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Subject pronoun examples

1. I like to go to the zoo.
2. We went to the circus yesterday.
3. She is a police officer.
4. They drove to Ohio.
5. Who painted this masterpiece?

Object pronoun examples

1. Joshua spoke to me about the Olympics.
2. I have always been nice to her.
3. The acrobats amazed us.
4. The deer found the delicious berries and quickly ate
5. You said that nobody is better at tennis than whom?

Other Examples:
Subject: You are the friendliest person I know.
Object: Amanda told you to clean the attic.

Subject: That is a huge hippo. It is as big as a car!

Object: The TV is broken. Hopefully, we can fix it.

Subject: This is a delicious pie.

Object: I don’t know what to do with this.

Subject: Some of us helped take care of the dogs.

Object: We talked to some of the guests.

Note: Some other commonly used pronouns that can

pass as subject or object pronouns include the
demonstrative pronouns this, that, these, and those as
well as indefinite pronouns, which include words like
any, some, none, and either.
Possessive Pronouns
Other example sentences:
1.Mark eats his dinner quickly.
2.We went to the market.
3.You write neatly in your notebook.
VERBS 4.They thought about all the prizes in the competition.
-words that show action 5.Let’s run to the corner and back.
- action words or verbs 6.I hear the train coming.
7.Call me when you’re finished with class.
8.I know the answer.
9.She recognized me from across the room.
10. Do you believe everything people tell you?
Present Tense of Verbs

Past Tense of Verbs

Future Tense of Verbs
1.I will play after breakfast.
2.Susan will not go to Germany.
3.What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.
(Greek biographer Plutarch)
4.Always do your best. What you plant now, you will
harvest later. (Author Og Mandino)
5.Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take
you everywhere. (Physicist Albert Einstein)
6.Robert will be going to the varsity.
7.Tom will have reached the place by now.
8.Bob will write a poem.
9.Ben will do the assignment.
10. Henry will be traveling to Italy in March.
11. I will meet you in the evening.
12. We will watch a movie this Friday.
13. Patrick will have been cooking the meal before you
reach home.
14. Dona will prepare the dessert.
15. They will arrange a party at their home.
16. Tom will be upset after hearing this.
17. Aric will have gone to meet his cousin before he
comes here.
18. I will perform the role of heroin in the play.

Articles “a” and “an”


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