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List of activities that I used to engage students

1. Bottles with different objects in them: I had students give a sniff and guess what is inside.

2. Different objects in the big sock: I had students touch objects without seeing them and guess

what is inside.

3. Hearing guess game power point: First, students listen to the sound first, discuss with group

members and draw what it is on the white board.

4. Being blind experience activity: I picked two students and covered one students eyes with

the scarf and had the other student guide her to do the mission I gave them.

5. Exploring the seaweed: I had students explore the seaweed with their five senses.

6. Tasting food from the different culture: I had them taste some Korean food, and they were

so engaged and had lots of fun.

7. Showdown sight word game: I had students do the showdown game using sight word cards.

8. Using fiddle sticks and dot cards: When I did math activities, especially center activities, I

used fiddle sticks and dot cards.

9. Using motions: My mentor teacher incorporates motions into math instructions, and it really

helps students to understand the math concept easier, so I also had them use their motions when

I taught math.

10. Sight words puzzles: I made puzzles with sight words.

11. Sharing time: I had students share their thoughts or answers with their partners so that

everyone could have a chance to share what they thought.

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