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Masters of the Conclave

Corenthas c. 2645 PC First Master of the Conclave, involved in organising the raising of the first Tower of High

Kharro the Red c. 2630 PC Corenthas' successor

Gadrella of Tarsis c. 2620 PC Kharro's successor

Zindreth of Micah c. 2610 PC

Usk c. 2600 PC
Orrista of Solanthus c. 2296 PC
Lemorras the Grim c. 2296 PC Orrista's successor

Kistilan c. 2128 PC A bloodthirsty villain, slain by his fellow successor Megistal.

Megistal c. 2128 PC
Moranda of Crowford c. 1660 PC
Vestia c. 418 PC
Yulin the Dour c. 100 PC
Vincil da Jevra 26-20 PC Killed by the legions of the Divine Hammer.

Jorelia 20 PC Died shortly after the fall of several Towers of High Sorcery.

Merroc c. 20 PC Jorelia's successor

Astathan of Qualinost c. 100 AC

Par-Salian c.300-356 AC

Justarius the Red 356-381 AC Slain in assault on Storm's Keep.

Dalamar the Dark 381-384 AC Vanished with Tower of Palanthas in the early part of the Fifth Age

Palin Majere 384-421 AC Succeeds Dalamar and holds Last Conclave. Retires as a wizard, with the loss of magic
and the gods. Holds the nominal title until the War of Souls.

Jenna 422 AC With the return of magic & the gods, Jenna claimed title of Master of the Conclave.

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