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The IF Life Revolution 1 www.theiflife.

Disclaimer and/or Legal Notices

The full contents of this ebook are for informational purposes only and do
not provide any medical advice. Statements in this ebook have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This ebook is intended for use only by healthy adult individuals. All
individuals are specifically warned to seek professional medical advice
prior to initiating any form of weight loss exercise or nutritional program.

Use of any of the information contained within this ebook is at your own
risk. The author does not accept any responsibility or liability for damages
of any kind from any actions you take from this information provided.

To sum up……use any information at your own risk!

The IF Life Revolution 2

The Journey Begins
First I am going to give you a little background into my own journey to where I
am today.

Well, long ago I decided to quit my well paying corporate job (and ditch the
engineering degree) to venture into my passion for wanting to help people get
better health and fitness.

I've taken the road less traveled...and have found my

own freedom to enjoy eating once again

Since I was a kid I was always active playing competitive sports and interested
in staying fit and healthy. With my enthusiasm for being healthy and wanting to
focus on helping others do the same, I jumped into the world of personal

No Looking Back
Since taking that step almost 10+ years ago I have never looked back (or
regretted it). I've always had a no BS approach and enjoy working with real
people of all ages, helping them to find solutions that fit their lifestyle.

I don't like fads and I don't like advertised "quick fixes" just out for a "quick
buck". I wanted only to focus on helping others achieve real and lasting results.

The IF Life Revolution 3

Questioning Everything
As part of my "nerdy" nature, I always like knowing exactly how things work
down to the smallest level. So I set out to examine all the information out there
on nutrition and weight loss and "reverse engineer" it down to it's more important

I wanted to know exactly what was going on in the body so I could take that
knowledge to help others understand it as well. I believe that real and
permanent/lasting change only comes through true understanding.

But like most people out there, I was initially getting confused and conflicted
information on what really was best for health and weight loss. It was then that I
went back to the basics and questioned everything people (even all those so
called experts) were saying to do, and the answers were shocking to say the

Realizing the Truth Set Me Free

After years of searching, research and independent investigation...little did I
know I would find out most of what I (and everyone else out there) was sold on
was a complete marketing/sales pitch (to sell more supplements, diet books,
prepackaged meals and bars).

Not only that, the "keep it simple" side of me wondered how the heck real people
with busy lives were supposed to do all these complicated programs? I always
said, if it's not something I would do personally in my own life then it's not
something I am going to tell someone else to do.

I have done the eating-all-day complicated plans, spent tons of money on

supplements and endured long/boring exercise. You know wasn't any
kind of lasting solution for me, and I knew there had to be something better (and
easier) out there!

A New Way is Found...A Better Way

A funny thing happened also in my late 20s...I felt like the warranty was wearing
out on my body.

I had more joint pain, more bloating, more brain fog, more didn't make

The IF Life Revolution 4

any sense to me. It was soon after that I started to come across and embrace a
more natural “evolutionary” perspective on how my body was meant to function.

Since that time I can honestly tell you that now in my late 30s I have more daily
energy, no joint pain, lower bodyfat, and more mental clarity/focus than I ever
did in my 20s.

Not only that...I now enjoy eating the simple and stress-free way that I do and
have a better “mental relationship” with food (rather than just shoving it in my
mouth all day). I have found a lasting and easy way to eat and I plan on feeling
this great for the rest of my life!

I've adopted a new life motto over the last 30 something years that I think most
people would benefit from too. Three simple words that describe how I want to
live from now on:

Eat: On my own turns, when I want by listening to my body and choosing

foods that improve my health and performance.

Play: As my exercise daily, whether enjoying a quick circuit at home with

weights, doing pushups at the park or going for a bike ride. No one really
likes to have to go to the gym to “workout”, but everyone loves to “play”!

Live: As a reminder that there is more to life than worrying about eating
and exercise all day long.

Break Free and Live Life on Your Own Terms!

So now with all my years of experience (personal and professional) and
research, I am giving you all the information in one easy to read place!

I want you to be able to see the truth for yourself and hopefully be able to find
the same easy and enjoyable eating lifestyle like I have. I want you to find the
happiness and freedom that is possible and have lasting health for many years
to come!

