Timing of Events - by Using Various 'Jaimini Rashi Dashas

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Unlike traditional Parashari system, the reckoning in Jaimini system is sometimes in usual
"zodiacal" order, while at some other times it is in "reversed" order. It is perhaps this
characteristic nicety of the system - which makes some of the learners pretty nervous, or
confused, or even afraid. But if a person is really endowed with an alert mind, sharp intelligence,
retentive memory, and capacity to concentrate, then with some years' of profound studies and
practical experience, he/ she can develop a fairly good insight, and look forward to becoming
fully capable of handling the horoscopes quite easily. But it deserves mentioning here that one
must not expect to master the subject in double-quick fashion and vini-vidi-vici style; if anybody
tries to do so, then he/ she should rather remember the well-known and meaningful word -
which Napoleon had struck out from his dictionary.
There are as many as 42 Dasha-systems in Jaimini Astrology. A good many of them are not
only workable, but also can be confidently depended upon for arriving at the timings of all major
and important events of life. These Dasha-systems are neither 'conditional' nor
horoscope-specific - that is, these can be very easily and highly advantageously used for any
horoscope with a great degree of confidence, and perfectly satisfying results could be obtained
quite easily.
Excepting the Dashas of the "Karaka Dasha" class - wherein the Dashas are of Signs and
Planets both, in most of the Jaimini Dasha-systems, the Dashas (and obviously the Bhuktis and
the Antaras) are of Signs (and not of Planets) . These Dasha-systems basically differ from the
more popularly used traditional Parashari* Dasha-systems (of course, except in case of K.C.D.*
or Kala-Chakra Dasha) - as therein the Dashas are of Planets (and not of Signs).
[ *N.B. : Detailed information about Kala-Chakra Dasha have been provided under appropriate
heading. ]
Jaimini Rashi-Dashas are not dependent on the Longitude of Moon :
Another important difference with the Parashari Dashas is that, in case of Jaimini Rashi-Dashas,
the reckoning is not dependent on the Longitude of Moon, and there is no "Balance of Dasha at
Birth". The reckoning is rather directly or indirectly dependent on the "Ascendant" instead . The
durations of the Dashas are "fixed" in some cases (as in Sthira Dasha/ Brahma-Graha Dasha,
Mandooka Dasha/ Trikuta Dasha), whereas somewhere else (as in Chara Dasha/ Trikona
Dasha, Atma-Karaka Dasha/ Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha), the durations are "variable". But in
both the cases of these two classes, the durations of the Dashas are always in terms of a
certain number of *'full' years (*however, there is a single exception: in case of Yogardha
Dasha, the duration may include 'half' year also).
The Duration of Dashas, Bhuktis & Antaras in Jaimini Rashi Dashas :
The durations of Jaimini Chara Dasha and Jaimini Trikona Dasha can range from 1 year
(minimum) to 12 years (maximum); the durations of Jaimini Sthira Dasha and Jaimini Brahma
Graha Dasha can range from 7 year (minimum) to 9 years (maximum); the durations of Jaimini
Mandooka Dasha and Jaimini Trikuta Dasha also can range from 7 year (minimum) to 9 years
(maximum); the durations of Jaimini Atma-Karaka Dasha and Jaimini Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha
can range from 7 year (minimum) to 12 years (maximum).
For "Timing of Events" by using the Jaimini Rashi-Dashas, the very best of results can only be
obtained when - regardless of the Dasha-duration - the Bhukti-durations are taken as to be of 1
year each . As such, when the Dasha-duration is of 12 years - which can happen in rare cases
in some Jaimini Dashas like Chara Dasha, Trikona Dasha, etc; but it can never happen in case
of Sthira Dasha, Brahma Graha Dasha, Mandooka Dasha, Trikuta Dasha, etc - all the signs will
not have their Bhuktis in a particular Dasha. The numerical figure of Dasha-duration (in years)
will indicate the number of Bhuktis.
The Antara-durations are always of 1 month each - in any Bhukti in any Dasha. As such, all the
signs will surely have their Antaras in any Bhukti in any Jaimini Rashi-Dasha
The Sequence of Rashi-Bhuktis :
The sequence of Bhuktis in any Rashi-Dasha is found in the same manner. It always
commences from the sign in which the lord of the Dasha-sign is placed ; then :
(i) If the lord of the Dasha-sign is situated in an "odd" sign, then the succession of Bhuktis are in
"zodiacal" order - beginning from the commencing sign. But,
(ii) If the lord of the Dasha-sign is situated in an "even" sign, then the succession of Bhuktis are
in "reversed" order - beginning from the commencing sign.
The Sequence of Rashi-Antaras :
The sequence of Antaras in any Rashi-Bhukti is also found in the same manner. It always
commences from the sign in which the lord of the Bhukti-sign is placed ; then :

(i) If the lord of the Bhukti-sign is situated in an "odd" sign, then the succession of Antaras are in
"zodiacal" order - beginning from the commencing sign. But,
(ii) If the lord of the Bhukti-sign is situated in an "even" sign, then the succession of Antaras are
in "reversed" order - beginning from the commencing sign.
Reckoning of Aspects as per Jaimini principles :
While finding "Timing of Events" by using any Jaimini Rashi Dasha, the "Aspects" are always of
Signs (and not of Planets). As the "Aspects" as used in Jaimini Astrology are different from the
"Aspects" as used in traditional Parashari Astrology , for avoiding possible confusion and
maintaining distinction, I have coined the term "Jaspects" for denoting Jaimini Aspects. ...
Jaimini Aspects are different from the Tajaka Aspects also (which is used in Varshaphala and
also in Prashna); for the latter, owing to the very same reason, I have coined the term
The Jaimini Aspects are of two kinds : (i) Frontal, and (ii) Lateral. Although this does not always
make much of difference during delineation of results, this is to be borne in mind that the
"frontal" jaspects are relatively stronger in influence - in comparison to the 'lateral' ones.

Importance of the "Argalas" (if present) :

The "Argalas" (Mukhya, Gouna, and Vishesha) and 'Virodha-Argalas' are of special importance
for delineation of results in Jaimini Astrology.
Importance of the "Karakas" :
The "Karakas" (in most cases, as per "Sapta-Karaka" system) are also considered important.
