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A comprehensive guide to Kali Sadhana.

Rituals, Mantra and Meditation Techinques.

Authored by
Smita Venkatesh

Disciple of Rev. Swami Divya Chetanananda

Sri Raj Rajeshwari siddha Baglamukhi Peeth
Mira Road. Thane. India



The advent of Kali begins from the time when a Sadhak starts praying to remove all traces of
darkness which are prevalent in everyones life inherently. No matter how positive
people,situations ,family friend etc. are ,yet ,everyone goes through negative emotions from
time to time.Even slightest negativity in ones life can become dangerous if it is allowed to
breed. Negativity is the sole cause of depression,disease, failures and unhappiness in life. How
can a person be ever happy if these things are subtly present everywhere inside and outside
In Tantra therefore, Kali has been given the first position. She is the slayer of all negative


There is mythological story wherein she fights with a demon named Raktabija.
The demon Raktabija had received from Brahma the boon of being born anew a one thousand
times more powerful than before, each time a drop of his blood was shed. The Goddess Kali is
an incarnation of Parvati, the consort of Lord Shiva. She assumed this form in order to
vanquish the demon Raktabija, whose name means "the seed of blood". The gods could not kill
the demon Raktabija because he had received from Brahma the boon of being born anew a one
thousand times more powerful than before, each time a drop of his blood was shed. Every
drop of his blood that touched the ground transformed itself into another and more powerful
Raktabija. Within a few minutes of striking this demon the entire battlefield covered with
millions of Raktabija clones.

In despair, the gods turned to Shiva. But Shiva was lost in meditation at the time and the gods
were afraid to disturb him. Hence they pleaded with his consort Parvati for her assistance.

The goddess immediately set out to do battle with this dreaded demon in the form of Kali or
"the Black One". Her eyes were red, her complexion was dark, her features gaunt, her hair
unbound, and her teeth sharp like fangs. As the eight-armed Goddess rode into the
battleground on her lion, Raktabija experienced fear for the first time in his demonic heart.
Kali ordered the gods to attack Raktabija. She then spread her tongue to cover the battlefield
preventing even a single drop of Raktabija's blood from falling on the group. Thus, she
prevented Raktabija from reproducing himself and the gods were able to slay the demon.
Another form of the legend says that Kali pierced Raktabija with a spear, and at once stuck her
lips to the wound to drink all the blood as it gushed out of the body, thus preventing Raktabija
from reproducing himself.

Drunk on Raktabija's blood, Kali ran across the cosmos killing anyone who dared cross her
path. She adorned herself with the heads, limbs and entrails of her victim. The gods were
witnessing the balance of the universe being shattered. As a last resort they had to rouse Shiva
from his meditation. To pacify her, Shiva threw himself under her feet. This stopped the
goddess. She calmed down, embraced her husband, shed her ferocious form to became Gauri,
"the Fair one".


The word Raktabija is a compound word of Rakta meaning Red ,signifying blood, passion,
anger and Bija means seed.
Hence the demon in the story is a personification of Seeds of Passion or Anger.
Passion can also be related to Greed & Lust. The road to hell is Greed, Lust and Anger.
The hellish situations in ones life are created by the above factors. So if one wants to enjoy a
heavenly life here on earth and beyond, one must overcome these negative forces.
Unfortunately, it is seen that the more you try to control these, the more strongly these
negative forces of lust, greed and anger come back, which is mentioned allegorically in the
story as Raktabija is born anew and thousand times more powerful.
It is very difficult to overcome these Seeds of Passion. Hence the devotee should surrender
completely and invoke mother Kali who can uproot these Seeds of Passion accumulated in
billions of lifetimes of the devotee.
Kali's most common four armed iconographic image shows each hand carrying variously
a sword, a trishul (trident), a severed head and a kapala (bowl or skull-cup) catching the blood
of the severed head.
Two of these hands (usually the left) are holding a sword and a severed head. The Sword
signifies Divine Knowledge and the Human Head signifies human Ego which must be slain by
Divine Knowledge in order to attain Moksha. The other two hands (usually the right) are in
the abhaya (fearlessness) and varada (blessing) mudras, which means her initiated devotees (or
anyone worshiping her with a true heart) will be saved as she will guide them here and in the
Kali is shown a wearing a girdle of Hands around her waist which signify that she takes away
all the reactions of the karmas of the devotee an helps him in his Spiritual Journey.
Her wearing a garland of Human skulls is a significance of the removal of all Human Ego
which must be slain by Divine Knowledge to attain Liberation. The number of Skulls is either
51 or 108. Fifty one represents all the alphabets of the Sanskrit language.Hence it can be
concluded that Mother kali is the pervading energy in all the alphabets and the words spoken
by there combination. The No. 108 represents many sacred things in Hinduism.
She is often depicted naked which symbolizes her being beyond the covering of Maya
(illusory Energy). She is the pure, un-manifested energy, the Adi-shakti.


Asuspicious days to start : Krishna Janmashtami( Birthday of Lord Krishna),Tuesdays,

New Moon, Diwali .

Auspicious Time : Nighttime preferably between 10.30 p.m to 12.30 a.m.,
The time can be variable depending on the sadhaks daily routine. It can be adjusted as per
convenience. The time mentioned herein is what the scriptures have mentioned as auspicious
times. In kaliyuga, however it is difficult to follow such rule, so more emphasis should be on
developing a regular practice on a daily basis. Practice anytime of the day, but,
steadfastness ,regularity and discipline will get much faster results.