...and of course, YES I want you to look great in your jeans too! (or should I say

The IF Life Revolution 5

"genes"). So grab a cup of coffee/tea or what ever you enjoy...sit back and enjoy
everything I am about to tell you. Welcome to The IF Life! It is not a is a
lifestyle choice, and a simple one at that!

In Health,

Mike O'Donnell
Mike O’Donnell, BS CPT
Personal Trainer, Health and Fitness Coach
Author of the IF Life

PS. Because I wrote this free ebook to help spread

the word about the IF revolution, feel free to either
pass along this PDF to your family/friends/
coworkers. You have my permission to share this
information here with anyone you like!

PPS. I will also be sending out more updates on IF

tips/research/information through the IF life site.
If you already entered your email to receive this
PDF then there is nothing more you need to do.

If you received this email from a friend, then you are welcome to enter your
email at to keep updated on all things IF (for health and
weight loss) as well.

PPPS. You can also welcomed to follow me on Facebook (click here) with my
daily attempts at wit, humor and insight.

The IF Life Revolution 6

How Do You Want to Live?
Complex Eating isn't for Me
I've done and tried it all throughout my years. Not only have I experimented on
myself but I have also seen what my clients have tried going through.

The answer came down to this simple fact, if it was too complex or time
consuming then people were not going to keep it up. All it takes is one little
change in a daily schedule and it can throw off most any detailed plan.

Finding real happiness and satisfaction in the simple

things that bring the most in return is how I strive to live

The most dangerous part of any “diet” is when people abandon it....and go back
to the old destructive habits with less motivation than ever. Success for weight
loss boils down to eating less (without starving yourself) and consistency. If you
can't see yourself keeping it up (enjoying it), then don't expect lasting results.

Are You in a Food Prison?

Back in my younger days I would carry around containers of food, shakes, bars
and be obsessed daily with what I was eating and when the next meal was

It's almost like I was in a daze and not even seeing what was going on in the

The IF Life Revolution 7

world around me. I was caught up in my own world of food all day every day.

Not only that, it was time consuming to be preparing meals ahead of time and
packing them up for a day at the office.

I look back now and see a past life centered around eating and cooking all day
every day.....a mental prison that I never want to go back to as life is so much

Emotional Attachments
We as a society obsess over food to the point of it's unhealthy. Look at all the
food books, magazines, fast food stores, isles at the supermarket, 24 quicky's like all we were meant to do in life is eat.

We are passing down dangerous eating attachments to

kids who are starting to pay the price for it

The eating 6x a day modern advice is not helping either. We need to get a better
growing awareness of our food and eating, otherwise we will pay the price for it
(and many are right now).

Eating should be Enjoyable not Stressful

Remember the old days of families sitting together around the dinner table?

The IF Life Revolution 8

Enjoying meals for hours while people talked and laughed. Relaxing and de-
stressing after a long day at the office.

Is this really a snapshot of your life or are you running around trying to make a
meal in 30 seconds or less only to have to run out the door to go do something

Eating shouldn't be this much of a should be an enjoyable experience

and not something you should spend your life worrying or stressing about either.
That stress may be doing more harm that you know!

It is Time for a Change!

I'm made my own personal declaration years ago and maybe it's time you did
too. Here was mine:
• No more counting calories
• No more eating mindlessly
• No more emotional attachments
• No more worrying about the next meal
• No more quick fixes

What I did say YES to was:

• A simple and easy lifestyle
• Daily variety and flexibility in what I ate
• No depriving myself of anything
• Eat when I want to and listen to my body

You know what happened....I opened up my eyes and for the first time started to
see the real truth. I just wiped the slate clean, forgot everything that people were
saying on how to eat and went back to the basics. The basics of how the human
body works and was designed to work...once I masted that, the results were
easy and lasting!

The IF Life Revolution 9

The Biggest Weight Loss Myth
What are You Getting Sold on Today?
The weight loss/diet niche is the hottest industry to be in nowadays. Look
around and you will see celebrities writing books about it, new pills from some
special berry in Uganda or some crazy ab-contraption. It is a billion dollar market
and everyone wants in on the action.

