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Preassessment and Findings:

During the opening circle and closing circle, most children love dancing along to the music.
Especially, Logan participated in the activities better when we did finger plays or dance moves.
Also Liam and Baylor love dancing with music. For example, L and B even danced during self
selected activities time as Amber sang a song for them. However, they dont know well how to
use their body for various dance moves. I asked C what to use when he danced. When I
pointed to each body part and asked, he nodded when I referred to arms and legs, but not
head or belly. I also asked J and J, and J didnt respond to my question J seemed like she knew
she used her arms and legs when she danced. Therefore, I teach them how to use their arms
and legs in various ways to express their emotion or feelings. On top of that, some children
seemed not to know personal space. For example, they bumped each other when they
danced. I will teach them they need to respect each others personal space. Besides, when I
asked Ay, C, and J, they didnt know the meaning of personal space. Therefore, I will define
what personal space means in their level of language first before I tell them how we respect
each others space. Overall, dancing would be the most engaging and beneficial activity for
every child in our class.

Ideas to be Emphasized:
1. I can use my arms and legs in different ways to dance.
2. We respect each others personal space.
3. I can use my body to dance slow or fast.

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