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1-CFR Step 1 Disrupt, Invade OTPOR, La Raza

Step 2 - Topple, Osprey, Grange

Step 3 - Police, DynCorp, NGO
Step 4 - WB, USAID, Grid, Roads
Braverman, Brown 4+5
Step 5 - Oil/Arms Ratline, Pipeline
USAID, IHRC, Pipelines, KKR
Step 6 - Cell/MicroLoans, Hotels

2 - Stingers, Sarin,

2 Osprey Global, Blumenthal, Gen Grange,Drumheller

Day 111 - The DynCorp Harvest

PROMIS/Palantir Manages Rat Lines, Trade
USAID, Virus/Vaccines,Trafficking,Harvesting
Karl Brandt - Hitlers
Personal Physician
Author of Action T4

Sonnestein Euthenasia Center

Pirna, Germany Set Up By Karl Brandt
Nazi Drug Trials for Cures/Vaccines
Malaria, TB, Hepatitis A, TB, Typhus
Poisons, Noma (like Ebola), Sulpha

Transplantation Experiments - Bone,

Bone Graft, Skin Graft, Muscle,
Digicel Phones Used As
Debit Cards, Tracking Assets

World Vision Vaccine?

Medecins San Frontiers
For Organ Harvesting?
Fred Eshelman, PPD
Cathy OBrien testified of
being used as a sex Children of Mirebalais Disappear
slave in Haiti, witnessing Forced Vaccine Tests on Kids
drug running, and virus Parents Not Allowed to See Kids
testing 250K DynCorp Bodybags

Bill Swing - IOM

Ambassador Haiti
6M Dead Congo
Heart Stats
2,400 US Transplants/year
5,000 Worldwide
3,000 on Waiting List
10 Year Survival Rate
Before 55 -
Johns Hopkins
13.3 Year Survival

Dr. Nazih Zuhdi

Nelson Brickham
Yale Anthropologist
Author of CIA Phoenix
Program in Vietnam

Federal Govt Shift To Sex Entrapment, Asset Forfeiture
Shift From Sworn Officers to Paid/Volunteer Informants

DynCorp Claude dEstree Taught
Monica Petersen
Human Trafficking Clinic
Worked for DynCorp,
Asset Forfeiture Lauren Johnson Carbon Monoxide Case
Seminars on Torture 23 Year Old Vancouver , WA Death
Army Intel to JTTF 2003,2004 Federal Prosecutor Korbel School, Denver, University
Jebsen Tufts 2005

Operation Underground Railroad

Secretary of State, Madeline Albright Pug Winokur Amb Chris Hill

Clinton Administration - 1993-2001 Kosovo/Holbrooke
Chaffetz Should Begin TF Investigation After Getting 650K Emails
FBI Should Publish All 19 Gmail Account MetaData, No StateRule 41Protection
Secret - Get Warrant in
Felony violations of Federal Records Act - CTD, D&D DC For Anywhere
811 Referral is the 911
FBI and State $675,000 Call of Referrals in Intel
Department Want Miami Office McCullough makes
Five Years To Quid Pro Quo referral in July 2015 -
Process Records Destruction Israel, China, Russia
After Analyzing Of Evidence
Them For Classified Andrew McCabe
Info in 9 Days
no grand jury, no subpoenas, no court orders, you
know, immunity to the co-conspirators, letting the
co-conspirators in on the interview. I mean, these are
all crazy things that the FBI never does.
UN Peacekeepers Cleared Land
for Seven Luxury Hotels and
Coastline for Future Development

UN MINUSTAH Aims at Cite


Fort Dimanche - Haitian Auschwitz

Samy Zuraik FB Friends with Cliff Brandt
Somebody Deleted Samys List of Hotels,
Samys Import Export Biz
Acra Family Drug Trafficking Tie Cliff Brandt
Vince Depatie, Noami Nurse in Mirebalais
Samy Zuraik - Import/Export
Political/Military Officers USAID
Yunus, Slim, OBrien
2012 Gold Funnel, $20B Gold Mine?

