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Stephanie Galli


Mt. Pleasant, Michigan

When looking at Stephanie Gallis work, one cant help but want to touch it.
Galli has found a way to create the perfect marriage between form and surface
that seduces the viewer to further investigate the work. Although not always
an exact representation, there are many formal references to human anatomy
in Gallis abstracted sculptures. When discussing inspiration for the work in
her artist statement, Galli explains that: Looking at modern commodities that
use the sexualized human body as a design feature, each sculpture is developed
from a visual lexicon of forms and surfaces derived from automotive, fashion,
and product design.

1 Interactions Between Color, Form, and Surface: Goldie, 10 in. (25 cm) in height,
slab-built porcelain, glaze, fired to cone 9 in reduction, luster, 2016. 2 The Titillation
Collection, 36 in. (91 cm) in length, slip-cast and handbuilt porcelain, glaze, fired to
cone 6 in oxidation, luster, rubber, flocking, resin, silicon carbide, 2016.

62 may 2017

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