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What do you think: que piensas:

is it easy to find bargains on the internet?

Es fcil encontrar gangas en Internet?

If of course ebay for example there are many things very cheap

Is it hard to get a Passport?

Es difcil obtener un pasaporte?
If it is very difficult, it is many days and many money

is it safe to pay on- line? Es seguro pagar en linea ?

Yes of cours

of course, there are lots shops where you can pay online

Is it expensive to visit another country?

Es caro visitar otro pas?
Yes, for me it is expensive, but sometimes there are good deals

2. When you travel abroad: Cuando Viajas al extranjero

is it necessary to know the language? Es necesario conocer el idioma?

It would help, but I do not think it's necessary
Ayudaria, pero pienso que no es necesario

Is it good to make reservations in advance? Es bueno reservar con

If it is good, if not, it is possible to stay without hotel
Si es bueno, si no, es posible quedarse sin hotel

3. What should you take when: Qu debe tomar cuando:

you travel abroad? Tu viajas al extranjero?

I can take a plane
you go camping? Vas a acampar?
I can take my car, I usually go with my family

you travel for a business trip? Usted viaja para un viaje de negocios?
I usually go in taxi and if it is far in the bus
Normalmente voy en taxi y si est lejos en el autobs

1. Whose is/are this/these? De quien es este o estos?

2. What do you do with your old clothes? Qu haces con tu ropa vieja?
I throw my old clothes in the trash
Tiro mi ropa vieja a la basura

3. Where do you keep your? Dnde guardas tu ...?

in the closet Armario
in the bedroom Dormitorio
in the kitchen Cocina
in the bathroom Bao
in the living room Living
in the night stand velador

4. Describe this pictures (living room, bed room, bath room, kitchen, etc.)
Describa estas imgenes (sala de estar, dormitorio, cuarto de bao, cocina, etc.)
is very nice I have a picture of my son in the living room

5. Would you mind? Te importara ?

No problem ahead

6. Can I ? Puedo?

7. What do you do as soon as you get home? Qu haces tan pronto como llegues a
I barely get home I take off my shoes
Apenas llego a casa me quito los zapatos

8. What do you do after you have dinner? Qu haces despus de cenar?

I Watch TV
9. Whats your bed time routine? Cul es tu rutina de ir a la cama?
Take a shower and brush my teeth
Tomar una ducha y cepillarme los dientes

1. What were you doing yesterday at this time? Qu estabas haciendo ayer en este
I was studying for this exam
2. Did you sprain your ankle when you were a kid? Where?
When? Se esguince el tobillo cuando era nio? Dnde? Cuando?
3. What did you do last weekend? Qu hiciste el fin de semana?
I went to Torres del Paine for work

4. Tell me one good thing that happened to you recently

Dime una cosa buena que te pas recientemente
I went to do the trekking to the base towers of Paine
How do you keep in touch with your friend? Cmo te mantienes en contacto con tus
I sometimes call or send you messages
2. Do you use a cell pone every day? Usa usted un telfono celular todos los das?
yes every day

3. Do you ever send or get e-card? Alguna vez envas o recibes una tarjeta
No, I do not receive cards
4. What can you say when you que puedes decir cuando tu

Ask to speak to someone? Pides hablar con alguien?

Want someone to return your call? que alguien te devuelva la llamada?

Call a stranger by mistake? Llamar a un extrao por error?

5. Which is better que es mejor?

Instant messaging or text messaging? Mensajeria instantanea o mensaje de


Phone messages or e-mails? Mensajes por telefono o e-mails

Regular phone or cell phone? telefono corriente o celular

1. What does your (Family member) look like? Como luce algun miembro de tu

1. What is he/she like? Como luce el o ella

3. How tall is she/he? Como es de alto el o ella

4. Describe yourself. describete a ti mismo

I have brown hair and brown eyes and medium height.

5. Describe you best friend describe a tu mejor amigo

1. What are your plans for next year? Cuales son tus planes para este ao

2. What will you do next summer? Que haras el siguiente verano

3. Do you have plans to move to another city? Tienes plannes de mudarte a
otra ciudad

4. What are your goals for next five years? Cuales son tus metas para los
siguientes cinco aos

5. What are you going to do when you graduate? Que es lo que haras cuando
te gradues
First I will take vacations and then change jobs
6.What will you do if you don not get a job immediately when you graduate
que harias si no obtuvieras trabajo inmediatamente cuando te gradues
1. What is the earth day? Que es el dia de la tierra

2. What can you do in Magallanes with the plastic bottles? Que

puedes hacer en magallanes con las botellas plasticas?
3. What types of clean energy do you know? Que tipos de energia
limpia conoces ?

4.Do you know when did we started to use recyclable Bags here?
Sabes cuando se empezaron a usar las bolsas reciclables?

5. What can you do at home to take care of water? Que puedes

hacer para tomar cuidado del agua en tu casa?

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