People are getting very rich in the weight loss industry,

selling a complicated eating solution as a
necessity...while the truth may be a bit different

With that comes so many myths and misconceptions that have been passed
down by word of mouth for so long, that it's now thought of as proven science.
No one even questions the things they hear anymore.

What is worse is when one myth fuels a whole different complicated plan, which
companies are getting rich off, and you are getting frustrated with!

The Myth Revealed

Are you ready to hear the biggest myth/misconception that I hear all the time in
mainstream media and from people when talking about how to lose weight? You
may not be ready for what I am about to say. I warned you.

The IF Life Revolution 10

Ask many trainers, nutritionists, doctors, diet gurus or your overweight neighbor
and they will probably all tell you the same line:

“You need to eat smaller and more frequent meals through-out the day in order
to increase your metabolism”.

What is the real verdict? That statement is not 100% true!!

But how can so Many People be Wrong?

It's usually the masses that are passing along wrong information in the first
place. If this is such a well known fact, then why aren't we all slim and fit from
following it?

OK to be fair, there are plenty of people who can and do lose weight by eating
multiple times per day (let's say 6x a day as most “diets” preach). But remember
the # 1 “secret” of all diets...calorie deficit.

I'm not saying it Doesn't Work

Don't get confused with my message about eating smaller and more meals all
day long. I said above I know it “can” work (because of the calorie deficit it
promotes) to eat 6x a day.

However...the real question is it because those frequent smaller meals

“magically speed up” your metabolism to burn more fat (focusing on the
“speeding up the metabolism” part). The real answer to that assumption is a big
fat “No”!

Turn up the Heat

Somehow most people think if you eat more often, then you increase your
metabolism with a higher thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is where the body
expels energy in the form of heat through what it has to do (and in this case we
are talking about the energy of digesting food).

But here’s the fun sciency part, if you eat the same amount of food/calories in 6
meals...or 3 meals...isn’t that the same amount of digestive energy required?

The IF Life Revolution 11

Do you want to focus on eating mini meals all day long
every day?? Not me, as I have other things to do in life

Isn’t 1500 calories still 1500 calories at the end of the day whether you split it 6
times or 3 times? So how is there any real advantage to splitting it up all day
long into smaller more frequent meals when the calorie load is the same? Well
according to plenty of research, there is no such advantage!

Science Agrees...No Advantage to Multiple Meals

“Since the 1960s, epidemiological studies have reported an inverse

relationship between frequency of eating and body weight, suggesting
that a "nibbling" pattern could help to prevent obesity. This notion has
later been put into question by the recognition of a high level of dietary
under-reporting in overweight individuals. In addition, no difference in
total daily energy expenditure has been documented as a function of
daily meal number. Weight loss is not facilitated by high meal frequency. ”

Source: “Impact of the daily meal pattern on energy balance”, France

Bellisle, Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition, Oct 2004

“More importantly, studies using whole-body calorimetry and doubly-

labeled water to assess total 24 h energy expenditure find no difference

The IF Life Revolution 12

between nibbling and gorging. Finally, with the exception of a single
study, there is no evidence that weight loss on hypoenergetic regimens is
altered by meal frequency. We conclude that any effects of meal pattern
on the regulation of body weight are likely to be mediated through effects
on the food intake side of the energy balance equation.”
Source: “Meal frequency and energy balance”; Br J Nutr. 1997 Apr;77
Suppl 1:S57-70.

“To a group of 8 healthy persons a slightly hypocaloric diet with protein

(13% of energy), carbohydrates (46% of energy) and fat (41% of energy)
was given as one meal or as five meals in a change-over trial....Changes
of body weight were statistically not significant. ..The heat production
calculated by indirect calorimetry was not significantly different with either
meal frequency. …The results demonstrate that the meal frequency did
not influence the energy balance.”
Source: “Thermogenesis in humans after varying meal time frequency”;
Wolfram G, Kirchgessner M, Maller HL, Hollomey S.

