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Name : Cloudias Imani Pradana

NRP : 07311840000004
Lecturer : Nada Fitrieyatul Hikmah, S.T., M.T.


A. Basic Theory
ECG signal is signal of the electricity from the heart that can representate the
condition of the heart and activity of the heart, in other way ECG signal can
describes the electrical activity in the heart and each heartbeat traces the familiar
morphology labeled by the P, Q, R, S, and T peaks. The P, Q, R, S, and T peaks of
the ECG signal showed by figure 1.

Figure 1. ECG Signal

From the characteristic from the ECG signal, it can be made a model of the
ECG or the Synthetic ECG. From the synthetic ECG we can make a various model
with changing the variance of the parameter in the model. Also from the model, it
can be as the research of the ECG signal in the future to get more knowledge from
it and help to develop the knowledge of the health sector.
The algorithm of the Synthetic ECG are made by two big steps. First step is the
generation of an internal time series with internal sampling frequency to
incorporate specific mean heart rate, standard deviation, and spectral characteristic
corresponding to a real RR tachogram. Second step is produces the average
morphology of the ECG by specifying the locations and heights (amplitudes) of the
peaks that occur during each heartbeat.
Spectral characteristics of the RR tachogram, including both RSA and Mayers
waves are replicated by describing a bimodal spectrum composed of the sum two
gaussian functions showed by figure 2 with the parameter on the figure 3, with the
σ12, σ22 are the power in LF and HF bands and the c1,c2 are the standard

Figure 2. two gaussian functions

Figure 3. Parameter of the two of gaussian functions

A time series T(t) with the power spectrum S(f) is generated by taking the
inverse Fourier Transform (IFT) with amplitudes √S(f) and phases which are
randomly distributed between 0 and 2π. Suppose that T(t) represents the time series
generated by RR-process with the power spectrum S(f). The angular velocity of
motion around the limit cycle is then given by: 𝑤(𝑡) = 𝑇(𝑡) .

During each heartbeat, the ECG traces a quasi-periodic waveform where the
morphology of each cycle is labeled by its peaks troughs, P, Q, R, S and T. this
quasi-repriodicity can be reproduced by constructing a dynamical model containing
an attracting limit cycle. Each heart beat corresponds to one evolution around this
limit cycle which lies in the (x,y)-plane. The dynamical equations of the motion ar
given by three ordinary differential equation in the figure 4.
Figure 4. 3D Space State Functions

From the 3D space state functions with the w is angular velocity, ai is the
magnitude of the peaks and the width (time duration) of each peaks. Then it should
find the rungekutta 4th order with parameter from the figure 5 and with the initiate
value of the xdot is 0,1, ydot is 0, zdot is 0,04, then it can find the result of the z dot
function is the ECG signal.

Figure 5. Parameter of the ECG Model

B. ECG Synthethic Program

From the program that already made, it can see in the figure 6 the user interface
of RR-tachogram and the figure 7 is the ECG morphological plot.
Figure 6. the RR-tachogram tab in the program

Figure 7. the morphological ECG in the program

From the program It can find the parameter of the RR-Tachogram function and
the mayers-RSA and it’s mirror on the figure 8.
Figure 8. the parameter of the RR-Tachogram and mayers-rsa

There are Random phase of the S(f) graph an the RR tachogram graph in the
figure 9.

Figure 9. Random Phase and RR-Tachogram

In figure 10 show the parameter of the 3D space state function that describe the
morphological of the normal ECG synthetic and the plot graph of the ECG

Figure 10. parameter and the plot of normal of ECG synthetic

The graph of the PVC ECG signal is showed by figure 11. The PVC happens
in the second cycle of the ECG signal.
Figure 11. PVC ECG Signal

C. Data Analysis
From the program of the ECG synthetic signal, it get many data from the
program above. In figure 8, the mayers-RSA graphic is the spectral characteristic of
the ECG. RSA is Respiratory Sinus Arrythmia that describes the respiratory rhythm
within the ECG signal, and it has 0,1 Hz frequency. There are two parameters that
we can change or make the free variable, those are tao1 and tao2. The good model of
the Synthetic ECG is having the ratio of tao1 2/tao22 value is 0,5. If we change the
tao1 and the tao2 value but the ratio stay in 0,5 it doesn’t change the result. The
mirroring of the mayers-rsa in figure 8 it because the mayers-rsa graph is in the
frequency domain, and usually in frequency domain it doesn’t plot all the data but
the half from the total data, so it need to make the mirror.
In the figure 9, there are Random phase and RR-Tachogram graph. The random
phase describes the phase of the real and imaginary part, it because to make a IDFT
of the S(f) need to make form of the real and imaginary part. The real part of the S(f)
is made by multiply S(f) with sinus random phase between 0 to 2π. And the
Imaginary part is made by multiply S(f) with cosinus random phase between 0 to 2π.
The RR-tachogram is plotted by the IDFT process of the S(f) or the mayers-rsa
mirroring, with the RR-tachogram values (T(t)) we can get the value of the angular
velocity or the w (omega) by 2π/T(t), with t is the time of we used. Because the IDFT
of the mayers-rsa is multiply with random phase between 0 to 2π, the RR-tachogram
has the random value too.
The value of the angular velocity is used to perform the 3D space state functions
that showed by figure 4 with the parameter in the figure 5. And then it got the result
of the ECG in the figure 10 by plotting the zdot function from the 3D space state
functions. If the result of the ECG looks more detail, the start of the ECG signal is at
the peak of R and the end of the ECG is at Q signal. The graph of the ECG can
produce how many cycle of the ECG user’s want by change the total data ECG value.
The ECG signal is show the normal ECG signal because the parameter of the 3D
space state function is parameter for the normal ECG that has experimented many
In figure 11, we can see that the result of the ECG is not normal. There is one
cycle that has abnormal form. This form is called by premature ventricular
contraction (PVC). This PVC ECG has larger of QRS complex signal and there is no
P signal on the PVC ECG. PVC signal can produce in program by change the
parameter of the 3D space state function until the form of the ECG is similar to
morphology of the PVC ECG.

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