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Margo McCallon

LITR 630

Wiki Lesson Plan

ISTE: 1, 2, 3, 4
ILA: 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 4.2, 5.1
KTS: 6.1, 6.2, 6.5
KCAS: RI.3.4, RI.3.5, RI.3.9, W.3.2, W.3.6, W.3.7, W.3.8

Grade Level:

Time Needed:
60 minutes in the computer lab with classroom teacher to research and guide students on wiki.
Students will also get 55 minutes type information during computer special area time to continue
research and typing.

Computer for each student
Class wiki
Anchor chart with definition of search engine and tools we have learned
Graphic organizer with all of their previous research information on this topic
Questions and keywords each group has brainstormed about their Amazing American

Learning Targets:
Students will use appropriate keywords on search engines to find information. Students will
conduct research to describe their Amazing American as a child, as an adult and why we
remember that person. Students will begin organizing their information to write sentences and

1. Introduction: Review the anchor chart we have created to effectively use technology to

2. Review the Amazing American Project purpose. The purpose of this project includes
learning about American history, using team manners to work together, and learning how
to use technology to gain and share information.

3. Instruct students to go to (Note: prior to this lesson, the students have
been introduced to wikispaces, the expectations described on the assignment page, and
the teacher example.)

4. Review each page and discuss their assignment: students will use digital sources to
continue to research their Amazing American. Once they have their information, the
students will write their facts on their graphic organizer.

5. Remind students and model how to use the list of key words they created during and after
the search engine lesson to find answers to questions they have about their Amazing

6. Review and model how students will also find images, hyperlinks, & videos to add to
their page.

7. Remind and model how to record where they got the information by providing the URL
of the website where the information was found.

8. Students will work in groups to research their topic and follow each step of the
assignment listed on wiki.

9. Students will take turns typing their 3 paragraphs on Microsoft Word. After typing,
editing, and revising this information, they will put it on wiki.

Formative Assessment: Students will be assessed on the accuracy of their research and their
citation using a URL. I will also assess their images, hyperlinks, and the videos they add to their
page on wiki.
Summative Assessment: I will use a rubric to assess their informative writing, text features, and
cooperative learning goals.

I have grouped students with peers that can guide and assist each other. I will lead my struggling
readers to sites with videos so they can listen to gather information.

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