The sign in which the Atma-Karaka is placed is considered to have gained some 'additional'
strength for it. Among the other Karakas, the most important is "Amatya-Karaka" - which is
considered for Profession (Service/ Business); 'Dara-Karaka' is considered for Marriage, and so
Importance of the "Padas" :
The "Padas" (or Arudhas) of Houses (which correspond to as many signs away from the
Ascendant, as they are from the Ascendant) also of considerable influence in Jaimini Astrology.
... Incidentally, I wish to mention it here that the "Houses" in Jaimini Astrology corresponds the
respective 'Signs' - beginning from the Ascendant-sign.
Noting the combined influence of Jupiter & Mercury (if there) :
If in a particular chart, any sign is found under the joint influence of Jupiter and Mercury - that is,
both are conjoined in the sign, or one of them is situated in the sign - while the other jaspects it,
or both of these two planets are jaspecting it, then also the strength of the sign becomes
enhanced for providing favorable results in general. It will be more so if at least one of the
planets become the lord of a concerned house, while the other planet becomes the particular
"Karaka" (as per Sapta-Karaka) having the same/ similar indications.
Looking for the presence of Kartari Yogas (if any) :
For presence of Kartari Yoga, one or more planet/s should be situated in both the 2nd and the
12th - as reckoned from the sign. If one or more natural benefic planet/s is/ are situated in both
the places as reckoned from the sign - while no natural malefic planet is situated in either of
these two places, then the sign is under "Subha Kartari Yoga". It is indicative of favorable results
and auspicious happenings - during the period of the sign, which is under such influence.
But if one or more natural malefic planet/s is/ are situated in both the places as reckoned from
the sign - while no natural benefic planet is situated in either of these two places, then the sign
is under "Papa Kartari Yoga". It is indicative of unfavorable results and inauspicious happenings
- during the period of the sign, which is under such influence.
The 4th and the 8th positions from a sign are 'crucial' places :
The 4th and the 8th positions from a sign are crucial places, and if planets of 'similar' nature are
situated in such places - as reckoned from the sign - exerts their characteristic influences on the
sign, which manifests during the period of such sign. The influences are somewhat similar to the
respective Kartari Yoga (as mentioned above).
Thus if one or more natural benefic planet/s are situated in both the places as reckoned from
the sign - while no natural malefic planet is situated in either of these two places, then it is
indicative of favorable results and auspicious happenings - during the period of the sign, which
is under such influence.
But if one or more natural malefic planet/s are situated in both the places as reckoned from the
sign - while no natural benefic planet is situated in either of these two places, then it is indicative
of unfavorable results and inauspicious happenings - during the period of the sign, which is
under such influence.
Looking for the presence of "Repeat Patterns" :
In any chart, the Ascendant-lord is situated in some sign - which corresponds to certain house
as per the sign-count in usual "zodiacal" order. If from any sign (other than the Ascendant), the
same combination is found, then the "pattern" of the horoscope may be considered to have
been "repeated". During the period of the sign (Dasha/ Bhukti/ Antara), the significations of that
particular house - as denoted by the sign-count - is likely to gain some prominence. An
illustration would make the learner's comprehension clearer :
Suppose, the Ascendant is Leo, the Sun is in Taurus, Venus is in sign Cancer, Saturn is in sign
Libra, etc. ... Now, up to this part of the chart is relevant for our discussion here. In this
horoscope, we see that the Ascendant-lord (Sun) is situated in the 10th from it. As such, it may
be said to be the "pattern" of this horoscope. ... We find that the same pattern is "repeated" in
case of sign Libra (as the sign-lord Venus is situated in the 10th from it), and also in case of sign
Capricorn (as the sign-lord Saturn is situated in the 10th from it). ... So, during the Dasha/
Bhukti/ Antara of signs Libra and/ or Capricorn, we should check for the presence of
harmonious 'inter-relationship' among the 10th-lords (as reckoned from the relevant signs - DS,
BS, AS, and the Ascendant). It should however be borne in mind that just by glancing at the
"repeat pattern", the viewer must not jump up, and arrive at a premature conclusion that during
the periods of such signs, some happening pertaining to the 10th house is sure to happen;
actually, it may not happen at all in case if the essential requisite - the inter-relationship - is not
found to be present.
In the event of virtual absence of the most vital requisite - the harmonious 'inter-relationship'
among the lords of the signification house (as reckoned from DS, BS, AS, and Ascendant) -
although the indications can not be construed as to be 'confirmatory', still the presence of the
"repeat pattern" may be considered to be an useful 'pointer' , which attracts the attention of the
viewer in a particular direction - that can be obtained from the horoscope simply at a glance.
Importance of some Divisional charts & different methods of reckoning for 'female' natives :
The combinations of "Yogas" (or planetary combinations) are considerably different in Jaimini
Astrology. For delineation of results, only the Yogas as per Jaimini principles are utilized. (The
learners should not over-enthusiastically try in vain to mix up the commonly found and easily
remembered Parashari Yogas like Budhaditya, Gaja-Keshari, Pancha Maha-Purusha, etc with
Jaimini system). ... Some divisional charts are used in Jaimini Astrology for this purpose. Of
them, the most important are : (i) Drekkana chart, and (ii) Navamsha chart. It should be noted
that the method of reckoning of these divisional charts vary depending on the 'gender' of the
native; the methods of reckoning may remain the same for 'male' persons; but these surely
become different for "female" persons :
If the native is "female", then :
(i) Somanath's method is to be followed for reckoning of 'Drekkana' . (Whereas, for 'male'
people, the traditional method itself is used).
(ii) Krishna Mishra's method is to be followed for reckoning of 'Navamsha' . (Whereas, for 'male'
people, the traditional method itself is used).
Some additional divisional charts also find useful utilization in Jaimini Astrology - which are
normally not used in traditional Parashari Shodash Varga System (Consisting of the main
Lagna-Kundali and 15 different divisional charts). These are Ekadashamsha or Rudramsha
(D-11), Panchamsha (D-5), Shashtamsha (D-6), Ashtamamsha (D-8), etc.
