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N e w definition for relating occlusion to varying conditions of

the temporomandibular joint

P e t e r E. D a w s o n , D D S a
Center For Advanced Dental Study, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Centric relation is the accepted term for defining the condylar axis position of intact,
completely seated, properly aligned condyle-disk assemblies. However, some structur-
ally deformed t e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r joints m a y function comfortably, even though they
do not fulfill the requirements for centric relation. A w i d e range of temporomandibu-
lar disorders from partial to complete disk derangements w i t h or without reduction
m a y adapt to a conformation that permits the joints to comfortably accept m a x i m a l
compressive loading by the elevator muscles. There has been no accepted terminology
to define the condition or position of such joints. The purpose of this article is to
define a n e w term, adapted centric posture, and to explain its rationale and h o w it is
determined. Verification of successful adaptation is an important step in diagnosis,
because it rules out structural intracapsular disorders as a source of orofacial pain
and establishes responsible guidelines for initiation of occlusal treatment or prosthetic
dentistry. It also establishes a m u c h n e e d e d terminology for more specific description
o f t e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r joint position and condition for clinical research on the
relationship b e t w e e n occlusion and the temporomandibular joints. (J PROSTHETDENT

C o n f u s i o n about the relationship between dental altered by these changes, this article attempts to clarify the
occlusion and the temporomandibular joints (TMJs) has rationale for positioning healthy condyle-disk assemblies
been evident in the literature for many years. Many in centric relation and suggests more definitive terminol-
authors advocate that condyle position is critical to the ogy and rationale for positioning temporomandibularjoints
equilibrium of the masticatory system at maximal inter- that have undergone intracapsular deformation and struc-
cuspationY TM Others have argued that little or no rela- tural change.
tionship exists between faulty occlusion and temporoman- This article suggests three categories for condyle-fossa
dibular disorders. 2~ relationships: centric relation, adapted centric posture,
In contrast to published information that occlusion is not and treatment position. These categories will be defined,
a factor in temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), a review explained, and related to maximal intercuspation of the
of the literature suggests that such a conclusion is not to- teeth.
tally supported, because the information is routinely
devoid of specific details about the position or the condition CENTRIC RELATION
of the temporomandibular joints in relation to occlusal Centric relation is defined in this article as the precise
contacts.20-2t Further confusion results from the use of the location of the horizontal condylar axis when properly
single term "TMD" to denote a whole constellation of signs aligned condyle-disk assemblies are completely seated in
or symptoms with no specificity of the type of intracapsu- their respective bony sockets. Because the position of the
lar deformation or whether any structural deformation has horizontal condylar axis determines the maxillo-mandib-
even occurred. ular relationship during jaw closure, any variation in
It is important to determine the type of intracapsular condylar position will change the closing arc of the mandi-
deformation or change in TMJ structures before attempt- ble and thus affect the initial contact of the mandibular
ing to determine the optimal relationship between the teeth against the maxillary teeth. If maximal intercuspal
temporomandibularjoints and maximal intercuspation of tooth contact is not coincident with the completely seated
the teeth. Because the position of the condylar axis can be position of both condyles, the condyles must be displaced
to achieve complete jaw closure into maximal intercuspa-
tion. Numerous electromyographic studies reported that
Copyright 9 1995 by The Editorial Council of THE JOU~AL OV occlusal interferences to centric relation disrupt the coor-
PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY. dination of masticatory muscle function. 25-3~
0022-3913/95/$5.00 + 0. 10/1/67765 The most important criterion for centric relation is the



tions. This "uppermost" position is a departure from the

concept of"most retruded." To equate centric relation with
the "retruded position" is still common in the literature,
which, although it may be confusing, is acceptable if