Color of seat (Asana) & Dress: Red or black.

Rice and Flowers :Red rice ( white rice colored with vermillion or kumkuma). Hibiscus
is the most prefered or any red colored flower.
Direction : East, North or North-East is suitable for all sadhanas. Though the scriptures
mention a lot of directions,they are not being mentioned here.One must take directions
from the Spiritual Guru.
Rosary (Mala): Red Coral (moonga) rosary or Crystal (sphatik)rosary or Black Bead (kali

Sankalpa : Making the Resolution.

Sit on the asana in a comfortable posture. One can also sit on a chair with a red asana on the
seat , but feet should not be kept on the ground. One must keep a small rug below the feet to
insulate it from the ground.
Take a little red colored rice and a flower and a spoonful of water in the right hand and cover
it with the left hand and and lay the light hand on the right knees.Now chant the following :

1. Vinyoga Mantra( Mission Statement)

Asya Shree Dakshina Kaali Mantrasya Bhairava Rishi,

Ushnik Chhandha-ha, Dakshin Kaalika Devata, Krim beejam,
Hum Shakti- hi, Kreem kilakam, mama abhista siddhi arthe jape viniyogaha.

I pray to Divine mother Dakshina Kali whose mantra is given by Sage Bhairava , spoken in
Usnik Meter.The presiding diety of the Mantra is Dakshina Kali whose energies are in the root
syllable Kreem, and who manifest in the syllable Hum, and and it is tied to the syllable kreem.
I am determined to complete this mantra recitation to the best of my abilities, using all my
resources so that all my wishes will be fulfilled.
After Chanting, drop the water, flower, etc to the ground.

2. Rishi Nyaasa: Energisation of various body parts with the Sages & Diety:

This is done by visualizing that the Sages and Diety and the Spiritual Master and his Lineage
who gave these mantras in a disciplic succession are blessing and energizing the devotee. It is
done by touching the various body parts with the fingers of the right hand and
simulataneously chanting the mantra.

Om Bhairava Rishaye namah : Touch Crown of the head.

Ushnika chhandse namah : Touch the mouth
Dakshin Kaalika devata namah : Touch the heart.

Kreem bijaaya namah : Touch the anus
Hum shaktaye namah : Touch the feet
Kreem kilakaaya namah : Touch the navel

3. Kara Nyaasa : ( Energisation of hands )

This is done by visualizing that the Energy and Blessing of the Sages, Diety and the Spiritual
Master and his Lineage is flowing in the fingers and palms of both the hands, while
simultaneously chanting the mantras.

Om Kraam angushtha-bhyaam namah : Move the index finger over the thumb .
Om Kreem Tarjani - bhyaam namah : Move the thumb over the index finger.
Om Kroom madhyama - bhyaam namah : Move the thumb over the tall finger.
Om Kraim anaamika - bhyaam namah : Move the thumb over the ring finger.
Om Kraum Kanisthika bhayam namah : Move the thumb over the little finger.
Om KraHa karatala karaprishta bhyaam namah :Join & rub both palms inside & outside.

4. Hridyayaadi Nyaasa : Energisation of body with the Mantra Syllables.

Visualize the mantra flowing through the various body parts as mention.
Om Kraam Hridayaa-ya namah : Touch the heart with the right hand.
Om Kreem shirase svaahaa : Touch the forehead with the right hand.
Om Kroom Shikhaaye vashat : Touch the headcrown with the right hand.
Om Kraim kavachaaya Hum : Touch the shoulder with the crossed hands.
Om Kraum Netra Trayaya vaushat : Touch both eyes & third eye in forehead.
Om KraHa astraaya phat :Snap your fingers over the head in clockwise
direction and bring it back by placing the index finger
and middle finger on the left palm.

5. Dhyaana Mantra: Meditation Mantra.

Om shavaa rudhaam maha bhimaam

ghoradanshtraam hasanmukheem.

Chatur bhujaam khadga munda

varaabhaya karaam shivaam

Munda maala dharaam devim

lalljivhaam digambaraam.

Evam san chintayet kali

shmashaan aalaya vaasinim

I meditate on the divine Mother kali who is standing on Shava( lit mean: shiva surrendered, also,
devotee surrendered) who appears fierce with dreadful teeth and a loud laughter.
She has four arms through which she holds a sword, a cut head, and offers blessings &
She adorns a garland of skulls and has a red tongue. She is sky- clothed with colors of night.
Thus one must meditate on Kali who resides in the graveyard temple.

6. Mantra : Invocation

Om Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Dakshine Kaalike
Kreem Kreem Kreem Hreem Hreem Hoom Hoom Svaaha.


Kreem Kreem Kaalye Kreem Kreem Svaaha.

8. Mantra Recitation Procedure:

Total no of chanting : 125,000
Total no of Fire offering : 1250
Total count Tarpanam : 125
Total Count of Marjanam : 13

If the devotee does not know the procedure of Homam, Tarpanam and Marjanam, then he
should chant extra mantras on the bead mala for a total count of 1388mantras .(1250+125+13).

9. Concluding Procedures:

1.To complete the sadhana the devotee must take blessing from the Guru and give suitable
offerings to him including gifts and money (dakshina).He must also give charity to the
needy,poor,priests and temples.

2.Suhasini , Kumari & Bhairava pooja : The devotee should also invite married
women(suhasini) and girls (below age 10)(kumari)and a young boy(bhairava-aged below 10) and
worship their feet with water,kumkum,flowers and give them appropraite gifts and
money(dakshina) as per ones capability.


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