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Ron Stevend P.

Maylon LLB-4 SPEECH 71 M-F 1:30-3:30 EH404

1. Bar exams should be regionalize

2. Declaring Mindanao under Martial Law is proper.
3. Tax laws should be revisited.


There is a need to declare Martial Law in Mindanao, because the peace talks are
not working anymore. And the rebels and terrorists are becoming more agressive.
Right now in Marawi City, things are getting out of control.

The change in status quo (peace talks) has become more irrelevant each daw. For
rebels has never been a fan of it. By their actions, they give more importance for
their own good and taking for granted the rights of the civilians.


By virtue of the declation of Martial Law, the presence of the Military will be more
visible and their operations will also be more agressive to kill the bandits.

As a normal consequence, the bandits will now be in fear and back off to what ever
they are thinking or planning.


It will work if the Legislative and Judiciary branch of the government wont stop
the president in his declaration of Martial Law. For under our 1987 constituion each
of the branch may petition for the suspension or the cancellation of Martial Law.

The president may now use more than normal military force and show the
ammunitions that the government has. Furthermore, the military actions will now
be more agressive more than ever.

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