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Issue 4

Adam Jury
Editors Notes
Another two months fly by. This is the fourth issue of The
Shadowrun Supplemental, so, like usual, thanks for reading, and I
Hey you!
hope that I have a few new readers with this issue :) (Judging by the This list is getting rather
email I keep getting, I do..) long.. Bull, Gurth,
Sascha Pabst , Sunette,
No new fonts? NO new fonts?! Thats right. Im making use of some Tinner, Dvixen, Skye,
of the fonts that havent got much use in previous issues. If you are Apryl, Adam, Rick, Wes,
viewing this with plain standard Times New Roman, youre missing Roxanne, Lady Jestyr,
out, and likely causing the magazine to look and print out badly. Dawn and anyone I
This issue contains the interviews with FASA employees that Ive
been hinting at for a couple months now. A huge special thanks to Steve Ratkovich for organizing
and conducting them. And an ever larger special thanks to Mike Mulvhihill and Steve Kenson for
submitting to the interrogations.. err, interviews. We were even more thorough than Lone Star, so
we covered all the bases.

Contacting the Editor and Submissions

I can be reached at and, first address preferred, please. I can
also be contacted on the ShadowRN mailing list, and on Undernet #Shadowrun. If you want
submission guidelines or to ask a simple question, hell, even to complain, I dont bite. Actually, I
have been known to bite, but Im usually pretty gentle.
My web page also contains submission guidelines and the like, and it can be found at
The newest section of The Shadowrun Supplemental is in need of submissions. It is The Cluttered
Datastore, and is the general area where almost anything can be submitted. Things that a full
article dont quite fit for, like a few spells, a new piece of gear, or a description of several contacts,
these are the things that The Cluttered Datastore is for. This section should prove to have more
*general use than some of the narrower topics weve covered so far, and is also easier to submit
things for.
Please note that the vehicle oriented Issue #5 has been postponed for at least a few issues.
Apparently FASA plans on changing the vehicle statistics in Rigger Black Book II rather extensively,
so Issue #5 will be a normal issue.
We will also be accepting articles about the Shadowrun Trading Card Game, although the emphasis
of the magazine will stay on the Role-Playing game.

The Shadowrun Supplemental is looking for two Full Time staff members. The first would be a
reviewer, for reviewing new FASA published books and novels. Expectations would be to obtain new
FASA books close to release time (Within a month), and to be able to write an honest subjective
review of them. The second is an artist, not a computer artist, but someone who does original paper
work that could be scanned in and included.
If you feel you could fill either of these positions, please get in touch with me.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 2

This magazine is in no way endorsed nor produced by FASA Corporation. Shadowrun and
Matrix, are copyrights of FASA (1997) Neither I, nor the authors of any individual pieces
intend to infringe on FASA's intellectual property and rights. FASA has not read this material in
advance, and as such, none of this material is approved by FASA.
The interviews with FASA staff and freelancers are of course partially produced by FASA
employees, however, FASA still has nothing to do with this magazine or its articles, officially.

All contents are copyright (1997) by their original authors. I (Adam Jury) retain the copyrights
over the compilation of material.

This magazine may be reproduced in any other computer format only with permission from me. It
may be archived on any computer system or network, as long as this copyright notice is not

You may not profit from the distribution, nor may you edit the contents and distribute that,
you may only edit for your own personal use.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 3

Skillsoft Expansion
Gurth <>
Skillwires and skillchips are tremendously useful pieces of kit to own for a character, but their game
rules aren't always easy to understand, and in some cases don't make all that much sense. This article
is mostly an attempt to get it all straightened out, and make some aesthetical changes at the same

Skillsoft Memory Requirements

The way the table with the memory requirements for skillsofts (SRII p. 248 and Shadowtech p. 48) is
set up causes great leaps in the memory needed at some points, and slow progression at others.
Naturally, a skill at a high rating takes up more memory than a skill at a low rating, but as they are
now, the memory costs are just too arbitrary.
In game terms, the actual difference between skill level 2 and skill level 3 is one die, and the
difference between level 3 and level 4 is the same. However, for skill chips the memory difference
between a level 2 skill and a level 3 skill is 10 Mp, while between level 3 and level 4 it's 170 Mp!
Therefore, the following formulas can be used to calculate skill memory requirements in a different
way than as per SRII.

General: 10 x Rating^2
Concentration: 6 x Rating^2
Specialization: 4 x Rating^2
Language: 3 x Rating^2

These formulas give different results than the table in the Shadowrun rules, but at least the sequence
is more logical, as can be seen from the table below.

Skill Type Rating

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
General 10 40 90 160 250 360 490 640 810 1000
Concentration 6 24 54 96 150 216 294 384 486 600
Specialization 4 16 36 64 100 144 196 256 324 400
Language 3 12 27 48 75 108 147 192 243 300

Apply the formulas given in SRII and Shadowtech for calculating the nuyen cost to the memory
requirement from the table above.

[Editors note: Two small utilities should be included in the archive you got this from. SS-D.exe
calculates these values automatically for DOS, and SS-W.exe calculates them in a Windows

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 4

As SRII indicates, the rating of a skillwires system limits the total ratings of all activesofts used at a
time. This means that in a rating 6 skillwires system, a character could put six rating 1 chips for
example, and use them all at the same time. Skillwires plus, from Shadowtech, double this maximum.
This does pose the question whether skillwires plus can handle chips rated at double the skillwires
rating, and Shadowtech also says that using a skill at any other rating than at which it was encoded is
not possible. So what happens if you slot a rating 6 chip in rating 3 skillwires? FASA gives no rules to
cover this situation, but a few solutions are available.

1. Nothing happens: the wires would want to reduce the skill level to 3, but use at a reduced level
isn't possible, so the skill doesn't work at all. Skillwires plus may be an exception, depending on
whether they can handle chips with a higher rating than the wires or not (gamemaster's discretion).
2. The skill is used at level 3; the reasoning behind this is that the wires simply do as much as they
can, though the chip is capable of doing better. This can be compared to aiming a gun -- no matter
how good a marksman you are, if the gun has poor sights the overall accuracy of the shot will be

The following house rules can be used to cover these gaps in the skillwires rules.

Higher-Rated Chips: when using an activesoft of a higher rating than the skillwires, add a target
number penalty for all skillsofts equal to twice the difference in ratings. For example, using a rating
5 chip in rating 3 skillwires gives a +4 modifier to all target numbers.

Skillwires Plus: these cannot use chips greater than the rating of the skillwires themselves. For
example, even though a rating 4 system can handle up to 8 rating points of skills, none of the skills
plugged in may have a higher rating than 4. Using higher-rated chips is subject to the same target
number penalty as above.

Skillwires Costs
Like skill chips, the costs for skillwires have been very arbitrarily decided and display strange leaps,
like a difference of 6,400,000 nuyen between ratings 6 and 7. (This is true for some other pieces
cyberware and bioware that are available in a range of ratings as well, by the way.) The table shows
suggested alternative prices for both skillwires and skillwires plus. Essence cost, Availability, and
Street Index remain as they were.

Rating Skillwires Skillwires Plus

1 10,000 15,000
2 30,000 40,000
3 100,000 140,000
4 325,000 400,000
5 800,000 975,000
6 1,750,000 2,000,000
7 3,500,000 3,750,000
8 6,000,000 6,250,000
9 9,000,000 9,500,000

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 5

Chipjack Included. . .?
That's what it says in SRII anyway. This is a bit strange, since the Essence cost of a chipjack is ..2,
while rating 1 skillwires cost only .1 Essence. It would in effect mean you get a chipjack completely
for free, Essence-wise, so any character low on Essence but having too much nuyen to spend could
purchase rating 1 skillwires in order to get the chipjack (the wires are all but useless at such a low
rating anyway).
An easy fix is to add .2 to the Essence cost of all skillwires systems to account for the built-in

Using Skillsofts
This is a somewhat gray area. It stands to reason that the chip must somehow be plugged into a
chipjack or softlink, but SRII states that datasofts can also be accessed through datajacks. This is
strange -- by normal reasoning, a chip is a chip, and therefore a chip that fits into one socket type (a
chipjack for instance) won't fit into any other kind o socket (like a datajack). It would be like trying
to put a 25-pin plug into a 9-pin socket: the design of the two type of plugs is similar, but one is
about three times as wide as the other.

Thankfully, the solution requires only common sense: all skill- and datachips require a chipjack or
softlink to use, but by means of an adapter they can be slotted into a datajack. Such an adapter
should be available from all good body shops, and likely from electronics shops as well; assume an
Availability of 2/6 hrs, Cost 50, and Street Index .75.
Plug the adapter into the datajack, and then stick the chip into the other end of the adapter. It'll
protrude a few centimeters from your skull, but hey, it's cheaper than going under the knife again.
Alternatively, connect a computer or data display system to your datajack by means of a cable, and
insert the chip into the computer or display system.

Keep in mind that the datajacks from Shadowtech still need either an I/O SPU or an encephalon
before the user can access the skillsoft.

System Load Delay and Softlink System Load Delay

Explained on pages 44 and 46 of Shadowtech, this is a very good concept, preventing players from
accessing all skillsoft all the time. Outside of combat situations this is not very critical, but having to
wait a couple of turns for the softlink to load your Firearms skillsoft so you can use a gun with any
degree of competence can cause some tense moments in the middle of a firefight.
However, the question that Shadowtech leaves unanswered is whether SLD and SSLD apply every
time a character uses the skill, or only when the chip is inserted.
Reason suggests the skill needs to load only once, when the chip is plugged into the chipjack or
softlink, but the description of first-in-first-filed (FIFF) headware memory makes this less clear.
Because it recommends that skillsoft users upload the skillsoft into headware memory, "to reduce the
amount of delay time," it appears to say that the SLD (or SSLD) must be dealt with every time the
skill is accessed.
This interpretations has its drawbacks, mainly in time-critical situations where the same skill will be
used over and over again -- for instance in combat, a character using a Firearms(5) chip would have
to spend 2 1/2 turns every time he or she wants to fire a gun, and then get that delay time again the
next time a shot will be fired. This would put about 3 turns between shots, because the skillwires

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 6

have to read through the chip every time to find how exactly the gun worked again... If this is the
case, then why would anyone make Firearms skillsofts at all? The market would die out really fast,
since if you don't lose a firefight normally, you will if you slot one of these chips.

The (S)SLD, therefore, must represent the time it takes to load the chip the first time it will be used;
after that, it can be accessed without delay. At least, until it is unloaded for some reason.

So why is there a system load delay for headware memory? Isn't that satisfied when the user plugs a
chip into a chipjack or softlink, and uploads its contents into the headware memory?
Not quite. Uploading isn't the same as accessing the skillsoft. What happens when a skillsoft is
inserted into a chipjack and uploaded into headware memory, is that the data on the chip is copied
directly into the memory, without passing through the skillwire's processors. Only when the
character actually decides to USE the skill will the skillwires sift through the data to find out how
exactly to do the action the character wants to perform. This takes some time, hence the SLD.

Data Flow Rate

This brings us to another point that Shadowrun conveniently ignores: upload and download time.
Datajacks have a data flow rate (DFR) that governs how fast data can flow through the jack, either
to or from the user. So for downloading a skillsoft into headware memory through a datajack, the
necessary time is easy enough to calculate: look up the skillsoft's size, and divide by the DFR to find
the number of turns needed. For example, with a level 2 datajack, loading a rating 5 Concentration
takes 2 turns (100 Mp divided by a DFR of 50).
Softlinks, though, have no DFR listed, even though it can be quite important when you're in a hurry.
By reading between the lines, though, it seems the DFR of a softlink is 100: the rules for SSLD says it
takes a number of turns equal to the chip's size divided by 100 to load a skillsoft.
By this same reasoning, headware memory has a DFR of 250. In turn, that means it is impossible for
any kind of DFR booster to push the DFR above 250. Sure, it can be done, but then you're limited
by the speed of the memory, which can't store the data at the rate it's delivered to it. The situation
with the marksman and the gun again.