Tembo, Skoll, CCC, Giustra, Slim, CGEP, Bellrive, Rodham, IHRC, HSBC
Cheap Labor for GAP, Target, Walmart
Caracol $300M US AID, Total $6B
Tetrapak, Cemex, Shorebank, Seaboard

2010 - Kidnapping Capital of World

Monica Petersen 1
Fixer Masters Thesis - Bonus
Laura Silsby Pay, Forced Labor?

1,000 Workers Ekam Housing

Jorge Puello - Wanted 4 Countries
Digicel GPS, MicroSharks 195%, Carlos Slim
Gone 4+5

Ehud Barrack, Ghislaine, Bob Maxwell

Tyler Drumheller Brownstone Ops - Extortion for NATO Generals
Osprey Global and EU Politicians - 1,100 Hidden CF Donors

New York to Paris to Africa to Little St. James Clinton

Epstein Connection - 40 Kids, 102 Jane Does
Tunnel System
in 2012

Do You Believe
That CIA and
Pentagon Would
Not Be Connected
to Presidents
Escape Route to
Camp David?
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers
Brownstone Operations Europe (SHAPE).- Mons, Belgium
All NATO Nations Commit Budget
$240 Billion Missing
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe Gladio B, C, D
$6.5T Missing in US
Gen Bouchard - NATO

Funnel R&D$ to Subcontractors Sibel


Brownstone Op

Lockheed F35 - Comey Update?

Haiti - World Bank, Bob
Doc to Dock No Inspection Zoellick 2007-2012
For Organs Leaving- Flex Jets

Gold Mine, La Difference School Marriott Hotel, Port au Prince

Digicel Hotel, Denis OBrien
Hamiltons Micro-Loansharking
World Bank
Roads, Grid Port Lafito, Prison
Nancy Scheper-Hughes 1,000 Beds Bigio Family
2009 FBI Case Industrial Park Prison, AK-47s
Rajiv Shah, Takes Over
Digicel 5 Star Hotel
USAID 5 Days Before
Quake at 37 Years Old

700 UN Peacekeepers Nearby

Cholera Victims Are Donors
US Secretary of the Treasury For Organ Cruises, Body Bags
2009-13 Tim Geithner
Infiltration PDD-62
US Gladio
CTD and Program

Special Agent(s) Gilbert Graham, Sibel

Edmonds, Mike German, Fred Whitehurst,
Colleen Rowley, John Roberts, Jane Turner,
Robert Wright - Whistleblowers at FBI
FISA needed for Warrants, Snowden Proved
Contractors Could Look at Presidents email.
Chicago Fusion
DHS Has 50 State Fusion Centers
25 Regional City Fusion Centers
Same Setup As Project Phoenix in Vietnam
Satellite Tracking - Terrorists,
Families, Friends, Journalists,
Drug, Sex, Arms Networks
Branch Davidians

Harassment Deaths Are Caused by CIA Revenge Groups

Michael Ruppert and Gary Webb, Exposed CIA Drug Running
Both Died From CIA/FBI CTD D&D, USSS Prowler Teams
Diffuse and Dispute, or Disrupt and Death
Political Military Officers Set Up Underground Railroads

Jeff Salaiz
Pot Cops Episode

DynCorps - UN Bosnia,
UN Haiti, Afghanistan
ex-Marine, CHP

Lopey Foundation
Sheriff Lopey - CA
Ehud Barak - Israel
November 2nd, 2016
Foreign Minister
True Pundit Publishes NYPD Chief
500,000 State Dept Emails, 650K total
Cell Records Subpoena - Bahamas, BVI
Hill Six Trips to Epsteins Island, Bill 26