Certain Rashi-Dashas are applicable only to certain Divisional Charts :
It is of interest to note that certain Jaimini Rashi-Dasha Systems are applicable to certain
Divisional Charts. Thus, Mandooka Dasha is applicable to Ekadashamsha or Rudramsha (D-11)
charts; for maintaining distinction, it is referred to as Rudra-Mandooka Dasha . In this Dasha, a
planet gains specialty by virtue of becoming the 'Hara' - which has usefulness for delineation of
results in Mandooka Dasha (which is preferred for female persons) and also in Trikuta Dasha
(which is preferred for male persons).
Jaimini Chara Dasha - as per the method of Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri - is applicable to
Navamsha charts - which is drawn as per Krishna Mishra's method in case of 'female' natives
(and in traditional ways for male natives). This new form of Dasha is termed as PadaNathAmsha
Dasha , with the only difference that the durations are taken in terms of 'Nakshatra' years @ 324
days/ year).
Approximately, at the periods around which one PNA Rashi-Dasha ends and another one starts,
some distinct change of influences are observed. The PNA Rashi-Dasha in Navamsha charts,
and the Jaimini Chara Dasha (as per RB-NS method) in "Nadi-Amsha"* charts can be depended
upon for finding some auspicious events like Foreign Journey/ Travel (among various other
interesting events of life).
Jaimini Chara Dasha is perfectly applicable to "Nadi-Amsha"* charts also :
The Nadis are very minute divisions of signs; these are 150 in number, and are of unequal span
. A typical chart termed as Nadi-Amsha chart can be formed by considering the constitutional
nature of the signs (chara, sthira or ubhaya) and the corresponding Nadi-number for the
respective positions of the planets (Sun to Ketu) and the Ascendant. In this chart, Rahu and
Ketu will always remain in the same sign, and the disposition of this particular sign gains
importance (of course, among various others) for delineation of results.
If the Time of Birth is known very correctly, and due checking is done for ascertaining whether
very slight adjustment is needed for it's "rectification" or not, then these "Nadi-Amsha" charts
(which have no resemblance to the Lagna-Kundali or any divisional chart) can be effectively
used for delineation of the nature of results (and also for finding the "Timing of Events" with
accuracy and precision). ... The "Antaras" of 1 month's duration (which can be quite easily found
by following the same set of principles - as is normally followed in case of judging from
Lagna-Kundali) will be the unit for timing of events; and the timings for a series of events can
easily be found one after another with precision and accuracy.
Similarities and Differences among the various "Classes" of Jaimini Rashi-Dashas :
(1) Chara Dasha Class :
Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD) and Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD) belong to this class.
In case of Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD), as per the method* of Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri
(RB-NS method), the commencing Rashi-Dasha becomes different depending on the 'gender' of
the native :
(a) For 'male' persons, the commencing Rashi-Dasha is always of the Ascendant-sign.
(b) For 'female' persons, there are two options :
(i) if the Ascendant-sign is "odd", then the commencement is from the 4th-sign as reckoned from
the Ascendant-sign. But,
(ii) if the Ascendant-sign is "even", then the commencement is from the 10th-sign as reckoned
from the Ascendant-sign.
In case of Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD), as per the method of Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri
(RB-NS method), the strongest sign among the Ascendant, the 5th from it, and the 9th from it.
Then the commencing Rashi-Dasha becomes different depending on the 'gender' of the native :
(a) For 'male' persons, the commencing Rashi-Dasha is always of the strongest sign (among the
three signs - as mentioned above).
(b) For 'female' persons, there are two options :
(i) if the Ascendant-sign is "odd", then the commencement is from the 4th-sign as reckoned from
the strongest sign (among the three signs - as mentioned above). But,
(ii) if the Ascendant-sign is "even", then the commencement is from the 10th-sign as reckoned
from strongest sign (among the three signs - as mentioned above).
It can thus be seen that if the Ascendant-sign becomes the strongest sign (among the three
signs - as mentioned above), then Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD) and Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD)
will become exactly identical.
However, in most cases (roughly 2 cases out of 3, or about 67%), these two will be different. In
such cases, Jaimini Trikona Dasha (JTD) will be different from Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD). For
timing of some auspicious events like marriage and childbirth, Trikona Dasha (JTD) often offers
better results than Chara Dasha (JCD) - this has been observed to be more so in case of
'female' persons.
[ SPECIAL NOTE : There is another method - known as Neelkantha's method* for reckoning of
Jaimini Chara Dasha; It is based on Oja-pada/ Visama-pada signs, and in this system the set-up
of the Dashas and their durations become different. In this method, the divisions and
sub-divisions are also different. But as for the purpose of narrow-range 'timing of events', this
method has not been found to be at all dependable, I have deliberately avoided any discussion
about this particular method , and it's use for 'timing of events'. ]
The Duration of Dashas :
The duration of Dashas in both Jaimini Chara Dasha (JCD) and Jaimini Trikona Dasha are
reckoned in the same way. The durations are variable, and are dependent on the placement of
the sign-lord with reference to the sign. Excepting the two special cases mentioned in following -
as per Cond (i) and (ii), the duration depends on the count from the sign-lord to the sign - as per
Cond (iii) (a) and (b). The mode of counting however varies depending upon whether the lord of
the Dasha-sign is situated in an "odd" sign or "even" sign :
(i) If the sign-lord is situated in own-sign in that very sign itself , then the Dasha-duration of the
sign is 12 years., Else,
(ii) If the sign-lord is situated in the opposite sign (that is, in the 7th from it), then the Dasha-
duration of the sign is 10 years., Else,
(iii) It will be dependent on the sign-count from the placement of the sign-lord to the sign :
(a) If the sign-lord is situated in an "odd" sign, then the signCount will be in "zodiacal" order -
from the sign-lord to the sign, and the duration of the Dasha will be = (SignCount - 1) year/s.
(b) If the sign-lord is situated in an "even" sign, then the SignCount will be in "reversed" order -
from the sign-lord to the sign, and the duration of the Dasha will be = (SignCount - 1) year/s.
Thus, the durations of any sign in either of these two Dasha-systems can range from 1 year
(minimum) to 12 years (maximum).
For Jaimini Chara Dasha, there is another interesting method of divisions and sub-divisions. In
this method, the Dasha duration is first divided into 3 equal parts - in terms of "Drekkanas" of the
sign. These divisions may be termed as CD (as C in English is the 3rd letter). Each of these
divisions may further be divided into 10 equal parts - in terms of "Dashamamsha" of the sign.
