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The kender are one of the races created by the Graygem. They are a small race of people, who are naturally
completely fearless and are also natural thieves. Although call one a thief, and their feelings will be really hurt!
Their preferred weapon is the hoopak which is a part sling, part metal staff. Due to events that occurred in the Age
of Mortals, there is now a split in the race, there are afflicted kender and true kender. There is also a subrace which
inhabits the land of Chorane, known as the Kendar. Upon Taladas, kender are practically unheard of, however there
is a small offshoot known as the Marak kender. Even more rare than any of these are the half-kender. Why another
race would mix with kender is beyond me....

True Kender
By nature, kender are light-hearted, free spirits. Whom wander the lands and accidentally 'borrow' people's
possessions. Kender do have kind hearts however, and are always good-aligned creatures. They rarely take life
seriously, and are often stalwart and loyal companions. They are in almost every city and town upon Ansalon, and
their two main cities are Hylo and Kendermore. Kender stand at 3.5-4 feet tall. Until the coming of Malystryx, all
kender bore the same nature and lived in the same communities. Those who were not present during Malys' attack
upon Kendermore, are known as true kender, since they were not affected by her attack, those who were affected are
now known as afflicted kender. The true kender still retain their happy-go-lucky ways, and are as unchanged during
the Age of Mortals as they were during the Age of Dreams. All regular kender also are affected by 'wanderlust'
around the age of 20. They feel the urge to travel the world and adventure. Once this wanderlust passes, the kender
then returns to their home and lives out the rest of their life in relative peace. Of course there are always some
exceptions to this rule.

Afflicted Kender
The coming of the Dragon Overlord Malystryx, brought about a new type of kender. The assault on the kender
nation brought about something that kenders had never really experienced before: fear. Those affected became less
fun-loving and more dour. They grew serious and dismayed with associating with those who were not affected.
Initially the afflicted kender fled west to seek refuge with their cousins in Hylo. However they soon established their
own communities, well apart from their Hylo cousins. Afflicted kender tend to dress in drab coloured clothes, that
blend in with their surroundings. They are usually armed more than true kender, and act cautiously, whereas true
kender act recklessly.

The Kendar of Chorane, physically resemble their surface-dwelling kin, however they tend to be less trusting,
fearless and foolhardy than their cousins. The Kendar are a lost offshoot of the kender race, and have dwelt
underground in Chorane for many centuries. The Kendar do not use the hoopak as a primary weapon, having
abandoned it's use a long time ago. They do not believe or worship any of the gods, since they tend to not trust what
they cannot see. There are a few rare mages amongst the Kendar, however the vast majority are fighters or thieves.
The Kendar are organised into clans, and each clan is led by a Clan Master. The Clan Masters all gather several
times a year to discuss the major Kendar issues. All things are handled on a clan level. A Clan Master's word is law
within Kendar society.

Marak Kender
The Marak kender are quite unlike their Ansalonian cousins. They have more in common with those who have been
afflicted than any other type of kender. Marak kender, live in the Marak valleys, near the Steamwall Mountains of
Taladas The Marak live in small family-based settlements, with an entire family per valley. They dress in drab
clothing and usually are cloaked in hooded capes and have their hair in tight braids. Once upon a time, the Marak
kender were as cheerful and easy-going as 'true kender'. However when the Cataclysm destroyed much of their
homes, they were devastated, believing that the gods had betrayed them. Over time, this morose manner become
commonplace and the kender became paranoid and suspicious. The Marak kender are well-trained with stone-bows,
which they can fire with deadly accuracy. Despite the character differences from their Ansalonian counterparts,
Marak kender are still innately curious and mischievious 'borrowers'.

Half-kender are usually a mix of both kender and human, with a parent from each race. On average they are more
serious than kender, and more carefree than the average human. Thus they do not really fit well into either society.
Half-kender stand around four and a half to five feet tall. They are slender and occasionally confused for adolescent
humans. By nature, they are somewhat more thoughtful than kender, and whilst many of them are 'borrowers', they
usually know what they are doing, rather than the kender who subconsciously do the same. Since half-kender are so
rare, they do not have their own dwelling place. They are either wanderers, or sometimes settle in kender
communities, since human towns will not usually tolerate them for long periods.

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