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 The word “SELF” is popularly and generally defines as what an

individual sees, perceives and defines oneself apart from others.
 The “self-perception” is a sub-definition of this simple yet
complex concept.The self as we known it is divided into three
known dimensions; Physical, Psychological, and spiritual.
 Spiritual Dimension-Allows us to view ourselves in a spiritual level
as spiritual beings.This dimension cannot be observed but can be
subjectively altered and perceived by the person.

Components of Attitude

 Four factors that affect our attitude:

1. Social factors
2. Learning
3. Operant Conditioning
4. Modelling
 Self-concept- is our cognition to ourselves, what we think and
know about our identity, personality and individuality. It requires
a lot of self-evaluation and reflection.
 Self-esteem- it is more situational approach in terms of attitude
because self-esteem is how we value our selves, given the
negative and positive feedback we receive.


 The self has three dimensions- Physical, psychological and

 Attitude Composes of affect, cognition and behavior
 Attitude can occur in our awareness or off our awareness
 Behavior can be overt or covert
 Attitude can be shaped through various ways such as learning,
experience, or conditioning
 Self-esteem and self concept are two different concepts. Self-
esteem is how you feel for yourself while self-concept is what you
think of yourself
 Cognition will represented by thoughts; affect will represented by feelings; and behavior
represent it self
 Thoughts- Thoughts usually originate from things we have learned both in a right way
and wrong way. That is why there are terms as malcognition and maladaptive
 Feelings- No one is exempted from the experience and color that emotion brings into
our life, be it, again, subconscious and conscious.It relates to behavior in a similar
manner. There is such manner to which negative emotions can be released though
behavior in socially accepted ways – sublimation or transmutation.
 Behavior -is the primary output of our attitude. Behavior can be overt or covert. Overt
behavior is expressed consciously. Covert behavior however occurs beyond our
 Physical- The stage Puberty is when the body matures in all aspects with sexual
characteristics- prime for the natural process of reproduction
 Neurobiological Development-brain grows rapidly but matures slower. The brain goes
through various stages of building connections with neurons to allow functionalities in
the physical, biological, and physiological aspects.
 COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT- the adolescent can reason abstractly and think hypothetical
 MORAL DEVELOPMENT- is the process throught which children develop proper
attitudes and behaviors toward other people in society, based on social and
cultural norms, rules, and laws.
 SOCIO-EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT- is a child's ability to understand the feelings of
others, control their own feelings and behaviors, and get along with peers.

 Thoughts affect our attitude and our life consciously and subconsciously
 Emotion may bloat or minimize the perception of the thought  Behavior is the primary
output of our attitude
 the physical and neurobiological development is one aspect of holistic development that
involves the entire body and brain
 Jean Piaget offers the stage theory of intellectual development that explains the
development of our cognitive abilities from the time that we born
 Lawrence Kohlberg offers the stages of Moral Development theory that explains the
moral development on an individual.

 Erikson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development- During this stage in one’s life, one
will experiment through different roles, behaviors and activities with the sole
intention of realizing his/her identity.
 Erik Erikson- a famous developmental psychologist, stated in his theory that
adolescents are going to face a struggle with what they think of themselves and who
they want to be.
 Havighurst’s Development -Tasks for Adolescents- According to him, there are six
stages of developmental tasks that need to be satisfied to be able to satisfy also the
succeeding stages.
 Robert Havighurts- an American educator and writer, elaborated stage of
developmental tasks that any individual must successfully go through.
 Piaget’s Cognitive Development- Formal Operators- What makes us human in mind
is our ability to process formal operations that allow us to philosophize, innovate,
create, imagine, hypothesize, deduct, and criticize external and internal, overt or
 Piaget- had four stages, the formal Operations being the fourth. In this stage,
greater cognitive functions such as hypothetical, imaginary and transcendental
through are unlocked and these may atrophy if we utilize them.
 Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs- Maslow stated that people are motivated to
achieve certain needs and that some needs take precedence over others. Our most
basic need is for physical survival, and this will be the first thing that motivates our
behavior. Once that level is fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and so
 Maslow's (1943, 1954) hierarchy of needs -is a motivational theory in psychology
comprising a five model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within
a pyramid.
 Physical Appearance-Adolescents fresh off to puberty or still going through it, face a lot
of changes regarding their physical appearance.
 Identity development- Let us focus on your mental, emotional, and psychological
aspect. It was said that if we were to force an apple to be skillful in becoming an orange,
we cannot expect to succeed.
 GENDER identity- It helps an adolescent more to be true to himself or herself. Being
situationally and environmentally dependent for attitude, behavior and self-concept too
much is not a worthwhile investment. Do not look up to the stars but aim on being your
own star. It might be your vaccine against low self-esteem.
 Social Cognition: Personal fable and imaginary audience -The adolescent believe on
having an Imaginary Audience, that group of followers exist to continuously watch and
judge their every move, verbalization, and public or personal behavior.
 impulsivity and risk-taking or thrill-seeking behaviors- Psychologically because of
personal fable and the adolescent predisposition to please one’s social circle or
someone’s object of admiration, one would be inclined to be impulsive into going
headfirst to particular thrill seeking behaviors for the ultimate goal of being “cool”.
These also lead to sexual behavior that may be maladaptive, unwise and detrimental.
 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR- Sexual behavior is observable and natural, yet it is also abstract and
deeply intimate. It is wise to be informed before plugging into its waters.
 ANTI-SOCIAL - Anti-social individuals are usually known to be delinquent and guiltless.


 Being an adolescent means having to face challenges and struggles such as those that
concerns physical appearance.
 Personal fables are adolescent beliefs that one is highly special and unlike any one else.
 An imaginary audience is normal phenomenon where in the adolescent will think that
group of followers exist to continuously watch and judge their every move.
 The term anti-social does not mean a person is not outgoing. It simply means the person
wants to harm others without remorse
 Adolescents should be responsible with their sexual behaviors because these crucial
choices might hold long term consequences – some cannot even be repaired


BRAIN-is a very complex organ made up of mutually dependent parts, each with its
precise purpose.The brain is the fattest organ in the body and consists of at least 60
percent fat.
Cerebrum - The largest portion of the brain, is responsible for most of the brain’s
function such as thought and movement.
Frontal lobe- The part of the brain that controls important cognitive skills in humans,
such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language, judgment, and
sexual behaviors.
“control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate. (Thought)
PARIETAL LOBE- Located at the top of the head, above the temporal lobe and behind
the frontal lobe, this receives data from skin consisting of heat, cold, pressure, pain and
how the body is positioned. (Touch)
Temporal is Located at the sides of the head above the ears. They perform several
functions such as perception, speech and certain types of memory. (Hearing and
Occipital is located at the back of the head, above the cerebellum. This lobe handles
sensory from the eyes. (Vision)
Dominance theory- States that our behavior is a function of the heightened activity of
either left or right brain hemisphere.
Whole brain theory- The whole brain theory believe that the brain is divided into four
quadrants where each quadrants is responsible for particular abilities.
MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE- Garner came up with eight distinct intelligences such as
linguistic, logic-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal,
intrapersonal and naturalist.
Howard Gardner 2004 in his theory of multiple intelligences, he believes these innate
intelligences are expressed in different sensory modalities.
Mind mapping- It is a visual thinking tool that utilizes cognitive function like memory,
learning, creativity, and analysis. Mind mapping is a process that involves a combination
of image, color and visual arrangement.

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