“In the short term, meal frequency and a period of fasting have no major
impact on energy intake or expenditure but energy expenditure is
delayed with a lower meal frequency compared with a higher meal
Source: “Compared with nibbling, neither gorging nor a morning fast
affect short-term energy balance in obese patients in a chamber
calorimeter “ M A Taylor, J S Garrow, International Journal of Obesity
(2001) 25, 519-528

There have been reports of an inverse relationship between meal

frequency (MF) and adiposity. It has been postulated that this may be
explained by favorable effects of increased MF on appetite control and
possibly on gut peptides as well...However, there were NS (no significant)
differences between the low- and high-MF groups for adiposity indices,
appetite measurements or gut peptides (peptide YY and ghrelin) either
before or after the intervention. We conclude that increasing MF does not
promote greater body weight loss under the conditions described in the
present study.

The IF Life Revolution 13

Source: “Increased meal frequency does not promote greater weight loss
in subjects who were prescribed an 8-week equi-energetic energy-
restricted diet.”, Cameron JD, Cyr MJ, Doucet E. Br J Nutr. 2009 Nov

You don't Need all those Bars, Shakes and Meal Plans
Supplement companies are making a killing in the weight loss world on special
snack bars, meal replacement shakes, and prepackaged meals all based
around the “eat more often to speed up your metabolism” myth.

You will see celebrities on TV getting paid millions to lose weight on those types
of programs (when we all should realize now that the real magic is in the total
energy calorie deficit, not the amount of meals).

Do you really need all this to lose weight? No...but it

makes for a very profitable business in selling to people
who are convinced they need to eat all day long!

Do you see now why everyone “thinks” they need to eat more? It is because that
myth is constantly being “pushed” (sold) to the general public as a scientific fact,
when it is actually a great marketing approach!

The IF Life Revolution 14

Calories are what matter. If you need to eat 6 smaller meals to keep yourself
from binging later on (and going overboard on the total daily calories), then this
approach may be the best way for you.

But I personally think it is more dangerous to tell everyone they need to

eat/snack all the time, as that is just setting up for some mindless and unhealthy
relationships with our food. No good can come from that.

The IF Life Revolution 15

A New Revolution
Is Eating All Day Harder to Control Total Calories?
If I gave you all day to eat from the time you woke up till when you went to bed,
chances are you will eat a combination of meals and snacks all day long (like
most people).

This is where the hidden damage of the “snacking” mentality that most “diets”
push can come in. All those little calories DO add up.

Everything you put in your body (food or drink) counts

and adds up...especially some of those fancy drinks that
can add an extra 300-500+ calories in

Pretty soon after a whole day of “snacking” (and the increased hunger that
comes from snacking on processed foods/snacks) you may have taken in way
too many calories and given all the wrong hormonal responses, for fat
releasing/burning (click here to see a video for more details on how fat loss

Unless you have total control and know exact calories (which is very time
consuming and complicated) this can easily happen. Sometimes all it takes is
one little snack or flavored coffee drink that can put your calorie total over for the
day and keep you from burning more fat than you are storing.

The IF Life Revolution 16

Condensed Eating Windows Make Calorie Control Easy
So, how do we combat these tendencies and take back control? Simple, just
condense down the eating window and only eat between certain hours.

No eating outside the window, period. It will set simple limits on how much time
you have to take in calories, help control your calorie intake and not let any of
those “late night” snacks sneak into your calorie total for that day.

It will also help you to make better choices with whole foods at meal time (and
not sugary snacks) for daily improved insulin management.

Calories Matter over Longer Periods, Not Hours

Here’s a little secret about calories too, it doesn’t really urgently matter what you
eat per meal or even per day. It’s the long-term calorie load effect over
days/weeks that determines how we much we really burn and store as fat in the
long run.

Do you want to spend every day focused on measuring

food and portions, or do you just want to be free to eat?

So what does that mean? It means trying to have exact calorie meals
proportioned out 6x a day and the same calorie intake daily is a very
complicated/confusing way (but it makes for a great industry in selling stuff as
people stay confused).

How about we just focus on the bigger picture and know that high calorie days
can be offset with low calorie days. How about instead we see that by selecting

The IF Life Revolution 17

some days to be lower in calories we can have more flexibility on the other days
and how we eat.

The body was designed to work optimally on changes/challenges, not routine!

These condensed eating windows are also otherwise known in the scientific
community as “IF” or intermittent fasting/feeding.

