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A bit more

A music band is playing a slow number. Two young men an Asian and a Caucasian just
walked into the station.

KIM(Asian)fidgeting with his guitar

It seems we ended up early anyway

ALEN (Caucasian)looks at his watch

Its just 10 minutes! (Looks straight at
the trains) What were you gonna do

Nothing serious
KIM Puts his arms on his hips
But waiting here is for sure boring.

KIM Checks on a few girls in the station. After a while looks back at Alen remembering
Maybe stay with Tif a bit more and teach
her a thing or two! You know what? She
is very good at that!

KIM Slowly starts to smile.


KIM (Looking impish)

Happy endings.

ALEN (Shaking his head and smiling)

The blond one was seriously pissing me
off. Why dont you finish that tune you
started for that red head and I go fish for
something edible to read.

Okay man. Between the blond one is
Sam and the red head is Alex. Atleast
know their name.

POV of Kim Alen starts walking towards the futurist looking unmanned book counter and
starts browsing for books in the panel. Kim follows Alen after a few minutes still fidgeting
with his guitar and trying a tune. Alen turns grump trying to tune out the racket Kim was
making with his guitar. After a while he gave up the whole institution of reading books and
walks towards a cafeteria and Kim tags along.

KIM (Suddenly stops mid track)

Al, I forgot to collect my leisure grand of
this term.

ALEN (Smiling widely)

Like thats a new thing! After my
cousins marriage, well go look for a
counter in that area. But I dunno where
that can be.

KIM (Puckers his lips)

I hate marriages!! Especially when it is
of your beautiful cousins!!

KIM showing a perfect poker face

Have you noticed that your cousins are
hot? Because I havent!

Alen grabs Kim around his shoulders trying to punch him on his back and both starts laughing.
Alen grabs his Starbucks and starts walking back still smiling. Suddenly his eyes caught on to
something yellow and he couldnt stop the urge to keep looking until he is completely lost in
Alen POV to an Indian girl wearing an ostentatious yellow skirt. She is walking briskly clearly
offended at something. She is looking angrily at everyone around. Zoom in to her windblown
hair, glowing eyes and chiseled features.
Kim catches up with the dazed Alen

Oi, whats wrong??

ALEN started panicking but still unable to snatch his eyes away from the girl.

K, its happening

KIM (Looking around confused)

Whats happening?

Alen appears to lose focus. He seeks Kims shoulder for support. Kim confused and concerned
looks around and leads Alen to a nearby chair and makes him sit in it

Man, you are totally freaking me out.

ALEN (Looking down and mumbling)

Its happening with that girl

KIM (Still confused)

What girl? Whats happening?

ALEN (Still looking down)

The girl standing by the counter.

Kim looks around and sees the girl. Kim looks back and forth at Alen who looks really sick
and about to puke and at the girl who looks mean at everyone. After a moment like some
realization hit him Kim starts grinning.

KIM (Still grinning and sits beside Alen)

Of all people in the world a textbook
celibate has to fall in love.

Alen (Not looking up)

Im no celib and you know that

KIM (Still grinning)

Dont worry. You are in the making.
Alen throws his elbow at KIM. Kim ducks. The girl collects some tickets from the counter, get
to the cafeteria, grabs a Starbucks and walk towards the other end of the station. Kim watches
her leaving

Whats so special about that girl anyway?
(Two Shot) Hey, I totally agree with you

Alen looks at Kim quizzingly.

KIM (Looking innocent)

Nobody can stand it if they are forced to
see that mean face everywhere.
Alen tenses his body

Al, you can look up she is long gone.

Whats the point?

Alen looks around the station and everything appears normal. He looked at the ladies. Everyone
looks similar. Each one appears to be different age group representation of the same girl, his
girl. Even the kids look like her younger version.

How bad is it?

ALEN is struggling to get back to his usual detached debonair

Just like last year

Oh yeah! Your angry episode

ALEN is covering his face with his hands

How you manage to stay away from all
this? It had been 5 years after school since
we are operational.