These divisions may be termed as XD (as X in Roman = 10). Each of these divisions may
further be divided into 12 equal parts - in terms of "Dwadashamsha" of the sign. These divisions
may be termed as LD (as L in English is the 12th letter). ... Thus, every Dasha will be subdivided
into 3 * 10 * 12 = 360 equal divisions.
As the duration of a JCD can be from 1 year (minimum) to 12 years (maximum), the minute
sub-divisions in this method will be from 1 day (minimum) to 12 days (maximum). This will be
the "unit" for timing of events. If someone gains some experience for finding "inter-relationships"
between the MDS (Main Dasha sign), CDS (Drekkana sign), XDS (Dashamamsha sign), LDS
(Dwadashamsa sign).
Drekkana divisions of Signs (CDS) : There will be 3 equal divisions. The first part is the sign
itself, then the second part is the 5th sign from it, then the third part is the 9th sign from it. The
order of succession will be in usual "zodiacal" order.
Dashamamsha divisions of Signs (XDS) : If the Drekkana Sign (CDS) is "odd", then the 10
equal divisions will commence from the CDS. But if the Drekkana Sign (CDS) is "even", then the
10 divisions will commence from the 9th sign from the CDS. The order of succession will be in
usual "zodiacal" order.
Dwadashamsha divisions of Signs (LDS) the 12 equal divisions will commence from the XDS.
The order of in succession is usual "zodiacal" order.
(2) Sthira Dasha Classes :
(2). (a). Main Class:
Jaimini Sthira Dasha (JSD) and Brahma Graha Dasha (BGD) belong to this class.
In case of Jaimini Sthira Dasha (JSD) also, the commencing Rashi-Dasha becomes different
depending on the 'gender' of the native :
(a) For 'male' persons, the commencing Rashi-Dasha is always of the "stronger" sign between
the Ascendant-sign and the 7th from it.
(b) For 'female' persons, there are two options :
(i) if the Ascendant-sign is "odd", then the commencement is from the "stronger" sign between
the and the 4th and the 7th from the Ascendant-sign. But,
(ii) if the Ascendant-sign is "even", then the commencement is from the "stronger" sign between
the and the 10th and the 7th from the Ascendant-sign.
In case of Brahma Graha Dasha, it commences from the sign occupied by the Brahma-Graha*
(Upon fulfilling certain specific conditions, a particular planet becomes the Brahma-Graha in a
particular chart).
Now, Brahma-Graha planet might be situated in any sign - including the "stronger" sign between
the Ascendant and the 7th from it. As such, in some cases (approximately 1 in 12, or 8.33%),
Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha will become identical. But in most cases, these two
Dasha set-ups will be different.
The Duration of Dashas :
These are the same as in Mandooka Dasha (and Trikuta Dasha), here the durations are "fixed" -
depending on the constitutional nature of the signs :
(i) If the sign is Chara (movable), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 7 years.,
(ii) If the sign is Sthira (fixed), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 8 years., and
(iii) If the sign is Ubhaya (common), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 9 years.
The Order of Succession in Jaimini Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha :
(i) In case of 'male' natives, commencing from the stronger sign, it proceeds in regular
succession in "zodiacal" order if the commencing sign is "odd"; it proceeds in regular succession
in "reversed" order if the commencing sign is "even". And,
(ii) In case of 'female' natives, commencing from the stronger sign, it proceeds in regular
succession in "reversed" order if the commencing sign is "odd"; it proceeds in regular
succession in "zodiacal" order if the commencing sign is "even".
Special usefulness of Jaimini Sthira Dasha and Brahma Graha Dasha :
Sthira Dasha is probably the very best of all Jaimini Dasha-systems for finding information about
health and disease, possibility of accidental mishaps, longevity (of self, and also of close
relatives like those of parents, spouse, etc), and the like. But when these two Dasha set-ups are
different, Brahma Graha Dasha becomes a relatively better indicator for possible unfavorable
happenings of more serious sort - like possibility of getting into disputes with the punitive
authorities, or troubles from hardcore criminals or sworn enemies, etc.
(2). (b). Auxiliary Class:
Jaimini Mandooka Dasha and Jaimini Trikuta Dasha belong to this class.
In case of Mandooka Dasha, the commencing Rashi-Dasha is of the "strongest" sign among the
Ascendant, the 5th from it, and the 9th from it.
In case of Trikuta Dasha, the commencing Rashi-Dasha is of the "stronger" sign between the
Ascendant and the 7th from it.
But in both the cases, the order of succession varies - depending on the 'gender' of the native :
*** SPECIAL NOTE : If between the two trinal signs (the 5th, and the 9th), only one sign is
occupied by one or more planet/s, whereas the other sign remains unoccupied by any planet,
then Mandooka Dasha will offer more dependable results. And,
If each of the two signs of a pair of opposite signs (Ascendant & the 7th, or the 2nd & the 8th, or
the 3rd & the 9th, etc), are occupied by one or more planet/s, then Trikuta Dasha will offer more
dependable results.
In case of Jaimini Mandooka Dasha :
(i) In case of 'male' natives, commencing from the stronger sign, it proceeds to the "trines" in
"zodiacal" order; like (1st*, 5th, 9th), then (2nd, 6th, 10th), then (3rd, 7th, 11th), then (4th, 8th,
12th). ... Here, the 1st does not necessarily mean the Ascendant; rather it is the "stronger" sign
between the Ascendant and the 7th from it. And,
(ii) In case of 'female' natives, commencing from the stronger sign, it proceeds to "trines" in
"reversed" order; like (1st*, 9th, 5th), then (12th, 8th, 4th), then (11th, 7th, 3rd), then (12th, 8th,
4th). ... Here also, the 1st does not necessarily mean the Ascendant; rather it is the "stronger"
sign between the Ascendant and the 7th from it.
