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DM –CI-2020-00155
Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of
the Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis
Date: July 14, 2020
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction (CI)issues these guidelines as basis for the
Implementation of the Homeroom Guidance (HG) during Crisis Situation for SY 2020-
 Empower learner to overcome the different challenges and adapt to the “new normal”
brought about the current pandemic.
 The Department deemed it necessary to offer the new program to learners from
Kindergarten to Senior High School with select competencies that are lifted directly from
Homeroom Guidance Curriculum. However , its full implementation which includes the
complete curriculum, policy and learning materials will be made available at the start of
school year 2021-2022.
HG is a comprehensive , developmental and proactive program designed to equip K to 12 learners
with life skills on three domains:
a. Academic Development
b. Personal and Social Development
c. Career Development
 This issuance sets the basic standards for an efficient and effective implementation of HG both
in public and private schools nationwide.
-HG Observation Form and Program Monitoring and Evaluation Tool are also enclosed for
 The K to 12 curriculum puts emphasis on capacitating learners with skills in doing their tasks and
enriching these as they progress up to grade 12.
 In 1998 , Revitalized Homeroom Guidance (RHG) for secondary learners was created to answer learners’
needs. However, certain considerations to make it more comprehensive, developmental, and proactive are
deemed necessary.
 HG were formulated based on relevant current literature, and in consultation with teachers, School Heads,
and Guidance and Counseling experts.
 HG is a responsive program that equips learners with competencies to address issues not included in the
formal learning areas but is very essential to their development.
Homeroom Guidance Framework
HG is dedicated to address the academic , personal/ social and career development needs of the
learners in a developmental, comprehensive and proactive manner.
 The standards and competencies of HG are anchored on the following theories:
1. Jerome Bruner’s Scaffolding Theory
2. Learner-centered Theory-Jean Jacque Rousseau
3. Cognitive Learning Theory- Jean Piaget
4. Theory of Eric Ericson’s Psychosocial Development
Homeroom Guidance Domains
A. Academic Development Domain- academic related needs or concerns of learners which include but
not limited to creative and critical thinking, communication skills and problem solving skills.
B. Personal and Social Development Domain- pertains to concerns and issues affecting learners
individuality (self) , relationship with others and their interaction in community. This include but
not limited to intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, self –awareness, coping with emotions and stress,
and resilience.
C. Career Development Domain- pertains to all occupational and world of work-related concerns and
issues of learners. KSA that enable them to make successful transition from school to the world of
Roles of School, Home, and Community and other Institutions
1. School ensures the proper implementation
2. Home plays vital role through its consistent support, involvement and collaboration
3. Community and other institutions reinforce the development of learners’ life skills through
engagement in the school activities relevant to the vision, mission and philosophy of HG
Homeroom Guidance Most Essential Learning Competencies
75% of the HG MELCS are from the Personal- Social Development Domain
-These competencies pertain to concerns or issues affecting learners’ individuality ( self), relationship
with others and their interaction in community ,
20% Academic Development Domains
5 % Career Development Domain
 Since this is not a formal learning area HG should not be part of the computation of grades by the
end of each quarter , it shall serve as enrichment activity that can be performed at home and in
school or through other platform with the help of guidance counselors, teachers and parents.
Implementation of the program shall be governed and guided by the following principles and
1. Nomenclature. HG shall be reflected in the class program of every school, in the school
forms as Homeroom Guidance.
2. Medium of Instruction. The Learning Materials are written in English, but the regions
may opt to use their mother tongue or any language convenient to the learners to ensure
participation and interaction during the session and better understanding of the concepts.
3. Time Allotment. One (1)hour per week from Grade 1 to 12 while Kindergarten it will be
included in their blocks of time.
4. Class Program. The HG shall be scheduled once a week
5. Class Advisers shall be assigned to implement the program with the TA of the Guidance
Counselor. If the school does not have a Guidance Counselor, the SH may assign a
Guidance Designate but he/she should be provided with proper training.
6. Collaboration with the family and community is also encouraged in order to create a
venue for the learners in developing such life skills,
7. Teaching Load. Teaching HG shall be equivalent to one (1) teaching load on top of the
teacher’s advisory and subject’s load.
8. HG shall not be viewed as a formal learning area like Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP)
and the like. It shall be treated as a program that will help learners develop the
competencies needed in the three domains. Hence, its delivery in class is quite informal
but still follows the Structured Learning Experience flow.
9. The HG MELCs and Learning Materials will be issued by the Department of Education.
10. HG assessment results must be distributed and discussed by the class adviser during the
Parent-Teacher Conference. This shall be issued as an attachment to the learner’s report
11. DepEd schools shall include all expenses relative to Homeroom Guidance in their Annual
School Improvement Plan.
12. Non- implementation or improper implementation of Homeroom Guidance shall be
subject to existing applicable administrative actions.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. School Head supervises and monitors the implementation of HG and ensures that proper
intervention for each learner will be provided.
2. Guidance Counselor or Guidance Designate serve as the program manager and ensures the correct
content and pedagogy of HG in school. (Orientation on HG at the beginning of SY, Quarterly
meetings with Section advisers before the implementation of the modules)
3. Class Adviser serves as HG implementer inside the classroom. The class adviser refers the learner
to the Guidance Counselor only if counseling intervention or other guidance services are needed.
Schools Division Office
Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) through the EsP Supervisor in coordination with
SGOD through its Designated Guidance and Counselling focal person, serves as the division
program manager . They ensure localization and indigenization of content and pedagogy , and
are expected to monitor the conduct of HG.
Regional Office
CLMD EsP Supervisor in coordination with ESSD Designated Guidance and Counseling focal
person, serves as the program manager of the region.
Assessment of Learner’s Development and Monitoring of the Program
HG implementers must always keep in mind that the program shall capacitate learners towards success,
hence, compared to formal learning areas that are being measured following the DO No. 8. s. 2015, HG
shall utilize Learner’s Development Assessment Tool ( Annex 3), guided by the verbal descriptions below:
NI –Needs Improvement
D- Developing
SD- Sufficiently Developed
DC- Developed and Commendable
 Learner’s development shall be assessed through their portfolio and performance task
Monitoring and Evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation shall be done from September 2020 to April 2021, results shall be
submitted at the end of SY 2020-2021.
School Level
The SH leads the monitoring in coordination with the Guidance Counselor/Designate. SH
ensures evaluation of the program with the help of the Guidance Counselor/Designate using
the Homeroom Guidance Observation Tool ( Annex !)
Schools Division Level

The EsP Supervisor under CID in coordination with the SGOD Guidance focal person leads
the monitoring using the Homeroom Guidance Monitoring Tool (Annex 2) in the Division
level. They shall submit the Monitoring Results to their respective Regional EsP Supervisors

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