Enter the IF Lifestyle

I have seen and helped many people over the last several years transition into
using IF in their life, and help get them the results they were after (plus a more
enjoyable and lasting way to go about it).

Most all that go the IF route, usually never look back to the old ways of eating
again. IF is not some miracle diet or quick weight loss program, it just helps you
succeed at getting lasting results by using the body in the way it was meant to
survive (evolutionary programming of the body for survival reasons).

What People are Saying about IF

Here are just some of the feedback I have gotten over the years at the
blog and through email about people using IF.

“My clothes are very loose, and I am much leaner. And people keep
telling me how great I look…I feel like a kid again!”

“I am not a slave to food or worrying what I am going to eat next”

“I drove myself CRAZY trying to watch my calories/protein/fat/carbs 6

times a day! IF is FREEING!!

“Knocked off 10lbs….have lots of energy!”

“I have been following the IF plan for a little over two months now and

The IF Life Revolution 18

have seen great results. I have knocked off 10 lbs. and several inches off
of my waist. I have lots of energy.'

“Consistent weight loss…feel great!”

“I’m convinced IF is the best eating plan for me to reduce weight and
maintain health and strength”

“Lost 30lbs….and getting stronger!”

“I’ve been doing IF for the past month, and have lost almost 10 pounds.
Was doing the Zone for a month before that and lost a pound or two but
IF is kicking fat-loss into overdrive. Love it!'

'I’ve had tendencies to compulsive overeat. This seems to take the urge
right away”

“I believe I will eat this way forever. I look forward to posting with an
update in a few weeks/months. This is so damn liberating.”

'I have way more energy and I even feel stronger. I cut down to working
out one hour a day and still losing the access pounds I gained from the
insane six small meal a day plan.Thanks again for putting science to the
test and bringing us back to the reality that moderation is the key!”

'”Stabilized blood sugar…reduced inflammation…poundage drifted off my


...and you can continue to read more comments and feedback about
using IF from real people like yourself by clicking here.

The IF Life Revolution 19

Stress Free and Simple Eating

“To lengthen thy Life, lessen thy meals.” ~ Benjamin


“Be careful about reading health books. You may die

of a misprint.” ~ Mark Twain

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the

human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and
prevent disease with nutrition.” ~ Thomas Edison

“The deviation of man from the state in which he

was originally placed by nature seems to have
proved to him a prolific source of diseases” ~
Edward Jenner

I Made the Permanent Switch to IF

What made me love an IF eating lifestyle once I started it was the sense of
freedom from eating that I had never experienced before.

Having always been a slave to the clock, eating specific times, eating all day
long, worrying about food….it was refreshing to finally just do something that
was so easy and still seemed so natural.

Here are some of the additional reasons I made the switch long ago (and why
many others did and still do to this day).

It’s So Easy to Do!

Why would I ever want something complicated back into my life when the simple
answer works? That sums it all up.

The IF Life Revolution 20

No Calorie Counting Again
At this point I know how many calories roughly I need to take in and if I am
eating healthy foods anyways, getting too many is not really an issue. In reality
knowing exact calories are not even such a vital daily task, as they can average
out over several days.

So even high calorie days can be counteracted by lower calorie ones easily,
especially when using IF.

Its Flexible to React to Anything that Comes Up

Life is always changing (as it should), so your healthy lifestyle plan should be
able to change with it. Whether it is based on your goals, training, performance,
recovery, business travel schedule or vacation.

IF is flexible, not a diet set in stone (heck it's not even a “diet”), and you have to
power to make it work for you each and every day.

There is no reason you can't enjoy your favorite foods,

while also making healthier choices. A restrictive diet
never works, but a flexible approach with focus on
smarter choices can last a lifetime!

It Resets my Natural Cravings

I have a renewed appreciation for good tasting foods again. Fruit never tastes
so good like when it’s the first thing you have to eat that day. Your taste buds

The IF Life Revolution 21

become more receptive.

Instead of craving soda or candy (sugar), you will crave and enjoy the natural
flavors of fruits, vegetables and even start to crave healthy fats and protein (as
the body knows what it needs, if we only make time to take a break and listen).