NYPD Chief Says Emails

Contain Child Exploitation, Sex
Crimes, Perjury, Obstruction of
Justice, Money Laundering, Pay Preet Bhahara - District Attorney
to Play Southern District of New York
Nineteen Missing State Department Emails
1) Hillary 2) Huma - Silsby Emails
Immunity For All 19? 3) Phillipe - Epstein Emails, Hastings, Walker
4) Tom Nides - LA Donors, Giustra, Slim, Skoll
5) Andrew Shapiro - DDTC, Stingers/Sarin
6) Jeremy Bash - Emails to Virginia Mosley?
7) Jake Sullivan - Osprey Global Emails
8) Bryan Pagliano - Server Backup Emails
9) Cheryl Mills - SAE Haiti Caracol Emails
10) John Kerry - Iran Hostage/Nuclear Talks
Jake Sullivan 302 3-11-16
14) Jack Lew - 3 Missing 302s
11) Patrick Kennedy - Quid Pro Quo Emails
15) Denis McDonough 12) Susan Rice - Benghazi Movie Emails
16) Christopher Stephens 13) Samantha Power -MorellUN Speech Talking Pts
302 on 3-25-16
Notables - Bob Kovac, Pipelines, Exploration
17) Victoria Nuland Alternates - Monica Hanley, Nora Toiv
18) Rajiv Shah? Joe Wilson Still a Non-Official Covert Officer?
Mills 4-9-16
19) Doug Band? Justy? Lanny? OPIC? Latitude Capital?
DynCorp Gets $11B Contract

Rex Tillerson, SoS Candidate

Steve Feinberg, Owner Dyncorp

Trumps Top Advisor with Ivan
Boesky, Madoff Partners
Top Trader with Michael Milken
Rampant Organ Harvesting
Reported in Bosnia, Kosovo for
DynCorp, RTI Surgical Ukraine

Railroad Operation Sets Up Heart Donors

OTPUR - Kosovo

DynCorp White Helmets Operation

Remove Heart, DynCorp Body Bag
Foreign Doctors Homan Square - McCormick Found.
Training at
Bethesda Naval Chicago Slaughter House 1?
Hospital - Ships For
Student Who Cant Comet Pizza DC Slaughter House 2?
Get Visa - Comet for
Dissections -
Skeletons to Med

Cover Ups?
DC Shooter - Malvo
Aaron Alexis
Trump Climber?
Donna Karan
Future of Journalism is Data Analysis
Black Budgets Leave Footprints

2011 Stats
25K Employees
32 Countries
150 Sites

USAID Used To Expand Base

In Cite Soleil
Vault 7 - Monsanto,
Lionsgate, Lockheed
Disruption, Call Bartlett
for NATO Order
Kamel Rahman

Not Just Haiti, Libya, Syria

Middle East Project
7 Countries in Five Years
Iraq, Lebanon, Sudan, Yemen, Iran Syrian Human Rights Org Giving Oil
Pipeline Seminar in Khazakstan

Asfari - Billionaire CEO of Petrofac

Bids Oil Projects with Consolidated
Architect and Construction Analogy
Future of Journalism is
Data Analysis
Max Maccoby
James Alefantis
Silsby Connection
Nous Petit Frere
et Souer
CIA Lawyer
Set Up Man
Tim Ballard, ex-DHS CEO
Operation Underground Railroad

Public Private Partnership? or

Vigilante Kidnap and Extortion
Unit Created For Asset Seizure

Beck Now Working Operation

Underground Railroad

Genie Energy

Booz Allen - NSA PPD Vaccine Tests

Team Rubicon
Jake Wood

Peter Thiel - Palanatir Team Rubicon - Dana Braverman,

Medical Coordinator - William McNulty
Petraeus Provide Flash Bang Moment
Team to Haiti For One Reason
Eliminate Political Opposition - Phoenix
Kissingers Red Teams - Onsite OHS
Podesta Office Art Depicts Heart Dissection
Spirit Cooking Emails Show Art Heart Removal
Podesta Pam Email Talks About Collecting
For Heart and Kidney Transplant From Pam
Fleischaker - Rape, Pillage, Plunder

Happy Hearts From Thai Tsunami 2004 - Penn, Martelly, Nemcova

Lindberg Worked On A Heart
Bypass Pump That Enabled The
Open Heart Surgery With Nobel
Prize Winner Alexis Carrel
Kidney $262K
Lungs $200K
Liver $157K
Heart $119K
Cornea $15K
Marrow $23K/g, 453g UAE Doctors
Tim Russert Died From Old Heart,
Christopher and Dana Reeve Died
From Old Lung - Dr. Eric Braverman
Knights of Malta Can Issue Diplomatic
Passports - Giustra Enterprise Partners?

