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PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Kamojang Area, West Java

Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia

Internship program student of Mechanical Engineering Course, Department of Mechanical
Engineering Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia at PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Kamojang Area, West Java.

Going through the globalization era, university students should have prepared themselves
especially in facing this condition. Indonesia has been developing science and technology to
compete with others country. The development of science and technology encourages student to
be aware to various alterations, in order to become an excellent human resource. Indonesia needs
qualified human resources that can compete with human resources from another country. To
produce qualified human resources, good education is a condition to be fulfilled. University as
the highest educational institution in Indonesia takes a great responsibility to produce it.
Industrial world is a place where students can apply their knowledge in a real world.
Practice work is a way to give opportunity for students to practice their ability and know the real
problem in industry under supervision from experts in the field.
Mechanical engineering student have received knowledge that support us working in field.
Mechanical engineering Department has given both basic and advance theoretical knowledge
and also some practices in the laboratory where we can improve our knowledge by using that.
But there arent enough to be qualified human resource and the real engineers. We have to apply
our knowledge in the real workplace to face the real problem and could solve it. Beside a
knowledge which is responsibility a student to be a qualified human resource, Soft skill and
attitude are also needed, so we have to learn about these skills in the real workplace.
Based on the need of human resources quality improvement, Mechanical Engineering
Department has also considered the way to prepare their students through an internship program.
The internship program is a preparation before entering the real working condition so that they
have an experience how to face all problems and can learn to apply the knowledge they have
Availability of energy is a basic component of a very important role in the development of
civilization grammar of human life. Demand for energy has been started since the life of early
man to modern life loaded by high technology and require more energy. Energy issues, good
availability, supply, and consumption, related to almost all economic activity. Pulse energy are
all economic activities of agriculture, industry, transportation, and overall economic activity.
Global energy demand is forecast to increase by 50 percent in 2030. Currently, almost 90 percent
of the energy met from fossil fuels which are non-renewable fuels. Need to look for other
alternative energy sources that can replace fossil energy sources. Renewable energy is energy
generated from resources that are not exhausted when the consumption or converted into other
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia

energy. Geothermal energy is classified as a renewable energy because this energy comes from
natural geothermal is not limited. Referring to the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia has a geothermal potential of up to 27,000 MW. Nearly half
(10,000 MW) is located in Java and Bali, a location that has the densest population and largest
energy demand.
Current era of globalization requires that the Indonesian people to have a reliable human
resource and quality to enhance the competitiveness of nations so as to compete with other
countries. Human resources are superior workforce ready and professional. Establishment of a
ready workforce and professional this is a shared responsibility of education and industry.
Higher education institutions, such as the university is the first place for prospective workers to
study before expanding in the industrialized world. Meanwhile, the knowledge that has been
provided through the college is not complete if it is not supported by the means for students to
apply the theories that have been obtained in the industrial world the truth. To achieve the goal
of every student in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia are required to attend the
Internship Program as one of the requirements and assessment to meet the obligations under the
applicable curriculum. It is intended that students can deepen the range of material that has been
gained in college and applying it in a real process in the field, so that later students were able to
create a complementary feedback.
PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy Kamojang area is one of the company that runs power
generation business as its main business in Java and Bali, where PLTP Kamojang this is one area
of power plant PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy. Kamojang PLTP is a powerhouse that uses
geothermal energy as the prime mover. by the view that PLTP Kamojang is a power plant with a
geothermal power alternative energy, and geothermal has several advantages: easy to get out
continuously in large quantities, their availability is not affected by weather, air pollution-free
because they do not produce harmful gases (except CO2 can be utilized as a non-condensable
gas) and is renewable energy. It will be very good for us as an engineering student to gain direct
experience in the Internship Program-based energy company alternative energy. In accordance
with, our proposal is practical work in the hope that we can learn and draw from the experience
of people who have expert and experienced in their fields. This is certainly very important and
valuable to us because we will be able to better understand what we have learned in lectures.
By implementing the internship program at PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy expected we
will be able to apply science and new technologies from the industry that we have not got before
in educational institutions. This will be very beneficial for the development of our insight.
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia


The objectives of this internship program are:

1. General Purpose
Student can find out directly the work and activities that exist in the industry so as to
increase knowledge and acquire new technologies from the industrialized world, as well
as duty bearers in the industry either institute or later.
2. The Specific Objectives
After finish the internship program, the students expected to:
a. Acquire knowledge and engineering skills, as well as newly acquired technology in
the industry and has never been found previously in educational institutions.
b. Learn the process units used in the processing of geothermal energy in the PT.
Pertamina Geothermal Energy, and the utility systems of other processes associated
with the process.
c. Studying the company's management, organizational structure and work processes
within the company.
d. Help carry out the tasks and activities in the industrial production process.
e. Investigating cases that are found in the work and find a way out the best solution.
f. Make reports to complete the mandatory requirement after we take an internship

To achieve these objectives, we propose some activities that we will do for about 1 month, such
a. Reviewing the condition of the field and observe the processes and tools used in the field
as in Production Facilities, Power Plant Facilities, Control Room, and so forth.
b. Conduct discussions with the field supervisor and the supervisor in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering and the UI on the literature review so that we can generate reports
of the Internship Program can benefit us, PGE, and the Department of Mechanical
Engineering Universitas Indonesia.
c. Working on special duty to seek solutions to problems found in the field.


