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XL Recordings is offering a once in life time opportunity for new and

upcoming artists to be signed by XL Recordings, one of the largest English

independent record label working with the likes of Adele and Radiohead.

For your chance to be signed by XL Recordings all you have to do is send us

a music video that you have made yourself for a song you have wrote and
performed yourself. The song can be about anything and can fit into any
genre of music; we are giving you full creative freedom to create the very
best song and music video to show us why we should sign you under XL
The deadline for you to send us your music video is the 9 th June.
Please send your music video to:
We look forward to watching your music videos and wish you the best of luck!
My Ideas:

The documentary would be probably the easiest to film as all I would need is two
hosts and a camera operator. I think the idea could be funny and give overall a
positive message. The issue with this idea is getting permission to public film and
finding another person that would agree to partake in the challenges with me.
For this reason, I do not think I will do this.

The music video for Waves would be a basic narrative but shown very cinematic
this means it would have to look very good. This is something I would like to focus
on however the narrative limits me to what I could shoot making it risky to do this
idea as it would all have to be filmed on the road trip over 2 days.

The music video on the song Summer Vibes is also a basic narrative however, it
allows for a lot of creativity in terms of what I can shoot. I also have an
underwater camera so would be able to do some underwater shooting with this
music video. In terms of locations, they are all places I could go to on a
weekend so it should not be hard to get the shots.
I decided to conduct a survey to see what idea people would want to see:
From these ideas, I have decided to go with the music video on the song
Summer Vibes. I think I could create an interesting cinematic video; this is
something I have not really focused on before so I am interested to develop my
skills in this area. Furthermore, the idea gives me room to be creati ve and film
many different things over a long period. From the feedback I got it is also clear
that people would rather see this music video over the documentary. A good
point I got from the feedback is that I should make the narrative more detailed
and a bit more interesting. This is something I will think about and do some brain
storming in the future. The idea of capturing summer adventures visually is
something I am excited to do and the focus on cinematography is something I
look forward to doing.

The song I will be using:
Mood Board
Using Test footage I have recorded I tested the different looks I could go for in my music video:

Mock Up
I have been brainstorming ideas of how I could make my idea for this music
video I and I have come up with a more interesting narrative that can still
include capturing summer vibes but with more of the story.
The music video follows a lone survivor in a post-apocalyptic world. It shows him
scavenging and trying to survive. He has a drug called Summer Vibes that when
he takes it, it makes him trip out and see a beautiful summer world where he is
going on a summer adventure with his friends. The music video shows him as he
tries to escape his dark reality and the contrast of the two worlds I believe will
create an interesting and powerful music video. It will end with him being
chased by a gang and as he is caught, he manages to break free and instead
of run, he takes the summer vibes drug and trips out as they grab him and drag
him away.

Added Mood board

I made a survey to get feedback on my final idea and see how it could be

From the feedback, it is clear that people like this idea with one person adding,
"Its really unique". This is important, as I want to make my music video unique so
that it stands out from other music videos. Someone did say that it "might be too
difficult to film". To make sure it is not difficult to film I will make sure to plan
carefully and do some location recces soon so that I can have good places to
film. I think the hardest to film will be the post-apocalyptic scenes, as I need to
find places that look run down and abandoned. I know of a couple places in
Maidenhead, however I will do some research soon to find more places to make
the filming process as simple as possible. In terms of how it could be improved,
one person said, "a lot of things are happening at once maybe focus on only a
few things". This is a good point and to make sure I do not overdo it I will only
have a couple of filming locations so that there is not too much going on.
Another improvement that was given by multiple people is that I should focus on
showing the apocalypse in a very dark way to make it more impactful, "more
dark realities". This is a good point and I will try focus on the dark turn humans
have taken through the gang of survivors that chance him. I will try showing
them as more of animals rather than people in the way they move and talk. I will
also focus on how the survivor who we focus on is affected by this dark world
showing the mental deterioration and wish to escape his life.