Headware Memory
Apart from a lower system load delay, there is an added advantage to storing skillsofts in headware
memory: you can have more skills available at any given time. With just a softlink, you're limited to
the number of chips you can cram into the softlink; if you upload as many of those skillsofts as
possible into headware memory, you can remove the corresponding chips, and fill their slots with
other skills.
A more concrete example: say you have a rating 2 softlink and 500 Mp of headware memory. You
can load two rating 5 skills into that memory and put two more skill chips into the softlink, giving a
total of 4 available skills, rather than just 2.

When doing this, the player should state which skills are in memory and which are in the chipjack or
softlink. Also keep track of which skills are currently being accessed by the skillwires, so as to apply
(S)SLD when the character switches to another skill. If accessing another skill would exceed the
maximum rating of the skillwires, one of the currently-accessed skills must be "closed" first; assume
this takes a Free Action. Only then can the next skill start loading, with its associated delay.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 7

The Cluttered Datastore
Various Authors
Here you go folks, a general clearing house for some of the data deemed too small to fit in as an
article in itself. Feel free to read through and comment, and if you see something that will fit in the
datastore, let me know. Of course, no copyrighted corporation items allowed!

Cold Ball
An area-effect spell that causes Physical Damage. The cold ball spell can freeze material in it's blast
area. It can freeze more than plant tissue, animal, or metahuman flesh. Freezing has diferent effects
on man-made technology. Make a roll on the object resistance table, force of the spell against a
target number of the objects resistance. One success indicates the item in question is covered with a
thin layer of ice, two or more successes mean the item is completely frozen through. (Gamemasters
discretion, of course.
Type: Physical Damage: (F)D Range: LOS
Target: Body(R) Drain: [(F 2) + 2]S Duration: Instant

Freezing Grasp
A spell in which the magician grasps the target with his hands to cause physical damage with cold.
Type: Physical Damage: (F)L Range: Touch
Target: Body (R) Drain: [(F 2) + 1]L Duration: Instant

Fairie Fire

A mana spell which surrounds the target with purple fire. The effect reduces his target number by
the Force of the spell for every two successes during a special spell success test vs. The spell
resistance test. This makes the target easier to hit.

Adolf, a hermetic mage, casts this spell at Wedge. Wedge is surrounded by violet fire.
Adolf makes his spell casting test with a number of dice equal to the spell's force: 6.
Adolf's numbers are 1, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6. Wedge makes a willpower test against the Spell's
force. His willpower is four. He gains 6, 6, 5, and 4. If Wedge would have made one
success against the spell, his target number would be reduced by one. But the spell
effect fails.

Type: Mana Range: LOS Duration: Sustained

Drain: [(F 2) + 2]M Target: Willpower (R)

That one is real popular with some of the magicker musicians for special effects. Nothing like bathing
your lead guitarist in purple fire while he solos away.

If you really say so..

Lil ole me

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 8

Manipulation Spells
All are alteration manipulations, which are quite different than transformation manipulations in
that they alter the elements and materials used rather than transform them. After the alteration, the
elements return to normal, leaving behind the physical effects to tell the tale.

Lightning Bolt
A lightning bolt is actually shot out of the caster's palm or finger. This is a spell which does physical
Type: Physical Damage: (Fx2)D Range: LOS
Duration: Instant Target: 6 Drain: ([F 2] + 2]D

This one is hard as hell to learn folks. Ive seen mageboys down at the college studying this one for
days on end, trying to understand it, but they cant channel the power right. A few minor electric shocks,
and thats all. Supposedly the students are forbidden to study it, but we all know what students are like.

Water Bolt
A bolt of water is shot from the caster's arm. This is a spell which does physical damage.
Type: Physical Damage: (F)S Range: LOS
Duration: Instant Target: 5 Drain: [(F 2] + 1]M

Toned down, this one makes great dorm room pranks.


Ice Bolt
A manipulation spell which does physical damage, water in the air is frozen into a bolt of ice about
the size of the caster's hand. The bolt is then shot from the caster's hand at the target. This spell
also does damage on barriers and vehicles as well.
Type: Physical Damage: (F)D Range: LOS
Duration: Instant Target: 4 Drain: [(F 2) + 3]S

Mana Shield
An area effect spell that is somewhat like mana barrier, except a small shimmering effect is created
in front of the magician. It acts exactly like a mana barrier and also is an astral barrier against
spells. This spell is ineffective against physical objects and non living things.
Type: Mana Range: LOS
Duration: Limited Drain: [(F 2) + 1)M

Earth Barrier
Much like the Barrier transformation spell, except this barrier is constructed out of Earth and is
about 10'x10'x5' feet thick. Projectiles can be shot through the barrier, but are effectively stopped
or dispersed. The earthen barrier's damage is recorded using a vehicle damage monitor and treated
like a physical barrier with the spell's force used as the target number.
Type: Physical Range: LOS Target: 5
Duration: Permanent (until destroyed) Drain: [(F 2) + 2]M

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 9

Inertial Barrier
Also like the Barrier transformation spell, this spell creates a barrier of dense, churning air which
slows bullets, arrows, and even attacks by dampening their inertial value. The mage must make a
test using a number of dice equal to the force of the spell. The test is made against the attacking
weapon's damage code to reduce the power of the bullet's or arrow's damage. Every two successes
against the bullet reduces the damage code by one stage. After that, a normal body test applies.
Note, this spell is effective against speeding vehicles. If used in this way, the speed of the vehicle is
reduced by 10 x the force of the spell. The size of the barrier is 10x10xforce.
Type: Physical Range: LOS Target: 6
Duration: Sustained Drain: [(F 2) + 2]S

Wedge fires his Ares Predator against Wolf's Mane, a shaman. Wolf's Mane has cast
this spell to construct an inertial barrier. The spell has a force of 6, so Wolf's Mane
rolls six dice and comes up with 2, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6. Then he rerolls those four dice to
beat a target of 9. The results are: 6, 5, 4, and 3. With four successes, the spell
effectively stops the bullets because the Ares Predator has a damage code of 9M,
reducing the damage stage to zero.

Shambling Mound shablus Moundius

Identification: The average shambling mound's height is 1.9 meters. They appear as heaps of rotting
vegetation. They are actually an intelligent form of plant life, with a rough humanoid shape. A
shambling mound has a 6-foot girth on it's lower half.
Habitat: Swamps, marshes, bogs, and Rain Forest
Similar Species: The shambling mounds (IE Shamblers) are often confused with leshies, but they are
entirely unrelated. Some have postulated that the shamblers are related to Treants (included in this
selection), but this is also untrue.
Young: Shamblers bread like any other plant life, using seeds.
Habits: They are active by day, able to generate energy by photosynthesis. They also supplement
this with an omnivorous diet, they have been known to eat small animals and engulf larger ones.
They also eat plants. Shamblers are almost totally invisible in their natural habitat, and attack with
a surprise modifier of -2. Shamblers are also excellent swimmers and can survive for 30 years.
Range: Tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions.
Commentary: The presence of the shambler has led many parabotanists to believe that the
shambling mound is an awakened form of plant life. Shamblers caught and dissected had reported
that their make-up has no nervous system, but uses hormones and plant chemicals to move. Also,
thorough investigation has reported a brain like organ of plant flesh is located in the creature's chest
area. Experiments conclude that the shambler can grow if electricity is applied to it, thus healing of
it of all damage.
Powers: Electro-growth (can absorb electric spells to grow and repair damage), Immunity (fire),
Resistance (cold), regeneration, Plant Engulf

6 3 7 3 3 6 3
Attacks Humanoid
Powers Electrogrowth, Plant Engulf, Immunity (Fire), Resistance (Cold), Regeneration

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 10

Treant Hardwood: Angiospermia Sapiens
Coniferous: Coniforia Sapiens

Identification: Almost indistinguishable from trees, a Treant has thick, textured, brown bark. They
have eyes, a face, and arms, but do not move about except in extreme emergencies. During winter, a
Treant will not lose their leaves, but the leaves do change color. The female has no mammae.
Habitat: Any Forest
Habits: Treants consider themselves the protectors of the hardwood forests that they inhabit. They
are very intelligent, and often can speak many languages, including Elvish (at least enough to say
"Get out of my trees!"). Humans and metahumans are unable to spot a Treant if they are untrained
and if the Treant is trying to blend in with his trees. The base target number is 6 for spotting a
Treant. Rangers and those who live around Treants have a base target of 4.
Treants were recognized as Sentient by the United Nations in 2045 A.D. when they were first
discovered. They are intolerant of evil, particularly when fire and wanton destruction of trees is
involved. It's said that Treants helped create Amazonias.
Treants have a working relationship with many Amerindian tribes and roving rangers. A Treant's
life span is unrecorded and are now being observed.
Young: Young are grown from off-shoots which the female Treants then protect and care for until
the stalks are grown.
Range: Worldwide.
Magic Capability: Some are magically active as plant shamans.
Commentary: Treants, like all trees, gain sustenance from photosynthesis. They sleep for long
periods of time (the longest of 3 years have been recorded) during which short roots grow into the
soil beneath them gathering water and minerals from the soil. It seems that the treant is an
awakened variant of oak trees, since they are indistinguishable from these great trees. All though
there has been Treants from several species of trees. It's been said that 1 out of one hundred normal
trees will awaken into a Treant.
Powers: Alienation, Plant Control

Boy, I hope those crazy loggers don't take to much trees down for wood. These guys will get mad at

Youre right, Datajaq. I had the opportunity to face one of these. They are quite mean when their
anger was aroused. He geeked one of my pals before we got away from it.

Who cares? How many of us have actually Seen one of them?! As long as they stay out of the city,
well always be safe from them!

10 4 8 2 5 5 8 5
Attacks 6M
Powers Alienation, Plant Control

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 11

Cybernetic Facial Disguise System: This little piece of cyberware allows the user to alter his face.
Comes in three levels. Level one uses CO2 bags and special motors implanted in the face to make the
character appear fat or very gaunt. Level two uses muscular motors to change the arrangement of
the facial muscles, making him appear as someone else. Level three is a combination of the two
systems. Each level adds +2 to the target number of a perception test.
Prices: Level 1: 120,000 Level 2: 500,000 Level 3: 700,000
Essence Cost: Level 1: .3 essence Level 2:.5
2: essence Level 3: 1 essence
Availability: 5 days/level Street Index: 2.5

Gotta be really careful with this one , peoples. Ive heard some not so nice things about those CO2
bags if they get exposed to a little too much heat, ya see..
Snoopy Assassin
Damn that little white dog!

