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Choose the best option.

1. After many years of working as a system analyst, Lucas has finally decided to _____
and become a full-time actor.
(a) take up (b) take the plunge (c) apply for (d) enroll in

2. He ______ at the company he worked for, and in two weeks will be leaving to
(a) set goals (b) had experience in (c) gave notice (d)realized a dream

3. I’m really proud of him, for he’d been thinking of ______ a different career for years.
(a) applying for (b) switching to (c) signing up for (d) enrolling in

4. Lucas has always been a brilliant student. It took him a while to _____ a career, but
the minute he made up his mind, he was promptly ______ the most renowned
schools in the country.
(a) decide on – rejected by (b) sign up for – accepted by
(c) sign up for – accepted by (d) decide in – accepted by

5. He _____ for many different courses, and passed them all with flying colors.
(a) signed up (b) took up (c) switched to (d) took the plunge

6. Alas, Lucas was never really happy with his career choice. So now he has decided to
_____ his lifelong dream.
(a) fulfill (b) tackle (c) set (d) reward

7. He _____ so that in a year’s time, he would finally be able to ____ what he had
always been interested in.
(a) set goals for himself – sign up (b) applied for himself – take up
(c) set goals for himself – take up (d) applied for himself – sign up

8. After taking all the necessary steps to _____ his goal, Lucas will be leaving in two
weeks. The only thing I can honestly tell him is “_____”.
(a) fulfill – What’s stopping you? (b) achieve – What’s stopping you?
(c) fulfill – Way to go! (d) achieve – Way to go!

II – Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. Then choose the moral which best fits the
The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

A Wolf found great difficulty in getting at the sheep owing/because to the vigilance of
the shepherd and its/his dogs. But one day it found the skin of a sheep that/who had
been flayed and thrown aside, so it put it on over its own pelt and strolled down
among/between the sheep. The Lamb that belonged to the sheep, which/whose skin the
Wolf was wearing, began to heat/follow the Wolf in the Sheep's clothing; so, leading the
Lamb a little apart, he soon/after made a meal off her, and for some time he succeeded
in/on deceiving the sheep, and enjoying hearty meals.

Which is the moral of the fable?

(a) One good turn deserves another.
(b) Look before you leap.
(c) Appearances are deceptive.
(d) He who laughs last laughs best.

III – THE GRAMMAR CORNER – Choose the best option.


Jim: Hi, Carol! Sorry, I'm late. Have you seen Dad?
Carol: No, I haven't. (1 He hasn't come/He hasn't been coming) in the kitchen at all.
Jim: (2 Have you cooked / Have you been cooking) all day?
Carol: Just about. ( 3 I've baked/ I've been baking) for mom's birthday. I'm making a four-
layer cake. There are two layers on the table and the other two are in the oven.
Jim: Hmmm. They smell great! ( 4 I've tried/ I've been trying) to fix my bike, but I can't.
That's why ( 5 I've looked/ I've been looking) for Dad.
Carol: ( 6 Have you looked/ Have you been looking) next door? He's usually over there on
Saturdays watching football with Mr. Mitchell.
Jim: You're right. Where's mom? ( 7 Hasn't she/ Hasn't she been coming) home from work
Carol: Not yet. Correction. She has now. There’s her car in the driveway.
Mom: Hi, kids! ( 8 What have you done/ What have you been doing) all day?
Jim: Hi, Mom! ( 9 Carol's baked/ Carol's been baking). Oops, Carol! Smoke!

* This exercise was taken from “American Dimensions”

1. I (hear/am hearing) they’re going to get married.
2. Jane (doesn’t remember/ isn’t remembering) telling me to wait.
3. This coffee (smells/ is smelling) great!
4. I (doubt/am doubting) my internet friend will come here for the next holiday.
5. I (see/am seeing) the date has been changed.
6. Suddenly I (felt/was feeling) something touch my hand.
7. Look at the house over there. (Are you seeing/ Can you see) it?
8. He (tastes/is tasting) it to see if it needs more salt.
9. This fish (doesn’t taste/isn’t tasting) very fresh.
10. I (see/ am seeing) what you mean, but I don’t agree.

Join the following pairs of sentences by turning the second one into a relative clause. Add
punctuation where necessary.

1. We watched a Friends episode last week. In this episode, Ross is waiting for everyone.
2. The episode is 25 minutes long. The episode is called “The One Where No One’s
3. In “The One Where No One’s Ready”, Monica gets a call from an ex-boyfriend. Her
ex-boyfriend’s name is Richard.
4. Chandler insists that Joey get up from the chair. He was sitting there before he got
5. At the end of the episode, Rachel tells Ross that she’s going commando, too. This
totally surprises him.
6. “The One Where No One’s Ready” is an episode in the third season. This episode
teaches the lesson that it’s worth waiting,
7. I’ve seen many Friends episodes. All of them are tons of fun.

Now please reduce the adjective clauses in numbers 2 and 6 to an adjective phrase.

Choose the best option.
1. Marina is the friendliest person I know. If someone is in a _____, she’ll be there to
(a) bind (b) frenzy (c) doubt (d) hurry
2. But she’s by no means a _____. She’s not easy to influence, and has no problem saying
(a) groom (b) loot (c) pond (d) pushover
3. She’ll go to great lengths to _____ a person in need.
(a) look up (b) look out (c) help out (d) help to
4. She gives everyone moral support, and I’m sure she does it because it makes her feel
really good. She _____.
(a) finds very rewarding (b) finds it very rewarding
(c) finds very rewarding it (d) finds it very rewarded
5. Marina also has no difficulty admitting to making a mistake. She never _____ to
someone else.
(a) makes up an excuse (b) makes up for it
(c) shifts the blame (d) takes responsibility
6. One day I hope I’m able to give so much. I really _____ her.
(a) help out (b) look up to (c) look down on (d) feel compassion for

Isabel Chavantes/ revised in September 2008

I’d like to thank Tirma for the Friends episode exercise, on which the exercise in this handout
was based. 

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