In case of Jaimini Trikuta Dasha :
(i) In case of 'male' natives, commencing from the stronger sign, it proceeds to the "opposites" in
"zodiacal" order - in a similar manner like Sthira Dasha; like (1st*, 7th), then (2nd, 8th), then
(3rd, 9th), then (4th, 10th), then (5th, 11th), then (6th, 12th). ... Here, the 1st does not
necessarily mean the Ascendant; rather it is the "stronger" sign between the Ascendant and the
7th from it. And,
(ii) In case of 'female' natives, commencing from the stronger sign, it proceeds to the "opposites"
in "reversed" order - in a similar manner like Sthira Dasha; like (1st*, 7th), then (12th, 6th), then
(11th, 5th), then (10th, 4th), then (9th, 3rd), then (8th, 2nd). ... Here also, the 1st does not
necessarily mean the Ascendant; rather it is the "stronger" sign between the Ascendant and the
7th from it.
Thus, it is quite obvious that Trikuta Dasha is merely a "re-arranged" form of Mandooka Dasha.
The Duration of Dashas :
These are the same as in Sthira Dasha (and in Brahma Graha Dasha), here the durations are
"fixed" - depending on the constitutional nature of the signs :
(i) If the sign is Chara (movable), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 7 years.,
(ii) If the sign is Sthira (fixed), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 8 years., and
(iii) If the sign is Ubhaya (common), then the Dasha-duration of the sign is 9 years.
Special Role of the "Hara"* Planet :
The "Hara"* planet plays a very important role in delineation of results in Mandooka Dasha and
Trikuta Dasha (Upon fulfilling certain specific conditions, a particular planet becomes the "Hara"*
planet in a particular chart). It is considered for it's potential harmful effects.
The Dasha/ Bhukti periods - as per Mandooka Dasha and Trikuta Dasha - of the sign in which
the "Hara"* planet is placed may and can bring in serious problems and extreme difficulties. It
might be more so if the Dasha is of the sign where the "Hara"* planet is situated - whereas the
Bhukti is of the sign of the 8th-house, or if the Bhukti is of the sign where the "Hara"* planet is
situated - whereas the Dasha is of the sign of the 8th-house. However, this combination does
not invariably operate in all the charts - as some of the signs will not have their Bhukti-periods in
a particular Dasha (All the Dashas of the Sthira Dasha class can have 7 or 8 or 9 Bhuktis only).
If the 8th house-sign bears some out-of-ordinary affliction in any horoscope, then the Mandooka
Dasha or Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-sign can prove to be an extremely problematic period
in a person's life. During such periods, the natives suffer from some unexpected difficulties,
unforeseen causes, calamitous happenings which may prove to be ruinous - which may and can
even change the course of a person's life. It is a 'pointer', which must attract the interest and
attention of the students of Astrology - since in case of about 50% people, the Dasha-period of
the 8th house-sign runs during a very vulnerable age-period - which may be termed as a period
of 'transition', and the natives are apt to fall prey to temptations and "slip off the track";
consequently their course of life may even be entirely changed.
For 'male' people, if the 7th is the "stronger" sign (between the Ascendant and the 7th from it),
then :
(i) If the Ascendant is a Chara (movable) sign, then the Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-sign will
run for 8 years : from 15th year to 22nd year.
(ii) If the Ascendant is a Sthira (fixed) sign, then the Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-sign will run
for 9 years : from 17th year to 25th year.
(iii) If the Ascendant is a Ubhaya (movable) sign, then the Trikuta Dasha of the 8th house-sign
will run for 7 years : from 19th year to 25th year.
(iv) If the Ascendant is a Chara (movable) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th house-sign
will run for 8 years : from 25th year to 32nd year.
(v) If the Ascendant is a Sthira (fixed) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th house-sign will
run for 9 years : from 25th year to 33rd year.
(vi) If the Ascendant is a Ubhaya (movable) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th
house-sign will run for 7 years : from 25th year to 31st year.
For 'female' people, if the Ascendant is the "stronger" sign (between the Ascendant and the 7th
from it), then :
(i) If the Ascendant is a Chara (movable) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th house-sign
will run for 8 years : from 34th year to 41st year.
(ii) If the Ascendant is a Sthira (fixed) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th house-sign will
run for 9 years : from 32nd year to 40th year.
(iii) If the Ascendant is a Ubhaya (movable) sign, then the Mandooka Dasha of the 8th
house-sign will run for 7 years : from 33rd year to 39th year.
As per traditional Astrological principles, the 8th-house is considered to be the house of marrital
well-being (mangalya) in case of female natives. The age-period beginning from 32 or 33 or 34
and extending up to 39 or 40 or 41 is quite naturally a very important time-period in the married
life. ... Now, if we want to ascertain what is there in store of the individual female native, we
should judge the condition of the 8th house, and Jaimini Mandooka Dasha can be very
advantageously used for finding the possible happenings during the period.
As per traditional Astrological principles, the 8th-house is considered to be the house of
accidental mishaps, untoward happenings, debacles in profession, etc - more so in case of male
natives. The age-period beginning from 32 or 33 or 34 and extending up to 39 or 40 or 41 is
quite naturally a very important time-period in the person's career. ... Now, if we want to
ascertain what is there in store of the individual male native, we should judge the condition of
the 8th house, and Jaimini Mandooka Dasha can be very advantageously used for finding the
possible happenings during the period.
As a rule, if the 8th-house is under 'Subha-Kartari Yoga', or if the 8th-house is occupied by the
8th-lord itself (or jaspected by it), or if an exalted planet is situated in it (or jaspects it), or if
natural benefic planet/s is/ are situated in it (or jaspects it), or if the 8th-lord is situated either in
it's exaltation sign or in own sign, then during this period of the 8th house-sign, only very
favorable results can reasonably be looked forward to.
Similarly, if the 8th-house is under 'Papa-Kartari Yoga', or if a debilitated planet is situated in it
the 8th-house (or jaspected by it), or if natural malefic planet/s - which are neither exalted nor
situated in in own sign or own star - is/ are situated in it (or jaspects it), or if the 8th-lord is
situated either in it's debilitation sign, then during this period of the 8th house-sign, then
unfavorable results of serious sort are very much likely to happen.
When the influences are found to be of benefic planets and malefic planets both, then it goes
without saying that only mixed influences will prevail. For ascertaining the precise nature of
events, we also have to judge the Bhukti signs, and the inter-relationship between the similar
house-lords - as reckoned from the Dasha-sign (DS), the Bhukti-sign (BS), and the Ascendant.