Cyberarmor: This dermal armor system is implanted directly on the skin. It is used to cover vital
areas and the upper limbs. It acts like partial armor for ballistic and impact ratings. Note, the
genitals are not covered by this technology, and it also offers a body rating increase of +2
(Unnatural). Armor rating of 3/4
Price: 125,000
Essence Cost: .9 Availability: 15 days Street Index: 3

Skeletal Reinforcement: This one-time chemical treatment reinforces the skeleton to save you from
breaking bones. The lacing is metallic, and effectively adds +3 to the body attribute (unnatural).
The treatment is porous, allowing blood vessels to continually feed the living bone underneath.
However, this means that the character can never get other bone enhancements or use a vehicle
control rig.
Price: 200,000
Essence Cost: 2 Availability: 10 days Street Index: 4.5

Tiger Totem
Characteristics: Tiger is a warrior. Strong and Powerful, Tiger relies on his great strength and
prowess to defeat his enemies, not technology. Like Lion, his methods are to the point, direct and he
prefers to work from ambush. Unlike Lion, Tiger is the first to attack, often using his most powerful
spells first and his weakest last. Tiger Shamans are often found where tigers are found: Asia and
India mostly; although there are tiger shamans in the Americas.
Favored Environment: Rain Forest or Taiga.
Advantages: +2 dice for Combat and Manipulation Spells; +2 Dice for conjuring Forest Spirits.
Disadvantages: -2 dice for healing and illusion spells. Tiger is cool under pressure, but will go
berserk as Bear does when wounded. Tiger inspires respect and fear about those around him. A
Tiger Shaman is usually trained in Kung-Fu, but cannot be a Physical Adept.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 12

H.O.G. Holographic Online Glove
The H.O.G is a black glove that fits up on the arm just below the elbow. Placed it its fingertips are
tiny holographic projectors which are connected to a small microprocessor located halfway up the
sleeve of the glove. Attached to the back of the glove is a datajack port that can interface directly
with any standard datajack, cyberdeck jack, or computer jack. Also on the glove is a small chipjack,
and disk reader. When jacked in to any port, the user can download information to the glove and
store it in a temporary backup, or immediately use the information. The glove reads the information
and produces a 3 dimensional image directly above the palm of the hand. Technical information,
documents and writings, blueprints and skematics can all be displayed.

The glove has the ability to download information from any memory stored inside the head or in a
cyberdeck. Or if the user prefers, he or she may load a chip or disk into the reader on the glove and
utilize the information from there as well. Information can be temporarily stored in memory backup
on the glove, which can be upgraded if more space is needed. Full color images can be displayed in
sizes ranging from 2 inches at the smallest to 15 inches at the largest. Gloves come with a standard
booster pack and 1000 MP for storage of information.

Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index

5 2.5 8/48 hrs 30,000 1

Ive heart a few bad things about these gloves. The first is that the optical chip mounted onboard is of real low
quality, and doesnt store data very well. The second is the overall durability of the glove. Jarring movements or
impacts can ruin it real easy, chums.

This pistol is modeled after the original Slivergun with some MAJOR differences. First off, it is able
to fire normal ammunition as well as Flechette rounds with a flip of the switch (as long as the right
clip is inserted). It is equipped with a built in silencer, Smartlink II, and a new Gas Vent V (detailed
below). It is able to mount top and underbarrel accessories and is definitely considered a Heavy
Pistol. A high velocity system is activated when the ammunition mode is switched to Flechette,
increasing the lethality of the weapon considerably. Not only this but more rounds are fired in this
mode to accommodate the high velocity system.

If Regular ammunition is used: SA 9M damage

BF 12S damage

if Flechette ammunition is used: SA--10S damage

BF--14D damage

Damage is considerably increased using Flechette round because of the high velocity system. 4
rounds are fired instead of 3. This makes the first burst at a penalty of +4 to the target number and
the second burst at +8.

Because of its dual modes, the Warblade is a convenient weapon. Since Flechette ammunition is
illegal, after using it, the ammo can be dumped and left behind. Normal ammo can be inserted and
you can avoid problems with the local authorities.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 13

Since there is only one in existence, availability for this weapon is nil. Though I suppose if your
runners were able to get in touch with Warpath (quite the Fixer BTW), he might let it go for a price.
He He He. 8)

Conceal Ammo Mode Damage Weight Avail Cost Street Index

3 40 SA/BF Varies 4.5 ? ? ?

From what Ive actually seen of this weapon (A little bit of a surveillance tape.), its creator is a little over-zealous
with its abilities.. its not all its cracked up to be, so to speak.

And it isnt all that original either.. Ares has been field testing a very similar weapon lately, and it will likely go into
production sometime late next year, from what Ive heard. Maybe you should sell that single model for a good
price before it goes into mass production..

Warpath Super Gas Vent

This gas vent recoil system was created exclusively for the Warblade. It can be mounted to any
weapon capable of mounting gas vents. It follows all rules for gas vents with 2 differences; recoil
compensation is 5 points and concealability is reduced by 4 points.

Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index

-4 to gun 1 7/24 2500 1

RICS Rigger Intrusion Control System

This system allows a rigger to locate a remote signal from another rigger, monitor that signal, and if
so inclined, take control of that signal. A small portable satellite setup is used. The programming
then searches the area for recognizable Remote Control Rigger signals. It then monitors the signal,
allowing the user to see what the rigger is doing in regards to any drones or vehicles that might be in
use. It also allows for temporary jamming of this signal for non-riggers, and if a rigger is using the
system, it is possible to jack in and take control over whatever is currently in use. This requires a
contest between the rigger using the RICS and the rigger controlling the drones/vehicles. If the
intruding rigger is successful and defeats the opposing rigger, he/she/it may now take over, totally
locking out the other rigger.

Which is one reason most vehicles still have a physical key. Said locked out rigger yanks out the key, and the
vehicle stops. Although this isnt always fun, its better than going like a bat out of hell down some road with
someone else in control. Especially when they likely dont have your best interests in mind.

This highly sophisticated system includes the following:

Data Codebreaker Level 10
Data Line Tap Level 10
Signal Locater Level 10
Data Encryption System Level 10
Data Line Scanner Level 10
Jammer Level 10

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 14

Portable Satellite
All systems have an ECM rating of Level 10, thus ensuring complete access and control over rigging
systems. This system is dedicated only to Rigger signals and nothing else. It will not monitor radio
transmissions, communication transmissions, TV transmissions, etc.

Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index

None 15 24/48 2,000,000 2.5

Yes folks, thats right, six zeros. Effectively putting it out of the reach of all real runners and making it a corporate

Um, Idol, arent you a corporate monkey?


Must have gotten me mixed up with I-dull, my chum.


Commentary: The ranger is a modern mountain man. A ranger may also be a mage or a shaman,
concentrating in spells that aid him in the wilderness. Or he may use the latest in weapons and
equipment. But whatever the method, the Ranger's greatest weapon is his wits, his savvy, and his
knowledge about the wilderness where he often makes his home. Whether it be urban or natural.

Attributes Skills Gear

Body: 3 Car: 3 4 Antidote (4) Patches
Quickness: 4 Firearms: 6 Binoculars
Strength: 3 Etiquette (Tribal): 5 Bow and 20 arrows
Intelligence: 5 Sorcery: 4 Ares Predator w/ 20 ammunition
Charisma: 2 Conjuring: 3 Real Leathers
Willpower: 4 Magical Theory: 1 Ford Americar
Essence: 6 Etiquette (Street): 3 Street Lifestyle
Magic: 6 Special Skills
Reaction: 4 Tracking: 4
Initiative: 4 + 1D6 Wilderness Survival: 3
Dice Pools
Combat: 6
Choose (2) contacts
Combat: Detection: Health:
Manaball: 4 Detect Life: 3 Heal Moderate Wounds: 3
Sleep: 4 Personal Combat Sense: 5
Power Bolt: 3
Starting Cash: 15,734
Special Note: If the Ranger is a shaman, then the Ranger must "choose" a totem that gives emphasis
to intelligence. Usually this will be either Coyote, Snake, Eagle, Mountain Lion, or Wolf.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 15

"No, I'm not like those Hollywood Ninja wannabes. I'm not your average physical adept at ninja
skills either. I use chrome, real chrome chummer, to aid me in my goals. Besides, cyberware gives
you an edge, and boy do you need on the streets.

"You either have to have the edge, or risk personal extinction. I have the skills for your shadowrun,
I have the time, the question is . . . do you have the money?"
Commentary: The Techno-Ninja has forsaken the way of the physical adept and has turned to
cyberware to get what he needs. He's a trained assassin in the art of Stealth. An armored predator
with a finesse that surpasses that of the Street Samurai, deception and strength are always his goals.

Attributes: Skills:
Body: 4 Unarmed Combat: 5
Quickness: 5 Firearms: 5
Strength: 2 Stealth: 5
Willpower: 4 Psychology: 3
Intelligence: 4 Special Skills:
Charisma: 5 Ninja Body Postures: 4
Reaction: 4(8) Ninja Martial Techniques: 2
Essence: 1.5
Initiative: 4(8) + 1D6(3D6)
Dice Pools:
Combat: 10
Retractable Spur
Wired Reflexes (level 2)
Cybereyes /w Lowlight and flare compensation
Skillwires: 4
Ares Viper Silvergun /w 50 flechette rounds
ninja Uniform
Fine Clothing (5 suits)
Low Lifestyle
Ares Predator /w 20 rounds of ammunition and silencer

Note: The Techno-ninja starts out with 3D6x100

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 16

Target: Stephen Kenson
Interviewer: Steve Ratkovich
First, the important question. How did you get involved with FASA?

Entirely a matter of right place, right time. I was active on the Shadowrun discussion areas on
GEnie, back when FASA used that service. When the second edition Grimoire was in the works, Tom
Dowd ran an online contest for submissions to fill in the extra space in the book with new spells,
physad powers, etc. I submitted everything I could think of and Tom used most of it.
Then Paul Hume had to back out of writing the "Way of the Mage" essay for the book, so Tom asked
me to. That led to the proposal for Awakenings and the rest, as they say, is history.

This, of course, begs the question of whether some of your more recent posts/surveys to the
ShadowRN mailing list is something similar to what Tom did on GEnie?

I wish I could say it was. I don't have the authority to recruit new freelancers for FASA. Some of my
recent posts are tied to a Shadowrun project, but I can't say anything more about it at this time. I do
value the feedback of the listmembers and all Shadowrun readers; I think it makes Shadowrun what
it is and can help make it better.

[Author's Note: Steve is referring to the Shadowrun 3rd Edition, scheduled to debut at Gen Con

How long have you been Playing Shadowrun?

Since it came out in 1989. My friends and I played several short-lived campaigns and one medium
length one.

Tell us a little about yourself, if you would. Where do you live, how old you are, that sort of thing.

I live in Milford, New Hampshire, where I moved after college. I turned 28 just yesterday (as I write
this). I live with three roommates, two of whom are members of my gaming group.

[Author's Note: Steve's Birthday is June 16th, as I received this on the 17th.]

Have you written anything for any other games, or done any work for anyone other than FASA?

Yes. I've written material for Earthdawn (the Earthdawn Survival Guide and contributions to a few
sourcebooks). I've also done material for White Wolf (the Enchanted sourcebook for Changeling),
Steve Jackson Games (contributions to three In Nomine sourcebooks so far), Mayfair Games (most
of which will never see the light of day), and Daedaleus Games (some write-ups in a Feng Shui
sourcebook). Also various articles in different gaming magazines like Pyramid and Shadis.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 17

I've read your work in the Scrawls from the Sprawls, the Shadowrun APA you were involved with
several years ago. How did you get involved with that, and how long were you a part of the APA?

For those who don't know, an APA is an Amateur Press Association: a bunch of people who write
material on a single topic (in this case Shadowrun), copy it and mail it to a coordinator, who puts all
of the submissions together into a "fanzine" that gets mailed out to all of the members of the group.
Actually, I'm still involved with Scrawls from the Sprawls, although not as regularly as I used to be.
Scrawls got started back in 1991 by Niko Wieleba. I saw an ad she ran in Challenge Magazine and
wrote to her about doing stuff for the APA. I tried out many Shadowrun ideas in the APA that
eventually found their way into Awakenings and other books I've done, and I've always appreciated
having the feedback from other people writing for Scrawls. A fellow member of Scrawls (Jon Szeto)
is writing the Rigger Black Book 2.0 for FASA as I write this. An APA like Scrawls is a great place to
practice your writing skills and get feedback from other writers.

What advice would you give someone who was interested in writing something for FASA?

Start small. I know everyone has the one sourcebook they dream of writing, but very few people get
that opportunity right off. If you want to write stuff for FASA long-term you need to win their trust
and prove you can do the job. It's best to start out some place where you can get some writing
experience like Shadowland magazine or an APA like Scrawls. Then try submitting for one of FASA
multi-author projects; an adventure collection, for example. That gives you a small project to start
out with and demonstrate your ability. Build it up from there.

