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Lao tzu in a nutshell.

Tao=unnamable: Naming it with a symbol ----just a designation. Limitation.

Cosmogony: Non being (wu)- being (yu)- beings

The idea of reversing in nature (opuestos): When one thing reaches one extreme,
it becomes the opposite.

Too much water: disease. Food. Invariables: laws that govern changes in things.

Practicing enlightenment (conduct): If you want to achieve something, you start

with the opposite.

-If one wants to be strong, on the start one must have the feeling one is weak.

/// What is perfect seems to have something missing. "Be twisted and one shall be

Non-activity: Applying only the necessary force to achieve the aim. Not over doing.

Te: What one naturally is. // Te is lost because of too much knowledge and desire.

Political Views Not do.

-Undo laws: gain control. Imposing laws: everything gets worse. Drug traffic and black

-If you dont value things which are hard to get, robbery stops.

Yu: ignorance in the sense of innocence and simplicity.

2 types. Children n sages

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