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Is Odysseus a Good Leader?

Odysseus is a good leader because, although, he is selfish, he is also smart. One

example of Odysseus being selfish is when he knew that Scylla would take, One man for every
gullet (58). The reason for this is because Odysseus knew most of his crew also want to return
to their homes. He knew his crew would not want to die, so he chose to not tell them they will.
Although this is selfish it is also smart. Odysseus knew that if, instead of sailing for Scylla, he
sailed for Charybdis then even, The god who makes the earth tremble could not save him (67).
Odysseus knew if he sailed for Charybdis then him and his crew would all die. This shows
Odysseus is smart because he realises that six lives are worth less than his whole crew's lives.

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