On the other hand, if all you ever want to do for FASA is your dream sourcebook and that's it,
there's no reason not to send FASA a proposal. They might love your idea and want you to do it
anyway, but it's rare for first-time authors to get a whole sourcebook right out of the box. Keep in
mind that FASA plans their product schedule at least a year in advance, so they aren't going to be
able to even consider doing your sourcebook idea for as much as another year.

The one thing you definitely DON'T want to do is start off a proposal or introductory letter with
"these are the parts of Shadowrun that suck and how I want to fix them." You'd be amazed how many
submissions FASA gets that start out that way. It's just bad form to try and get work from a company
by telling them their product sucks.

I know from the APA that Talon is one of your old Shadowrun Characters. You've also used him in
a Short Story in Awakenings, and as a "Shadowtalk" poster in the comments sections of the various
Sourcebooks. Tell us a little about him.

Talon was my first Shadowrun character, a street mage from Boston who ended up in Seattle for our
first game. He worked his way through several different campaigns until I started gamemastering
more regularly. I made him into an NPC and contact for other characters. He's now become a kind
of "prime runner" for my campaigns. When I started writing Shadowrun material I used Talon and
some of the other player characters and NPCs from our campaigns in source material. Some of the
members of Dunkelzahn's fixer-network from Portfolio of a Dragon are former player characters,
for example.
Talon actually has a "guest appearance" in Jak Koke's third Dragonheart novel "Beyond the Pale."
Jak needed a mage for the book and he asked me if I minded him using Talon. It was cool with me, so
Talon ends up working with the other characters in the book in a very cool story.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 18

What is your favorite type of character to play?

Magicians, bar none. I nearly always play mages in whatever RPG I'm playing. The whole thing that
got me into Shadowrun was the fantasy/cyberpunk fusion. Regular cyberpunk games tend to bore
me; everyone is either a decker or a samurai most of the time. I started out playing mages, but I've
tended more in the shamanic direction lately.

Do you still play SR on a regular basis?

I haven't played Shadowrun in a little while because I've been involved in running other things
(particularly my Earthdawn campaign). Gaming for my group tends to go in cycles, but I'm getting to
where I'd be psyched to do Shadowrun again.

Do you GM SR? If so, do you prefer being a GM or a Player?

I usually gamemaster. sigh. I love to play Shadowrun, but our group currently doesn't have anyone
else who can run it due to various constraints. I like both gamemastering and playing, but I think I'd
rather play Shadowrun than run it right now.

Do you have any other duties that you perform for FASA, other than a freelance writer?

Not formally. I do a fair amount of playtesting for them for new stuff. I recently playtested the
Shadowrun Card Game, which is a blast and has in-jokes and inspiration galore for long-time SR
players, not to mention some GREAT artwork for the cards. There's going to be a Talon card in the
expansion set planned for next year, which I'm pretty psyched about.

How does FASA get playtesters for their material? Is it mostly justfreelancers like yourself, plus
the full time employees, or do they accept applications for "playtesters"?

It is mostly "in-house" (which includes freelancers like me much of thetime). Sadly, FASA doesn't
usually have time for a lot of out-of-house playtesting. They do keep a database of people interested
in playtesting, however, so people who are interested should contact FASA.

Do you write much fiction, Shadowrun or otherwise?

Not as much as I would like to. I write a lot of stories about my SR characters. In fact, the Talon
story in Portfolio of a Dragon first appeared in Scrawls from the Sprawls. It fit the theme of the
book well, so I updated it to include the events of the Big D's death and will and sent it on to FASA.
They liked it and included it in the book.

Would you consider writing a Shadowrun Novel, if given the opportunity?

Actually, I already have. I sent off a final draft of my first Shadowrun novel to FASA about a week
ago. It's entitled "Technobabel" and, without giving anything away, I can say it connects some old
Shadowrun plot threads with some new threads planned for next year. It should be published
sometime in the Spring of 1998. I'm already working on ideas for the next one.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 19

What is your opinion of Immortal Elves, Horrors, and all the other oddball things in SR?

As I understand it, a lot of this stuff was part of the Shadowrun background from the very
beginning, and FASA gradually revealed it as time went on. I think the IDEA of the Cycle of Magic
and the connections to the Previous Age are cool, but I think they've been over-done. There are so
many cool parts of the Sixth World it makes no sense to focus on just one faction or plotline. I don't
want the immortals wiped out en masse like some extremists, but I also hate the concept where every
important event in human history is controlled/inspired by the immortals (a la Vampire from White
Wolf). It cheapens the accomplishments (and the failures) of humanity. In my writing I try and use
the immortals as part of a larger picture without having them dominate the scene. I see the
immortals as very distant from the kind of "street level" events most shadowrunners are involved in.

What do you like to do to relax?

I net-surf a fair amount. I also really like to read. I read comic books, sci-fi/fantasy, lots of new age
and metaphysical books and just about anything else I can get. I've also started doing yoga and
getting out on my bike more.

Since you netsurf, what do you think about Shadowrun on the Net?

For the most part I'm quite impressed with them. I think there is a lot of net-support for Shadowrun
and people turn out some really great web-pages and net-books (like the NERPS supplements, for

Do you think the Internet in general helps or hurts the Shadowrun community in general?

I think the 'net is a great source of support for Shadowrun. I would really love to see Shadowrun
strongly supported on the Internet and the Web by FASA, and I think they're moving in that

Have you ever published anything for Shadowrun online? If so, where can we find these?

I have written a few things (mostly for the ShadowRN mailing list) that people have put on their own
web pages. There's even a "Kenson Page" out there with some of the short Shadowrun articles I've
written. Excerpts of my stuff has also shown up on the FASA web page, of course.

Are you going to get your own website put up?

Sigh. Someday. It's one of those projects I've been meaning to do for a long time, but using AOL on a
Mac, I'm always waiting for the latest upgrade to the web-page software and haven't had time to sit
down and work on a page. I'd love to get my own page up and running, but I want to do it right, not
slap something up on the web just for the sake of having something out there.

What was the last good movie you saw?

I saw "Austin Powers" recently and liked it, which surprised me. It was the way I always thought spy
movies should be done: they should have kept James Bond in the Swinging Sixties where he could

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 20

hang out with villains like Dr. No and Goldfinger and hip chicks with names like Pussy Galore and
Plenty O'Toole. The modern Bond just hasn't worked for me.

What other Role Playing Games, if any, do you play or GM?

I've got a lot of background in super-hero games, since I'm a big comic-book collector. I've played
most of the major ones (Champions, Marvel, DC Heroes and even Villains and Vigilantes). I've got an
ongoing Earthdawn campaign as well. I've played and gamemastered too many other games to count
over the last fifteen years or so.

What is one thing you would like to accomplish some day?

Once I get another Shadowrun novel or two under my belt I would like to write a more "mainstream"
science-fiction or fantasy novel where I can create my own world-setting and characters. I love
playing around in the Sixth World, but I think every writer wants to create a place of his own sooner
or later.

What would be your idea of the "ideal" world to work in ,whether it was to write a novel about, or
to game in?

Hmmm, that's tough. I don't know if there is an "ideal world" for me. I like lots of different fictional
settings. It'd be difficult to be limited to just one. I guess, if I had to pick one thing, it would have to
be a world with some kind of magic in it. Not necessarily the fantasy-and-fireball magic of
Shadowrun, but some sort of "magical" side to it.

What is one thing about you that we never needed to know?

Laughs Where to begin? I suppose that I am a practicing pagan with a mostly Celtic/Nordic
background. I bring a fair amount of real-world mythology and magical theory into my Shadowrun
work. One of the things I've always liked about the Shadowrun magic system is how it models parts of
how real pagans and magicians believe magic works. I try to be respectful in my use of different
pagan faiths and traditions in the game, just as a Christian would be portraying his religion in a
game setting. I think there is such a thing as too much realism in a game like Shadowrun, though. At
least part of the heritage of Shadowrun's magic system is fantasy wizards chucking fireballs and
magic missiles.
I've played around with a more "realistic" magic system for Shadowrun but, honestly, real magic
works very subtly through coincidence and happenstance without all of the cool special effects. It's
just too slow and boring for most gamers (including me) to put up with! I want my street mage to be
able to throw lightning bolts, damn it!

Anything I missed?

I am always interested in hearing what people who read my work think of it. You can write to me at It may take me time to reply to an email, but I do read everything I get. I am a
Shadowrun fan-boy at heart and want Shadowrun to be the coolest and most kick-ass RPG out
there. I think FASA does a great job and like to hear from people what works and doesn't work in
the game. If I agree, and there's a way, I always try to take feedback I get into account in the next
book I write.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 21

Neuro Blade
Adam Jury <>
[Authors Note: Neuro Blade is based on an idea Skye Comstock came up with earlier this year.
Many thanks to him for letting me use it.]

Neuro Blade, a free-for-all decker combat arena, was established in 2057 by currently unknown
ownership out of the Denver area. Egotistical deckers have found this to be a haven, of sorts.
Most of us meet someone at one time or anther that we would like to get back at, and this is the
place many people are doing so, virtually. Most of the time.

All lethal forms of combat inside the main arena is outlawed. Sealed 'rooms' are available if you
have a major deal to settle with someone. From 04:00 - 24:00 everyday you can engage in non-
lethal combat with other deckers. Or you can just hang around in the virtual bar, chatting with
the staff and the other deckers.

When you order a drink at the bar, theres this real fragging nifty decker with a robot persona that brings you your
drinks. I dont know how he does it, whenever Im there, hes there, delivering drinks all day!

Chuckle because its a Smart Frame?


Neuro Blade changes SAN's every other day, sometimes more frequently. Some of the
things going on in there aren't exactly legal; Lone Star deckers have found and attempted to shut
down Neuro Blade several times, but nobody has found out it's exact physical location.

Game Note: Neuro Blades SAN isnt particularly tough to come by. A decker or related contact
would likely share that information for free, as it doesnt have any value in itself. The current SAN
is usually posted to Shadowland only minutes after it changes, publicly accessible.

Neuro Blade appears as a megalithic ebony dome, roughly the size of six combat biker arena's,
with a peak so high you can't see it. Rows of virtual lights hang above the stadium, but don't
actually illuminate the ground below. The stands are dark opal in colour, with leatherlike chairs.
The main arena is floored in chrome and neon, with giant 'vidscreens' every 30 metres, featuring
action from around the arena. Attached to the east and west sides of the dome are large pyramids
of tinted glass, non-translucent. The dome to the west is the one in which lethal combat and
hidden meetings take place in, the dome to the east contains a virtual bar, a virtual store, and
areas for the staff and organizing the tournaments.

From the outside, it looks HUGE. From inside, it doesnt seem near as big..

When a decker is bested in the non-lethal combat, about two dozen miniature crabs come out of
the heating ducts under the bleachers and carry the fallen decker back into the waiting area, much
to his or her embarrassment.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 22

Typically 100 or so deckers will be hanging around, ranging from kid hackers on 10-yen toys to some
of the real heavy hitters. There are usually 8-12 staffers online, keeping track of who enters and
leaves, what's going on in the main arena, tending to the stores and bar, and keeping a discreet eye
on the private rooms. Very little is known about the owner, he appears rarely, and doesn't make a
big deal of himself, preferring to watch the people in the club and give pointers to some young

Tournament play
Earn a hot new util, or even some nicer warm nuyen. For four hours every night Neuro Blade is
turned into a virtual hell pit, and everyone loves it.

Exactly at midnight every night the entire arena is cleared. Thedays competitors have 30 minutes
to register and choose a position. At exactly 00:30 the first 'game' is lodaed. The goal? Don't get
dumped. The arena is a null zone lethal biofeedback can't be created there, so no deaths;
accidental or otherwise, can take place.