If the 8th-lord and the 11th-lords are involved in "sign-exchange", and no modifying influences
are present in the chart, then it can bring in grave dangers; the native can face serious problems
from criminals, and/ or troubles from police. If one of the two planets is Mars, while the other
planet is also a natural malefic, then it can be construed as a very confirmatory indication.
If the 11th-lord in the 8th, or if the 8th-lord is in 11th (that is, it is not sign-exchange, but is an
one way shifting only), then also the person may run the risk of becoming a victim of the wrath
of the authorities/ superiors, and may have to face many difficulties from various other sources.
If out of the three dire malefic planets - Mars, Rahu, and Saturn - if two or more planets
influence the 8th house-sign by being situated in or jaspecting it, and if these influencing planets
are neither situated in exaltation sign or in own sign or in own star, and there are no modifying
influences are not present in the chart, then serious difficulties may arise, and happiness in
married life can be very badly affected. The intensity of the problems will be further heightened if
the influencing planets are found to be retrograde.
Jaimini Mandooka Dasha is applicable to a Divisional chart - the Ekadashamsha (D-11). As the
chart is alternately called Rudramsha, for the purpose of differentiation, the new Mandooka
Dasha set-up might be termed as "Rudra-Mandooka Dasha". By following the same set of
principles, traditional Astrological logic and reasoning, this Dasha can be efficiently utilized for
finding the nature of- and timing of- possible outcome in case of contests (like elections),
law-suits, confiscations by punitive authorities, criminal or departmental proceedings, etc. In it,
reference is to be made to the divisional chart (D-11) - and not to the Lagna Kundali. In this
also, the unit of timing of event will be Antara - which lasts for 1 month only.
(3). Karaka Dasha class :
Atma-Karaka Dasha and Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha belong to this class.
These two Dasha systems are useful chiefly for finding the "prospects in the sphere of
profession" for the persons who are actively engaged in profession, or are desirous to do so.
(These Dasha systems will thus have hardly any use for the people like general housewives and
other females - who are neither actively engaged in any profession, nor are at all desirous to do
so). It is to be noted that the Atma-Karaka Dasha is the "main", the Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha is
"auxiliary" to it. For timing of events, the Atma-Karaka Dasha is therefore more dependable.
Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha periods indicate circumstantial advantages or lack of it. When the
same/ similar indications and the same/ similar timings are obtained from both the Dasha
systems, then the indications become very confirmatory.
These two Dasha systems are combined periods of Signs and Planets - where both are of equal
importance. If in a sign, there are two or more planets, then the same sign will appear as many
times as there are planets in it - but every time the "co-significator" Planet will be different. If
there are no planets in a sign, then it will not appear in the Dasha set-up. Since in total there are
9 planets (Sun to Ketu), there will be 9 Dasha-periods in total in the set-up.
Atma-Karaka Dasha commences from the sign occupied by the "Atma-Karaka"* planet in the
chart. For finding the Atma-Karaka, "Ashta-Karaka" method (Sun to Rahu*) is to be followed.
And, for comparing the Krishamshas of planets, Rahu's Krishamsha is to be taken as to be
equal to it's sign-complement (that is, x = 30* - Krishamsha of Rahu). ... But the same process
will not apply to any of the 'tara-grahas' (planets Mars to Saturn) - even if the planet is found to
be 'retrograde'.
Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha commences from the sign occupied by the "Upa-Karaka Graha"*
planet in the chart. Although originally the term used in Jaimini Astrology is 'UpaGraha', since it
is in fact neither a Sun-based UpaGraha (like Dhuma) nor a Weekday-based UpaGraha (like
Gulika) - rather this is actually a planet (Sun to Saturn) - using the term "Upa-Karaka Graha" is
better and more meaningful.
In the two hemispheres in the chart (from the Ascendant point to Descenant point, and from the
Descendant point to Ascendant), first it is found which planet has traversed most ahead in terms
of signs. If two or more planets are found (in the same hemisphere or different hemisphere),
then the planet who has traversed most in terms of Krishamsha becomes the "Upa-Karaka
The Succession of Dashas :
In both the systems vary depending on the 'gender' of the native. For male people, it is in the
order of Kendra-Panaphara-Apoklima, while in case of female people, it is in the order of
(i) In case of male people, the succession is in "zodiacal" order. ... Thus it is Kendra (1-4-7-10),
followed by Panaphara (2-5-8-11), then followed by Apoklima (3-6-9-12) houses - beginning
from their respective Commencing Sign.
(ii) In case of female people, the succession is in "reversed" order. ... Thus it is Kendra
(1-10-7-4), followed by Apoklima (12-9-6-3), then followed by Panaphara (11-8-5-2) houses -
beginning from their respective Commencing Sign.
The Duration of Dashas :
The position of the individual planets are counted severally from (i) the Ascendant, and (ii) the
7th house-sign. Out of the two counts, whichever count is found to be higher is taken as to be
the Dasha-duration - in terms of years.
Thus, if a planet is situated either situated in the Ascendant or in the 7th house-sign, then it's
Dasha-duration will be 7 years (as that is the higher count between the two counts - from the
Ascendant, and from the 7th house-sign); this is the minimum possible duration. ... Similarly, if it
is situated either situated in the 12th house-sign, or in the 6th house-sign, then it's
Dasha-duration will be 12 years (as that is the higher count between the two counts - from the
Ascendant, and from the 7th house-sign); this is the maximum possible duration. ... For any
other position, the higher count will be anything between 8 and 11, and that respective figure in
years will be the corresponding duration for the Dasha-period of that Sign & Planet combination.
[ N.B. : A difference is to be noted and remembered that in case of Chara Dasha class (Jaimini
Chara Dasha and Trikona Dasha), the variable duration of the Dashas = (SignCount - 1) in
years; whereas in case of Karaka Dasha class (Atma-Karaka Dasha and Upa-Karaka Graha
Dasha), the variable duration of the Dashas = SignCount in years. ]
Certain Special Cases :
If the same planet becomes the Atma-Karaka Graha and the Upa-Karaka Graha as well (which
can happen in 1 in 7 cases, i.e., about 14% cases), or if the Atma-Karaka Graha happens to be
Rahu while it is situated together with the Upa-Karaka Graha planet in the same sign (which can
happen in 1 in 96 cases, i.e., about 1% cases), then these two Dasha set-ups will become
identical. But in most cases, these two will become different.