achieved by coordinated masticatory muscles. It should not

be considered centric relation if the condyles are forced
away from the eminentiae to a more retruded position than
the one achieved by the coordinated muscle function. Un-
fortunately, in patients undergoing dental procedures the
technique of pushing the jaw back to record centric relation
is still too prevalent.
The reason we advocate preciseness in l(~cating centric
relation is because of the common clinical observation that
even the most minute deflection from the bone-braced
condyle position may activate uncoordinated contraction of
the lateral pterygoid muscles in opposition to elevator
muscle contraction. Our observations of this uncoordi-
Fig. 1. In coordinated muscle function, triad of strong el- nated muscle activity suggests that it can result in myo-
evator muscles pulls condyles up slippery posterior slopes fascial pain if disruptive occlusal contact is prolonged. It is
of eminentiae. Inferior lateral pterygoid muscles release reasonably assumed that prolonged isometric contraction
and stay released through complete closure if no occlusal of antagonistic muscles can result in myogenous pain,
interferences to centric relation occur. particularly in the smaller lateral pterygoid muscles,
which are at a disadvantage.
The trigger that activates lateral pterygoid contraction
complete release of the lateral pterygoid muscles during can be inconspicuous. The exquisite sensitivity of peri-
jaw closure. 2 During jaw closure in intact TMJs the odontal and interdental proprioceptive sensors can trigger
condyle-disk assemblies are pulled up the eminentiae by a painful reflex muscle patterns from deflective occlusal in-
triad of strong elevator muscles (Fig. 1). To ensure a coor- terferences that are easily missed by clinicians who do not
dinated neuromusculature function, the release of inferior recognize their importance or the importance of verifying
lateral pterygoid muscle contraction must allow the the accuracy ofcentric relation before starting any occlusal
condyles to slide up to the apex of force positions,n~ at which correction procedures (Fig. 4).
point the medial pole of each condyle-disk assemble would In most, if not all, of the published studies that downplay
be stopped by bone. This buttressed bone stop occurs at the role of occlusion, no attempt has been reported to pre-
the height of concavity in the medial third of each fossa cisely locate and verify an accurate centric relation. If this
(Fig. 2). This relationship would then be considered the verification is not done, any conclusions drawn regarding
ideally aligned or completely seated condyle-disk assem- the relationship between correct occlusion and properly
bly. positioned temporomandibular joints are highly suspect.
The condyles must be free to move down and up the pos- The mandible is in centric relation if four criteria are
terior slope of the eminence during function. The function fulfilled:
of the masseter and internal pterygoid muscles should 1. The disk is properly aligned on both condyles.
keep the condyles loaded 2 against the eminentiae in all 2. The condyle-disk assemblies are at the highest point
excursive movements (Fig. 3) and in centric relation. Fol- possible against the posterior slopes of the eminentiae.
lowing this philosophy, it may be more descriptive to say 3. The medial pole of each condyle-disk assembly is braced
that centric relation is the most superior position that the by bone.
properly aligned condyle-disk assemblies can achieve 4. The inferior lateral pterygoid muscles have released
against the eminentiae. This position would appear to be their contraction and are passive.
physiologic, because it results mechanically from coordi- If all four of these criteria are fulfilled, healthy temporo-
nated release function, which completely seats the condyle- mandibular joints in centric relation can accept all of the
disk assemblies if no occlusal inclines interfere. The loading that the elevator muscles can apply, because all of
significance of this uppermost position is that only at this the force is directed through avascular, noninnervated
bone-braced relationship is the coordinated activity of the structures that were designed to be load-bearing. 3236If the
inferior lateral pterygoid muscles achieved through com- upward slide of the condyle-disk assemblies is stopped by
plete closure. Ligament bracing is not a factor, because the bone, no resistance should be required from the inferior
condyles can be displaced down and back from centric re- lateral pterygoid muscles once the condyles are completely
lation before the ligaments reach their functional limita- seated; therefore upward loading should not alter their

620 V O L U M E 74 NUMBER 6

F i g . 2. The condyle-disk assemblies slide up convex posterior slopes of eminentiae until

medial poles (solid arrow) are stopped by buttressed bone at medial third of fossae. Circle
indicates uppermost position at which medial pole braces against bone (with disk inter-
posed). Lateral two thirds of roof of fossa is thin and not bearing area.

Fig. 3. No muscles are in a position to distract condyles. Whether occlusal contact is on

anterior teeth only or posterior teeth only, all elevator muscles combine to direct the
condyles antero-superiorly in centric relation (A) and also keep them loaded against em-
inentiae as they travel up and down the slopes in function (B).

passive state during closure or activate their contraction the highest point of concavity of that part of each fossa.
even during strong clenching. So unless the muscles are From where the medial poles are stopped by bone the fos-
triggered by a disruptive occlusal contact that occurs sae walls curve downward on three sides so that from a
before maximal closure is complete, the coordinated re- correct centric relation, the condyles cannot travel for-
lease of the inferior lateral pterygoid muscle should remain ward, backward, or medially without moving downward
consistent with elevator muscle contraction during the re- (Fig. 5). The understanding of this apex of force position is
petitive clenching posture associated with swallowing. extremely important to our concept of centric relation. It
When both condyle-disk assemblies are completely means that failure to completely seat condyles when har-
seated in centric relation, their medial poles should be at monizing an occlusion invariably results in a muscle-