You can Maintain/Gain Muscle and Lose Fat

People can increase free fatty acid oxidation (fat loss) and still be able to retain
and build muscle. Remember this is not starving yourself, it’s about optimizing
your fat burning system (glucose metabolism), organ health, digestive tract and
food utilization.

When it comes full circle you have a better functioning machine (your body) that
will burn fat and maintain/build lean muscle.

No more Obsessive Compulsive Worrying or Food Addictions

I did the 6 meals a day, cooking all weekend, packaging up meals to carry with
me, and then I asked myself “is this any way to live”? Plus it wasn’t realistic that
this was something I would do or enjoy for the rest of my life, so there had to be
a better way to be healthy.

Now my happiness is not tied to constant food intake and I can get on with all
that life has to offer!

It’s Saves Me Money

Even though I still eat plenty of food, I still tend to spend less overall. Plus take
into consideration most people are usually not cooking at home all day, so they
spend more money buying their multiple meals/bars/shakes.

With a cleaned up digestive system and improved nutrient absorption and

utilization, it seems I also require less calories to maintain bodyweight. All in all,
saves me money!

More Mental Clarity and Concentration

This was the biggest (pleasant) surprise that I noticed all day long. I had more

The IF Life Revolution 22

energy, more mental clarity, more creativity, more focus and just a better mood
all day long.

Compare that to when I used to eat a huge breakfast (or lunch) and was groggy,
had more brain fog, and felt like falling asleep hours later.

It's no wonder most offices are full of walking zombies between 10am and 2pm
all looking for the next shot of energy from the coffee machine. Time to break
that cycle and have natural energy that lasts.

Why not just find your own internal source of all day and
energy/alertness without needing all those energy

Performance levels are still High (if not Higher)

I wouldn’t have kept doing IF if I had seen that the things I loved to do were
negatively affected. Hence I can still play sports, exercise, work and feel great
doing it.

In fact I enjoy doing some of my workouts and activity in a fasted state.

I Believe in Responsibility for my own Health

I am not waiting around for science to say they have cured all diseases (as that
day may not ever come in my lifetime). I am taking full responsibility for my
health right now and doing what I believe is best for reducing disease risks.

The IF Life Revolution 23

The proven research studies about eating less and IF show that it may:
• Reduce risks for degenerative diseases
• Reduce oxidative stress and inflammation factors
• Increase protection against neuro-degenerative (brain) diseases
• Increase cardio-protective (heart) factors
• Improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism
• Increase pulmonary function (lung)

All in all a body that is healthier, has stronger defenses at the cellular level,
recycles and rebuilds proteins, less stress on the immune system and improved
quality of life with aging. Sounds like my health plan of choice!

I Now Feel 100x Healthier and Younger

When I hit 30 a while back, it seemed like the warranty ended on my body. My
knees started to hurt more, experienced more join pain and swelling (especially
after playing ice hockey).

I was sluggish, tired, not focusing and something just didn’t add up. I admit, I
didn’t eat so healthy all the time…as I was more concerned about eating lots of
food, 6x a day which meant more bars, shakes and sugar.

Now after years of playing around and adopting IF (and switching to eating more
real foods) I now feel 100x better, no longer have knee pain, can recover quicker
from exercise, lost weight (fat), got rid of the bloating in my gut, have more
mental focus and clarity daily and just now enjoy life more.

I am probably much healthier at 38 on a cellular level than I was at 30! This just
feels natural to give my body time off from eating to take care of itself, as I don’t
believe we were built to just live our lives around eating.

It is also my main reason I made it my mission to start the IF Life years ago and
spread the word about IF, as I wanted everyone else to know what was possible!

The IF Life Revolution 24

Starvation and Metabolism
The Word “Fasting” is Not that Scary
First let’s just take a quick step back and talk about the word that “scares”
everyone out there…”fasting”. I’ve heard it so many times before, seen the
expressions in people’s faces when I mention the “f” word (gasp!)….fasting that

Sleeping without food intake for long hours is natural

and essential, as you don't get up to eat every 3 hours
during the why do you think you need to eat
all the time you are awake too?

The typical reaction I get is people just rant off the same responses (without
even trying to listen to what I may have to say) such as “Oh I don’t want to
starve myself” or “that will crash your metabolism” and so many other things.