The benefits of this internship program are:

a) Comparing between theoretical knowledge which has given in university and real
working condition.
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia

b) Learning to apply the knowledge (such as, Fluids System, Fund. of Fluid Mechanics,
Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, etc.) then trying to analyze and solve the
problem in the real working condition
c) Getting more experience and knowledge in industries and technology, especially new
and future technology
d) Learning about workspace and how it would be, as a preparation for working if I will
have graduated.
e) To fulfill the obligation given by Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia to do
internship as a compulsory course.

a) Receiving useful inputs from internship participant in solving problems that company
have which are related appropriately with Mechanical Engineering science.
b) As a consideration for the company in recruiting new employee by student quality
c) Can establish a good relationship with the institution and increasingly recognized by
educational institutions as a supplier human resources.


There are some topics that we have got from the reference associated with the processing
of geothermal energy into electrical energy, such topics are:
a. Steam piping insulation
b. Heat exchanger optimization
c. Steam turbine analysis
d. Health, safety, and environment protection
e. Cooling tower, mass and heat balance
f. Energy and thermodynamic cycles.
g. Conversion and energy conservation
These topics are arranged by subject that we have for 6 semesters are closely related to the
processes that occur in geothermal utilization, such as Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass
Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Systems, Power Generation, Health and Safety Occupational
and Environmental Protection. However, of the topics we have mentioned above, we also did not
rule out if in fact later on in the field, this topic may grow again later in accordance with the
guidance provided or existing problems in the field.
Applicant is eager to have more experience, knowledge, and skills in engineering facilities
or maintenance system in at PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy. There are related by
implementing a few subject that I had before when study in Mechanical Engineering.
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia


Researching methods that are used in this internship program:

1. Preparation
The preparation includes coordination with the counselor and adaptation to companys
2. Initial Planning
It is about determination of the internship time limit and idea development, they are:
a. Identify the problem
In this step, problems are identified according to the relevance topic in PT. Pertamina
Geothermal Energy
b. Collecting the data
Get data by finding in the field, literature that related, and interview with the worker
3. Report writing
The student has to write all the necessary information and evaluation about internship process
in a report that must be given to the internship counselor after being ratified by the company.
The format of the report is determined by the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Universitas Indonesia.


The students who will carry on the internship program of PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy are:
1. Ali Abdurrahman Sungkar NPM. 0906631036 Mechanical Engineering Course
2. Kevin Tjia NPM. 0906512154 Mechanical Engineering Course


Place and time internship program realization that applicant suggest are:
Place : PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy, PLTP Kamojang Area, West Java.
Time : June s.d. July 2012
Time and place of this internship program can be adjusted by the company policy and the
agreement between applicant and the company.
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia


Implementation of the internship program is a process that is instructive and applicable so

that the necessary guidance, assistance and referrals as well as the various parties, both the
faculty on campus and from the point of implementation. Without the help and support, the
implementation may not work practice can produce something useful.
Together by this proposal, also included a cover letter from the Department of Mechanical
Engineering Universitas Indonesia as evidence of validity and the activities of the internship
program, curriculum vitae, and student academic record. We also declare them-selves ready to
follow existing procedures in the implementation of practical work in earnest. Given the limited
time we have, the greater our hope that Mr. or Ms can inform a decision of our request internship
Finally, PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Kamojang area as planned. Hopefully the
implementat, we hope to have the opportunity to be able to implement the Internship Program at
ion of the Internship Program can provide benefits for us, the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, and also for PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Kamojang area. Thanks for your
cooperation and attention.
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia

Depok, Februari 2012


PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy
PLTP Kamojang Area, West Java


Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia

Ali Abdurrahman Sungkar

NIM. 0906631036

Kevin Tjia
NIM. 0906512154

The address to mail the answer an internship program:

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
UI Campus, Depok 16424
Tel. (021) 7270032, Fax. (021) 7270033
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia


The Official Letter from

Mechanical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia


Curriculum Vitae
Internship Proposal PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
Mechanical Engineering Universitas Indonesia


Student Academic Record

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