DECE~m~R xggs 621



Many TMJs function with complete comfort and appar-
ent normalcy, even though they have undergone deforma-
tion caused by disease, trauma, or remodeling and there-
fore automatically cannot fulfill all of our criteria for cen-
tric relation. Some TMJs click or exhibit other signs of
intracapsular disorder, but they do not prevent patients
from functioning in an acceptable and comfortable man-
ner. Determining whether a deformed TMJ can function
acceptably with comfort and with a reasonable degree of
stability is one of the most important decisions in the di-
agnostic process.
The author defines adapted centric posture as the rela-
tionship of the mandible to the maxilla that is achieved
when deformed temporomandibular joints have adapted to
the degree that they can comfortably accept firm loading
when completely seated at the most superior position
against the eminentiae.
Like centric relation, adapted centric posture is a hori-
zontal axial position of the condyles. It occurs irrespective
Fig. 4. Load testing conducted at suspected centric rela- of vertical dimension or tooth contact. It is also a midmost
tion hinge position with torquing action starting with gen- position, because even if the disk is totally displaced, the
tle loading first, then increasing pressure from light to very medial pole of the condyle adapts to the concavity of the
firm. Any sign of tension or tenderness in either joint in- fossa and maintains contact against its medial incline.
dicates that centric relation has not been achieved. Fingers
The mandible is in adapted centric posture if four crite-
must be placed on posterior half of mandible during
ria are fulfilled:
1. The condyles are comfortably seated at the highest
point against the eminentiae.
braced condyle instead of a bone-braced condyle. It also 2. The medial pole of each condyle is braced by bone. (The
means that whenever the condyles go to their more upward disk may be partially interposed.)
centric relation position during function, the closing forces 3. The inferior lateral pterygoid muscles have released
are directed more on the most posterior teeth, which contraction and are passive.
become pivotal to the upward moving condyles (Fig. 6). 4. The condyle-to-fossa relationships occur at a manage-
Contrary to some opinions that centric relation is not a able level of stability.
functional position, that observation has not been sup- The consequences of adaptive changes in the temporo-
ported by extensive research at the University of Florida is mandibular articulation may be positive or negative with
or in studies that show that the retruded position is used regard to symptoms. The same adaptive changes that re-
frequently in swallowing. 37 If the idea that the condyles do sult in reduction of symptoms may simultaneously produce
go repeatedly to centric relation is doubted, it would only serious and progressive deformation ofintracapsular struc-
be necessary to observe the facets of wear on the teeth of tures and damage to collateral structures eleswhere. Teeth
a number of patients. Casts mounted correctly in centric and supporting structures can be especially affected by
relation routinely show that if wear facets are present, the structural changes of the TMJs. We note that excessive
facets always extend to centric relation on tooth inclines occlusal wear or hypermobility of teeth is routinely ob-
that interfere with centric relation. served as disharmony between the TMJs and the occlusion
A study of condyle/fossa anatomic condition makes it progresses. 3s Our clinical observation is consistent: unsta-
evident that the medial wall of the fossa braces against the ble TMJs result in unstable occlusions.
medial pole of the condyle disk assembly when the condyles Adapted centric posture may be achieved in a variety of
are in centric relation. This fact is why centric relation is intracapsular deformations. The progression from a
the midmost position of the mandible (Fig. 7). Thus from healthy, intact TMJ to one that is deformed and has
centric relation it is not possible for either condyle-disk as- adapted may include stages that produce pain and dys-
sembly to move horizontally toward the midline. If such a function as the adaptation process takes place. The pro-
movement occurs, it is an indication that the condyles were gression of deformation may occur with little or no intra-
not completely seated in centric relation at the start of capsular pain. Diagnosis made on the basis of symptoms
movement. From centric relation the orbiting condyle only is insufficient and may lead to false assumptions
must move downward as it moves medially. about the source of pain in patients with TMD.



Fig. 5. Medial pole of each condyle-disk assembly is braced against uppermost roof of
concavity at medial third of each fossa. From that seated position condyles cannot move
forward, backward, or medialward without traveling downward (circle represents medial
pole position). Because anterior face of each condyle disk assembly (line with three arrows)
is against eminence in centric relation, no forward translation is possible without down-
ward movement.

