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Regularity No to mood changes

2. Fix a particular time
3. Fix a place
4. Thought arises Dont fight the thought. Divert it to object of meditation or God.
5. Be careful of the company you keep. Dont be with outward oriented people, people who
praise you or criticize you. The garbage that I am pouring into my mind from TV, internet,
gossip. Stop all these bad and useless activities.
6. Simplify. Practice of asceticism.
7. Feeling of detachment from the world while going for meditation. Go with a feeling that I am
meditating for eternity. Not for some minutes. That is very important.
8. Great desire for Moksha, Nirvana, God or self-realization.
9. Whatever the work you do, offer it to god.
10. Holy company. Have company of serious practitioners.

Swami Sarvapriyananda on Introduction to Meditation

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