Map of Maltas 110 Diplomatic Missions

DynPort -DynCorp and
Porton Intl Joint Venture
DynPort Vaccine
Mr. Virus/Vaccine

Emergent Biosciences
Cord Blood Can Substitute For Bone Viruses - Bioweapons
Marrow - 6 Month Heart Transplants

Center for a New

American Century
National Prayer Breakfast
Leader Since Eisenhower
- Kagame Butcher of
Congo Invited Thursday

Doug Coes Calls Out Two Leaders Who

Demanded Absolute Loyalty - Mao and
Hitler - Enforces All Informant Groups
Kagame Ugandan Kagame of Rwanda
Soldier 6M Dead in Congo
Mia Love - First
Black Female
Rep. Utah
Lukas Lundin
$100M Joe Wilson, Plame


65% Pitchblende vs .3%

FBI JTTF - CIA + 12 Military
Intelligence Agencies

Last News Release of

Metadata of number of US
Intelligence Companies and
Contractors was 2010 - 1,300
Fed Facilities, 2,000

132 CT Organizations
36 Intel Organizations
Step 3 - Jordanian Officers Driving Off Truckloads Stingers

Step 1 - Gaddafis Stingers, Sarin Gas To Get NATO

Step 2 - Topple Gaddafi 2.5 Kill Amb

2 - Send Cute Kids to Malta? Greece?

Step 3+4 - Petraeus Ships
Sarin to King Abdullah
Libya Just One Of Seven Countries in 3 - Oil/Arms Rat Line
Middle East Project - 2003, PNAC 4 - Gas Attack to Topple
Friends of Haiti - 4 Hours to 12

Noyau - Core, Heart

Morne Boulage -
Sad Face

Marron Inconnu
Hashim Thaci -
President Kosovo

Carla Del Ponte - UN

Special Prosecutor
Kosovo, Rwanda,
Croatia, Albania
McCabe Promoted Second Time In Seven
Months To No 2 Man At FBI After Odd
Hack Of Deputy Directors Email By
Crackas With Attitude - Front For A
Secret Service Hack By Joe Clancy

McCabe Tries To Shut Down CF Investigation

WSJ - NYC FBI Kallstrom Recommends Recusal

McCabe Re-Orgs FBI Investigation - Walls Off Four FBI Office, Adds Miami To Hide Haiti
All Files on Clinton Hires (including)
SSNs and DOBs Destroyed
Three Classified Budget Programs
Authored By Lael Brainard 2013

$6.5T Missing from US Treasury

US Gladio Program - PDD-62, D&D, Gladio B

Manpower From Arkansas, West Virginia
Disruption - Targeting Political Opponents
Catherine Austin Fitts Figures Out
Entire DynCorp Black Budger By
Pulling on the BCCI Golden Thread
At HUD. Pug Winokurs 30 Agencies
Under PROMIS Software Account For
Missing $3T In 2002, now $6.5T

Bill Weld
Federal Govt Shift To Sex Entrapment, Asset Forfeiture
Shift From Sworn Officers to Paid/Volunteer Informants

DynCorp Claude dEstree Taught
Monica Petersen
Human Trafficking Clinic
Worked for DynCorp,
Asset Forfeiture Lauren Johnson Carbon Monoxide Case
Seminars on Torture 23 Year Old Vancouver , WA Death
Army Intel to JTTF 2003,2004 Federal Prosecutor Korbel School, Denver, University
Jebsen Tufts 2005

Operation Underground Railroad

Secretary of State, Madeline Albright Pug Winokur Amb Chris Hill

Clinton Administration - 1993-2001 Kosovo/Holbrooke
2003 - Rep Cynthia McKinney Questions SoD Donald Rumsfeld
Why DynCorp Gets Govt Contracts When Caught Sex Trafficking?
Also, $2.3T Missing in DoD Budget? Now $6.7T Missing from DoD
Grange can train their
FORCES and he has
Step 2 - Blumenthal/Grange Osprey - CFA
July 14, 2011 drawn up a PLAN for
taking Tripoli. - Sid
Blumenthal, July 14,
2011 Creates CFA

101st, 75th


October 12th, 2011

Blumenthal - Can you send me Libya Plan?
CIA Chief Drumheller - Here it is Sudan?
Blumenthal, Kikhia, Drumheller, Grange, Shearer all there Aug 2011
George Soros, Zbig Brezinski

Where Did Gaddafis $256B Go?