Proper diagnosis requires an orderly evaluation ofintra- displaced off the medial pole, it is possible to achieve com-
capsular structures, not just to see whether deformation is plete seating ofthe condyle with no discomfort. This is true
present but to determine the specific stage of deformation even when a lateral pole click has progressed to closed lock
responsible for the discomfort. The clinical experience of of the lateral half of the disk. If the intracapsular defor-
the author has shown that in most patients with so-called mation is intercepted at these stages, it has been our clin-
TMD, the discomfort is far more likely to be myogenous ical experience that stability of the articulation can b e
rather than intracapsular, even when some deformation achieved if harmony is established between the occlusion
has occurred within the intracapsular structures. This di- and the completely seated condyle-disk assemblies.
agnosis cannot be determined on the basis ofepidemiologic The experience of the author also suggests that lateral
percentages. It must be determined by specific testing of pole disk derangements can be treated as normal joints if
each individual patient to determine whether any intrac- the medial pole disk alignment is acceptable and if adapted
apsular structures are disordered, and, if they are de- centric posture can be verified by load testing. 39 In my ex-
formed, to determine whether they have adapted to a perience the key to success is in maintaining coordinated
manageable level of comfort and stability. A combination musculature function through elimination of all occlusal
of history, load testing, auscultation, and palpation can interferences to a verified adapted centric posture.
usually lead to a diagnosis, but some type of imaging may
be needed for specificity. Complete disk d e r a n g e m e n t s w i t h formation
Some of the most common intracapsular conditions that o f a p s e u d o disk
may permit an adapted centric posture are (1) lateral pole In the early stages of a complete disk displacement it is
disk derangements, (2) complete disk derangements with the experience of the author that a period exists during
formation of a pseudo-disk, (3) complete disk displacement which pain is a symptom. Considerable pain may result
with perforation, and (4) other partial disk derangements from compression of the vascular and richly innervated
and asymptomatic clicking TMJs. retrodiskal tissue by the condyle (Fig. 8). If this compres-
sion occurs, adapted centric posture cannot be achieved
Lateral pole disk d e r a n g e m e n t s
because the TMJ will not accept loading without some de-
Piper's classification of intracapsular disorders distin- gree of discomfort. Although not predictable, the retrodis-
gnishes between lateral pole disk derangements and kal tissue is sometimes converted to a fibrous connective
derangements in which the disk is displaced off both the tissue pseudo-disk. We have observed such pseudo-disk
lateral and medial poles of the condyle. If the disk is not formation in cadaver specimens, in open-joint microsur-

DECEMBER 1995 623


, ~ l [t [i i[IIr
/[[ il Fig. 7. Medial pole bracing in line with medial pterygoid
muscle contraction establishes midmost position at centric
: ~ ~ ~ ~ relation. This midmost position is consistently s imulta-
' neous with uppermost position.

! ~ fill

Fig. 6. Because condyles must displace downward to ac- ~ x

commodate intercuspal position that is forward of centric
relation (A), most posterior tooth that interferes becomes
pivotal point when condyles are pulled up into centric re- Fig. 8. In early stages of complete disk derangement,
lation. B, Inferior lateral pterygoid must remain actively condyle loads onto vascular, retrodiskal tissue, which is
contracted whenever teeth are intercuspated, richly innervated. When this structural misalignment oc-
curs, TMJ cannot accept loading without pain.

gery, and on magnetic resonance images. If this formation

occurs, it is possible that blood vessels and their accompa-
nying sensory nerves will evacuate the bearing area, and vascular tissues and begins to load against bone. As the
the fibrous extension of the original disk will eventually be soft-tissue perforation expands, a complete bone-to-bone
able to accept loading with no discomfort. It may then be contact may result that permits loading with no impinge-
possible to achieve an adapted centric posture that appears ment against innervated structures. At this stage it is pos-
to be as stable as an intact condyle-disk alignment. sible to verify an adapted centric posture by the absence of
discomfort when the condyles are loaded.
Complete disk displacement with perforation The typical sequence of events that we have experienced
The most likely progression from a closed-lock, anterior after the retrodiskal tissue is perforated is a progressive
displacement of the disk is to proceed through a painful flattening of both the condyle and eminence. The osteoar-
stage of compression of the retrodiskal tissues, which be- thritic deformation starts at the articular cartilage, caus-
come less painful as the condyle perforates the sensitive ing a loss of height of the condyle. Because the perforation



