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Exercise for Endurance Development of the Respiratory circulatory and local area of the

muscular system.

1. Regular Cardiovascular Exercise

Cornerstone of a natural or holistic approach toward curing coronary artery disease is
the undertaking of a regular cardiovascular exercise regimen. Cardiovascular exercise offers
myriad heart - protecting benefits and has been proven to help stabilize and reverse coronary
artery disease. Engaging in regular, moderate cardiovascular exercise ( at least 3 4 times per
week ) strengthens the heart and respiratory system, raises the levels of good HDL cholesterol
In the bloodstream, which help coronary arteries clean, and helps to lower blood pressure, all
of which promotes health and healing in coronary arteries damaged by coronary artery disease.

2. Heterotopic auxiliary liver transplantation with portal flow. Gradual development of the
collateral circulation.
One of the causes of the auxiliary liver transplantation failure is the inter-liver
competition between host liver and the graft for the hepatotrophic factors of the portal blood.
The gradual development of portal hypertension causes porto-systemic collateral circulation
and the graft loses the portal hepatotrophic factors.

3. How Exercise Affects Blood Fat Levels

Regular exercise may help to prevent heart attacks by lowering insulin. When you eat,
blood sugar level rise and the higher they rise, the more insulin is released by your pancreas.
You need insulin to keep blind sugar levels from rising too high, but it constricts arteries to
cause heart attacks. When you exercise, you constract your muscles. Constracting muscles draw
sugar from the bloodsteam without requiring insulin. This keeps blood sugar levels from rising
too high and prevents a high rise in blood insulin levels.

4. Resting Heart Rate

Your heart is the pump that delivers oxygenated blood to all the muscles of your body.
Your heart rate is how many times your heart beats in one minute. It reflects how hard your
heart must work to meet the oxygen demands of the body. The average resting heart rate will
range from 60 100 beats per minute.

5. Exercises Effects on the Heart

Inactivity is one major risk factors for heart disease. However, exercise helps improve
heart health and can even reverse some disease risk factors.
Like all muscles, the heart becomes stronger as a result of exercise, so it can pump more
blood through the body with every beat and continue working at maximum level, if needed
with less strain. The resting heart rate of those who exercise is also slower, because less effort
is needed to pump blood.

6. Effects of Exercise oF Blood Pressure

Regular exercise helps keep arteries elastic (flexible) , even In older people. This, in turn
ensure good blood flow and normal blood pressure. Sedentary people have a 35

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