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idiomas en ingles

Country : Nationality : Language

Afghanistan : Afghan : Persian : Pashto

Argentina : Argentine / Argentinean : Spanish
Australia : Australian : English
Belgium : Belgian : French / Flemish
Bolivia : Bolivian : Spanish
Brazil : Brazilian : Portuguese
Cambodia : Cambodian : Cambodian
Cameroon : Cameroonian : French / English
Canada : Canadian : English / French
Chile : Chilean : Spanish
China : Chinese : Chinese
Colombia : Colombian : Spanish
Costa Rica : Costa Rican : Spanish
Cuba : Cuban : Spanish
Denmark : Danish (Dane): Danish
Dominican Republic : Dominican: Spanish
Ecuador : Ecuadorian : Spanish
Egypt : Egyptian : Arabic
El Salvador : Salvadorian : Spanish
England : English : English
Estonia : Estonian : Estonian
Ethiopia : Ethiopian : Amharic
Finland : Finnish : Finnish
France : French : French
Germany : German : German
El uso de When, Where

WHERE > se utiliza para preguntar por un lugar y significa "dnde" o "adnde".
Where were you born? (Dnde naciste?)
Where are you from? (De dnde eres?)
Where is the museum? (Dnde est el museo?)

WHEN > significa"cundo".

When is your birthday? (Cundo es tu cumpleaos?)
When did she arrive? (Cundo lleg



1. When is your next exam?

2. Do you know when is the next football game?
3. When did you get that phone call?

1. Cundo es su prximo examen?

2. Sabes cundo ser el siguiente partido de ftbol?
3. Cundo recibiste esa llamada telefnica?


1. Where are you from?

2. Do you remember where you left the car keys?
3. Where are my shoes?

1. De donde eres?
2. Recuerdas dnde dejaste las llaves del coche?
3. Dnde estn mis zapatos?
10 preguntas con respuesta en pasado continuo
1- What were you doing at 5:30 A.M?----> I was sleeping at that moment.
2- Where was Helen staying when she traveled to Paris?----> She was staying at
Riviere Hotel.
3- Who was coming while I was taking a shower?----> Henry was.
4- What were they writing when the teacher was speaking to us?----> They were
writing a story.
5- How was John feeling last morning? ----> He was feeling really bad.
6- Why were you laughing when I was telling the story?----> Because Jerry fell
down of his chair.
7- When were the dog eating its food?----> Just when we were taking lunch.
8- Where was Anne sitting while you were inside home?----> She was sitting
outside on the grass of the garden.
9- Who was knocking the door when you weren't here?---> I don't know who was.
10- What was happening while Paul came here?----> An accident on the corner.

1- Qu estabas haciendo a las 5:30 A.M? ----> Yo estaba durmiendo en ese

2- Dnde estaba Helen cuando viaj a Pars? ----> Se alojaba en Riviere Hotel.
3- Quin iba a venir mientras me duchaba? ----> Henry estaba.
4- Qu estaban escribiendo cuando el maestro nos hablaba? ----> Estaban
escribiendo una historia.
5- Cmo se senta Juan la maana pasada? Se estaba sintiendo muy mal.
6- Por qu te reas cuando le cont la historia? ----> Porque Jerry se cay de su
7- Cundo el perro coma su comida? ----> Justo cuando estbamos almorzando.
8- Dnde estaba Anne sentada mientras estabas en casa? ----> Ella estaba
sentada afuera en la hierba del jardn.
9- Quin golpeaba la puerta cuando no estabas aqu? -> No s quin fue.
10- Qu estaba pasando mientras Paul vena aqu? ----> Un accidente en la

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