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Agreeable - It is your friendliness , ability to show compasion and willingness to help others.
Neuroticism - This category sometimes named by its opposite trait and emotional stability.
Adolescence - The time when young people start to confuse about themsleves , futures and
even their political beliefs.
Personality Traits - Are characteristic and qualities that help define you as a unique individual.
Nature - Genes and heredity factors physical appearance personality characteristics.
Conscientiousness - Measures your efficiency and organizations.
Neuroticism -This category sometimes named by its opposite trait and emotional stability.
Openness - Describes hiw adventures curious of open to new experiences you are.
Human nature - It goes through the process of birth , growth, development , regeneration and
Human being - Have the sole capacity to reflect upon itself and the process to develop self
Human development - Covers the whole life span of human existence.
Formal operational - Human plan for the future think hypothetically and assume adult
Environmental - Environment often reflects the people's personality.
Physical development - Defined as the growth of the body and it's parts of motor development.
Cognitive development - It covers our capacity to learn , speak , understand , reason and to
Pyschosocial development - it includes our social interaction with other people.
Personality - is focused on improving who you are as a person.
Drive - it is motivational tension that energizes behavior to fulfill of need.
Affect - is the outward display of one's emotional state.
Attitude - it is a person's behavior or situation and individual has.
Mood - Is a mix of feelings and emotions as we go through our days.
Physiological - Physical aspect or attributes that we see in a person.
Holistic development - All aspect are in balance work hormoniously and given equal attention ,
importance and improvements.
Feelings - physical or mental sensations that arise as we interralize emotions
Spiritual - the person's beliefs including values and virtues in a person's life.
Self centered - people tend to ignore the needs of others and only do what's best for them.
Social - individual interacts with other people or groups
Social - individual interacts with other people or groups
Reckless - would engage in an activity without concern for its after-effects
Identity - the concept you develop about yourself that evolves over the course of your life.

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