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Christopher Gardiner is an understanding husband, a loving dad, a determined salesman, and a

diligent student. For instance, despite the fact that his wife, Linda, did not care anymore
because she was not happy about her familys situation, he did not exasperate at her wife and
tried to understand why his wife felt that way. Additionally, he was always a responsible and
caring father to his son, Christopher Jr., because, like what he said, he wants his children to feel
the presence of a father; he did not abandon nor give up his son which was clearly a proof of his
great character. Moreover, even if selling the portable bone density scanners would cause him
extreme hardships, he did not surrender just to provide for his family. As an intern student, he
really had the perseverance and enthusiasm to learn and be a part of the company. Even if he
was underrated and felt unappreciated, he continued working really hard. Mr. Gardiners
personality inspires everyone.
2. Christopher Gardiner is smart, wise, and clever. I could still remember the scene where he
displayed his smartness by extemporaneously making the color of each face of a Rubiks cube
similar. That had Mr. Jay Twistle amazed. Also, I could remember the scene when Mr. Frohm
asked him why a shirtless man might possibly be hired; comically, he responded non-verbatim:
He must have a good pants. Additionally, despite the fact that he rarely had good review
sessions, it was obvious in the movie that he aced this particular exam given them because he
finished answering the exam confidently and immediately. He also made crucial decisions where
his choices made him successful. Christopher proved that these skills are necessary to achieve
your dreams.
3. Christopher ended up being homeless because of financial stability. He ended up having less
than twenty-two dollars. This caused them to spend his night with his son initially in a bathroom
then to homeless shelter.
4. One life lesson that Christopher taught his son is that he should always pursue his dreams no
matter how difficult the circumstances are. He told his son that he should not let somebody tell
him that he cannot do something. He also advised his son that if he has dreams, he should
protect and chase them. He always made his son feel that every dream is achievable. The tough
experiences of Christopher had been the evidence to his son that any dream can be achieved as
long as you really want to achieve them and you trust in God.
5. Christopher Gardiner was upset because the daycare service just let the children watch movies.
Despite the fact that he had been paying the daycare service 150 dollars a month, Mrs. Chu just
let the children watch movies, which is something that can be done at home.
6. Christopher found his source of hope in God. There were times where Christopher and his son
attended worship gathering. And one could really feel how Christopher is attached to God.
When he was finally able to fix the last portable bone density scanner, he seemed to be praying,
giving thanks to God for finally repairing the scanner which he can sell for 250 dollars. God really
motivated Christopher to keep persevering and made it possible for Christopher to reach his
dream to be a broker.
7. I think that Christopher defines success as genuine happiness of the people around you attained
after the multiple hardships. He seemed not to be really happy at the beginning of the movie
because he had not been successful enough to provide the necessities sufficient for a
comfortable family life. So he worked really hard to achieve his dream. Finally, he was happy at
the end of the movie not only because he had achieved his dream but because he knew that he
could already provide for his sons needs.
8. The lesson that I got from the pursuit of happiness is about faith and courage. One needs to be
courageous enough to face his or her adversities. It is not about the wave of challenges that
come to our lives; it is about how courageous we are to conquer them. Also, one needs to have
faith by continuously believing that God will give all the desires of a passionate persons heart
someday. One needs to believe that God is only giving us challenges because He knows that we
could overcome them. Faith and courage should be with the people who are willing to get big
achievements someday.
9. I would still hire Christopher because his explanations sufficed for me to understand his
situation. He had been through enormous difficulties, and someone has to understand him. At
the end of the day, it is not the appearance but the character and wisdom of a person that
matter to me and that could contribute to the companys headway.
10. The film reminded me to always be passionate of what I am doing and to put God in the center
of my life because He is in control. No matter how weak or how undeserving I think I am, I
should always imbibe the confidence in me because God has a good plan for my life. It also
made me a stronger person, helping me feel strong every time challenges come to my life. It
also reminded me that God will always bless those people who persevere and trust in Him.
Truly, Christophers life is an inspiration, a source of motivation, and an example of Gods
perfect work.

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