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Home Practice(easy) Obstacle Course

Obstacle Course
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All submissions for this problem are available. SUCCESSFUL SUBMISSIONS

A number of traffic cones have been placed on a circular racetrack to form
an obstacle course. You are asked to determine the largest sized car that can User Time Mem Lang Solution
navigate the course. For simplicity, the cones are assumed to have zero width
and the car is perfectly circular and infinitely maneuverable. The track itself karlheinz_jung 0.08 1.6M C View
is the area between 2 concentric circles.
Formally, the course can be navigated by a car of radius c if there exists a hariram 0.08 1.6M C View
closed loop around the center of the track which lies between the circles forming the track, and
every point on the loop is at least c distance away from each cone and each sid1505 0.08 1.6M C View
boundary of the track.
Input: microbotz 0.08 1.6M C View

Input begins with an integer T (about 25), the number of test cases. View
sanketgarg 0.08 1.6M C
Each test case begins with 2 integers r and R (1<=r<R<=25000). The racetrack is
the area between the circles centered at (0,0) with radii r and R.
lehar_1106 0.08 2.2M C View
The next line of input contains an integer N (0<=N<=500), the number of cones.
N lines follow, each containing the coordinates of a cone. The coordinates are
integers, and are guaranteed to lie within the track, and be distinct. anup 0.09 1.6M C View
Cases are separated by a blank line.
divyabatra 0.09 1.6M C View
For each input, output on a single line the diameter of the largest car that g1g19 0.09 1.6M C View
can navigate the course, rounded to 3 decimal places.
Sample input: shubhamkr1 0.09 1.6M C View

shiwam23 0.09 1.6M C View
5 10
3 View
60 tushariitkgp 0.09 2.2M C
-2 -7
1 of 7
Sample output:
The image below shows the course corresponding to the sample input. The black circles represent the
boundaries of the racetrack, the small dots the cones, and the filled red circle the car. Also shown is one
possible path of the car through the course.

Author: pieguy
Tester: innocentboy
Date Added: 9-06-2010
Time Limit: 1 sec
Source 50000 Bytes

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Program should read from standard input and write to
ADA, ASM, BASH, BF, C, C99 strict, CAML, CLOJ, CLPS, CPP 4.3.2, CPP 4.8.1, CPP11, standard output. After you submit a solution you can see
Languages: CS2, D, ERL, FORT, FS, GO, HASK, ICK, ICON, JAVA, JS, LISP clisp, LISP sbcl, LUA, your results by clicking on the [My Submissions] tab on
3.1.2, RUBY, SCALA, SCM guile, SCM qobi, ST, TEXT, WSPC the problem page. Below are the possible results:

Accepted Your program ran successfully and

gave a correct answer. If there is a score for the
Comments problem, this will be displayed in parenthesis next to
the checkmark.
Please login at the top to post a comment.
Time Limit Exceeded Your program was
ritwick @ 13 Aug 2010 11:00 PM compiled successfully, but it didn't stop before time
limit. Try optimizing your approach.
Wrong Answer Your program compiled and ran
succesfully but the output did not match the expected
akash_d_learner @ 21 Aug 2010 04:04 AM
Runtime Error Your code compiled and ran but
i m getting rite ans on my comp for this prob but while submitting i m getting wrong ans. pls help me encountered an error. The most common reasons are
to figure whats wrongin my code.. using too much memory or dividing by zero. For the
specific error codes see the help section.

#include <cstdio> Compilation Error Your code was unable to

#include <math.h> compile. When you see this icon, click on it for more
using namespace std; information.
int main()
{ If you are still having problems, see a sample solution
int t,r,rr,n,*a,*b;
float d,l1,l2,ln,le=25000;
for(int i=0;i<t;i++)
a=new int [n];
b=new int [n];
for(int j=0;j<n;j++)
if (l1>l2)
for(int k=0;k<j;k++)

thanks in advance.

mukulbudania @ 1 Sep 2010 10:33 PM

can anyone explain what we are supposed to find?? i am not even able to get the question?? Thanks
in advance..

jyotigupta2203 @ 18 Oct 2010 12:09 AM

u need to find the diameter of the largest car that can pass through the area between the concentric
the point of the obstacles are given .so the diameter can vary from r circle boundary to point (on line
x=y) or from point to R circle boundary ..

tarun_kumar @ 23 Nov 2010 07:29 PM

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can anyone please explain me the application of prim's algorithm in solving this problem.
i know prim's algorithm but not getting its application in one of the solutions.