Target Audience

Music video:

This music video by Kygo and Selena Gomez explores dark themes this is similar
to my music video as I will also be exploring dark themes. This music video also
has a cut to two different realities, one being the mind of the coma patient and
the other being the real world where he is in a coma. It has quick cuts between
the two contrasting worlds. This is also similar to my music video, as I will cut
between two contrasting worlds as well. The target audience for the Kygo music
video is teens to mid-twenties; this can be backed up by the fact that this is most
likely the age of the people in the music video and is the type of people who
listen to his music according to "Prezi" website. This shows that if I c reate my
music video it will most likely appeal most to the ages of teen to mid -twenties. In
terms of who would listen to the song, my music video is based on. It would most
likely be people between the ages of 16 to 25. This is because this is the age
range that usually listens to the genre of acoustic pop, which is the genre that
my song falls under. This can be backed up by research done by Daniel Davies
whose work can be found in the link below. They are interested in this age I
would like to address in my music video as I think they are the ones that will want
to watch it, as it is similar to other products. In terms of gender, I would say that it
could be for both male and female as both genders listen to acoustic pop. In
terms of the music video, I think it will be for both male and females as it will
have male and females in the music video and the story would appeal to both
male and female. I say this because the music video "Radioactive by Imagine
Dragons" follows a post-apocalyptic theme and looking through the comments
of the video, you can see that there is a clear split between male and female
viewers who enjoyed the video. This is backed up by the fact that the band
targets both male and females in their music video according to research done
by Aaron Hunter (link to his work can be found below). The socio -economic
grouping of my target audience will most likely be E as most teens are in school
and many early to mid-twenties are in University. The lifestyle that this music
video would most appeal to is people who are adventurous as the music video
shows two very different types of adventures. I also think it would appeal to those
who want to travel as it shows two different types of travelling throughout the
music video. In terms of location, I think anyone in the world can enjoy the music
video it is not focused on one place and the location in which it is shot is never
told directly to the audience. Furthermore, it will be up on YouTube, meaning
that anyone in the world can watch it as long as they have internet connection.

Aaron Hunter

Daniel Davies research:

Looking at the regulatory body "Chart Track", one of the most popular singles is
DJ Snake - Let Me Love You ft. Justin Bieber. The music video is quite similar to
mine as it takes place in two contrasting worlds, the world in the video game
and the one out of it. It shows two people escaping their reality, which is also a
theme I will be showing in my music video. I think this music video got so much
interest partly because the song has two very popular artists performing DJ
Snake and Justin Bieber. Unfortunately, I will not be able to generate interest
through this way as a very small new artist makes my music. However, I also think
that the music video made over 300,000,000 views because it shows the song in
way that people did not thing the song was about. It shows the story behind the
song, which may be surprising to the audience but also interesting to see the
story line that the artist wanted to show with the song. I think I will be able to
generate interest this way as my music video shows the story behind the song
which people may find surprising. It also created interest with having an
interesting and unique narrative to it, making people want to watch it, showing a
journey with an end reveal. I think I will be able to create interest with my music
video this very as well. This is because I believe my music video narrative is
unique as it has a mix of your typical summer montage music video with a dark
gritty apocalyptic setting. It shows the journey of a survivor and how he chooses
to survive. I believe this narrative is unique and interesting and will make people
want to watch the music video.
I also did a survey monkey to see what other people thought my target audience
should be:

From this survey it is clear to see that my target audience is both male and females
in socio group E aged 18 to 24.


One of my main competitors is the music video Summer Vibe Walk off the Earth.
This is because it has a very similar title to my music video, which will be Summer
Vibes. It is quite an old video being released to YouTube in 2012. However, with a
similar title to the video I will be directly competing with this video to get top or
further up on the search list. This is important as the further up on the search list on
YouTube you are, the more views you will get. However, in terms of the type of video
and song that is in the music video we are quite different. Their music video shows
them playing the song and my music video will be showing a story that goes along
with a song. Furthermore my song is far different to their song, theirs being more
upbeat while mine is more acoustic heavy. This means that although we are
competing with search list we are not competing in anything else. What I think works
well with this music video is that it does capture summer vibes very well, the clothing,
setting and lighting works great to suggest summer. The background of the waves
with them all out in the sun does well to show visually summer vibes. However, what I
dont think works well is that the music video does get a bit boring just showing them
playing the song. I think it could be more interesting if they included more of story to
go along with the song. This is what I will do differently with my music video.