Marc Rich, Chagoury, Giustra, Epstein - $81M to CF - UNITAID
CFs Hidden 1,100 Donors HSBC

Soros Dominoes - Gaddafi, Mubarak, Assad, Ben Ali

Libya, Egypt, Syria, Algeria - Same HSBC Swiss Bank
CF 1,000 Hidden Donors - NATO, US Generals Arms Players
State Department Oil/Gas/Mineral Players
Step 1 Fulfilled - Gaddfis Gold
$9.2B, $3.5B Cash, Wife $30B

Bring Back Exile to Sell

Off Oil Rights with Sid
Rubber Stamps for Kikhia
Step 2 Fulfilled Launder Gaddafis Launder Hidden Gaddafi Money Rich -
BGU, Chaguri - Ekko One, Giustra Greek
Swiss HSBC Assets - $65B-$265B? Hedge, Epstein, NATO Generals, EU
Politicians, Khan, Slim

Go 1,100 Hidden Donor Network, Launder

Sell Partnerships for Oil/Gas Plays Mirrors
Marc Rich Admits He Took Cartel Money, Bought Gaddafi Oil, Put It In HSBC, And
Donated $10Ms to Clinton Foundation from Arms, Oil Deals, Sex Traffic, Organs?

7 Comey Quid Pro Quos Clinton/Rich - 10 years, End 93, $140M Fine, Whitewater 96
2003 Rich Pardon, 2013 HSBC - $1.9B Fine, 2016 Hillary, Clinton Foundation, Huma
Kennedy Quid Pro Quo

Quid Pro Quo

Podesta Emails Show Constant
Podesta Emails - Collusion with DOJ Investigations
He Kept Me Out of Jail
3 - Police, DynCorp
Dyncorp losses $1 billion US tax dollars

Flint Chambers
Orders 15 Year
Old Lap Dances
Kathryn Bolkovac
at DynCorp
DynCorp in Kosovo
Amy Rao, CEO, Integrated
Archive Solutions - OPM Hack,
Yahoo Hack, Aetna Hack, VA
Petraeus,Reines, Bash, Shapiro, Morell
400 Stingers Going on C-130s to ISIS in
Jordan and Turkey, Sarin Gas?
Petraeus, Panetta 8 Binders - Operation Plans Tells You Where the Arms Caches
Sex Case, KKR Are Zero Footprint, Fast and Furious, Timber Sycamore,

Morell - CIA
Brownstones Ops
Blackmail Sex
Sets Up Parties, Epstein
Michael Hastings
I was a Non-Official Cover for the CIA. They bribed me for planting a
story that Gaddafi was making Sarin gas and Saddam in 1988.
Mapping the Entities of CF
Old CF versus New CGI
Bill versus Hillary/Chelsea
Lindsey, Band, Cooper vs

Good Way to Map

Hillary - Haiti - USAID -
Project - DynCorp - $50M
Middle East Contractors to
CFR, then World Bank in DC
DynCorp in Mexico

Carlos Slim Acquires 8 Companies in 7 Years by age 32,

Federal Police Chief Brother Accused of Murder, Extortion,
Torture, Bribery, False Arrest as Head of DFS (like US DHS)
Mining, Construction, and Real Estate Then Buys Telmex After 1990, Carlos buys up cell rights to rest of
$1.7B for $14.5B Value For No Money Down in 1990 Central/South America, then Caribbean in 2006
Guaranteed 7 Years Monopoly, Unlimited Mobile Rights Begins Micro-finance partnership in 2008 with
Mohammed Yunus

Hugh Sinclair 2 - Microfinace Whistleblower

195% Interest Rates, Contracts Fingerprints
Meet with Ambassadors to US -
Present KKR to sell oil leases
Dont nationalize oil, minerals,
US will protect your govt, provide
intelligence, drones, etc
Likely State Department GMail Accounts
Felony Violation of Federal Records Act
I will create this list over time - no one on the list
to the left is under any suspicion
Pemex Breakup To Sell Gulf Oil Leases
Mexico Miracle, Sinaloa Takeover, Oil Swaps
Syria Gas

Dec 20th - Hillary - 2,115 Classified Emails,
4,000 Huma to Hillary Emails

FBI Agent and Huma Redacted

Will Comey Brief Trump Today on this Hack?

