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When? Its already possible, until the 7th of July

Where? At the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your Country
of residence
How? By submitting a form called Modello A, plus
other documents that may differ from Embassy to
[The visa application is entirely managed by the Italian
Representative, and Politecnico di Milano cannot
interfere with each Representatives organization and timing.
The same procedure may require a longer wait in some
offices compared with others, thats why we would suggest
you to move fast and address yourself to the
Embassy/Consulate as soon as possible.]

The Admissions Office sends a list of admitted

candidates to the Italian Representatives: the list
contains only the names of students who have
uploaded the complete set of required documents,
including the language certificate.
At the same time, admitted students can provide the
Italian Embassy/Consulate with a print out of their
admission letter available online together with
MODELLO A, for a double check of the admission.
According to the procedures set by the Ministry of
Education, the Italian Representatives will collect all
the applications and send the list of applicants to
the universities involved in the month of July.
KEY WORD Language certificate

Students without a valid language certificate will not

be issued the admission letter.
Students without a valid language certificate will not
be allowed to enroll in the MSc program they have
been admitted to.
Non-EU students residing abroad without a valid
language certificate will NOT be issued a student visa.
Please check the language requirements online :
KEY WORD Admission letter
The admission letter can be found in pdf inside the pre-application. That is the only
version available, and in no case will the letter be sent in original.

Some Italian Representatives may ask for specific communications from our side
regarding some information that can actually be found in the admission letter,
such as:

Course duration:

Accommodation and health insurance:

Last but not least, as specified in the letter itself:

Meaning the Italian Representative is supposed to consider this letter as the only
official document which will be issued for students in order to obtain the student visa.

Please consider that the Academic Calendar, as well as the exact amount of tuition fees,
are usually available during summer, thats why the Admission letter, issued several
months before that period, cannot contain precise information about the beginning/end
of courses
KEY WORD Tuition Fees
In some cases, the Italian Representatives ask for documents regarding tuition fees, so we
decided to list some basic points with the purpose of clarifying what can and cannot be

- Administrative fee payment receipt it is now possible to print a receipt upon

administrative fee payment;

- The first installment of tuition fees can be paid only in a specific window, which
always coincides with the enrollment period (between September and October,
and between May and July for students of Architecture only);

- The fee structure of each academic year is usually deliberated and published online
in Summer and may vary according to some specific factors

Overall, it is impossible to officially certify specific information for people who are
not yet enrolled, since a certificate is a formal act connected with the personal student
number (which is issued only upon enrollment).

Having said that, it will be soon available a specific section of the website dedicated to
students who are in the process of asking/obtaining a scholarship or loan from their
own government, where it is possible to find a sample to complete with the students
personal details and provide the local authority with.
KEY WORD Cost of life

It is really hard to determine the cost of life of a

student, since it depends on many variables. Thats why
we have created a specific section on the website,
where we have tried to summarize the main costs
students may happen to have during their stay,
related to transports, university fees, shopping,
accommodation and other services.
The information can be found here:
Documents required by Embassies and Consulates may vary consistently, although there
are some recurring requirements. Lets have a look at them one by one:

- Lodging availability you can bypass providing such document, since the
admission letter already mentions you will be supported in the search for

- Financial availability you must prove you can afford living in Italy during your
stay. The Diplomatic Representative will tell you what to do in order to show such
proof. PLEASE note that this amount does not correspond to what your expenses will
actually be: these are better illustrated in the COST OF LIVING online section

- - Right to have a health insurance you can either buy an international health
insurance, making sure you will be covered in Italy as well, or buy an Italian health
insurance. The last one can only be purchased in Italy. The admission letter
specifies you will be supported in obtaining a health insurance, so this step can be
skipped as well, just showing the Embassy/Consulate the letter.

- Availability of the necessary amount of money to go back to the home country

add the amount of a way back ticket to the sum mentioned above

In parallel with the visa application, it is necessary to prepare the

documents required for enrollment.
The list of documents that must be submitted upon enrollment is
available online. We have also prepared a specific presentation and
tried to clarify all the doubts and misunderstandings related to this
delicate issue students always tend to underestimate.
INDIAN and PAKISTANI students are suggested to start the process of
documents preparation as early as possible, as the local authorities may
require them to have the declaration of value in order to submit their
student visa application, even though this should NOT be mandatory!
List of documents required for the enrollment:

The detailed presentation is available here:
Other references:

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