In this music video they do well to create a

feeling for summer that links well with the
message of the song which is to show a
summer vibe. This is done with the setting
being on a beach, on a bright sunny day.
These things remind us of summer and does
well to create a feeling of summer and
showing summer vibes visually. This is
something I will keep in mind in terms of
location in helping me display a summer
look to my audience. Furthermore, the
clothing of the people in the music video can also be assosiated with summer. Sun
glasses, hats and short sleeves. This is something that could help me show my
summer scenes in a way that clearly shows the viewer that it is summer. The overall
bright colours and laid back nature of the people in the video also link to summer,
showing successful in a visual way, summer vibes. This is something I will keep in mind
when directing my actors and telling them how to act. Also when editing I could turn
up the saturation slightly to bring out more of the bright colours in the video.

Another one of my competitors is Kygo Sunset Feelings music video. This is a

competitor as it is on the top of the search list when you type in Summer Vibes
song which is the main tag I will be using to promote my music video on YouTube. I
am aiming to be on the top of the search list as that way I will get the maximum
traffic possible to the video. I will try to tag around the phrase Summer Vibes to get
on the top of the search list. However, in terms of the Kygo music video it is very
different to mine as it just shows a logo and a beat marker. While my music video will
show video of a story that goes with the song. I am only really competing for top
search list location and not with the type of content.
This music video although not containing very much does show what people link with summer. It is
clear to see from the background used that people think of sun sets and sandy beaches when
thinking of summer. I will try have one of my shoot locations at the beach when the sun is setting to
create a powerful summer scene that will show clearly summer vibes in a visual way.

The Market

I believe there is a want for a summer song in the market this can be seen from the
graph above. As you can see there is spike in traffic for people searching for summer
songs in the months of May, June, July and August. We are about to come into this
spike so I think it is a perfect time to upload this type of music video. Summer music is
hugely popular on YouTube with some channels being purely created for this reason,
such as CloudCity who makes playlists of summer music, most videos getting
hundreds of thousands of views. Many summer songs getting well over 100,000,000
views on YouTube. An example of this is Calvin Harris Summer which got over a
billion views on YouTube. This graph was taken from Google Trends, it can be found
using the link below.
What makes my music video stand out from these other productions is that rather
having an upbeat summery music video, mine has a dark twist, which makes it stand
out from the others. Most of the summer music videos follow the same plot showing
someone travelling in beautiful places with a beautiful girl. My music video has this
element in it so people who enjoy those types of music videos can still enjoy my
music video but it also has the dark apocalyptic theme, which will make my music
video unique and hopefully attract another type of viewers. This mix of themes is
rarely seen in summer music videos and I believe will make my work stand out
against the other summer music videos released this year.

There is a huge market for summer music with Calvin Harris Summer reaching top of
the charts in multiple charts, including Australia Dance, Canada, Ireland, UK singles
and US. This shows that there is a huge want for summer music. The song also sold
over a million copies in the United States as of July 2014. This shows that not only is
there a large audience but there is also a lot of money to be made from summer
themed songs.

Production Schedule:

6th and 7th of May will be filming scenes for the summer vibes drug


In this location, I will be getting film of

people doing different water sports such
as swimming, paddle boarding and
canoeing. This will be where I get my
underwater shots for the music video. I
will need a large group of friends for this
shoot to work.


Charlotte, Ashton, Emily, Sebastien,

Fayral, Owen,

I sent this email to see availability of my actors.

Another Location I will be doing on the same days is Jubilee River, in this location I
will be getting footage of Bridge Jumping.

Another location I will be doing on the same day is later in the day at my house I will
have the pool and BBQ scenes filmed.

