scholars from around the world to discuss, debate, and apply the
(now The Q/larterly Journal of Austrian Economics), and directed the entire Austrian tradition.
Institute's instructional summer school. There he presented much The fascinating history of this great body of thought,
of his research into the history of economic thought. This through all its ebbs and flows, is the story of how great minds can
culminated in his two-volume An Austrian Perspective on the advance science and oppose evil with creativity and courage. Now
History of Economic Thought, which broadens the history of the the Austrian School enters a new millennium as the intellectual
discipline to encompass centuries of writing. standard bearer for the free society. That it does so is thanks to the
Through the Mises Institute's student fellowships, study heroic and brilliant minds that make up the family history of the
guides, books, journals, bibliographies, summer schools, and School, and to those who are carrying that legacy forward with
conferences, the Austrian School has permeated, at some level, the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

On the free market, every man

gains; one man's gain, in fad , is
preciselw the consequence of his
bringing about the gain of others.
When an exchange is coerced, on
the other hand- when criminals or
governments intervene-one group
gains at the expense of others.

16 - The Austrian School: A Family Album

SENIOR FACULTY Scott Boykin Richard Ebeling Arthur Hughes Frank Machovek William QJJirk T . Alexander Smith
Walter Block Univuslty of Alabamo. Hillsdale College Univusity of MaJ}'land Wofford College University of South Carolina University ofTennessee
University o/Central Arkansas J.B . Bracewell-Milnes John Egger Sanford Ikeda J .J. Mahoney Salim Rashid Karl Socher
David Cordon Surrey, England Towson State University State University of New York, The Citadel University of illinois Carl Menger Institute, Vienna
The Mises Review Mark Brandly Robert B. Ekelund Purchase David 0 Mahony Lawrence Reed Jolm W . Sommer
Jeffrey M. Herbener Ball State Univusity Auburn University Christina Jeffrey University College, Cork Mackinac Center Urban Institute, UNC, Charlotte
Grove City College Harold O.J. Brown Larry J. Eshelman Kennesaw State University William Marina W. Duncan Ret:ltie John Sophocleus
Reformed Theological Seminary Ossining, New York Madison Jones Florida Atlantic University University of Witwatersrand Auburn University
Hans-Hennann HOffc
University of Neva , Las Vegas Pamela Brown Williamson Evers Auburn Uni versity Jorge Martinez Morgan Reynolds
Joseph Stromberg
California State University, Hoover Institution, Stanford Edward Kaplan Texas A&M University