After an hour, there's a ten minute pause. Scores from the first round are tallied and the deckers
have a few moments to make any adjustments. Then they fill the floor for the second round.
Same process, 60 minute round, then another ten minute break until the final round starts.

Each round has it's own unique construct: The first round may be a huge lush forest, the second an
underground parking garage, the third like the pits of a purple hell. Reality filters have no effect in
the game, whoever adapts the best has the advantage.

The scoring breaks down as follows:

1st Round
Time Eliminated Points Scored
First 20% Out of competition
21-40% 40
41-60% 60
61-80% 80
81-99% 100
Not Eliminated 125

2nd Round
Time Eliminated Points Scored
First 30% Out of competition
31-60% 50
61-80% 80
81-99% 100
Not Eliminated 125

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 23

3rd Round
Time Eliminated Points Scored
First 40% Out of competition
41-70% 50
71-90% 80
91-99% 100
Not Eliminated 125

In the case of a tie after the third round, the remaining deckers go head to head, last one standing
takes home the nights prize.

The prizes vary considerably. The most common is 'Creditz', where a number of Creditz are added
to your total, and can be traded in at the store for a better prize, or simply spent at the bar.
Occasionally proper Nuyen is given out, or some new software. Sometimes Neuro Blade gives
frequent winners 'special' prizes, either computer equipment, and in the rarest cases, Matrix info
such as passcodes or hidden system locations.

The trick is, very few people ever get enough Creditz to earn anything useful, so they abandon the cause and the
club ends up paying nothing..

Not a scam, but a simple way of doing business that has been around for many many years, and will be around
for many many more.
Ze Cloned Accountant

Say, havent I seen you before?


Who, me? Naw.. your eyes must be playing tricks on you, youngin..
Ze Cloned Accountant

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 24

Quicksilver Lightning Part 3
Steven "Bull" Ratkovich
Chapter 4
For the second time in 24 hours, I opened my eyes with a groan. This time, however, I wasn't lying in
my bed at home, with friends and family worrying over me. As pain lanced through my head, and
then through every nerve in my body, I really wished I was at home. With a grunt of pain, I forced
myself to look around.

Flat gray walls. That's all that surrounded me, on three sides... I couldn't turn and look behind me,
because I was suspended in mid air, my arms and legs chained to the side walls, forcing me to hang in
a large X shape. My arms ached from supporting my bulk, and I could feel dried, crusty blood
covering my face. Every bone and muscle in my body ached from being slammed around in the
accident. Considering I'd just been blown up, it could have been worse.

I must have twisted a muscle in my neck during the explosion, or during whatever beating that troll
gave me for running over his buddy. Either way, though, I could barely move my head.

The room seemed to be about ten to twelve feet wide, and the wall I was facing was maybe five or six
feet in front of me. Thick metal chains held me suspended to the walls. Despite my somewhat
artificially enhanced strength (Hey, runners these days need every edge they can get), there was no
way I could bust my way out of this one.

There was a metallic clang behind me as the door opened, and with a loud growl, something struck
me hard in the back. I let out a grunt as yet more pain shot through my body.

"So, this is the Ork that's been meddling in my affairs." A deep, quiet voice said from behind me.
Slowly, the owner of the voice walked around in front of me, followed by an enormous troll holding a
metal baseball bat.

The man was tall and this, with short, well groomed dark hair and an expensive, tailored suit. The
troll was likewise wearing a suit, but the nasty grin on his face and the bat in his hand made it quite
obvious that he was the muscle, and that he truly enjoyed his job.

"I believe your name is Bull, is it not?" The man said. He talked slow and leisurely, obviously used
to being in charge and have everyone obeying him. When I didn't reply, he motioned to the troll,
who swung the bat into my gut. This time I screamed and spit up some blood and bile.

"Now, cooperate with me, Ork, or I allow Smith here to continue his work. Now, are you the Ork
known as Bull?" He had a slight smile on his face as he talked. He was enjoying seeing me in pain. I
glared daggers at him, but nodded.

"Good, that's better." His grin sickened me. "Now, tell me, where is your partner, the Shaman
known as Johnny 99?"

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 25

Good, that meant Johnny was alive, and that this mad man didn't have him. "Go to hell, you

Stars exploded in my field of vision as the bat struck me in the side of the head. Vaguely, through
the pounding of my skull, I could hear the Troll laughing. The vision in my right eye turned a filmy
red as blood poured down my face. I felt sick, and it was all I could do to stay conscious.

"You are really pissing me off, you wretched scum!" The man roared. It seemed my refusal to
cooperate was really getting to him. I felt a grim satisfaction at that. "Now tell me what you know of
Quicksilver Lightning! Tell me!"

I summoned all of my remaining strength to raise my head up and glare at him. I spit a stream of
saliva and blood at him, spattering the collar of his white silk shirt. With a snarl he motioned to the
troll again and stalked out of the room.

Mercifully, I passed out after the first blow.

I have no idea how long I was unconscious, but when I came to, I wished I hadn't. Every breath was
torture, and my lungs burned with the effort. I knew I had several broken ribs, and from the searing
pain in my right shoulder, it felt like the joint was out of socket. That damned troll had worked me
over but good.

I heard the door behind me open again, and I winced. All I could think of was Marie and the kids.
With a sigh, a very painful sigh, I prepared myself to deal with the suit and his pet troll again.

"So Bull, how's it hanging?" A grinning, familiar Amerind face appeared in front of me, an annoying
smirk on his face.

"Johnny!" I gasped, wondering if the pain was making me hallucinate. "What? How did you...?"

"Shhh." He said, motioning for me to be quiet. He pulled out his enchanted blade and sliced
through the chains holding me up. I immediately collapsed in a painful heap on the floor.

The Shaman helped me to a sitting position, then placed his hand on my forehead. With what he
claimed was an ancient Indian chant passed down by his ancestors (I suspected it was just jibberish),
he cast a spell and a warm sensation passed through me as my body was healed. Well, kinda healed.
My ribs still ached and I was sore from head to foot, but I could move.

"C'mon, Bull. We need to get out of here. Now." Johnny said, helping me to my feet. He ran out the
door, and I stumbled out after him.

In the hallway outside my prison, there was an unconscious Ork with an Uzi lying next to him. He
must have been guarding the cell when Johnny showed up. I grinned and we paused long enough for
me to grab the Uzi and strip off the guard's armored Long Coat. I felt a little better with some
clothing on. Running around naked doesn't do well for your self esteem.

"What the hell is going on?" I whispered to Johnny as we crept down the hallway.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 26

"Did you see a dark-haired man and a hulking troll?" he asked me.

"Yeah. And I owe those bastards some payback." I snarled. Just the thought of that Troll beating
me made me wince.

"Well, the man was Kano Sorennto, the man we were hired to find. The troll's name is Smith. He's
Kano's bodyguard." He whispered back at me. We ducked around the corner as two men wearing
lab coats walked by. We crouched, and I saw Johnny set to cast a spell should one of them look
around the corner.

I couldn't really catch much of what they were saying. They were talking in hushed tones, but I did
catch the word Quicksilver. This immediately piqued my interest. After all, this is what we were
getting paid the big money to find out about. Though compared to the cost of that van, what we were
getting paid was pocket change. Yet something else to talk to the Johnson about.

"Bull, you coming?" I started and looked up to see Johnny waiting for me.

"Sorry John... Was thinking. "

"Well, let's get going." he said, and we moved down the hall. When we got near the exit, Johnny cast
an invisibility spell on the two of us, and we slipped out past a couple more unconscious guards. I
paused long enough to look over the guards uniform, and noted the Aztech Logo on the collar and
the sleeve.

And then we were gone from that cursed building, but I planned to be back. I owed someone big

"So how the hell did you ever find me, Johnny? And what did you find out on the streets." I asked
once we were at our safehouse. We have three apartments in the low rent section of Cleveland that
we used a hidey holes when the heat came down. We got ahold of Marie and Xuxa, and they and the
kids were fine, and once we warned them, they took off for Tailspin's place. While our house was
fairly heavily guarded, they would be a lot safer with the Old Coyote Shaman and the ghost if we
weren't around. And Tailspin had more than a few tricks up his old sleeve.

Johnny gave me that irritating grin again. "Actually, I didn't find drek on the streets. Nobody had
ever heard of this slag Sorrento, nor this Quicksilver Lightning."

"However, I got a call from Joey about 10 minutes after your van was blown to pieces. He recognized
it, and snagged a couple things out of the wreckage before the rest of the Star got there." With that,
he pulled out a battered case with a familiar red and black camo pattern on it. My cyberdeck! Joey
is a Detective with Lone Star, and one of Johnny best buds. Johnny supplies plenty of donuts, as
well as a few other things, and Joey sends us some useful data, as well as the occasional pulling our
asses out of the fire with the Star. It's a nice little arrangement, and for saving my Deck, Joey was
getting a huge fragging reward.

"Great. I figured I'd lost this too. Thank God for miracles. I'm surprised it survived that crash." I
muttered, opening the case and running a quick diagnostic on the deck. All the systems were in one

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 27

piece, and the memory with the stole Azzie data was intact. "So, if you didn't find anything, how did
you know who Sorrento is, and how did you find me."

Johnny 99 chuckled. "Well, finding you was easy. Remember that Tissue sample I asked you for?
Me and Penth had you tracked in less than 5 minutes with it. As for Sorrento, I almost ran into him
in the hallway while I was looking for you. I managed to turn invisible and hide, and got to
eavesdrop a little."

"Seems he was talking to his boss. I never caught the name of the boss, but they were talking about
you. You're lucky I found you when I did. Bossman told Sorrento to wax you if you didn't talk.
Anyway's, they didn't say much about Quicksilver, but apparently it has something to do with
computers. I couldn't make most of it out, you know how I am with that techie crap. But he did
mention something about a double speed processor, or something like that."

"Hmmmm... Ok. cool. Mind watching out for me while I deck again. I need to check a couple
contacts in the matrix, and see how my decrypt programs doing with that data I snagged from
Aztechnology." Johnny nodded once, and I moved over to a corner to jack in and got back to doing
what I do best.

Three hours later, I pulled the datajack out of my head and looked around, my head throbbing.
You know, decking with a concussion is really not a healthy thing to do, but unfortunately, I didn't
have time for several days of bed rest. I looked over to see Johnny opening up a steaming pizza box.

"Yo Bull! Hungry? Got some Papa Joe's. Extra Cheese." he said around a mouthful of pizza.

Rubbing my temples I nodded and shuffled over to the table, my body feeling like a giant bruise as I
moved. Johnny tossed me a cold Cola, and settled down to eat a few slices.

Johnny let me eat for a few minutes, then asked "So what did you get?"

I set down the crust on my sixth slice of Pizza, and sighed. "Well, you were right. This is definitely
something computer related. Looks like it's pre-production designs for a new Cyberdeck processor,
and from the performance readouts, it moves twice as fast as anything on the market. Looks like it
could be a prototype for an 8th Generation Cyberdeck."

Johnny nodded, not quite understanding. "Ok, speed. Can't you buy programs and such to speed up
your deck already? Is this something similar, just a little faster?"

"No, not really. What this does is makes EVERYTHING in a Cyberdeck move faster. OK, look at it
like this. Imagine an engine in a car. If you make one part of that engine work better and faster,
while it improves how the car works, and makes it go a little faster, it's not going to make all that big
of an impact." I replied, trying to explain it in simple terms for Johnny.

"Now, imagine being able to replace something on the car that made everything on it move twice as
fast, and twice as efficient. You would have a car that could travel twice the speed of the old one,
with half as much gas, and being able to travel twice as far before needing a tune up or such because
it was that much more efficient."