Next shoot:

13th this is when I will shoot all the post-apocalyptic scenes for my


By Summerleaze Lake there is an abandoned farm which we will use as one

of the settings
Just outside there is an abandoned jail
The forest area around Marlow will get some shots
End of day go to car park when no one is there

Actors needed:

Sebastien and Fayral

Legal Issues

In terms of legal issues, there is some we may encounter when filming; luckily, I
create the song I am using so I have full permission to use it so no copyright issue will
occur from that. The legal issues that I believe we may face is that for the
abandoned farm and jail it is private property so in order to film we would need to
trespass. To get around this issue I will contact the owners of the land to get
permission. I have asked the owners of the water sports place at Bray Lake and they
say it will be fine to film on their property so no legal issue will come from that. The
other legal issue I may face is that bridge jumping is not allowed on the bridges at
Jubilee River. However, this is not enforced so I do not think it will cause an issue
when filming. In terms of race or gender discrimination, I do not think there will be an
issue, as I will have male and females playing large roles in the music video.
Furthermore, the cast is not all white having other ethnicities playing roles in the
music video. My music video will have light drug usage however, it will not
glamorised and the usage will not be shown in detail. This will result in the music
video being aged rated as it would not be suitable to younger audiences but I do
not think the usage will cause discomfort to the viewer, as it is not focused on.

Ofcom states programmes must not include material which, taking into account
the context condones or glamorises violent. In my music video, there is one scene
when a group of crazy survivors attacks the main character. This however does not
go against Ofcoms rules and regulations, as the violence is not glamorous and is not
focused on heavily; it does not show the violence in a positive way. Furthermore,
Ofcom says suicide..must not be included in programmes except where they are
editorially justified and are also justified by the context. At the start of my music
video it shows my main character considering suicide, he ends up not doing it and it
is justified by context as he is living in a broken and destroyed world alone. Ofcom
states No scenes involving drugs..carry a positive message. My music video does
not show the use of drug in a positive way and therefore I will be able to broadcast
my music video as it meets all of Ofcoms regulations.

Team involved:

Joshua McCartney Cameraman and bridge jumper 6th, 7th, 13th

Sebastien Jefferies Go pro camera operator and actor 6th, 7th, 13th -

Fayral Mumtaz Cameraman and actor 6th, 7th, 13th -

Charlotte Kelly Actress 6th, 7th -

Emily Manning Actress 6th, 7th -

Location Recce
In terms of health and safety the big risk is the bridge jumping. To be safe we will test
the water and make sure it is at a depth that is safe to dive into. Furthermore, only
trained professionals with experience with bridge jumping will be jumping in the shoot.
We will have people at the side ready to swim and help anyone who is injured during the

Programme Design Format

The music video will be shown YouTube. This is because it is free to post video
there and I cannot afford with my current budget to have music video shown on
TV or other paid formats. I think YouTube is also a good option as it allows my
video to be watched by anyone with an internet connection so it will not limit
my potential audience like other platforms might. According to YouTube
Statistics YouTube has "over a billion users" and reaching "more 18-34 and 18 - 49
year-olds than any cable network in the U.S.". This gives me a huge potential
audience for my music video. On YouTube, the most viewed videos are music
videos with the most viewed video on YouTube being a music video with almost
3 billion views. This shows that there is a huge want for music videos in YouTube
and this why I will be posting my music video to YouTube. I have decided to not
put my music video on music tv channels as the number of viewers are dropping
and there just isnt as large of a viewing audience as there is on YouTube. This
can be backed up a news article from billboard that states MTV VMAs Rating
Drop Again. The article can be found following the link below. Also, YouTube as
a platform allows for the music video to be played on demand at any time
meaning that whenever someone wants to watch they can. If I used a music TV
channel this would not be possible. Having a lot of hits on YouTube would also
allow me to grow my potential audience as YouTube allows cross platforming
sharing, meaning the more that watch it, the more likely people are to share it
around and therefore expanding my viewing audience.

Contingency Plan

If some of my actors do not show up I have a list of understudies that could take
their place:
Callum Reeves
Jack Smith
Jason Young
Charlotte Pooley
If it rains or too many people are unable to film on the dates currently set I have
back up filming dates for the 20th, 21st and 30th.
If the locations don't work out I have some back up filming locations available:
Taplow Lake, Amerden lane, Taplow, Nr Maidenhead SL6 0EA
Henley-on-Thames RG9 1UH
Pickneys Green, Maidenhead

Furthermore when going filming I will bring a backup camera in case anything
happens to camera, multiple SD cards in case one stops working or fills up and
many batteries in case the camera runs out of battery mid filming.

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