Soros Exile SOHR
3 Aleppo Sarin Attack Opens Rat Line 4 Ghouta Gas Attacks,Topple Assad

3 -ISIS Oil Rat Line

Morell Gas Attacks
Neil Brown Pipelines
Aleppo March 2013 3.5 May 16 - Turk MIT
Fidan Waves Finger at
Obama in White House
4.5 Eva Bartlett - Journalist
Exposes White Helmets,SOHR
4 Ghouta August 2013
Petraeus Morrell - ISIS Has Used Gas 52 Times in Syria, NYT
Seymour Hersh Reported Rat Line from Libya to Syria in 2014
Stinger Missiles, Sarin Gas Precursors, 4.5 Porton Down
NYT reported Hillary - McCain Timber Sycamore in May 2016,
Family Murdered
Step 1 - Gmailing Clinton Foundation Employee
The Idea of Using Private Security Experts to
Arm Opposition Should Be Considered IHRC

Info Rat Line

We A Need Private

Reported WMD in Iraq

Need Support from
Senate Oil Club - SASC
Morell Not Asked About Sarin

Jan 2009 - 1,000 Hillary to Petraeus Centcom Emails,

30 Answer the Search Term Benghazi, Odyssey?
Clinton - China Open Blackberry Policy

China open door hack


Will Comey Brief Trump Today on

this Hack?

Ashe Killed June 2016 Before

Ethics Trial
Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rogers Take
Senate Open Questions Tuesday

McCain Gaddafi

Reaching Accross The Aisle -
To Not Be Censured in US Senate
How Bribe Funnels
Victoria Nulan Hands Out - 1
Cookies In Ukraine in Day
Revolution at Night
Color Revolutions for Oil
Famous F-Bomb Phone Call

Trainer For Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt/Libya - Civil War 5 Years Later

Muslim Brotherhood Now In 32 Countries - Huma, Valerie Jarrett contacts
Want To Write For This School Newspaper? Heres How to Compound Google
Srdja Popovic AND Senator or Oil/Arms Man of Your Choice
Senator or Oil/Arms Man of Your Choice AND Clinton Foundation

Revolutions for Oil/Arms Senators - 2+3

Clinton Foundation 1,100 Hidden Donors

VP Biden, Son In Heavy on Ukrainian Oil and Gas

March 8, 2015, Ron Fournier
McAuliffe, 30 Year Friends
McAuliffe Sets Up Bribe Funnel -
Spouse Ruse - $675,000

McCabes Team Finds Braverman Follow the Money Email

Orders Full Time Surveillance on Braverman.

McCabe Promoted Three Months Later to No 3

Podesta Already Knows
Deep Dive Surveillance on All CF Employees
Braverman Is Source of NJ piece
Similar to 50 Man USSS Hack of Chaffetz
14 NATO Officers Arrested in Aleppo - Friday, December 16th
Russian Chemical Teams Send Detailed Sarin Evidence to Hague
Turkish Ambassador Murdered, About to Take Questions from the Press
Putin Orders Alexander Ensemble to Aleppo, Morell Plane Hack/Gas?
David Scott Winer - US and 13 others Mutaz Kanolu Turkey,
David Aram Israel, Qatar, 8 Saudis, Jordan, Moroccan

Eric Schmit, NYT, ISIS Used

Sarin Gas 52 Times

Every Time Morell Makes

Up More Russian Hack
Stories, Putin Sends More
Chemical Weapons and
Human Trafficking
Investigators to Turkey
Diane Barton
3:09 PM Today Malta Offshore Accounts

Libya and Syria Planes Hacked?

Russian Singers Trafficking and Chem Investigators?