", J org Guido H~lsmann Northridge University Western Washington University

University of New Orleans
Wesley Allen Riddle
Center for Libertarian Studies
State University of New York, Donald Mathews Alexander Tabarrok
Buffalo Andruj Bruski David Fand James R. Kee Coastal Georgia College U.S. Military Academy Ball State University
Univusity of California, Davis George Mason University SL Mary's University, San Terry Ridgway
Yuri N. Maltsev Margaret Maxey Thomas Tacker
Carthage College David R. Burton Dario Fernandez-Morera Antonio University of Texas, Austin Umversity of Nevada , Las Vegas Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
The Argus Group Northw~tern University Shawn Ritenour
Ralph Raico N. Stffhan Kinsella John McCallie University
State University College at Buffalo John Burton Nicholas Juul foss Sout Tocas College of Law Southwest Baptist University
University of Maine Thomas C. Taylor
Binningham BusintSS School, University of Copenhagen Israel Kirzne.r Carey Roberts
Joseph T . Salerno fran~oise Melese Wake Forest University
England Joseet Fuhrig New York University University of South Carolina
Pace University Naval Postgraduate School Timothy Terrell
Peter Calca~no Go en Gate University
Peter Klein Dora ROdr~uez de Ampuero Libuty University
Mark Thornton lacksonvil e State University LoweU Gallaway Roberta Adelaide Modugno
Ludwig von Miss Institute University of Georgia Institute 0 Political Economy,
Gael Campan Ohio University Luiss University, Rome Ecuddor Hunt TOOJere
University of Paris Sandra Johnson KJein Mostafa Moini Austin Cnl ege
ADJUNCr SCHOLARS Richard Gamble University of Georgia JoAnn Rothbard
Paul Cantor Palm Beach Atlantic College Oklahoma City University Ludwig von Mises Institute Scott Trask
Charles Adams George Koether University of South Carolina
Williamsport, New York University of Virgi.nia Roger Garrison Naomi MOldOfsk~ Charles K. Rowley
Vera Beach , Florida University of Me ourne, George Trivoli
Ward Allen AnthonJ. Carilli Auburn University George Mason University
Hamp en-Sydn"}' College Roger KOtPI Australia Jacksonville State University
Auburn University Fred R. Glahe Fairleig -Dickinson University Murray Sabrin
Allan Carlson University of Cnl.orado Michael Montg omery Ra mapo College Richard Vedder
Martin Anderson Elisabeth Krecke University of Maine Ohio Univasity
Hoover Institution, Stanford The Howard Center Pascal Salin
Steven Goldberg University ofAix-en-Province,
University Paul Cleveland City University of New York Thomas Gale Moore University of Paris Harr~ verllser
Birmingham-Southern College France Hoowr Institution Wa h Co lege
Dominick Armentano Paul Gottfried Lawrence A. Kudlow Frank Schohl
Un iversity of Hartford John P. Cochran Elizabethtown College John Moorhouse Friedrich Schiller University, Gdwin Vieira Jr.
Metropolitan Stat< Colkge of Denver National Skandia Life Wake For~t University National Alliance for
Roger Arnold Germany
Bettina Bien Greaves Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn Cnnstitutional Money
California State University, San Dan Crist ian Comanescu Foundii tion for Economic Glenn Moots Carole Scott
University of Bucharst Tyrol , Austria Northwood University Deborah Walker
Marcos Education State University of West Georgia
Roy E. Cordato Chandran Kukathas Michael Valdez Moses Loyola University
Charles Baird Gerd Habermann Australian.Defense Force Academy Larry Sechrest
California State Universityl Campbell University Untertlmmer Institute, Germany Duke University Sui Ross University Allan Walstad
Hayward Raimondo Cubeddu Peter Kurrild-Klit~aard Lauren ce Moss Arthur Seldon University of Pittsburgh
Otto von Habsburg University ofAar us, Denmark
An:i Barnett University of Pisa European Parliament Babson College Institute of Ecorwmic Affairs, John Wells
A urn Univasity EliUlbeth Currier David Laband Tos hio Murata London Auburn University
Karl von Habsburg-Lothringen Auburn University
James Barth Cnmmittee for Monetary Research European Parliament Tokyo Business School George Selgin Theodore Weymouth
Auburn Universi ty and Education Henri Lepage
University of Georgia Lake Forest Graduate School
Stephen P. Halbroo k Univuslty of Paris
Ronald Nash
Bruce Bartlett Alfred G. Cuzan Fairfax, Virgin ia Reformed Theological Seminary Hans F. Sennholz Frank WiUiams
NatiDnal Center for Poli"}' Analysis Univusity of West Florida Kurt Leube Grove City College
Steve Hanke Gary North ETTWry University
Paul Cwik Hoover Institution, Stanford
Marco Bassani The Johns Hopkins Uni versity Universi ty American Bureau of Economic Parth Shah Clyde Wilson
University of Milan Campbell University Research
Lord Harris of High Cross Institute for Civil Society, India University of South Carolina
Gregory Dempster Michael Levin
Robert Batemarco Institute of Economic Affairs, City University of New York Hiroyuki Okon Milton Shapiro Mark Yanochik
Hampden-Sydney College Kokugakuin University
Marymoun t College London Claremont Graduate School Kennesaw State University
John V. Denson Floy Wley
Donald Bellante The Costs of War, Editor LoweU Harriss University ofTexas, Austin Knysztof Ostaszws ki Jeremy Sheannur Steven Yates
University of South Florida Cnlumbia University University of Louisville Australian National University Acton Institute
Marshall DeRo,a Jeff Lipkes
James T . Bennett Florida Atlantic University Robert F. Hebert Univusity of South Florida James Ostrowski Sudha Shen7 Leland Yeager
George Mason University Auburn University Buffalo, New York Univers ity 0 Newcastle, Australia Auburn University
Pierre Desrochers Stephen o. Littlechild
Bnlce Benson University of Montreal Robert Hi9,gs University of Binningham, Johannes Overbeek Frank Shostak Bong Joon Yoon
Florida. State University Indepen ent Review Englanil University of the Virgin Isu.nds Ord Minnett , Australia State University of New York,
John Devan~
George BittlingmVoer University 0 South Carolina Ole-Jacob Ho ff Donald Livingston E.e. Pasour Jr. Eugene B. Sledge Binghamton
University of Cali omia, Davis Tj,me, Norway Emory University North Carolina State University Universi ty of Montevallo Tony Yu
Danny Dickerson
Olafur Bj0rnsson Belmont University Randall Holcombe Franklin A. Lopez William Peterson Gene Smiley University of New South Wales
University of Iceland Thomas Dilorenzo Florida. State University University of New Orleans Hmtage Foundation Marquette University Wol1.ichiech Zeianiec
Samuel Bostfth Loyola College Irving Louis Horowitz William Luckey Ivan P"ongracic Barry Smith International Academy of
University 0 Dallas Eric Duhaime Rutgers University Christendom College Indiana Wesleyan University State University of New Yo'*, Buffalo Philosophy
Donald J . Boudreaux National School of Public Jesus Huerta de Soto Tibor Machan Michael Prowse Steve Smith Albert Ziabinger
Fourulation for Economic Education Administration, Canada Complutense University of Madrid Chapman University The Financial Times Auburn University Carl Menger Institute, Vienna

FOR PHOTOGRAPHS, many thanks to the Austrian National Library, The Bartley Institute, the Chase Manhattan Bank, Jonnie Gilman, Bettina Bien Greaves, Henry Hazlitt, Jeffrey M.

Herbener, Hillsdale College, David Jarrett, George Koether, The Carl Menger Papers in the Special Collections Library at Duke University, The Ludwig von Mises Papers at Grove City College,

Margit von Mises, Princeton University, Jesus Huerta de Soto, JoAnn Rothbard, and the University of Vienna. The painting of Covarrubias is by EI Greco.

Copyright 1998 The Ludwig von Mises Institute . No reproduction of any photographs without prior
pennission of The Ludwig von Mises Institute or appropriate copyright holder.

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