meher_almighty @ 2 Aug 2011 09:56 PM

Can we modify the way input is taken? or is it have to be in the exact same way given above?

abhipranay @ 14 Dec 2011 02:24 PM

hello friends.... the algo which i am following seems right to me to solve this problem but i am getting
wrong answer on submission. for sample input my answer is correct.

konvimartial @ 20 Jun 2012 08:16 PM

hi @admin i do really think that there is an error with the test cases of this exercice,it sending me a
wrong answer(more than ones) despite a have make an input file of my own where i think i really
take the most extreme cases and it gives me correct answer can you guy actually verify the test
cases please!!

madhavan @ 25 Aug 2012 01:04 AM

can anyone help me out.. i am new here.. I am getting correct answer for the sample input given
above on my PC ,but when i submit it gives me a runtime error msg.. Is there some problem with
the program or what.. ? I have written this program in java..

blueflamebisla @ 22 Sep 2012 01:28 AM

the deed is done but what's up with the java I/O of these guys. it's not taking the input the way it
should.... bad management guys.. at least show us the WRONG output for debugging...

adlakhapiyush @ 22 Oct 2012 11:21 PM

@admin plz tell us the test case so that we cn figure out the problem bcoz its not giving write answer
to most of us.

harsh93 @ 25 Nov 2012 10:39 PM

i am getng runtime error in it..plz can any1 explain y ?? #include #include int main() {float tem,d[4]=
{0},D[4]; int co[4][2],i,j,c,r,R,k ,t; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) {scanf("%d%d%d",&R,&r,&c);for(i=0;i(d[k]-r))
{D[k]=(R-d[k]);} else{D[k]=(d[k]-r);}k++;} for(i=0;iD[j]){ tem=D[i]; D[i]=D[j]; D[j]=tem;}}}printf("%fn",D[c-
1]);}return 0;}

vish4071 @ 31 Dec 2012 06:16 PM

@author pieguy pls give me 1 or 2 test cases for which my code is wrong... id: 1657175

manmohanvyas @ 14 Jan 2013 10:21 PM

Hello All, this question has problem with inputs , it can be proved by Making two programs in java,
one taking input by Scanner other by BufferedReader. one with buffered reader will always give you
RUNTIME ERROR(non-zero exit code).

paradigmwit @ 14 Feb 2013 05:24 PM

Hey All, I am getting "Wrong Answer" for my solution. Any pointers to what i am doing wrong will be
appreciated. My code is at here -

doggysaurabh @ 23 Feb 2013 05:30 PM

this is my code and i m getting runtime error import java.util.*; public class obstrk{ public static
double sqr(int a){ return a*a; } public static double modulus(int a, int b){ return
Math.sqrt(sqr(a)+sqr(b)); } public static double max(double n1, double n2 ){ if (n1

vineetpaliwal @ 23 Feb 2013 05:41 PM

@doggysaurabh : You need to name the file as and the class as Main in which the public
static void main(... method should reside . Otherwise codechef judge will throw , "No Main class
found" exception and hence a runtime error .

jyoti_kumari47 @ 14 Aug 2013 05:10 PM

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m 2 getting wrong answer for my solution though it matches with the one given except that my sol is
2.72 as i used setprecision upto 3 decimal places but in eg its given 2.720.

chomu1850 @ 30 Aug 2013 01:32 AM

there are some cases like if there are two or more than two obstacles in the same line;........ also
there is possible test case of no obstacle ;,,,,,,,,, keep these two things in mind

newboy11 @ 6 Apr 2014 06:19 PM This is my solution. I have made sure that I consider

the case when no. of obstacle =0 and when more than one obstacle is placed in same line but still it
shows wrong answer. Please anybody can help me in doing it correctly i would be thankful.

a1z73 @ 30 Jun 2014 10:23 PM here is the link to my solution.i'm getting the correct

answer on my machine, but here i'm getting a wrong answer,can someone pls explain?!

a1z73 @ 30 Jun 2014 10:24 PM here is the link to my solution.i'm getting the correct

answer on my machine, but here i'm getting a wrong answer,can someone pls explain?!

lovjit @ 8 Sep 2014 11:26 AM

I am getting "Runtime error NZEC".I am unable to find my mistake.Could anybody help me in figuring
out the mistake. Please find the source code at the link:

kapil_chopra @ 6 Oct 2014 03:57 PM

I am getting a wrong answer. My code is working fine and giving correct answer on my PC. Please
help me. My code is

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