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 28

Johnny nodded and I could tell he at least understood the basics. And fortunately, knew enough not
to ask anymore questions about how it worked. "So, the question is, what do we do about it?"

"Well, I figure this is why we've gotten hired. Aztechnology has this tech now, and is ready to put it
in production. If they do, they'll have all the patents and such, and no one else will be able to
produce a version of it for a couple of years, until they find a way to design one that works the same
way, only different." I could tell I lost Johnny again, but I just pushed on.

"Anyways, chances are our employer works for one of the Big 10, probably Fuchi or Renraku, but
maybe even Ares. This tech here" I held up a chip with the data on it "Is worth Billions to the corp
that can market it first, and not only that, but before hand, their deckers will be able to slice through
pretty much anything sent their way. When you're moving that fast, their ain't much that can keep
up with you."

"Of course, the IC SOTA will catch up pretty quick, and things will settle down, but for awhile
deckers with this tech will be kings of the datalines."

Johnny nodded again. "And we're getting paid how much for this gig?"

"Ummm, 10K each, I believe. Though with my van blown to hell and myself getting tortured, I think
the price just went up." I replied.

"Think we should try taking this to the highest bidder?" Johnny asked, a twinkle in his eye. I always
got worried when he decided to get mischievous. Sometimes he took the whole Coyote Shaman thing
a little too far for our own safety.

"As much as I'd like to... No. You should know better than to ask that." I gave him a stern look.
"Remember last time?"

Johnny grunted and nodded. He remembered all too well the last run that we tried that. We ended
up with four different corps and a pissed off Yakuza clan on our asses for nearly a year. I think the
only reason they stopped looking for us is that most of the primary players in that little drama were
in Chicago like us when the bugs came to town.

"Yeah, ok. I know, we stick with the original deal." He said. "Besides, last thing we need is to get our
rep blown to hell by double crossing our Johnson."

"Right. But we can and will ask for a good deal more for this info. Provided we can stay alive for
the next few days. When is our Johnson supposed to contact us?"

Johnny glanced at his watch. "Friday afternoon, around 1:00. It's Wednesday now. So we got 2
days. Besides, don't we need to dig a little more on this Sorennto character?"

I nodded grimly. "Yeah, and if I get my way, it'll be dirt on his grave."

"So, where do we start?" Johnny asked.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 29

"Where do you think? Same place we just came from. Itlan Industries, where Sorrento apparently
has his headquarters, and definitely has his private little torture chamber. It's time for a little

What can I say? I get a little cranky, vindictive, and melodramatic when I get tortured. You should
see me when you threaten my family.

I had a few hours before nightfall, and we planned our raid for 3 AM. That's long enough after
Midnight, but still a few hours before Dawn, the two most common times for breaking into an
installation like this. That gave me about 8 hours, so I slept. The bed was little more than a board
with some worn out padding, but with everything I'd been through the last couple days, I slept like a

Johnny woke me a couple hours before the run was planned, and I looked up to see a couple of semi-
familiar faces. Johnny apparently decided that we needed some backup on this one.

One was an enormous female troll named Sally. Sally ran with Shark and Spill's gang, but wanted to
"break into" the biz, so to speak. She'd been pestering me and Johnny for a chance to go on a run
with us, and I guess he finally decided that it was time. I hoped that nothing would happen to her,
She was a nice kid, and I really wouldn't want to have to explain things to Spill.

The other was a hard-faced cyberdude that we'd worked with a couple times before named Angel.
Angel wasn't the ideal partner for a team like ours. He was in the biz solely for the money, and I
didn't trust him any further than I trusted my Johnsons to tell me the entire truth about a run.
Plus, he killed far too casually. Johnny and I always try to keep the body count to a minimum, but
Angel never even considered non-lethal tactics.

Johnny must have figured that we would need some heavy hitters if he was bringing in Angel. Of
course, Johnny said he found me on the first floor. He said that he knew there was at least one
basement level to the complex, and it was guarded by a heavy duty ward. Chances are, that's where
we need to go.

Besides. On this mission, I wasn't feeling overly merciful. We'd run into trouble with Aztechnology
before, and this Sorrento joker hadn't exactly made me his bosom buddy. I fully intended to pull no

"You feeling better, Bull?" Johnny asked, helping me stand up.

"I've been worse." I muttered, stretching the kinks out. I nodded to Angel, who silently returned the
nod. I looked over at Sally, and she immediately started talking a mile a minute.
"Isn't this really fragging cool, Bull? I mean, a real shadowrun! Wizzer! The gang'll never believe
me when I tell them!" She babbled. I inwardly sighed, but tried to keep a cheerful face. Working
with newbies was always such a trying experience. I made a mental note to keep her close by and try
and keep her alive.

Sally kept talking, but I mentally tuned her out and gathered up my gear. Looking up at Johnny I
said "You got anymore surprises, chummer? Or is this it?"

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 30

"This is it. Couldn't get ahold of anyone else on such short notice."

"That's kinda a shame. I'd really like to have a little more punch, but... I suppose this will have to
do." I grumbled with a sigh. "So, you figure out exactly how you want to run this one, John?"

Normally I make the plans, and then Johnny screws them up. However, since I needed time to
recuperate from all the drek I went through, and Johnny was at least familiar with the layout of the
first floor, I let him do the planning for once. Plus, it annoyed him to no end to be put in charge.

"Yeah." Johnny said with a grin. "Basically, we break in and find what we want. We do it quietly as
possible, and if the drek hits the fan, we open up hard and blow the roof off the place."

I sighed, but didn't argue. I was still far too tired to even think about convincing him to plan a little
better. 'Besides,' I thought, more than a little anger welling inside him again. 'I owe these jokers and
would LOVE to blow the wretched place to kingdom come.'

"Ok Johnny. We need to dip into the stores and get these guys outfitted. We need to go in heavy." I
sighed. "I hate to do things this way, but there's no other way. And I need to get inside the building
if I'm gonna be able to hack their system."

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, there ain't no sneaking into this one. After they find you gone, they'll be
waiting for us to come back anyways. I figure we'll need to get you inside, probably into the lower
levels of the place. That way you can get into any isolated system they might have. Angel here will
cover you while you do the decking."

"Then me and Sally will locate the prototype, and then we bail. Anything that gets in our way, we

"Sounds good," I said, surprised that Johnny had thought ahead that far, or that he even knew what
an isolated system was. "But...?"

Johnny 99 chuckled. "And you thought I didn't pay attention when you talk to me."

I laughed lightly, especially at the bewildered looks we got from Sally. Angel, of course, looked on
stoically. I stood up, and we led the way out, and we headed over to a warehouse to suit up. Dread
balled up in my stomach for the upteenth time since this damned mission started.


The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 31

Unconventional Physical Adept Abilities
Gurth <>
Physical adepts are too narrow as characters the vast majority of the powers available to them,
either from FASA or on the net, are either intended for use in combat or to support those combat
functions. This may be in keeping with the general view of physical adepts as martial artists, "ki"
warriors, and so on, but it does put them at a disadvantage when combat is not the focus of the game.
Players view these adepts as combat monsters, and thus play them as such, while in fact there are
many more areas where the physical adept's particular kind of magic could be developed.

This article, conceived during a conversation about physical adepts with Mark Steedman (thanks for
the feedback BTW), has a number of those powers. Some are obviously inspired by spells or
cyberware, but I've deliberately tried to give them just a little twist that makes them different
that's not synonymous "better" or "cheaper," mind and hopefully interesting for current or future
physical adept characters.

Blend In/Stand Out

Cost: .75
A power with two distinct sides, that are nonetheless similar, the adept can use it to either blend into
a crowd, or stand out from it. The power is not normally active, but once activated (costing a Simple
Action), the adept may choose whether he wants to be part of the crowd, or be noticed. The adept
must concentrate on the use of the power, which counts as sustaining a spell, and incurs a +2 to all
other magical target numbers for the adept (including spellcasting, if the adept is a physical
magician). The use of the power is not evident from astral space, though, unlike a sustained spell.

When blending in, the adept is easily overlooked by people searching for him (whether they search
him specifically, someone fitting his or her description, or just want a generic person); on the other
hand, when the adept chooses to stand out, he will be noticed sooner than others. For example, by
choosing to stand out the adept can increase his chances of being picked from the audience in a quiz
show, while by blending in he can avoid being volunteered for a hazardous mission. The exact
reaction of other characters (player and non-player) to use of the power is judged by the
gamemaster, keeping in mind other activities the adept engages in, since these may give him or her
away anyway.

For this ability to work, the adept must be in a crowd, or at least a small group of people. No tests or
target numbers are normally involved, though the gamemaster may choose to give characters trying
to spot the adept a +2 or -2 to their Perception test target numbers, depending on whether the adept
wants to blend in or stand out.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 32

Cost: .5 per die
This power allows the adept to alter his or her physical appearance, from minor changes to
appearing like a person of a completely different metatype. It cannot be used to reproduce unnatural
features, like green hair, blue skin, cyberware, etc. Any cyberware the character has will appear
unaltered, which may lead to discovery, since a troll with a human-size cyberleg does look a bit

To use the power, the adept rolls the Mask dice against a target number taken from the table below.
To spot the mask, onlookers need to roll a Perception test with a target number equal to the adept's
Magic Rating, and score more successes than the adept rolled on his or her Mask test. If this test
succeeds, the character sees the real adept rather than the person he or she pretends to be.

Desired changes Target Number

Simple (e.g. hair or skin color) 4
Average (e.g. gender, close metatype) 7
Drastic (e.g. distant metatype) 10

Attempting to imitate a specific person +4
Wounds Normal Modifiers

Although it is possible to try and change into a completely different metatype, this only works well if
the physical characteristics of the adept and the intended metatype are similar. A human physical
adept masquerading as a troll will usually be a very short troll, for example, while this same adept
attempting to look like a dwarf will be a very tall dwarf. The same adept trying to impersonate an elf
or an ork would have little trouble, because their body sizes are similar to a human's. When such
differences are a factor, the adept should roll his or her Mask dice in an open test (see Shadowbeat,
under Impact Test on page 10); this test is in addition to the above test to see if the power works at
all. Assume the maximum height difference that can be attained is equal to the adept's Magic Rating
multiplied by the result of the open test, in centimeters. The maximum body weight difference is the
same, except in kilograms.

Hairy Harry is trying to chat up a girl, who frankly doesn't like the looks of him all that
much mainly it's Harry's trademark hair that puts her off. So he decides to use his
power to look like himself but with a normal hairdo. This is a simple change, so Harry
rolls his 3 dice in Mask against a target number of 4, getting 2 successes. The girl now
needs 3 or more successes on a Perception (6) test (because Harry's Magic Rating is 6) to
spot that Harry hasn't gone to the hairdressers, but is only trying to make her think he
Sometime later on, Harry needs to get into a troll bar to try and get info from someone;
being a human, Harry feels the trolls might kick his ass just for the fun of it, so he tries
to Mask himself as a troll. This has a target number of 10, since it requires Harry to grow
about a meter and make major changes to his features. However, Harry must now also
roll an open test, which comes up as 2, 5, and 7. Multiplying the 7 by his Magic Rating of
6, Harry can appear to grow 42 cm and put on 42 kg of weight, which makes him appear
to be a troll of about 2.25 meters and 125 kg. Very short and very skinny, not to mention
very likely to stand out as much as Harry would if he went to the bar the way he
normally looks.

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Pheromone Control
Cost: .5 per level
By consciously controlling his or her pheromone glands, the adept can affect the reaction people
have toward him or her, much like the tailored pheromones bioware.
Each level adds 1 die to the adept's Charisma and Social Skill rolls. This power is effective out to
twice the adept's Magic Rating in meters, in a windstill situation, and the power's level is halved
(rounded down) when applied to a person of another metatype than the physical adept.
The maximum level that may be purchased is equal to the adept's natural Charisma Attribute

The adept may choose to specialize his or her Pheromone Control power to a specific gender, in
which case the number of dice rolled for tests made against members of that gender are increased by
50% (round up) but for tests against the opposite gender, they are halved. This is in addition to the
normal halving for using the power against persons of another metatype.
Specializing must be chosen when the power is bought; if an adept wants to specialize later on, he or
she must be the Pheromone Control power a second time.