ALEN scratches on the side of his head

Camera zooms into the head where he scratched until a chip is revealed activated inside his

KIM (Snickers)
By paying attention in the class

Alen looks at Kim impatiently

KIM (Still amused)

So, its all like last year. You will take a
week to cool off inside Elysium. Then
you are back to your divine self again?

ALEN (Looking confused)

I think this time it will take longer than

KIM fell back into the head rest in relief.

Finally, some good news! So, no
marriages? Im not letting you into that
marriage and make me watch you making
out with one of your cousins in the pretext
that its your mean girl.

Alen throws a punch at Kims biceps

ALEN (Smiling)
Shut up! (Looking around) Where did
she go?

Kim points his fingers to the direction she went. Alen looks at that direction. Alen looks past
two girls looking exactly alike in different costumes.
KIM (A bit frustrated)
This is one thing that sucks about the
whole system of aggression and
population management. You get to feel
everything and me nothing!!

ALEN (Looking irritated)

And you think thats a bad thing

Both stay silent for some time while Alen struggles to focus. Suddenly they hear a commotion
in the rear and turns around. A husband and wife is having an argument. Husband grabs the
women by throat and starts strangling her. Suddenly blood splashed from his head and he falls
down dead, shot by the automatic guns deployed on the roofs.

What the hell!!

Woman is sitting beside the body of her husband in shock and confusion and all covered in
Suddenly a recorded message starts to play.
Citizens any illegal activity is punishable by death. Illegal activities include:
1. Citizens trying to hurt each other physically
2. Consummating a pleasure fornication
3. Civilians handling lethal weapons
4. Conscious hindrance to the orientation programme of minor citizens or the consequent
elimination of malfunctioning minors.
5. Lobbying and black marketing that affects the service nature of society
6. Conscious self-elimination from Elysium detoxification during aggression and
emotional vulnerability
A medic team comes in to bag and tag the body and takes the women to trauma care. People
get back to their regular activities. Alen and Kim are sitting quiet and looking around.

KIM (Showing real curiosity)

Al, how many in your family are chosen
for family orientation?

ALEN(looking at Kim)
Seriously man? Thats what you wanna
talk about now?
I know! I know That you have zero
interest in it! But tell me why you denied
it when you were chosen? What the hell
man! You get to choose the ethnic group
that gives you a hard on. Easy money
no work all relaxation. Just make kids
and grow them up!! You gave it all up!!

Well, you can always apply for it.

KIM (Deliberating on his answer)

I was just. just hoping to fall in love
before applying. Just to find out how it
feels like

KIM Looked down in confusion and embarrassment.

Alen keeps looking at Kim with perfect poker face for a few moments then suddenly bursts
into laughter.

ALEN (Trying to be serious)

This application process has a time limit.
You know that right?

KIM (Still confused)

Yea Yea

ALEN (Struggling to stay serious)

Im not sure if you can fall in love with
five girls at the same time. There is
nothing wrong in trying anyway.

KIM (Gives a foul look)

Shut up!!!

Alen bursts into laughter again and hold on to a chair for support. He stops suddenly and tries
to concentrate on something. ALEN starts looking at Kim with wild excitement.
K, I remember her dress! I think I can find

Alen starts jogging down the corridors in the direction the girl went with Kim right on his heels.
Alen stops dead on his tracks and turns around to Kim. Alen gestures with his head towards a
girl and look quizzing at Kim. Kim has his impish grin plastered on his face.

Dude, this certainly is not the first time
someone is able to find a girl in a crowd
who is wearing a yellow skirt with big
flowers on it! (Close Up) Im sure that the
system will anticipate something lame
like that.

ALEN (pleading with his eyes)

But I have you.

Unfortunately that you have

ALEN (Looking down)

I hope she is not seeing anyone You

KIM (His impish grin returning)

This should be interesting!!!


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