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Assignment 2 - Databases

Red Bowl Entertainment in Soest have hired you to model and develop a database for them to assist
with their bookings, scheduling and customer retention. Currently they have only four tables filled
with data and need your help to model this before implementing a full DBMS. Additionally, you will
have to generate some basic queries to help with their day-to-day activities. You can find the four
tables on Moodle under Assignment 2 Table (Source Data).

1. Create an ERD using the four tables provided. Use appropriate identifiers and show the
relationships (with cardinalities) between the relevant entities.
2. Highlight where you would make improvements to the current data storage methods as
shown in the four tables. Highlight a maximum of three areas where you could improve the
efficiency of the database.

i.e. Change the data type for Lane Number in the Bookings table from Long Integer to Byte.

3. Convert your ERD into a relational schema showing all functional dependencies.
4. In the bookings table should there be a field for Week Day? Explain why it has been
included in this database and how would you propose to develop the database without this

This part should be uploaded to Moodle as a single pdf with a maximum of two pages. All other
formats will not be considered for grading. The file name needs to follow the naming convention as
follows: Surname_Modelling_Assign2.pdf

5. Create a report to return the ten most lucrative customers in descending order, which
displays their Surname, First Name, Total spent (which is the sum of all their bookings), their
last booking date and total number of bookings.
6. Create a report to provide the total price for a specific booking. The report should take the
booking number as input and return the booking number, customer surname, total time,
hourly rate and total price of that specific booking. Call the report Booking Invoice.

This part should be uploaded to Moodle as an access file. The file name needs to follow the naming
convention as follows: Surname_Access_Assign2.accdb

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