French Team Studying Illicit

Trafficking in Libya

CO2 Poisoning - Same Device

Used to Fumigate Planes?
Hogan Hartsons Saudi Lobby - Visas
Mosul - Mobile Refineries
Aleppo - Refineries
Raqqa - Refineries

Step 4.5
Tabqa - Refineries
Ethics Al-Qaim - Oil fields

ISIS Has Gas Masks, Atropin


Serena Shim ISIS

Oil Arms Rat Line
Who is Neil Brown? Protege of ex-Senator
Richard Lugar, David Petraeus Ghost Writer
Architects of El Compacto - Removing State
Owned Pemex - Sell Mexico Gulf Oil Leases
State Department and National Archives Must Find Missing 30,000 Emails

Judge Stephen Williams

Prediction - Neil Brown groomed to President
Same folksy backstory, ties Tampa Bay,
Step 1 Fufilled - July 15 Hillary Gives TNC $3.5 Cash,
$30B Before Qadaffi Dead

Kikhia - Oil Family

Kikhia -TNC issues new licenses to Libya Oil/Tankers Aug

Sanctions Lifted July 15th Same Strategy for Syria, Turkey, Iran
Frozen $150B
OFAC - 6 Oil Companies
Five Years of Civil War While
Soros Clears Acoounts
Hillary Provided Muslim Brotherhood/ISIS Sarin Gas
Strategy - Disrupt, Then Bomb/Invade with NATO Order
Gen. Bouchard Ran Libya Air Campaign
Now Running F35 Slows, F-16 India
Petraeus, Grange, Blumenthal Need NATO
101st Airborne Delta Force Contractors

NATO Generals Invest In
Tech Startups Like Textron
Part Of F35 Cockpit,
Sensors, Helmet
Rasmussen - SG UN Step 1
We Must Bomb
Step 2 Step 2

Step 1

Carl Bildt - Soros NATO Toppler
Famous Albania Email
Comey Five Years At Lockheed
Disrupt Lockheed, Then Order? 2005 - 2010

Ray Dalio - Bridgewater 2013

Libya Take Was $265B
NATO/Libya Hedge Fund Comey Settlement $1.9B
Pure Alpha - Lockheed/F35
No Sarin Gas Attacks By ISIS on Aleppo and Damascus
Needed For Russian and US Artic Oil

US Should Be Suing KSA For 9/11 Attacks - JASTA

Not Being Sued For Sain Gas Attacks in Syria
Guistra Launders With Metals, Oil
Sid Hiring Army Pivot to Asia was Uranium Play
Gaddafis $300B
180 Private Emails to Hillary
25 Emails Just On Benghazi
Subponea, FOIA
You Owe Me
Wilson Laundering Arms, Oil
Joe Wilson Has Private Email

Subpoena FOIA
Ekko, Oil Pipelines - Lagos, Nigeria
$1B Donor to CF
1993 Nigerian Coup, Joe Wilson, Jarch Capital,
Laundered $4B to Swiss Accounts Coup in South Sudan, 2009
Giustra Clinton Enterprise Partner 1,100 Donors
Regime Change Investment Club - KKR GI

Whats in Humas 650,000 Emails? Petraeus, State Dept gmails

Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership Oil/Mineral Plays
Chagoury Nigeria-Sahara Pipeline, Greece Pipeline
Arms Deals to ME and NA Countries, KOM
Follow The Money, Email, Arms, and Oil
Chagoury Traded Oil for Weapons with Marc Rich
Stolen Nigeria Oil, Weapons to Hamas, Hezz, BH KOM $28M
$1B CF Donor, Looted $4B Bribe for
Convicted 2000 for Bribery Western
Epsteins Plane Rides Sahara -

27 Boko Haram Bombings Secret
Near Oil Fields Pipeline
US AID - Guns
Hillarys Failed Turkish Coup Consequences - July 15th, 2016
Russia Triples Size of BlueStream Pipeline to Turkey - October
KOM and Buhari