Marissa, who is a dwarf, has specialized her Pheromone Control power (at level 4) to
affect males more than females. When she attempts to use a Social Skill against a
dwarf male, she rolls 6 dice, while against a dwarf female she only gets a 2 dice. With
males of other metatypes, Marissa rolls 3 dice, and against females of other
metatypes, only 1.

Cost: .5 per +1 to Performance Rating
Adepts with this power possess an uncanny ability to perform music on nearly any instrument. They
add their Virtuoso level to the Performance Rating whenever they play a musical instrument, as
explained on pages 12 and 13 of Shadowbeat.
This power only works when the adept must actually touch the instrument; that is, it works fine for
pianos, guitars, flutes, triangles, and so on, but not for instruments controlled entirely by computers
or by thought when programming a computer to play a piece of music, the physical adept doesn't
receive the Virtuoso power bonus (because the adept isn't playing the music himself), while for an
instrument controlled through a synthlink the bonus is halved, rounding down, due to the greater
metaphysical "distance" between adept and instrument.
Virtuoso also cannot be used to compose a piece of music, or when singing without playing an

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 34

Voice Alteration
Cost: 1.5
The adept can make his or her voice produce any natural sound; this takes practice to get right
especially if the adept has never heard the sound before and must try to picture to himself what it
would sound like.
In game terms, the adept rolls an Intelligence test against a target number of 8 to correctly
reproduce the sound. For every two previous successful attempts, subtract 1 from the target
number; if the target number drops below 0 (i.e. after 16 successful attempts), the adept can
reproduce the sound flawlessly in future.
If the adept has never heard the actual sound before, he must apply a +6 modifier to the target
number -- this even applies if the adept has successfully produced the sound himself without ever
hearing the real thing.

Reproducing a (meta)human voice of a specific person in order to fool others into believing the
adept is that person has a target number of 14, modified as above. In case the adept is trying to fool
people for personal benefit, they are allowed a Perception test against the adept's Magic Rating to
spot that the adept is not who he or she pretends to be; they must roll more successes than the adept.
If they can see the adept, this test may automatically succeed if the adept isn't disguised as the person
he is trying to imitate, while if the sound quality is poor (like when the adept is talking over a bad
telephone connection), the adept may get a lower target number, at the gamemaster's discretion;
suggested is -1 to -4, depending on how bad the connection really is.

Paul's team wants to break into a secured area, so they have Paul call up the guard
station and impersonate the guard commander, in order to draw the guards away to a
non-existent intruder. Paul has heard what the guard commander sounds like on a
previous visit to the compound, so his target number is 12, and has practiced the
voice four times: his target number is 10. He rolls his Intelligence of 5, and gets 3, 4,
4, 5, and 11. The guards now may roll a Perception test (3 dice) against Paul's Magic
rating of 7. The first guard scores no successes, while the second gets only one. That
isn't enough to make him completely disbelieve the voice he heard through the
telephone, and the guards go off to where Paul tells them to go.

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Target: Mike Mulvihill
Interviewer: Steve Ratkovich
First, the important question. How did you get involved with FASA?

Long story, I'll try and make it quick and short. I worked for a comic book publisher called NOW
Comics, based here in Chicago (We published Speed Racer, the original Terminator, The
Ghostbusters, etc.). Many of the artist at NOW were FASA artists, Jeff Laubenstein and Jim Nelson
to name a few. So I knew of early FASA stuff from them (mainly BattleTech since that's mainly what
FASA was doing at that time). I also knew the marketing team from going to conventions and hanging
with the Chicago crowd at various shows, (Back in those days Chicago was the home to 3 comic book
companies and 3 game companies, as well as the freelancer HQ to both industries). Jill Lucas the
current President (of FASA) was one of those that I met at those shows.

Sidetrack (standard procedure for me...:) during NOWs big collapse the editor of NOW went to
FASA to interview for an editor position. What she did would be considered what I do - she was a
continuity and plot editor, not a text editor. FASA was looking for a text editor. So the NOW
employee called Sharon (my wife) who was working for a local book publisher, because she knew
what Sharon did and thought that Sharon would like the job...Sharon faxed her resume to FASA,
met with that person for dinner and had a job with FASA the next day.

Of course lightning only every strikes once - it took me more than 2 years to get a job with FASA. I
originally was a finalist for Sales and Marketing job, but Sam Lewis (FASA's former President) knew
that I had writing and convention skill from my NOW days and he held out until there was a position
he felt better suited my skills. That job was a development assistant. I started that Dec. 14 1992
(exactly 2 weeks after Lou) I worked with the developers as a utility infield (grunt boy, dogsbody,
slave boy - you get the picture) until I was promoted to SR developer in Oct. of 1995.

Another sidetrack: besides myself, Jim, Jeff and Sharon (the last three as freelancers mind you),
four others from NOW have worked at FASA. One editor and three artists... weird eh.

How much different do you think things would be for you if you had gotten the Marketing job
rather than your current one?

At some point I probably would have requested to freelance on a game line. Would I have been
happy? At some point my creativity would have forced it's way to the fore - either as a Freelancer on
our product or doing a bunch of stuff on the web, magazine articles and the such. Life would be very

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 36

Tell us a little about yourself, if you would. Where do you live, how old you are, that sort of thing.

OK, I hope I don't bore you to death....

I was born in Chicago and raised in the city and in a near suburb called Niles. I went to a very
small mid-western college, Morningside in Sioux City Iowa. I majored in Literature and Theater and
minored in Philosophy. I worked for a year with a traveling theater troop out of the University of
Nebraska. I went back to school to get a master's degree in Literature at St. Cloud State University
in St. Cloud, Minnesota. I met my wife at Morningside College and we were married after I left
SCSU. We both now lived in Chicago and I worked in retail at a book store, I left there to work at a
software store and left there to work at NOW. After NOW I worked at the book store again and left
there to work at a Public Library. I left the library to work at FASA.

I'm 34 years old, one wife, no kids, two cats. I bought my grandparents house (in the NW side of
Chicago - if you have Bug City handy, I live right at the NW corner of the CZ at Harlem and Irving
park, inside the CZ (Containment Zone) of course...) and have spent the last year looking though 50
years of collected junk (but I did find a flag with only 48 stars on it!)

Hobbies, besides games...sports (baseball, soccer, basketball #1, #2 and #3, although I'll watch or
play anything), history and philosophy (so therefore I love reading), sci-fi and mysteries (books and
movies/TV) and cooking (yep, cooking)

Have you written anything for any other games, or done any work for anyone other than FASA?

Nope, I'm a FASA lifer. I did write some fan based stuff when I worked at NOW, but once I was at
FASA any hopes of freelancing were left behind.

What advice would you give someone who was interested in writing something or working for

First, and this may seem stupid, but read and write. Without a knowledge base to fall back on and
the ability to communicate those ideas you can't go far. I always tell people to don't worry so much
about the number crunching but tell me a story. Tell me what interests you in the universe (in this
case SR). Don't try to second guess my ideas for the future of will never happen. I need to
think 2+ years down the road. There's no point in you trying to do that. What I like to see is a
person with good solid ideas based in the SR universe and using something that doesn't get much
attention. In other words tell me something that interests you. That's why I stated earlier that there
is no real "gaming" background (besides playing games) - everything you read you should be able to
use...history, philosophy, science, magic, sci-fi, mystery.

Next...just write. There are many outlets for writing besides actual game product and face facts with
only 8 products a year (for SR) it's tough to crack the big time. Use all other the sources...I read all
the submissions to Shadowland magazine and comment on them. I receive all of the Scrawls from the
Sprawls the Amateur Press Association Shadowrun product. I check out web pages. I read other
game material by other companies. So if you are active the better the chance I'll see what you can do.

Finally, don't just send in a single proposal and think that's it. Keep sending things in. Many times in
reading a proposal, the theme may be so foreign to anything I'm working on at any given time that I
may just not like it because of that. So send other things in.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 37

The final and single biggest point I can make is that freelance writing is a lot like batting in baseball.
The greet hitters are those that hit over .300. What that means is that they get 3 hits for every 10 at
bats. That means they make an out the other 7 times. It takes time an effort to make it as a writer
and even once your foot is in the door doesn't meant that reject means you are no good. For
Missions, for instance, which consists of 4 adventures, I received over 21 proposals, which means 17
people get rejected, so even "names" like Steve Kenson get a "no thanks" letter. It doesn't mean Steve
is a bad writer or that he won't work for me again. All it means is that on this single project there
were 4 better ideas.

Our submission guidelines are on our web page. (

How long have you been playing Shadowrun?

I've been playing since just after 2nd edition. Actually I read 2nd Ed, in manuscript form (because it
was one of Sharon's first gigs at FASA). I am in most cases I am the GM now.

Do you still play on a regular basis?

Yep, I play SR at least minimum of once a month. More often in the winter when I'm not a
convention or my players aren't.

What is your favorite type of character to play?

My favorite character was my first, a gator shaman named Bayou Earl. Earl came to Seattle from the
swamps around New Orleans. He spoke creole and very little "street talk" and lived most of his time
in the sewers because that's where the gators were. He was disgusting and unkempt, look like a total
anachronism in Seattle but he was fun to play.

As a class I like shamans because they need to be different based on their totems. But my favorite
class I believe is the Rigger. That's why I have gone nuts in trying to make the Rigger 2 book so over-
the-top. As I have stated, nothing is cooler to me than having a bunch drones under the control of
one guy, all flying or moving down a hallway with some humans on a full out assault. That image to
me is the image of Shadowrun!

How much of the Hardcore Cyberpunk (ala Gibson) do you see as the basis of Shadowrun? Is it a
core background, or merely a light backdrop splashed (and sometimes overshadowed) by Magic,
Elves, and the other "Fantasy" aspects of the game.

We seem to live in the post cyberpunk world and those that love it won't let me forget it. *GRIN* I
was not here for the early Shadowrun concept meetings but I know what we have and what
developed out of those meeting. FASA knew Cyberpunk was going to come out (by R. Talsorian) so
our take was to take many of the futuristic trappings and give it a twist. We created a world, a new
mini-genre if you will, though some prefer to think of it as fantasy game set in the cyberpunk future.
Others prefer to think of it a cyberpunk game with fantasy elements. My job (and FASA position) is
that the game/world is such a combination of both that something new was created...that reflects it's
parts but in essence is something wholly new.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 38

Going along with that, how dark and gritty do you view the Shadowrun world? I know every
player has their own opinion of the Shadowrun world, and what Shadowrunners are. Do you view
them as the "good guys", the "Bad guys", or something in between?

Geez, that's a tough one on many levels. In my opinion I think that the world of Shadowrun is
actually much more "noir" than "cyberpunk". Very, very individual, very much "your own man" and
it's me against them (in SR's case it's Corps...but it could easily be corruption or even "evil" or
"good"). Can this make them anti-heroic, yes of course it can. Good Guys? Yep. Bad Guys? Just as

I tend to look on the Shadowrunners as necessary, something that was discovered to be needed and
then allowed to continue. At some point in the SR world's history what was created took on a life of
it's own and here is where players/GMs I think miss the biggest point - they are autonomous. They
have a life of their own. It makes for a more vibrant world if everything from corp. espionage by
government agents to gang fights are actually in the realm of shadowrunning. My feeling is that
shadowrunning has grown to mean anything. The corps. created something and that thing has
spawned to haunt them because they no longer control it. They need to use it like everyone else but
they can't determine the results like they could before.