I'm going to try to clear this up once and for all and give you the honest answers.
From that point on what you decide to do is completely up to you.

You Already Fast every Single Day

Well maybe this will help, you are already doing fasting every time you go to
sleep. Yep that’s right! (unless you wake and eat every 3 hours during the night
that is....which most of us are not)

The IF Life Revolution 25

From the time you eat dinner, go to bed and wake up and eat again…you have
been fasting. So now we are just going to explore using “intermittent” times to
keep the fast going for additional benefits (and a simple eating lifestyle that still
allows you to lose weight and build muscle).

Fasting is Part of Nature's Design

Fasting in nature is nothing new, it has been around for millions of years. It’s not
something that I have invented nor anyone else just discovered.

Fasting has been a natural way to heal/protect designed into our DNA. Animals
fast when they are sick, babies don't want to eat when they are sick….the body
just doesn’t want food when it knows it has other work to do in repairing and
healing itself.

Intermittent periods of short term fasting are the body’s way of being able to help
increase the health of it’s own digestive system, clean up waste and reduce
toxins, help cellular repair, take care of internal inflammation, and many other
important functions for optimal health (immune system).

Feast-Famine Survival
The body's ability to also handle the stress of low/no food is also an evolutionary
survival program. If it wasn't, human beings may have died off long ago when
times got tough and food was low.

Also known as the “feast-famine” times, the body actually can get stronger from
times of “short” stress. All the while improving the system on which we all
function, namely the glucose (blood sugar) metabolism.

Monitoring the blood sugar is priority #1 for the body on a survival level.
So if the body wants to heal itself. it has to improve that glucose
metabolism. Improving the glucose metabolism will also in turn lead away
from a fat “storing” and more of a fat “burning” environment.

The IF Life Revolution 26

“Oh my Goodness...I Don't Want to Starve Myself”
Let's get this out of the way right now. IF is NOT about starving yourself if you
keep the fasting “intermittent” and “short”, and eat enough calories otherwise
(non-IF days).

Most people don't know what starvation really is. Want a real glimpse? Go to a
starving 3 world country and see it first hand. Then maybe we can realize
missing a meal here and there is not the same thing.

Starving yourself is eating so low in calories/nutrients that your body starts to

break down and health declines because of it. You can starve eating 6x a day
too if the calories are minimal. It has nothing to do with the frequency of how
often you eat, just the overall summation of calorie load over longer periods of
time (days, weeks).

So ask yourself, are you really afraid of starvation...or are you just so mentally
attached to food that it hurts to even think about taking a break from it once in a
while (which may be the most important thing you need to do).

“This sounds like just another Hollywood Fad Diet”

Don't confuse knowing how to eat properly in smaller windows, with people who
are taking things to extremes and going about it all the wrong ways. Most things
done by celebrities are usually done all wrong, as seen by how they yo-yo in
weight and gain it all back.

IF done the right way is not a yo-yo quick weight loss gimmick, but rather a
freeing and lasting lifestyle plan. Of course if one takes IF to the extreme with
prolonged fasting, low calories and high exercise/stress load...things can still go

The message is IF done correctly, is a proven safe and effective plan for most
healthy adults...and a lifestyle that will have you not obsessing over food either.

“But I'll Slow Down My Metabolism!”

Lets not forget the myth about eating more often and a faster metabolism. It's
still about total calorie intake, not frequency of meals. Plus the body works on a
long term schedule of days/weeks....not hour by hour when it comes to

The IF Life Revolution 27

metabolic function.

As long as you don't do excessive IF and still eat enough, you will be fine and
some even notice a bit more metabolic boost too!

The “quick metabolism” line is just mainstream hype that helps to sell more
books, magazines, and get attention in the news. All hype, but really lacking any
true wisdom into our natural design (or based on real scientific proof).

Fasting and Metabolic Rate

Did you know research* done on metabolic rate and fasting showed NO
metabolic slowdown until 72 hours? In fact, there was a small increase!
Not that the IF plans should be that long, but it shows that your
metabolism is much more complex and sustainable. To imply that
skipping a meal would immediately negatively effect that process in any
way (like any mainstream magazine/site would tell you) is an insult to the
survival programming design of the human body.

