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Tung Tran

Ms. Giovannetti
English 1H/Period 1
28 October 2016

Collection 1 Summative Speech

Preparing for your Summative Assessment, one step at a time!

Collection Quote: Kofi Annan once said, We may have different

religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.

Dissect the Prompt:

Box the action verbs, underline the what/main idea, circle key terms.

Do you think individuals can live together as one human race? Using evidence
from the collection texts, you will present your ideas on this topic in a speech.

Your speech will be 4-6 paragraphs including introduction with hook opening, body with
clear topic sentences and concluding thoughts.
Follow SMM format

Begin typing (or copy and paste) your speech here:

Look at todays world, its the same as it was back then. Although outright

discrimination is forbidden, people still judge others based on their race. And look at the

female in society. They may be considered as equals to the men, but men are still paid more

than the women. However, there are some things that have changed, such as the

international interaction and relations. The Paris Agreement of 2015 had brought more than

80 parties together and got them to discuss solutions to existing issues. I believe that these

changes, regardless of the size, are important; it shows that despite all the hate in our world,

goodness and harmony in humanity will and can always shine through.

In the Oklahoma Memorial Bombing Speech, President Clinton speaks to those who

has lost so much that day. During the speech, he said, You have lost too much, but you have

no lost everything. And you have certainly not lost America, for we will stand with you for as

many tomorrows as it takes (Close Reader, 21). What President Clinton was trying to say

was that although those people lost their loved ones during the bomb, America is there for
those in need of a helping hand and to help rebuild what has been damaged. This a clear

example of how humans can live in harmony and support each other, especially in the time of

need. Another example of how humans can live in harmony is shown in Eboo Patels speech,

Making the Future Better, Together. In the speech, Patel explains, Washington wanted

America to stand for something different: not the old idea that we are better apart, but the high

hope that people from the four corners of the earth could do remarkable things together, even

build a nation, and show humanity that we are better together (Closer reader, 5). In this

quote, Geroge Washington is saying that America was built on the idea that people would join

together for the greater good of this nation. This contributes to the idea that humans can live

together. Despite how many times people fight against each other because of pointless

things, they still have the ability to join together and do the greater good.

But America isnt the only the place that is in need of harmony. In many countries, like

Iraq, there are wars going on and innocent people are dying because they cant live in

harmony. Gandhi once spoke the words, Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony. What Gandhi meant was that happiness can only be made

if people were kind to each other, but how is this possible if people are judging and

disregarding others? This is relevant because he is saying that we as humans should respect

others in order for people to live in harmony with each other. However, Gandhi isnt the only

person talking about living together. Pauline Hanson, an Australian politician, promoted the

idea of working together. She said, To survive in peace and harmony, united and strong, we

must have one people, one nation, one flag. What Mrs. Hanson tried to make people

understand was that if a country were to thrive, people cant just live alone, they have to join

together and stand together as one nation. This helps contribute to the idea that it is possible

for people to live in harmony.

Not everyone is so sure that people can live in harmony. People such as Anna

Quindlen say things such as, This is a nation founded on a conundrum, what Mario Cuomo
has characterized as community added to individualism (California Collections, 4). Sure,

humans can be selfish and only worry about themselves, but when it is in the times of need,

humans do come together. This is stated by Ms. Quindlen when she wrote, Once these

disparate parts were held together by a common enemy, by the fault lines of the world wars

and the electrified fence of communism(California Collections, 5). In this quote, Quindlen

explains that when there is a common enemy, people unite. When a problem surfaces, people


There are those who believe that everyone cant live in harmony because they cant

set aside their differences. But there are also people, such as Gandhi and Mr. Patel, who do

believe that humans can live together without judging the other just by looking at them. I stand

here today and can proudly say that I believe people can push past their disputes and come

together for a better reason; they can strive to live in harmony, and together, we can make

this world a better place by living as one human race.

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