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IMPORTANT! BEFORE opening the presentation install Lato Free Font:!
How to install THMX Files?!
To change colors easily in powerpoint Copy all .xml files that are in the folder 03 THMX Files to this folder:!
On Windows 7: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Document Themes 15\Theme Colors!
On Windows 8 or later: C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\Document Themes\Theme Colors!
On Mac: MacintoshHD:Users:YourUserName:Library:ApplicationSupport:Microsoft:Office:UserTemplates:My Themes:Theme Colors!
On Mac if you dont see Library folder, Please follow these simple instructions:!
1.- Launch Terminal App and enter the following command to show the directory:
chflags nohidden ~/Library/ (them press ENTER)!
The users Library folder will immediately become visible!
AFTER INSTALLING the THMX files is very easy to change colors automatically, Please see this Video Tutorial where you can see
step by step:!
****** After youve already changed the color is very important that you close the presentation and then reopen for that all
slides have the desired color****!

Please if you have problem changing to other color desired send us an e-mail through our profile page http:// and we will do it for you ;)

Enjoy it!

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