(1). When these two Dasha set-ups become different (as it happens in most cases), if the
change of Dashas occur simultaneously in both the set-ups, and if the age-period is relevant for
having onset of-, or change of-, profession, then that particular juncture period becomes a
"landmark" in the person's career history , and an important and significant 'change' takes place.
The actual timing of such a happening can further be refined by taking the year on 'savana'
basis (that is, @ 360 days/ year).
Thus, if in a male person's chart (D.O.B. 13/ 06/ 1954), such a simultaneous change occurs at
the age of 21 years, then the actual event-marking will be around the age of around [ 21 * ( 360/
365.256363 ) = ] or around 20 y. 8 m. 11 d. By adding this age-period to D.O.B., we obtain a
period around Date : 24/ 02/ 1975*** .
The actual event : Joining in first Service was on : 01/ 03/ 1975***.
(2). Another interesting thing is to be noted that when these two Dasha set-ups become different
(as it happens in most cases), if the the Dasha of the same Sign and the same co-ruler Planet
operates concurrently for a few years as per both the two systems, then the duration which is
common to both the set-ups bring in some significant changes, and the native becomes very
active and busy . The overall results to be experienced will of course depend on various
relevant factors - the disposition of the Sign, the disposition of the Planet, planet/s situated in
the sign (if any), and the planet/s jaspecting the sign (if any).
Thus, if in a male person's chart, as per Atma-Karaka Dasha, Sagittarius (Mars) runs for 11
years : from 44th to 54th year , while as per Upa-Karaka Graha Dasha, the same Sagittarius
(Mars) runs for 11 years : from 41st to 51st year , then the part of the period in common to both
will be : from 44th to 51st year. ... During this period, the person will have some significant
changes, and he will remain very active and busy.
More Important Dasha/ Bhukti/ Antara periods :
In these two Dasha systems, the Dasha/ Bhukti/ Antara periods of signs occupied by the
10th-lord, the 5th-lord, and the "Amatya-Karaka" planets produce favorable results. The periods
of signs jaspected by any of these planets also give favorable results. Similar results are
expected during the periods of signs whose lords are situated in the 10th or 5th from it, and also
when such lords as considered from the Dasha-sign (DS), the Bhukti-sign (BS) and the
Ascendant form harmonious inter-relationships.
Understandably, if modifying influences are not present in the chart, then the Dasha/ Bhukti/
Antara periods of sign occupied by the 8th-lord may and can produce quite unfavorable results.
The periods of signs jaspected this planets also gives similar results. Similar results are
expected during the periods of signs whose lord is situated in the 8th from it, or the 8th-lord from
the sign is situated in it.
If modifying influences are not present in the chart, then the periods of the sign whose lord is
"retrograde" situated in the 10th or 5th from it may and can produce adverse results. ... This will
be more so if the planet is Saturn, is in the 10th from the sign, and is "retrograde". Similar
results are experienced during the periods of the sign if the 10th-lord or the 5th-lord - as
reckoned from the sign - is "retrograde", while it is situated in the sign.
If two or more "retrograde" malefic planets - one of them being a Moon's node (Rahu or Ketu),
and the other is a planet (Mars or Saturn or Sun) - are influencing a sign by their situation or
jaspect, while no modifying influences are found to be present in the chart, then unfavorable
results are expected during the periods of that particular sign.
Abbreviations used in the following illustrative discussion :
JCD : Jaimini Chara Dasha; RB-NS : Raghava Bhatta & Nrisimha Suri;
DS = Dasha Sign; BS = Bhukti-Sign; AS = Antara-Sign.
Example-1 : Mr. A. K. Jain., D.O.B. : 10/ 08/ 1941., T.O.B. : 02:15 A.M., New Delhi.
Lagna-Kundali : Gemini - Ascendant; Cancer - Sun (9) and Mercury (8); Leo - Venus (11)*;
Virgo - Rahu (12); Aquarius - Moon (25); Pisces - Mars (27) and Ketu (25); Taurus - Jupiter (4)
and Saturn (3).
[N.B. : The figures given in parenthesis are the Nakshatra numbers occupied by the planets. ]
In the chart, Venus is situated in own-star*. Mars has attained "Dik-Bala" for being in the 10th
from Ascendant. No planet bears blemish for being combust (close to Sun) or eclipsed (close to
Rahu/ Ketu) or debilitated. No 'tara-graha' (Mars to Saturn) is retrograde in the chart.
In this Chart, the Amatya-Karaka planet is Mars, and the Dara-Karaka planet is Saturn.
The set-up for Jaimini Chara Dasha (as per RB-NS method) for this chart will be as under :
(1). Gemini Dasha : 1 year (from 10/ 08/ 1941 to 10/ 08/ 1942).
(2). Libra Dasha : 2 years (from 10/ 08/ 1942 to 10/ 08/ 1944).
(3). Aquarius Dasha : 3 years (from 10/ 08/ 1944 to 10/ 08/ 1947).
(4). Cancer Dasha : 5 years (from 10/ 08/ 1947 to 10/ 08/ 1952).
(5). Scorpio Dasha : 4 years (from 10/ 08/ 1952 to 10/ 08/ 1956).
(6). Pisces Dasha : 2 years (from 10/ 08/ 1956 to 10/ 08/ 1958).
(7). Leo Dasha : 11 years (from 10/ 08/ 1958 to 10/ 08/ 1969).
(8). Sagittarius Dasha : 5 years (from 10/ 08/ 1969 to 10/ 08/ 1974).
(9). Aries Dasha : 11 years (from 10/ 08/ 1974 to 10/ 08/ 1985).
(10). Virgo Dasha : 10 years (from 10/ 08/ 1985 to 10/ 08/ 1995).
(11). Capricorn Dasha : 4 years (from 10/ 08/ 1995 to 10/ 08/ 1999).
(12). Taurus Dasha : 9 years (from 10/ 08/ 1999 to 10/ 08/ 2008).
Full-cycle* = 67 years.
N.B. : The Full-cycle* is a 'time-cycle' only; it is not a measure of longevity.
