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Students’ Names SAP IDs

Miss Bushra Batool 52634
Mrs. Muneeba 52680

Authors: The 16 PF test was developed by Raymond B. Cattell, A. Karen S. Cattell

and Heather E.P. Cattell.
Published Date: The test was published in 1993 by Institute for Personality &
Ability Testing Inc. (IPAT)
It is a self report assessment instrument that measures 16 different personality
traits that are believed to be the building blocks of all human personalities.
Cattell's Personality Theory:
Psychologist Raymond Cattell narrowed Allport's list down to 171 qualities,
mainly by removing duplicate or rare phrases. He then utilized factor analysis, a
statistical approach, to find features that are connected to one another. He was able to
reduce his list to 16 major personality variables using this strategy.
According to Cattell, there is a continuum of personality traits. In other words,
each person contains all of these traits to a certain degree, but they might be high in
some traits and low in others.
Primary Factors:
The following personality trait list describes some of the descriptive terms used for
each of the 16 personality dimensions described by Cattell.
1. Abstractedness: Imaginative versus Practical
2. Apprehension: Worried versus Confident
3. Dominance: Forceful versus Submissive
4. Emotional stability: Calm versus High-strung
5. Liveliness: Spontaneous versus Restrained
6.Openness to change: Flexible versus Attached to the familiar
7. Perfectionism: Controlled versus Undisciplined
8. Privateness: Discreet versus Open
9. Reasoning: Abstract versus concrete
10. Rule-consciousness: Conforming versus non-conforming
11. Self-reliance: Self-sufficient versus dependent
12. Sensitivity: Tender-hearted versus tough-minded
13. Social boldness: Uninhibited versus shy
14. Tension: Inpatient versus relaxed
15. Vigilance: Suspicious versus trusting
16. Warmth: Outgoing versus reserved
No. Symbols Traits
1. A Warmth
2. B Reasoning
3. C Emotional Stability
4. E Dominance
5. F Liveliness
6. G Rule Consciousness
7. H Social Boldness
8. I Sensitivity
9. L Vigilance
10. M Abstractness
11. N Privateness
12. O Apprehension
13. Q1 Openness to change
14. Q2 Self Reliance
15. Q3 Perfectionism
16. Q4 Tension
Global factors:
In addition to the primary scales, the test also measures at least 5 secondary
dimensions which are broader traits, score able from the primary factors.
1. Introversion/Extroversion mm
2. Low Anxiety/High Anxiety
3. Receptivity/Tough mindedness
4. Accommodation/Independence
5. Lack of Restrain/Self Control
Utility of the Test:
1. The test gives full information in the shortest time about most personality traits.
2. It covers all the main dimensions not merely covers with narrow concept of
neuroticism or adjustment or some special kind of ability but covers plan fully and
precisely all the main dimensions along which people can differ.
3. its vocabulary is that of daily newspaper and no writing is required
4. It can be used in groups or individually.
5. Age group: 16 years and Older
What the test measures?
It measures separate traits or dimensions of personality.
The present questionnaire meets long standing demand for a personality measuring
instrument properly validated to the ‘primary personality factors’ that
6. In real life behavior situation
7. 2. Social response pattern
3. In abnormal, pathological behavior
Symbols: A, ,B, C, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4.
Design, Validity, and Reliability:
The validity of the test it self is meant to be construct validity and is found to be
The reliability of the test is found out by the retest method and is found to be above
1. Questionnaire type is convenient.
2. It is universally valid instrument, its results differ between cooperative and
uncooperative & well educated and poorly educated.
3. Questionnaire includes indirect questions .
4. A, B & C three forms yielding equivalent scores.
5. Form A and B comprises of 187 questions while form C comprises of 106 items.
6. Three alternative answers to each questions.
1. Can be administered in an individual or group setting
2. Form A and B both have total 374 questions
3. Age limit: 16 years and older
4. Time limit: 35 to 40 minutes
Material Required:
5. 16 PF Booklet
6. 16 PF questionnaire
7. Answer Sheet
8. Stencil Scoring Key
9. Norm Table
10. Pencil
1. First of all provide the client with pencil, Questionnaire forms and answer sheet.
2. Then assure the client that results of the test would be confidential
3. Then ask him/her to write the name on the answer sheet and read all the instructions
written on the first page of questionnaire, if you have any doubt on question please ask .
4. There is no right or wrong answer because everyone has the right to his/her own view.
5. There are three possible answers to each question.
6. If your answer is a fill the left box
7. f your answer is b fill the middle box.
8. If your answer is c fill the right box.
9. Try to answer in yes or no, there should few answers that are answered in between or
10. Make sure that you don’t spend much time on a particular question for long.
11. Ensure that the subject has answered al questions and that all answered questions have
only one response.
1. After collecting answer sheet from the subject .
2. First we will calculate raw score with the help of stencil key.
3. We have two stencil keys each stencil key gives rating of 8 factors.
4. In stencil key, each question have 2 stencil and each stencil mark with a
number (2,1, 0) . Present in different kind of sequence.
012 = option a (0), option b (1), option c (2)
120 = option a (1), option b (2), option c (0)
210 = option a (2), option b (1), option c (0)
Material required: 16 PF booklet, Norm table, 10 point rating scale.
Now we convert Raw scores into Sten Scores with the help of 16 PF booklet.
Just scan the information from the norm table.
Thank You

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