and disk derangement disrupts the flow of synovial fluid, with disk displacement. When the retrodiskal tissues
nourishment to the articular surfaces is compromised. are swollen and painful, the condyles cannot completely
Thus the osteoarthritic joint is not completely stable. seat to either centric relation or adapted centric posture
Although the condyle will continue to lose height as its without compressing these structures. A treatment po-
bearing surface breaks down, the deformation can usually sition that reduces the compressive force and allows the
inflammation to subside should be determined. Antiin-
be slowed to a manageable condition by reestablishing co-
flammatory medication and soft diet are recommended
ordinated muscle function and reducing muscle hyperac-
in combination with the use of a treatment position that
tivity. Any discomfort in this type of problem is invariably is protruded enough to prevent compression of retro-
myogenous. It can be readily resolved by restoring har- diskal tissue. The condyles should be permitted to
mony between the occlusion and the completely seated return to centric relation or adapted centric posture as
TMJs, even though they have undergone deformation. soon as the edema is reduced, which is usually a mat-
It is the author's contention that patients with slowly ter of a few days.
progressing osteoarthritis can be made as comfortable as 3. Pathologic conditions and structural or functional dis-
patients with intact TMJs if occlusal harmony is estab- orders that affect the ability of the intracapsular struc-
lished with adapted centric posture. If both condyles can tures to accept loading can result from a variety of
accept loading with no discomfort, relief of myofascial pain causes. The basic rule is, "If the TMJs cannot accept
loading with complete comfort...find out why."
is highly predictable if all occlusal interferences to the
bone-braced condyle position are completely eliminated. Differential diagnosis must first confirm that the source
Typically, it is necessary to adjust the occlusion periodi- of pain is within the intracapsular structures and not iso-
cally as condylar height is lost, but it does not create a lated in muscle. Load testing is the most effective way to
management problem if patients are informed of this need make that determination. Masticatory muscle pain is
in advance. In my clinical experience minimal corrections common when intracapsular pathosis is present, because
to the occlusion are all that is needed at 9- to 12-month in- the muscles tend to protect the painful joint from overload.
tervals to maintain comfort in the masticatory muscula- Attempting to treat masticatory muscle problems without
ture. knowledge of the specific type of intracapsular problem is
inappropriate. Appropriate treatment combines an at-
Other partial disk derangements and tempt to resolve the intracapsular problem while simulta-
a s y m p t o m a t i c c l i c k i n g TMJs neously establishing equilibrium within the total mastica-
Reciprocal clicking is a sign that some degree of defor- tory system. If this procedure requires harmonization of
mation has occurred in the diskal ligaments. The varia- the occlusion with a temporary treatment position for the
tions in deformation of the ligaments and the disk appear joints, that decision should be based on determining the
unlimited. However, many clicking and deformed joints optimal treatment position first.
have adapted sufficiently so that they can comfortably ac- Not all pathologic deformation results in pain on loading.
cept loading. If a structural analysis shows that the condi- It is sometimes possible to load condyles with advanced
tion is reasonably stable, adapted centric posture may be bone disease, but the condition may be too unstable to
achieved, even though the disk is deranged and a click is warrant treatment procedures that are irreversible. A
present. The key to successful treatment of adapted TMJs complete diagnosis including history, palpation, load test-
is the complete seating of both condyles so that the inferior ing, Doppler auscultation, range and path of motion test-
lateral pterygoid muscles can release their contraction ing, and appropriate imaging should be used to determine
during closure all the way to maximal intercuspation. a specific diagnosis. 2, 39Blood studies, surgical exploration,
or both may be needed in some cases. It is not the purpose
TREATMENT POSITION of this article to outline all the protocols for diagnosing the
Three general types ofintracapsular disorders result in wide range of diseases that may be encountered. Advance-
pain or discomfort when the temporomandibular joints are ments in diagnostic tests and imaging capabilities make it
loaded. difficult for structural disorders to hide from an astute di-
1. In complete displacement of the disk, disk displacement
is almost always anterior to the condyle, which results Determination of treatment position
in compression of the vascular, innervated, retrodiskal
The need for a treatment position can be determined af-
structures. If the disk is not reducible and compression
ter it has been verified that neither centric relation or
ofretrodiskal tissue causes discomfort, it is necessary to
determine a treatment position for the condyle for the adapted centric posture can be achieved. Two objectives
purpose of developing an adapted centric posture that exist in determining the most favorable treatment position
can eventually accept loading. for the condyles: (1) relief of pain, and (2) eventual stabi-
2. Retrodiskal inflammation and edema usually occurs as lization of the condyles in either centric relation or adapted
a result of trauma and may or may not be associated centric posture.


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