* (Macdonald IA, Webber J, 1995)

Now It's Your Choice What to Do Next

You can keep continuing to believe the mainstream dogma that may not be
working for you (or just not that enjoyable to do), or you can give your body the
evolutionary kick it needs to start burning more fat (and as a bonus also
increase your overall state of health in the process).

You can also see more frequently asked questions about IF by clicking

The IF Life Revolution 28

Enjoy Your IF Lifestyle

Time to start enjoying how and what we eat, and focus

on what really matters in life...such as spending time
with good friends and family

Believe it or not, I'm actually going to tell you how you can start using IF in your
lifestyle right now! While these are the basics, it is something you can try for
yourself to see if you think IF is right for you.

Each individual person may come up with an IF plan that meets their specific
lifestyle needs and enjoyment level. The difference is now you have total control
to make your eating what it really should be, a lifestyle worth doing!

Use “Intermittent” Condensed Eating Windows

Here is the KISS (keep it know the rest) version of how to use IF.
Pick a few days during the week in which you want to eat less (ideally not back
to back). On those days just keep the “fast” going from overnight until as long as
you comfortably can.

At some point later in the day, starting eating when you feel you need to. For
some starting out it could be 10am...noon....2pm...or even later. Just start off
slow and steady to see how you react and then adjust as needed.

The IF Life Revolution 29

Also it is important to remember that the IF protocols discussed here do have
you eating every day, not skipping a whole day or going extended days without

From this point on how many times a week and how long you fast for is really up
to your choosing. There are some guidelines on what not to do coming up, but
that is the power of IF. It is flexible to meet the needs of most anyone...and can
change however you need it to in your ongoing lifestyle.

IF is like the Swiss army knife of "Diets" (although not

really a diet). Many ways to use it, and each person
may require/find success with a different tool/approach.

IF Warnings and Cautions

While a great tool in helping you to achieve results for weight loss and health,
like anything if done the wrong way can also have negative effects. Some of
those can include:

• Under-eating due to overuse of IF can possibly lose muscle/lower

metabolism if calories are too low for too long (not what you want if your
#1 goal is weight loss)

• IF may increase anxiety, depression or other emotional states especially if

used too often, under stressful conditions or with stimulants like coffee.
(risks also increase with history of any conditions)

The IF Life Revolution 30

• If you are using IF to just give yourself a pass to end up “binge” eating on
excess calories from junk foods, then it won't work. This is what I like to
call “IFOC” (IF on Crap). IFOC does NOT work nor is it healthy.

• If you have high calorie demands, a very active lifestyle, or excess stress
(from physical activity, work, lack of sleep) along with excess IF usage will
not yield optimal results (especially as you get lower in bodyfat)

Disclaimer: IF is meant for healthy adult individuals. If you have or do

currently experience any disease symptoms, medical conditions, are on
medications, mental/emotional disorders, or past eating disorders…make
sure you are doing everything under the guidance of a professional
physician. Use at your own risk. If you notice any side effects stop
immediately and consult a professional physician.

Making IF Work for You

I hope you have enjoyed this ebook on the IF Life Revolution and has given you
more insight into how you can eat and still be healthy. It is my belief that using IF
could be the easiest way to not only lose weight, but also gain back control over
food choices and finally be free from all those “diets” once and for all.

When in doubt, start slow and remember to make IF work for you! I hope you
find the same lasting success (and enjoyment) in using IF like myself and so
many others have.

The IF Life Revolution 31

Results Do Matter
Along with this free ebook and videos (linked to from inside this ebook), I have
also put together my best coaching resource on using IF for weight loss. It has
taken me many years of experience, research and even a couple revisions to
finally be able to release the new “IF Life 2.0” coaching system.

In it you will learn everything I believe you should know including the main
hormones to focus on for fat burning (and releasing), the research and science
behind eating and IF, and what hormones you should focus on for maintaining
muscle & metabolism through diet, exercise and even lifestyle factors. All in
easy-to-read ebook format and mp3 audio files.

My end goal being with the IF Life is to give you all the support and information
needed for you to be happy, break free from diets and succeed in lasting weight
loss and health for life!

The IF Life Revolution 32

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