Annex Western Sahara For Pipelines

KOM - The Next Gaddafi?
Enforce No Fly Zone Against Algeria
KKR Global Institute - Neil Brown
Nides Shares Sovereignty Change Information
With Clinton Donors, Hedge Funds, Private Equities,
Donors Pledge Percentage of Profit,
Iran-Iraq-Syria Sign $10B Pipeline Deal - July 2012 - The Real Story
ISIS All About Oil Rat Line to Aleppo, then Mosul
Step One - Honduran Coup
July 15, 2009
State Dept -NATO Command, Control Mtgs
KKR Arms Summits - Also Called C3
Braverman Works at Yales Jackson School of Govt
Here Speaking at Oxfords Blavatnik School of Govt
Libya Arms Dealer Marc Turi Case July 2011
Petraeus Was CIA Dir to July -11 to Nov 12, 2012
KKR Global Initiative formed May 30, 2013
Packages Arms Deals for Middle East Govts
Neil Brown Becomes Director in June 2013/2014
Braverman Joins Clinton Foundation June 2013
Kissinger Associates - BCCI/KKR back to 1986/7
AP April 4th, 2016
US Seeks To Seal Court
Records In CIA Sex
Scandal Case
Eric Braverman and
Neil Brown KKR GI
Marry Following Month
for 5th Amendment
Petraeus - Reines Emails - Smoking Guns to Bribes
March 2nd, NYT Reveals Private Server

McCabe Orders Deep Dive On CF Employees

$28M Bribe To Annex Western Sahara Four Different FBI Field Office Investigations
Leaking - NYC, DC, LA Little Rock. Devlin Barrett
- Giuliani
McCabe Adds Miami FBI Office

NYT - State Dept and Clinton

Foundation Intertwined

Hillary Moves Server To Humas Apt

Thumbdrive Sneakernet - Phillipe,
Foreign Donors Go Over 50%
Weiner, Chelsea
Rep. Darrell Issa write request for Hillarys emails in
Dec 2012, Kadzik appointed to DOJ 2013

Kadzik Coverup Begins in 2013 - Podesta email

Hillary Worked Marc Rich Pardon with Kadzik
Defended Marc Rich BCCI Oil vs Rudy Guiliani
Peter Comey, DLA Piper, Audit of CF, NYC Deals
Kadzik Has Turi Deep Dive Surveillance since July 22nd,
Braverman Surveillance On March 5th, 2015 Podesta email

Mark Turi Revelations of Stinger Missles to Libya and Syria

revealed to Fox News July 2015, Braverman Goes to Press

Kadzik $675,000 bribe to McCabes wife in March 2015,

Huma Destroys State Department Schedules in May 2015

Bill Clinton Meets On Tarmac with Loretta Lynch 6/29/2016

Judicial Watch FOIA transcripts
October 22nd, 2016 - Wikileaks Release Smoking
Gun email from Podesta Eric Braverman

Wikileaks Founder Gavin MacFadyen dies Oct 22

Wikileaks NY Michael Ratner died May, and London
Wikileaks Lawyer Hit By Train in August

Braverman goes to Russian Embassy, Monday,

October 23rd, 2016, doesnt show for Oct 30th mtg
US Swaps Low
Sulpher, Light,
Sweet Crude for
Mexicos Heavier,
Sour Crude. Why?
Sinaloa Launders
Money Through Oil
KKR Private Equity
Sets Up Drilling Co.s
For MX Gulf Leases
Argentina, Honduras
soon Venezuela
Hillary Gave Joe Wilson's Company Symbion Lucrative Contract
Sid Blumenthal Had a Financial Stake in Mercenary Group
Clinton Sent Dozens of Classified Reports to Mercenaries
Hillary Clinton Had SAP and SCI Top Secret Info Reclassified
National Review Article on Clinton Foundation Donors
Did Hillary Delay Boko Haram Terror Designation?
Hillary Forces Out Kenya Ambassador To Open Somalia Off Shore Oil Leases
Some Nigerian Army Officers Selling Arms to Boko Haram
Same Qatar Individuals That Gave To Clinton Foundation Gave To ISIS
UN Security Council Libya Panel On Recovery of Libya Weapons
Charles Ortel - UNITAID (21 minute mark)
How the Hillary Email Case, Huma Email Case, the Clinton Foundation investigations, the Mark Turi Stingers from Libya to Benghazi Case, and the David Petraeus Sex Scandal Case are all pieces of the Same Puzzle.
New York Times - Timber Sycamore
NYT - Libya Arms Supplied Syrian Rebels

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