(1). Joining in first Service : on 08/ 08/ 1963.
For onset of profession and/ or for important changes in profession, the important signs are : of
the 10th-house and the 5th-house; while the important planets are : the 10th-lord, the 5th-lord,
and the "Amatya"-Karaka.
So, the important signs (for onset of profession) are :
The 10th-house sign is : Pisces.
The 5th-house sign is : Libra.
The 10th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated in sign : Taurus.
The 5th-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is situated in sign : Leo.
The 10th-lord from the sign is situated in sign : Leo.
The 10th-lord from the sign is situated in the 10th from the Ascendant : Cancer , Aquarius.
The 5th-lord from the sign is situated in the 10th from the Ascendant : Cancer , Sagittarius.
The "Amatya"-Karaka (Mars) is situated in sign : Pisces.
The 10th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated in the 10th from sign : Leo.
The 5th-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is situated in the 10th from sign : Sagittarius.
JCD Leo Dasha was running for 11 years (from 10/ 08/ 1958 to 10/ 08/ 1969). The 10th-lord
from DS Leo (Venus) is situated in DS Leo; Venus is the 5th-lord from the Ascendant also. The
10th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated in the 10th from DS Leo; Jupiter is the 5th-lord
from DS also.
Pisces Bhukti in JCD Leo Dasha was running for 1 year (from 10/ 08/ 1962 to 10/ 08/ 1963).
Pisces is the 10th-house-sign from the Ascendant, and it's sign-lord (Jupiter) is situated in the
10th from DS Leo; Jupiter is the BS-lord and the 10th-lord from BS also. ... Besides, the 5th-lord
from BS (Moon) is involved in mutual aspect with the DS-lord Sun - who is situated in the 5th
from BS. ... The Amatya-Karaka planet (Mars) is situated in BS, and is aspecting the 10th from it
Cancer Antara in Pisces Bhukti in JCD Leo Dasha was running for 1 month (from 10/ 06/ 1963
to 10/ 07/ 1963). The DS-lord (Sun) and the Ascendant-lord (Mercury) are situated in AS
(Cancer), and are involved in mutual jaspect with the AS-lord (Moon). The 10th-lord and the
5th-lord from AS (Mars) is situated in the 10th from the Ascendant.
The Actual Event : Joining in first Service was on 08/ 08/ 1963. ... (There is an apparent time-lag
of about 4 weeks' only. But it should be noted that he had joined in government service - D.B.V.
In such cases, letters are sent to the selected candidates asking them to join well in advance;
the gentleman received the letter more than 1 month prior to the actual joining date).
(2). Marriage-ceremony was held : on 19/ 11/ 1972.
For Marriage-ceremony, the important sign is : the 7th-house; while the important planets are :
the 7th-lord, the natural significator for marriage (Venus), and the "Dara"-Karaka as per
Sapta-Karaka (Here, it is Saturn).
So, the important signs (for marriage ceremony) are :
The 7th-house sign is : Sagittarius.
The 7th-lord from the Ascendant (Jupiter) is situated in sign : Taurus.
The natural significator of Marriage (Venus) is situated in sign : Leo.
The natural significator of Marriage (Venus) is situated in the 7th from sign : Aquarius.
The 7th-lord from the sign is situated in the 7th from the Ascendant : None.
The "Dara"-Karaka (Saturn) is situated in sign : Taurus.
The sign/s whose lord is conjoined with the "Dara-Karaka" (Saturn) : Pisces, Sagittarius.
JCD Sagittarius Dasha was running for 5 years (from 10/ 08/ 1969 to 10/ 08/ 1974). The
Dasha-sign is the 7th-house-sign itself - therefore the time was highly propitious for the
ceremony. The DS-lord (Jupiter) is conjoined with Saturn, who happens to be the Dara-Karaka;
besides, the combine (Jupiter and Saturn) are involved in mutual jaspect with Mercury, who is
the 7th-lord from DS, and it also happens to be the Ascendant-lord.
Aquarius Bhukti in JCD Sagittarius Dasha was running for 1 year (from 10/ 08/ 1972 to 10/ 08/
1973). The Bhukti-sign happens to be the Moon-sign, from where Venus is situated in the 7th.
The BS-lord Saturn is conjoined with the DS-lord Jupiter, while the 7th-lord from BS (Sun) is
conjoined with Mercury, who is the 7th-lord from the DS, and is the Ascendant-lord also;
besides, the 7th-lord from BS (Sun) is involved in mutual jaspect with the DS-lord (Jupiter),
BS-lord (Saturn), and also with the Moon.
Pisces Antara in Aquarius Bhukti in JCD Sagittarius Dasha was running for 1 month (from 10/
10/ 1972 to 10/ 11/ 1972). The AS-lord (Jupiter) is involved in mutual jaspect with the 7th-lord
from AS (Mercury). ... Mercury and Jupiter also happens to be the Ascendant-lord and the
7th-lord respectively - whereas one of them (Jupiter) is conjoined with the Dara-Karaka (Saturn),
and the other planet (Mercury) is involved in mutual jaspect with it.
The Actual Event : Marriage-ceremony was held : on 19/ 11/ 1972. ... (Here too, there could be
a time-lag of a few days' only - as the marriage-ceremony was held a few days after 10/ 11/
(3). First Child - a Daughter - was born : in September/ 1973.
In case of 'male' natives, for Birth of the first child, the important sign is : the 5th-house; while
the important planets are : the 5th-lord, the natural significator for child-birth (Jupiter).
So, the important signs (for Birth of First Child) are :
The 5th-house sign is : Libra.
The 5th-lord from the Ascendant (Venus) is situated in sign : Leo.
The natural significator of Child-Birth (Jupiter) is situated in sign : Taurus.
The natural significator of Child-Birth (Jupiter) is situated in the 5th from sign : Capricorn.
The 5th-lord from the sign is situated in the 5th from the Ascendant : None.
JCD Sagittarius Dasha was running for 5 years (from 10/ 08/ 1969 to 10/ 08/ 1974). The 5th-lord
from the DS (Mars) is jaspecting the Dasha-sign, while the 5th-lord from the Ascendant (Venus)
is jaspecting the 5th from DS and also the 5th from the Ascend

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