Do you GM SR? If so, do you prefer being a GM or a Player?

Well I'm used to being the GM (I do like the control - hee hee!). Actually, I like being a GM because
it's great to play director and offer up the beginning of the story so that I can watch the story unfold
when it get into the players hands. Of course, being a player is much easier to do but it allows you to
explore different personalities and themes you normally never would do. Being a player is much
more escapism than GM.

What exactly are your duties as Shadowrun Line Developer?

Boy you are asking all of tough ones aren't you...

[Editors note: Well, we could have asked a few questions about your cats, but this isn't a pet
magazine.. :) ]

Any Line Developer at FASA is the final decision maker for the game universe they are in charge of.
Think of Line Developer as Producer/Director of a movie. I'm in charge of everything from the ideas
to approving anything that has the SR logo on it. Think of the writers and actors... it's my job to line
the writers up provide them with a skeleton of idea and they perform (write), if I do my work (pre-
concepts, product focus, universe continuity etc.) then have an easier time doing theirs. More I allow
them to be creative and to know what I need and want the better they can perform. In many ways
you can't see my hand in a product and yet without me the product doesn't exist.

Besides the esoteric level that I described above. I must read and develop (which means
continuity/rules edit) every product produced by FASA for my line including novels. I am the SR
spokesperson which means I do any and all PR for SR including conventions, answering Q's on-line,
on the phone etc. I approve anything that gets the SR logo on it... which includes everything from
reading Shadowland submissions to deciding what we will give away at GenCon. Finally, I also get
approval/development on anything created for SR but not strictly by me. The card game for instance
and the upcoming SR Computer game are two of the most recent examples.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 39

I know you have several Pet Peeves concerning Shadowrun. Could you tell us a few of them? Also,
what is your opinion of Immortal Elves, Horrors, and all the really big, oddball stuff that has
crept into SR over the years? reputation precedes me!

I started my pet peeve list because there are thing in Shadowrun that I feel were never fully though
about before they were implemented. Of course those are the things that everyone wants to know
about because, of course there are inconsistencies with what went before them and what needs to
happen next. Most are from those that came before me because I feel they had great ideas and so
thoroughly mis-fired on them that they became a hindrance to my job and to any future continuity
that I may want to create.

In no particular order the biggest are...

1. ED/SR links
2. Immortal Elves
3. Spell Locks
4. Incomplete World

Again just so people fully understand.. it's not that I don't like any of the ideas's just that
how they are implemented and how they function in MY UNIVERSE AS OF RIGHT NOW and the
problems and lack of forethought mean THEY DO NOT WORK AS THEY SHOULD. In many cases
they make no sense at all.

I have other pet peeves dealing with gaming as a whole...

1. People who refuse to let games be fun.

2. People who place the real world over a game universe to find flaws
3. People who refuse to understand that it's important to adapt their playing style to the entire group
4. People who refuse to use their imagination and force me to use it for them
5. Bigots

And in my opinion the thing that drives me the most crazy!

1. People who refuse to accept the spirit of the game and insist that it's more important to exploit the
holes of the universe and system strictly for their own benefit.

OK, I can understand the Immortal Elves and the Spell Locks... there's lot's of inconsistencies with
those. However, what are you're thought's on the SR/ED Links (Specifically, why is it a peeve.)
Also, what are your thoughts on the "Incomplete World" of SR, and can you tell us of any plans to
complete the world?

This is tough because I will try an comment on both of these without pointing fingers because in the
long run there is no real reason to do that. While I acknowledge that those creators who came before
me made excellent decisions (heck, I wouldn't even be discussing any of this with you if they hadn't),
some things weren't given the same focus and energy and in the long run both were not really
strongly though about before implemented.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 40

ED/SR links suffer from the same problems as Immortal Elves. Poor design and execution. They
created ED and then after the fact added the SR links. ED was not created from the outset to be Pre-
SR, if it had my guess it would be very different. By making the links they assumed that ED would
benefit from SR what never occurred was that SR would suffer simply from the from the fact that it
comes AFTER! ED being sooooo very different in how magic works, game tone, characters, world,
etc. - these thing are now left up to me to alter my game to fit, because ED did it first in a magical
cycle. What I inherited is a series of questions of why and when my game will change to fit the events
as everyone already knows will happen. That was irresponsible of the creators that went before me
because they thought, like immortal elves, it would be fun to do but never really figured out how it
works, leaving me to back figure events, manipulate my world and game to match something that was
not there when SR was created.

The lack of a complete world bothers me more than anything else. To set the record straight. The
world was never fleshed out. Only the North American Continent. Everything written about the
world was created as need on the spot. I REALLY HATE THAT!!!!!! That means every time I need
to expand the world I have to go through all kind of products looking for the one reference here to
India... one reference there for Amazonia... another reference here to Japan. While very cool, it
leaves the player with the sense that all of that was already done and all we are doing is waiting to
put the next place out. That can't be further from the truth!

The problem with fleshing the world out at this point is that doing the entire world is like doing a
project that never gets seen. It takes the full amount of time by me and the freelancers to produce
the world. Plus doing it in a "sit down and lets flesh it fashion" out means that stuff begins to "feel"
the same. While I have ideas about the world and what's where - writing it all down and then making
sure that input from players our international publishers, freelancers, etc. make the areas exciting to
Shadowrun in is another major time block. Finally at that time would I release the info to the public.
So they only way that makes sense if or me to flesh out areas as they come up (like in the
Cyberpirates book).

It's just very frustrating because in both of the examples above I feel that by doing the work at the
creation of the game world would have resolved so many problems that I encounter now. Instead I
am locked into continuity I did not create and I'm forced to make sense out of bunches of factoids
that may or may not be based on anything other than the writer thought it might be cool to add. It
makes my job that much harder and by not taking care of the sloppiness at the beginning I am held
responsible to the fans and must constantly patch holes in the mixing and matching those who went
before didn't think about.

What do you like to do to relax?

Read comic books, watch sports, play soccer and baseball, watch movies, gaming, gaming, gaming,

What was the last good movie you saw?

5th Element! See it immediately if you haven't seen it. American action with European style. Par
excellence. Realize that Face/Off opens tonight and that may push 5th Element off the top spot.

[Editors note: This interview was conducted in late June, so this bit is a tad out of date..]

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 41

What other Role Playing Games, if any, do you play or GM?

I do try and play games still (yeah time seems to escape me lately) - Besides SR. I play a Earthdawn
on a regular basis and BattleTech when we get a game going. Other RPG's I enjoy are Feng Shui and
Call of Cthulhu. I have a weak spot for DC Heroes but haven't played it in a while. I usually read
more games than I play. Right now I'm reading both Deadlands and The Legends of the Five Rings

As for card games...Shadowfist, BattleTech, Mythos, Legend of the Five Rings and of course the
Shadowrun Card game...We have color demo cards just in today - AWESOME!

I also have been going back to my roots playing board/war games including the great Avalon Hill
collection. If you have never played the board game so if you can. Others include
Axis and Allies, Britannia, Dune, and beginning to learn Squad Leader and Supremacy.

I know there are some mixed feeling about the upcoming SR CCG among the SR Gamers. Tell us a
little about the Card Game, if you would, and how close to the RPG it will be.

Yeah, this is a bit of a problem. There is a lot of anti-card game hype right now - it seems mainly to
be focused against WOTC, which may or may not be deserved. Our game is 100% done by FASA.
Myself, Mike Nielson and Jim Nelson are the creators/designers of the game. This game feels and
plays so much like the RPG that I think fans of SR will be amazed. In fact a Shadowrun undertaken
the CCG feels exactly like one in the RPG.
For those who haven't played the game or know nothing about it... you play runner gear and contacts
out of you hand as well as cards called Challenges (which are played face down on an Objective (i.e.
the objective of a Shadowrun and where you get you Reputation Points to win the game!). You don't
encounter your own Challenges (you played them so you know what they are) but rather you
encounter the Challenges played by the other player - so like the RPG your team of runners is never
sure exactly what you will encounter at any given time on a Shadowrun. The game is super easy to
learn. You can pick it up after two turns around the table and equally fun playing a two player or
multi-player (funny thing that those two phrases which should mean the same thing, don't). There
are cards that fans of Shadowrun will understand perfectly and shadowrunners from the fiction of
the game.

I realize CCG world make RPGers nervous and I agree, but I think they will enjoy the SR CCG
because it feels so much like the RPG and can actually give you hints and plots for future RPG
setting... honestly, this is not hype but a pleasant effect of the game as we designed it.

What is one thing you would like to accomplish some day?

I would like to visit all 7 continents (well, 6...) and write a novel. I have visited 3 continents and have
read many novels so I'm not there yet.

What is one thing about you that we never needed to know?

The only SR rule I can remember is the damage code of is the Ares Predator (9M). Everything else I
need to look up. In "real" life...I prefer being cold to being hot.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 42

Review: Target: UCAS
Adam Jury <>
Vital Stats
Title Target:UCAS
Authors Stephen Kenson, Linda Naughton, and Jonathon Jacobson
Publisher FASA, July 1997
ISBN 1-55560-314-9
Pages 104
Suggested Retail Price:
Price $$15 American

I've been eagerly awaiting Target: UCAS since early March, when I got word from Mike at FASA that
they would be using one of my nicknames as a decker comment in the book. Im on pages 16 and 52
with the name Fro and the tagline Leading by Example. Other people from the internet community
that got taglines in the book are Bull, Spike, Granite, and CCCampbell. Needless to say, this added
five easy sales of the book, and helped solidify FASAs reputation as one of the Good Guys in the
RPG business.

Target: UCAS is set up like a standard Shadowrun book, an online post on Shadowland, with users
interjecting comments where appropriate. It starts with the State of the Union address, with has
been available on FASA's web page for awhile now. Then it moves to The Scott Commission, the
group investigating Dunkelzahns death.

The first location profiled is Boston, and in my opinion, its rather bland. The catacombs, a giant
underground maze of rooms and passageways, was the only thing that really grabbed my interest

Detroit was much better, especially with the background information on Ares and Damien Knight.
Actually, there's more Ares and Mr. Knight than there is Detroit, but its still an interesting read,
and can certainly be worked into an existing campaign.

Chicago has been under siege from the bugs for awhile, does it deserve more space in official
products? Well when something as big as whats going on there happens, it certainly does! If you're
currently playing a campaign set in Chicago, don't read this book, it will spoil your fun. As a matter
of fact, I consider the entire book to be a Gamemaster only book, no peeking for the players.

Without giving too much away for any players still reading this, Ill say that the method used to get
rid of the bugs was interesting, and has some great possible side affects and plot hooks.

The last part of the book has Game Information, rules for playing ghouls, plot ideas for each of the
cities presented, and information about the individual cities. This includes population, details on
getting in and out of the city, and local prices for goods. My main beef with this section is the See
Bug City for this information line, since I dont own Bug City, but thats a minor quibble.

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 43

The book's layout is well done, the cover art excellent. The interior art is a lot more subtle and
darker than previous FASA products, and looks good to me. There's also little bugs crawling across
the Chicago section, a nice touch. The entire book is heavy on the text, and very heavy on
'shadowtext'. My main gripe is a lack of maps, two half page maps, one for Detroit, one for Boston. I
feel more attention could have been given to them, with at least a couple maps for each city.

Altogether, a worthy edition to any Shadowrun library, and a needy addition if you have or will be
running in Chicago sometime soon.

Laying the Blame: Credits

Adam Jury


Skillsoft Expansion & Unconventional Physical Adept Abilities

Adam Jury

Review: Target UCAS & Neuro Blade

Steven Bull Ratkovich

Quicksilver Lightning

Cluttered Datastore Contributors

Adam Jury
Elton Robb

Special Thanks
Mike Mulvihill
Steve Kenson

The Shadowrun Supplemental Page 44

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