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Option 1 (Basic)

-Press e next to table and stand there for 1hour(Make it the whole area so they can walk around)

-Deliver it to desired location (Somewhere along water)

-Receive payment 30K~

Option 2 (Basic)

-Press e next to table and wait 5 minutes (make it a larger area if possible so they can move
around). After 5min 1/10 of the meth cooking process is complete, press e again to start another
5min process and when thats complete it will be 2/10 complete. This will allow people to leave
the lab location if need be also switch cooks if the original cooks instances etc, gives flexibility
and allows people to not feel like a statue. 10/10 is a finished product.

-Deliver it to desired location (Somewhere along water)

-Receive payment 30K~

Option 3 (Basic/more work)

-Collect goods (would require you to put the goods in the game/and probably need a purpose
outside of meth cooking). Simplest version of this is make sure the cook starts the process with a
gas can in his hand. In the future when there are different drugs in the game, the items you hold
can determine what drug you are making when in the lab.

-Press e next to table and wait 5 minutes (make it a larger area if possible so they can move
around). After 5min 1/10 of the meth cooking process is complete, press e again to start another
5min process and when thats complete it will be 2/10 complete. This will allow people to leave
the lab location if need be also switch cooks if the original cooks instances etc, gives flexibility
and allows people to not feel like a statue.

-Deliver it to desired location (Somewhere along water)

-Receive payment 30K~

Methamphetamine Drug (Item)

This is require items/drugs to be given to others players so it will be more work to actually make
a /giveitem system or possible have a /mydrugs /givedrugs /usedrugs and you can see what
drugs you have. /mydrugs and it says 1.Meth x10

So I do /givedrugs 55 1 10 to give ID 55 John the drug from slot 1 which is meth and an amount
of 10. It would be a lot better if this feature can only be used when you are near them but im not
sure if thats possible from what I see with the /givemoney feature where you can do it from
anywhere in the world. So there needs to be a feature like this implemented.

-/usedrug 1 1 (Meth is in slot 1 and an amount of 1 is used)

-Users max hp will be increased by 20-50%

-Effect will last for 1hour

-User now has an addiction

-For the next 24 hours they are fine but after 24 hours if they don't use meth again the users hp
will drop 1% every minute. This addiction will last up to a week

-Options are use meth again or go pay a bill of 10k to the rehab clinic (make a location)

Option 4 (Advanced)(Requires Meth Item)

-Collect goods

-Press e next to table and wait 5 minutes. 5min is 1/10 of the process and another 5min is 2/10
of the process etc. Same as Option 3.

-You will now have 30 grams of meth

-Deliver it desired location (each gram is 1k each) for a total of 30k (This feature only works if you
have 30grams so its for large shipments, not 1 or 2gram drops)

-Or sell to players and push the drug into the city (I would assume there would need to be a
place to /placedrugs)

-Players can now use/sell the meth or place it in a car/house.

Lab Locations

-Top Floor Liquor Ace

-Basement Farm House

(If you know other locations add them)

-RV vehicle but it produces half the amount of math as a Lab.


I would recommend Option 2 for short term as it will require less work and it has all your
features/codes in game already.

I would love to see option 4 in game eventually but I see it will require a system build around it
and that would be a long term goal when drugs/items/trading are looked at.

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